Troy Bilt Tiller 664Dpony User Manual

Operator’s Manual  
Rear-tine Tiller Model  
E666M—Pony® ES  
Warning: This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-  
covered or grass-covered land unless the engine’s exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable local or state laws (if any).  
If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator. In the State of California the above is required by law  
(Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester  
for the muffler is available by contacting the service department at Troy-Bilt LLC, P.O. Box 361131 Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019.  
TROY-BILT LLC, P.O. BOX 361131, CLEVELAND, OH 44136-0019  
FROM NO. 770-10597C  
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This machine meets voluntary safety standard B71.8  
– 1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power  
Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the  
American National Standards Institute.  
Safety Alert Symbol  
This is a safety alert symbol. It is used in this  
manual and on the unit to alert you to potential  
hazards. When you see this symbol, read and  
obey the message that follows it. Failure to  
obey safety messages could result in personal  
injury or property damage.  
The engine exhaust from this product contains  
chemicals known to the State of California to cause  
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.  
5. Do not till near underground electric  
1. Carefully read this  
Owner’s Manual, the sepa-  
rate Engine Owner’s  
Manual, and any other literature you may  
receive. Be thoroughly familiar with the  
controls and the proper use of the tiller  
and its engine. Know how to stop the unit  
and disengage the controls quickly.  
1. Do not put hands or feet near or under  
rotating parts.  
cables, telephone lines, pipes or hoses. If in  
doubt, contact your telephone or utility  
2. Exercise extreme caution when on or  
crossing gravel drives, walks, or roads.  
Stay alert for hidden hazards or traffic. Do  
not carry passengers.  
6. Warning: Handle fuel with care; it is  
highly flammable and its vapors are explo-  
sive. Take the following precautions:  
a. Store fuel in containers specifically  
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the  
engine (and remove the ignition key on  
electric start models), disconnect the  
spark plug wire and prevent it from  
touching the spark plug, carefully inspect  
the tiller for any damage, and repair the  
damage before restarting and operating  
the tiller.  
designed for this purpose.  
b. The gas cap shall never be removed  
or fuel added while the engine is  
running. Allow the engine to cool  
for several minutes before adding  
c. Keep matches, cigarettes, cigars,  
pipes, open flames, and sparks  
away from the fuel tank and fuel  
d. Fill fuel tank outdoors with extreme  
care. Never fill fuel tank indoors.  
Use a funnel or spout to prevent  
2. Never allow children to operate the  
tiller. Never allow adults to operate the  
tiller without proper instruction.  
3. Keep the area of operation clear of all  
persons, particularly children and pets.  
4. Keep in mind that the operator or user  
is responsible for accidents or hazards  
occurring to other people, their property  
and themselves.  
4. Exercise caution to avoid slipping or  
5. If the unit should start to vibrate abnor-  
mally, stop the engine (and remove the  
ignition key on electric start models). Dis-  
connect the spark plug wire and prevent it  
from touching the spark plug, and check  
immediately for the cause. Vibration is  
generally a warning of trouble.  
1. Thoroughly inspect the area where the  
tiller is to be used and remove all foreign  
e. Replace all fuel tank and container  
caps securely.  
2. Be sure all controls are released and  
the Wheel Gear Lever is in ENGAGE  
before starting the engine.  
f. If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to  
start the engine, but move the  
machine away from the area of  
spillage and avoid creating any  
source of ignition until fuel vapors  
have dissipated.  
6. Stop the engine (and remove the igni-  
tion key on electric start models), discon-  
nect the spark plug wire and prevent it  
from touching the spark plug whenever  
you leave the operating position, before  
unclogging the tines, or when making any  
repairs, adjustments or inspections.  
3. Do not operate the tiller without  
wearing adequate outer garments. Avoid  
loose garments or jewelry that could get  
caught in moving parts.  
7. Never make adjustments when engine  
is running (unless recommended by  
4. Do not operate the tiller when barefoot  
or wearing sandals, sneakers, or light  
footwear. Wear protective footwear that will  
improve footing on slippery surfaces.  
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Section 1: Safety  
7. Take all possible precautions when  
leaving the machine unattended. Stop the  
engine. Remove ignition key on electric  
start models. Disconnect spark plug wire  
and move it away from the spark plug.  
Move Wheel Gear Lever to ENGAGE.  
b. Use shallower depth regulator set- 25. The battery on electric start model tillers  
tings, working gradually deeper  
with each pass.  
c. Use slower engine speeds.  
contains sulfuric acid. Avoid contact with  
skin, eyes, or clothing. Keep out of the  
reach of children.  
d. Clear the tilling area of all large  
stones, roots and other debris.  
Antidote–External Contact: Flush imme-  
diately with lots of water.  
8. Before cleaning, repairing, or inspect-  
ing, stop the engine, remove the ignition  
key on electric start models, and make  
certain all moving parts have stopped.  
Disconnect the spark plug wire and  
prevent it from touching the spark plug to  
prevent accidental starting. On electric  
start models, always remove the cable  
from the negative side (–) of the battery.  
e. Avoid using downward pressure  
on handlebars. If need be, use  
slight upward pressure to keep the  
tines from digging too deeply.  
f. Before contacting hard packed soil  
at the end of a row, reduce engine  
speed and lift handlebars to raise  
tines out of the soil.  
g. In an emergency, stop tines and  
wheels by releasing whichever  
Clutch Lever is engaged. Do not  
attempt to restrain the tiller.  
Antidote–Internal: Drink large quantities  
of water or milk. Follow with milk of  
magnesia, beaten eggs or vegetable oil.  
Call a doctor immediately.  
Antidote–Eye Contact: Flush with water  
for 15 minutes. Get prompt medical  
26. Batteries produce explosive gases. Keep  
sparks, flame, and smoking materials away.  
Ventilate when charging batteries or when  
using a battery in an enclosed space.  
ALWAYS wear safety goggles when  
working near batteries.  
9. Always keep the tiller tine hood flap  
down, unless using the hiller/furrower  
10. Never use the tiller unless proper  
guards, plates, or other safety protective  
devices are in place.  
15. Do not overload the tiller’s capacity  
by attempting to till too deeply at too fast  
a rate.  
27. Please remember: You can always stop  
the tines and wheels by releasing the  
Forward Clutch Control Lever or the  
Reverse Clutch Control knob (whichever  
control you have engaged), or by moving  
the Engine Throttle Control Lever (located  
on engine) to STOP on recoil start models  
or by turning the ignition key to OFF on  
electric start models.  
11. Do not run engine in an enclosed  
area. Engine exhaust contains carbon  
monoxide gas, a deadly poison that is  
odorless, colorless, and tasteless.  
16. Never operate the tiller at high trans-  
port speeds on hard or slippery surfaces.  
Look behind and use care when backing  
12. Keep children and pets away.  
17. Do not operate the tiller on a slope  
that is too steep for safety. When on  
slopes, slow down and make sure you  
have good footing. Never permit the tiller  
to freewheel down slopes.  
13. Never operate the tiller under  
engine power if the Wheel Gear Lever is  
position, the wheels will not hold the  
tiller back and the revolving tines could  
propel the tiller rapidly, possibly  
causing loss of control. Always move the  
Wheel Gear Lever to ENGAGE before  
starting the engine or engaging the  
tines/wheels with the Forward Clutch  
Control or the Reverse Clutch Control.  
28. To load or unload the tiller, see the  
instructions in Section 4 of this Manual.  
18. Never allow bystanders near the unit.  
29. Use extreme caution when reversing or  
pulling the machine towards you.  
19. Only use attachments and acces-  
sories that are approved by the tiller  
30. Start the engine carefully according to  
instructions and with feet well away from  
the tines.  
20. Use tiller attachments and acces-  
sories when recommended.  
31. Never pick up or carry a machine while  
the engine is running.  
14. Be aware that the tiller may unex-  
pectedly bounce upward or jump  
forward if the tines should strike  
extremely hard packed soil, frozen  
ground, or buried obstacles like large  
stones, roots, or stumps. If in doubt  
about the tilling conditions, always use  
the following operating precautions to  
assist you in maintaining control of the  
21. Never operate the tiller without good  
visibility or light.  
1. Keep the tiller, attachments and acces-  
sories in safe working condition.  
22. Never operate the tiller if you are tired,  
or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or  
2. Check all nuts, bolts, and screws at  
frequent intervals for proper tightness to  
be sure the equipment is in safe working  
23. Operators shall not tamper with the  
engine-governor settings on the machine;  
the governor controls the maximum safe  
operating speed to protect the engine and  
all moving parts from damage caused by  
overspeed. Authorized service shall be  
sought if a problem exists.  
3. Never store the tiller with fuel in the fuel  
tank inside a building where ignition  
sources are present such as hot water and  
space heaters, furnaces, clothes dryers,  
stoves, electric motors, etc. Allow engine to  
cool before storing in any enclosure.  
a. Walk behind and to one side of the  
tiller, using one hand on the han-  
dlebars. Relax your arm, but use a  
secure hand grip.  
24. Do not touch engine parts which may  
be hot from operation. Let parts cool down  
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Section 1: Safety  
4. To reduce the chances of a fire  
hazard, keep the engine free of grass,  
leaves, or excessive grease.  
For your safety and the safety of others,  
various safety message decals are on your  
unit (see Figure below). Keep the decals  
clean and legible at all times. Contact your  
local service dealer or the factory for  
replacements if any decals are damaged or  
5. Store gasoline in a cool, well-venti-  
lated area, safely away from any spark-  
or flame-producing equipment. Store  
gasoline in an approved container,  
safely away from the reach of children.  
Refer to the Parts List pages for decal  
locations and part numbers.  
6. Refer to the Maintenance section of  
this Manual and in the separate Engine  
Owner’s Manual for instructions if the  
tiller is to be stored for an extended  
Control Descriptions  
Tine Warning (on right  
side of hood flap)  
7. Never perform maintenance while  
the engine is running or the spark plug  
wire is connected, except when specifi-  
cally instructed to do so.  
Starting Stabilization (on  
top of engine or fuel tank)  
8. If the fuel tank has to be drained, do  
this outdoors.  
Operating Instructions and  
Warning Messages  
Operating Symbols  
Various symbols (shown here, with  
word descriptions) may be used on the  
tiller and engine.  
Hot Surfaces/Moving Belts  
(on top of belt cover)  
Figure 1: Location of Safety and Operating Decals  
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Ref. Qty.  
To prevent personal injury or property  
damage, do not start the engine until all  
assembly steps are complete and you  
have read and understand the safety and  
operating instructions in this Manual.  
3/8-16 x 1" Hex Hd. Screw  
Keyed Washer  
Wheel Gear Lever Knob  
Height Adjustment Flange  
Screw (See Figure 2-1A)  
3/8" Flat Washer  
#10 Lockwasher  
3/8"-16 Nylock Lock Nut  
Figure 2-1: Loose hardware (shown in  
reduced size).  
Carefully follow these assembly steps to  
correctly prepare your tiller for use. It is  
recommended that you read this Section  
in its entirety before beginning assembly.  
#10-32 x 1/2" Round Hd.  
#10-32 Nut  
Cotter Pin (not used)  
Plastic Tie Strap (2 not used)  
Figure 2-1A Handlebar height adjustment  
uses the flange head screw.  
Inspect the unit and carton for damage  
immediately after delivery. Contact the  
carrier (trucking company) if you find or  
suspect damage. Inform them of the  
damage and request instructions for filing  
a claim. To protect your rights, put your  
claim in writing and mail a copy to the  
carrier within 15 days after the unit has  
been delivered. Contact us at the factory if  
you need assistance in this matter.  
Tools/Materials Needed  
for Assembly  
(1) 3/8" open-end wrench*  
(1) 7/16" open-end wrench* (electric  
start unit only)  
(2) 9/16" open-end wrench*  
(1) 7/8" open-end wrench or 8" long  
adjustable wrench  
(1) Scissors (to trim plastic ties)  
(1) Ruler  
(1) Small board (to tap plastic knob on  
(1) Tire pressure gauge  
(1) Clean oil funnel  
(1) Clean, high-quality motor oil. Refer  
to the separate Engine Owner’s  
Manual for motor oil specifications  
and quantity required.  
Figure 2-2: On electric start units, move  
height adjustment bracket aside.  
1. Remove any cardboard inserts and  
packaging material from the carton.  
Remove any staples from the bottom of  
the carton and remove the carton.  
2. Cut the large, plastic tie strap that  
secures the transmission tube to the ship-  
ping pallet. Leave the handlebars on top  
of the tiller to avoid damaging any cables.  
3. A bag with loose hardware is inside  
the literature envelope. Check the con-  
tents against the following list and Figure  
2-1. Contact your local dealer or the  
factory if any items are missing or  
height adjustment bracket (A, Figure 2-2),  
loosen the second screw, and swing the  
bracket to one side.  
2. Cut the large, plastic cable ties that  
secure the handlebar ends to the handle-  
bar mounting tabs on the transmission  
top cover.  
3. Gently lift handlebar (do not over-  
stretch attached cable) and place handle-  
bar cross-brace (B, Figure 2-3) in front of  
curved height adjustment bracket (C).  
* Adjustable wrenches may be used.  
IMPORTANT: Motor oil must be added to  
the engine crankcase before the engine is  
started. Follow the instructions in this  
“Assembly” Section and in the separate  
Engine Owner’s Manual.  
NOTE: LEFT and RIGHT sides of the tiller  
are as viewed from the operator’s posi-  
tion behind the handlebars.  
NOTE: For electric start units, a second  
hardware bag is located near the battery.  
4. The tiller is heavy. You should not  
attempt to remove it from the shipping  
platform until instructed to do so in these  
“Assembly” steps.  
1. On electric start units, remove one  
screw and lockwasher from the curved  
Figure 2-3: Forward clutch control cable not  
shown for clarity.  
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Section 2: Assembly  
4. With the forward clutch cable (N,  
Figure 2-4) on the inside of handlebar,  
position the handlebar ends on the  
outside of the two mounting tabs (M,  
Figure 2-3) on the transmission top  
1. Remove any fasteners (rubber bands,  
tape, etc.) that may secure the Forward  
Clutch Control levers (J, Figure 2-7) to the  
NOTE: The curved handlebar height  
adjustment bracket appears as shown in  
C, Figure 2-3 for non-electric start units.  
For electric start units, the bracket is loos-  
ened and moved to one side.  
5. Loosely attach the handlebars to the  
mounting tabs with two 3/8-16 x 1"  
screws (heads of screws go to inside of  
tabs), 3/8" flat washers and 3/8"-16 lock  
nuts (O, Figure 2-4).  
Figure 2-5: Carefully unwrap Wheel Gear  
Lever and move lever to DISENGAGE.  
bars to roll the tiller off the platform.  
NOTE: The Wheel Gear Lever will be  
installed later in this procedure.  
tion only when the engine is not running.  
Before starting the engine, the Wheel Gear  
Lever must be placed in the ENGAGE  
position (see Section 3 for details).  
Figure 2-7: Forward Clutch Control levers  
(J). Forward clutch control linkage (K).  
2. The forward clutch control cable (with  
attached spring) is hanging loosely near  
the right-side wheel. Being careful not to  
kink or stretch the cable, insert the z-con-  
nector (L, Figure 2-8 – end of the spring)  
into the hole at the end of the forward  
clutch control linkage (K, Figure 2-7).  
1. Carefully unwrap the reverse clutch  
control cable (H, Figure 2-6) from its  
shipping position and route it up along  
the inside edge of the left side handlebar.  
A knob and large hex nut (I) is installed  
on the cable.  
Figure 2-4: Attach handlebars.  
Left Side  
Reverse Clutch  
Control Knob  
6. On electric start units, reattach the  
height adjustment bracket (A, Figure 2-2).  
Tighten both screws securely. Make sure  
the handlebar cross-brace (B, Figure 2-3)  
is under the bracket.  
7. Move the handlebars up or down to  
align the threaded hole in the cross-brace  
with one of the four slots in the curved  
height adjustment bracket. Place the  
keyed washer (E, Figure 2-3) on the  
flange head height adjustment screw (F)  
with the raised keys (edges) of the  
washer facing down.  
8. Thread the height adjustment screw  
(F, Figure 2-3) into the hole in the handle-  
bar cross-brace, making sure that the  
raised keys on the washer fit into the slot  
on the height adjustment bracket.  
Tighten the height adjustment screw  
securely. Next, securely tighten the two  
screws and nuts in the ends of the han-  
dlebar (M, Figure 2-3).  
9. To remove the tiller from its shipping  
platform, first carefully unwrap the wheel  
gear cable (with attached lever - see  
Figure 2-5) from around the chassis.  
Move the Wheel Gear Lever (G) to the  
DISENGAGE position--this allows the  
wheels to rotate freely. Use the handle-  
Slot in  
Figure 2-8  
3. Attach the cable adjuster (A, Figure  
2-9) to the bracket on the right-side han-  
dlebar. Use two 1/2" wrenches to loosen  
the two jam nuts (B) just enough to slide  
the cable adjuster onto the bracket. Then  
hand tighten the jam nuts.  
Figure 2-6: Attach reverse clutch control  
assembly to slotted hole in handlebar panel.  
2. Insert the cable into the slot in the  
control panel and fit the threaded assem-  
bly into the hole in the slot (see Figure 2-  
6). Be sure that the flat side of the  
threaded assembly is aligned with the flat  
side of the hole. Slide the hex nut (I) up  
the cable and tighten it securely.  
3. Test the function of the reverse clutch  
control cable by pulling the knob out and  
releasing it. The knob should return to its  
neutral position against the tapered  
bushing. If it doesn’t, contact your local  
dealer or the factory for technical  
Figure 2-9  
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Section 2: Assembly  
Incorrect cable adjustment could cause  
the wheels and tines to rotate unexpect-  
edly. Follow adjustment procedures  
carefully. Failure to do so could result  
in personal injury or property damage.  
4. Check for correct spring/cable tension  
as instructed in Section 5, Checking and  
Adjusting Forward Clutch Belt Tension.  
Figure 2-11: Adding gear oil.  
5. When tension is correct, tighten the  
Figure 2-12: Attach Wheel Gear Lever.  
(b) If adding only a few ounces of gear  
oil, use API rated GL-4 or GL-5 gear oil  
having a viscosity of SAE 140, SAE 85W-  
140 or SAE 80W-90. If refilling an empty  
transmission, use only GL-4 gear oil  
having a viscosity of SAE 85W-140 or  
SAE 140.  
two jam nuts (B) securely.  
The transmission was filled with gear oil  
at the factory. However, be sure to check  
the oil level at this time to make certain it  
is correct.  
(c) Using a clean funnel, slowly add gear  
oil until it flows from the gear oil level  
check hole (N, Figure 2-11).  
IMPORTANT: Do not operate the tiller if  
the gear oil level is low. Doing so will  
result in severe damage to the transmis-  
sion components.  
(d) Reinstall and tighten securely the gear  
oil fill plug (M, Figure 2-10).  
1. With the tiller on level ground, pull the  
Depth Regulator Lever (R, Figure 2-13)  
back and then slide it to the second notch  
from the top. NOTE: If the lever does not  
move, lift the tine hood flap and look for a  
plastic tie securing the lever in place. Cut  
and remove the tie.  
1. Insert the Wheel Gear Lever (P, Figure  
2-12) up through the slot in the control  
panel that is labeled “WHEEL GEAR.”  
2. Insert two #10-32 x 1/2" round head  
screws down through the “+” marks on  
the control panel decal and securely  
attach the wheel gear mounting bracket  
using two #10 lockwashers and #10-32  
Figure 2-13: Attach wheel gear cable and  
reverse clutch cable with cable ties (S).  
positive terminal to help protect it from  
3. Remove the hex bolt and hex nut from  
the negative cable (heavy black wire).  
4. Remove the black plastic cover from  
the negative battery terminal and attach  
the negative cable to the negative battery  
terminal (–) with the bolt and hex nut.  
2. Remove the oil level check plug (M,  
Figure 2-10) on the left-side of the trans-  
mission. (Due to dried paint on the plug  
threads, it may require some force to  
remove the plug the first time.) The gear  
oil level is correct if oil starts to flow out  
of the hole as the plug is removed. If so,  
securely reinstall the plug.  
3. Use a small board to tap the Wheel  
Gear Lever knob securely onto the lever.  
• If the battery is put into service after the  
date shown on top of battery, charge the  
battery as instructed in the Maintenence  
section of this manual prior to operating  
the tiller.  
4. Secure the wheel gear cable and the  
reverse clutch control cable to the left-  
side handlebar with two plastic ties (S,  
Figure 2-13) located about two feet apart.  
Snip off any excess tie length with  
Use a tire pressure gauge to check the air  
pressure in both tires. Deflate or inflate  
both tires equally to between 15 PSI and  
20 PSI). Be sure that both tires are  
inflated equally or the unit will pull to one  
The positive battery terminal is marked  
Pos. (+). The negative battery terminal is  
marked Neg. (–).  
1. Remove the hex bolt and hex nut from  
the positive cable (heavy red wire).  
2. Remove the plastic cover from the  
positive battery terminal and attach the  
positive cable to the positive battery ter-  
minal (+) with the bolt and hex nut. Make  
certain that the rubber boot covers the  
Figure 2-10: Gear oil level check plug.  
3. If oil does not flow from the check  
hole, add oil as follows:  
Inspect the hardware on the unit and  
tighten any loose screws, bolts and nuts.  
NOTE: Do not use automatic transmission  
fluid or motor oil in the transmission.  
(a) Clean area around the fill hole (N,  
Figure 2-11) and unscrew gear oil fill  
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Features and Controls  
Before operating your machine, care-  
fully read and understand all safety,  
controls and operating instructions in  
this Manual, the separate Engine  
Owner’s Manual, and on the decals on  
the machine.  
Failure to follow these instructions can  
result in serious personal injury.  
Figure 3-1: Controls located on handlebar.  
The DISENGAGE position places the  
wheels in the freewheeling mode to allow  
the unit to be moved without the engine  
running. Use the DISENGAGE position  
only when the engine is not running. See  
“DANGER” statement that follows.  
The two interconnected levers (B, Figure  
3-1) control the engagement of forward  
drive to the wheels and tines.  
This Section describes the location and  
function of the controls on your tiller.  
Refer to the following section “Operation”  
for detailed operating instructions.  
To Operate the Forward Clutch Control:  
Practice using these controls, with the  
engine shut off, until you understand the  
operation of the controls and feel confi-  
dent with them.  
1. Before engaging the Forward Clutch  
Control, put the Wheel Gear Lever in the  
ENGAGE position (see “WARNING”  
To shift to ENGAGE, gently (do not force)  
move the lever forward while also rolling  
the tiller a few inches forward or back-  
ward. Moving the tiller helps to align the  
shift mechanism with the transmission  
wheel drive gears.  
IMPORTANT: Refer to the separate engine  
manufacturer’s Engine Owner’s Manual  
for information about the controls on the  
2. Pull up and hold one or both of the  
levers against the handlebar grips to  
engage the wheels and tines.  
To shift to DISENGAGE (freewheel),  
move the lever rearward, without rolling  
the tiller. The wheels will roll freely  
when the lever is properly set in the  
DISENGAGE position.  
3. Release BOTH levers to disengage  
(stop) the wheels and tines. All forward  
motion will stop (the engine will continue  
to run).  
This lever (A, Figure 3-1) has two posi-  
tions: ENGAGE and DISENGAGE.  
In the ENGAGE position, the wheels will  
start turning when either the Forward  
Clutch Control or the Reverse Clutch  
Control is engaged (the tines will also  
start turning when either clutch is  
Never place the Wheel Gear Lever in  
DISENGAGE (Freewheel) when the  
engine is running.  
Never engage the wheels and tines with  
the Forward Clutch Control or the  
Reverse Clutch Control unless the  
Wheel Gear Lever is in ENGAGE.  
Having the Wheel Gear Lever in  
DISENGAGE and then engaging the  
tines/wheels with either the Forward  
Clutch Control or the Reverse Clutch  
Control could allow the tines to propel  
the tiller rapidly forward or backward.  
Engaging the Forward Clutch Control or  
the Reverse Clutch Control when the  
wheels are not engaged could allow the  
tines to rapidly propel the tiller forward  
or backward.  
Failure to follow this warning could  
result in personal injury or property  
Failure to follow this instruction could  
result in personal injury or property  
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Section 3: Features and Controls  
setting and insert the raised keys on the  
keyed washer into the slot. Tighten the  
height adjustment screw securely.  
The Reverse Clutch Control (C, Figure  
3-1) controls the engagement of reverse  
drive to the wheels and tines. The revers-  
ing feature is used for maneuvering the  
tiller only – never engage the tines in  
the ground while going in the reverse  
5. Retighten the two screws at the ends  
of the handlebar.  
Figure 3-2: Depth Regulator Lever.  
Refer to the engine manufacturer’s Engine  
Owner’s Manual (included in the tiller lit-  
erature package) to identify the controls  
on your engine. The following two con-  
trols are used when stopping or starting  
the engine.  
The highest notch (lever all the way  
down) raises the tines approximately  
1-1/2 inches off the ground. This “travel”  
position allows the tiller to be moved  
without the tines digging into the ground.  
• Use extreme caution when reversing  
or pulling the machine towards you.  
Look behind to avoid obstacles.  
• Never attempt to till in reverse.  
Moving the lever up increases the tilling  
depth. The lowest notch allows a tilling  
depth of approximately six to eight  
inches, depending on soil conditions.  
IMPORTANT: The control for stopping  
the recoil start engine is located on the  
Failure to follow this warning could  
result in personal injury or property  
The Engine Throttle Control Lever (located  
on engine--see Figure 4-1) is used to reg-  
ulate the engine speed. On the recoil start  
model only, it is also used to stop the  
engine (on the electric start model, the  
electric start keyswitch is used to stop the  
engine). The throttle settings are shown  
For best results, always begin tilling at  
a very shallow depth setting and gradu-  
ally increase the tilling depth. Complete  
details on using the Depth Regulator are  
found in the “Operation” Section of this  
To Operate the Reverse Clutch Control:  
1. Put the Wheel Gear Lever in the  
ENGAGE position (see the “WARNING”  
statement on previous page).  
2. Stop all tiller motion by releasing the  
Forward Clutch Control levers.  
The handlebar height is adjustable to four  
different settings. Set the handlebar  
height to a comfortable setting, but keep  
in mind that the handlebars will be lower  
when the tines are engaged in the soil.  
3. Lift up the handlebars until the tines  
clear the ground, look behind you to avoid  
any obstacles, and then pull the Reverse  
Clutch Control knob out. The tines and  
wheels will rotate in a reverse direction.  
IMPORTANT: See “Starting and Stopping  
the Engine” in the “Operation” Section for  
detailed engine starting and stopping  
FAST - Use for most tilling and  
cultivating projects.  
4. Release the Reverse Clutch Control  
knob to disengage (stop) the wheels and  
tines. All reverse motion will stop (the  
engine will continue to run).  
To Adjust the Handlebar Height:  
SLOW - Use when idling engine or  
when slower tilling and cultivating  
speeds are needed.  
• Do not attempt to till too deeply too  
quickly. Gradually work down to  
deeper tilling depths.  
STOP - Stops the engine (on  
recoil start models only).  
(MODEL E666M)  
The ignition keyswitch on the electric start  
model is used to start and stop the  
engine. The keyswitch settings are  
described below.  
• Place the Depth Regulator Lever in the  
“travel” position before starting the  
engine. This position prevents the  
tines from touching the ground until  
you are ready to begin tilling.  
Figure 3-3: Handlebar height adjustment.  
1. Stop the engine, wait for all parts to  
stop moving and then disconnect the  
spark plug wire. Remove the ignition key  
on electric start models.  
Failure to follow this warning could  
result in personal injury or property  
IMPORTANT: See “Starting and Stopping  
the Engine” in the “Operation” Section for  
detailed instructions.  
2. Loosen the two screws at the lower  
ends of the handlebar.  
OFF - Stops engine.  
RUN - After starting, key returns to run  
3. Loosen the height adjustment screw  
(E, Figure 3-3) and pull the keyed washer  
(F) free of the slots in the curved height  
adjustment bracket.  
The Depth Regulator lever (D, Figure 3-2)  
controls the tilling depth of the tines. Pull  
the lever straight back and slide it up or  
down to engage the notched height set-  
START - Starts engine. Release key when  
engine starts (avoid cranking engine for  
longer than 15 seconds for each attempt)  
4. Move the handlebars to the new slot  
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Reverse Clutch  
Forward Clutch  
Control Lever  
Wheel Gear Lever  
Handlebar Height  
Adjustment Screw  
Forward Clutch  
Control Lever  
Before operating your machine, care-  
fully read and understand all safety  
(Section 1), controls (Section 3) and  
operating instructions (Section 4) in  
this Manual, in the separate Engine  
Owner’s Manual, and on the decals on  
the machine.  
Depth Regulator Lever  
Failure to follow these instructions can  
result in serious personal injury.  
Engine Throttle  
Control Lever  
Figure 4-1: Location of main tiller controls.  
Read this Section of the manual thor-  
oughly before you start the engine. Then,  
take the time to familiarize yourself with  
the basic operation of the tiller before  
using it in the garden.  
1. Read Sections 1 and 3 in this Manual.  
Read the separate Engine Owner’s  
2. Check unit for loose or missing hard-  
ware. Service as required.  
Find an open, level area and practice  
using the tiller controls without the tines  
engaging the soil (put tines in “travel”  
setting). Only after you’ve become com-  
pletely familiar with the tiller should you  
begin using it in the garden.  
To help prevent serious personal injury  
or damage to equipment:  
3. Check engine oil level. See Engine  
Owner’s Manual.  
• Before starting engine, put Wheel  
Gear Lever in ENGAGE position.  
4. Check that all safety guards and  
covers are in place.  
• Before starting engine, put Forward  
Clutch Control levers and Reverse  
Clutch Control in neutral (disengaged)  
positions by releasing controls.  
5. Check air cleaner and engine cooling  
system. See Engine Owner’s Manual.  
6. Attach spark plug wire to spark plug.  
Perform the following maintenance after  
the first two hours of new operation (see  
“Maintenance” in this manual and the  
Engine Owner’s Manual).  
• Never run engine indoors or in  
enclosed, poorly ventilated areas.  
Engine exhaust contains carbon  
monoxide, an odorless and deadly  
Follow gasoline safety rules in this  
manual (see Section 1) and in the sepa-  
rate Engine Owner’s Manual.  
1. Change engine oil.  
2. Check for loose or missing hardware  
on unit. Tighten or replace as needed.  
• Avoid engine muffler and nearby  
areas. Temperatures in these areas  
3. Check transmission gear oil level.  
Failure to follow gasoline safety instruc-  
tions can result in serious personal  
injury and property damage.  
may exceed 150 F.  
4. Check tension on forward clutch belt.  
Make the following checks and perform  
the following services before starting the  
7. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline accord-  
ing to the directions in the separate  
Engine Owner’s Manual. Follow all  
instructions and safety rules carefully.  
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Section 4: Operation  
(b) When the engine starts, release the  
key and it will return to the “RUN”  
The following steps describe how to start  
and stop the engine. Do not attempt to  
engage the tines or wheels until you  
have read all of the operating instruc-  
tions in this Section. Also review  
the safety rules in Section 1: “Safety”  
and the tiller and engine controls  
information in Section 3: “Features and  
The following pages provide guidelines to  
using your tiller effectively and safely in  
various gardening applications. Be sure  
to read “Tilling Tips & Techniques” in this  
Section before you actually put the tines  
into the soil.  
(c) Gradually move choke lever (on  
engines so equipped) to “NO  
(d) Leave the Engine Throttle Control  
Lever in the “FAST” setting.  
This is a traditional “standard rotating  
tine” tiller with forward rotating tines. It  
operates completely differently from CRT  
(Counter Rotating Tines) tillers or from  
low-cost front tine tillers.  
1. Complete the “Pre-Start Checklist” on  
the previous page.  
To Start the Electric Start Engine With  
the Recoil Starter Rope  
If necessary, the electric start engine can  
be started with the recoil starter rope by  
following the steps below:  
2. Put the Wheel Gear Lever (Figure 4-1)  
in the ENGAGE position.  
1. Follow the “Pre-Start Checklist” on the  
previous page. Be sure that the Wheel  
Gear Lever is in the ENGAGE position.  
3. Put the Depth Regulator Lever in the  
“travel” position (lever all the way down)  
so that the tines are clear of the ground.  
1. If the battery is not “dead” or  
damaged, leave it connected to the tiller  
so it will be recharged during engine  
operation. Make sure the battery cells are  
filled to the UPPER LEVEL line with elec-  
2. Put the Depth Regulator Lever in the  
“travel” position (lever all the way down)  
so that the tines are clear of the ground.  
Use this position when practicing with  
your tiller or when moving to or from the  
garden. When you are ready to begin  
tilling, you must move the Depth Regula-  
tor Lever to the desired depth setting (see  
“Tilling Tips & Techniques”).  
4. Release all controls on the tiller.  
5. Put the Engine Throttle Control Lever  
(Figure 4-1) in the “FAST” setting.  
6. On engines equipped with a fuel valve,  
turn valve to open position as instructed  
in the separate engine manual.  
2. If the battery is “dead” or damaged,  
remove it (refer to “Battery Removal and  
Installation” in Section 5) and have it  
tested. Before starting engine, cover the  
terminal on the loose end of the positive  
(+) cable with the insulated boot and  
secure it in place with electrical tape to  
prevent electrical sparks.  
7. Choke or prime engine as instructed in  
the separate Engine Owner’s Manual.  
3. Start the engine and allow it to warm  
up. When warm, put Engine Throttle  
Control Lever in “FAST” speed setting.  
8. For recoil (non-electric) starting  
(a) Place one hand on fuel tank to stabi-  
lize unit when you pull the starter  
(b) Use the recoil starter rope to start  
the engine as instructed in the sepa-  
rate Engine Owner’s Manual. When  
the engine starts, gradually move  
the choke lever (on engines so  
3. Put the ignition key in the “RUN”  
position and then follow Steps 1-8 of  
“Starting the Engine.”  
1. To stop the wheels and tines, release  
the Forward Clutch Control levers or the  
Reverse Clutch Control knob (whichever  
control is engaged).  
Keep away from rotating tines. Rotating  
tines will cause injury.  
equipped) to the “NO CHOKE”,  
“CHOKE OFF” or “RUN” position.  
(c) Leave the Engine Throttle Control  
Lever in the “FAST” setting.  
2. To stop the engine on the recoil start  
model, move the Engine Throttle Control  
Lever to the “STOP” position.  
4. For forward motion of the wheels and  
9. For electric starting models (E666M):  
(a) Pull one or both of the Forward  
Clutch Control Levers up and hold  
them against the handlebars. To  
stop forward motion of the wheels  
and tines, release the levers.  
3. To stop the engine on an electric start  
model, move the ignition key to “OFF”.  
(a) Turn the engine ignition key to the  
“START” setting and allow the  
starter motor to crank the engine for  
several seconds. Avoid cranking the  
engine longer than 15 seconds at a  
time as doing so could damage the  
starter motor. NOTE: Refer to the  
Engine Owner’s Manual for detailed  
starting instructions.  
IMPORTANT: After stopping an electric  
start engine, remove the ignition key from  
the switch to reduce the possibility of  
unauthorized starting of the engine.  
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Section 4: Operation 13  
Before tilling, contact your telephone or  
utilities company and inquire if  
underground equipment or lines are  
used in your area. Their representative  
will be glad to answer your questions  
and tell you if any of their equipment or  
lines are buried underground on your  
Figure 4-2: Use one hand to guide tiller  
when moving forward.  
Turning the Tiller Around  
Figure 4-3: Raise tines off ground and look  
behind when moving in reverse.  
(b) As the tiller moves forward, relax  
and let the wheels pull the unit along  
while the tines dig. Walk behind and  
a little to one side of the tiller. Use a  
light but secure grip with one hand  
on the handlebars, but keep your  
arm loose. See Figure 4-2. Let the  
tiller move ahead at its own pace  
and do not push down on the han-  
dlebars to try and force the tiller to  
dig deeper – this takes weight off the  
wheels, reduces traction, and causes  
the tines to try and propel the tiller.  
6. To Turn the Tiller Around:  
(a) Practice turning the tiller in a level,  
open area. Be very careful to keep  
your feet and legs away from the  
(b) To make a turn, reduce the engine  
speed and then lift the handlebars  
until the engine and tines are bal-  
anced over the wheels (Figure 4-4).  
(c) With the tiller balanced, push side-  
ways on the handlebar to move the  
tiller in the direction of the turn  
(Figure 4-5). After completing the  
turn, slowly lower the tines into the  
soil and increase the engine speed.  
Figure 4-4: To begin turn, reduce engine  
speed and lift handlebars until engine  
and tines are balanced over wheels.  
Do not push down on the  
handlebars to try to make the tiller till  
more deeply. This prevents the wheels  
from holding the tiller back and can  
allow the tines to rapidly propel the  
tiller forward, which could result in loss  
of control, property damage, or personal  
Stopping the Tiller and Engine  
1. To stop the wheels and tines, release  
the Forward Clutch Control levers or the  
Reverse Clutch Control knob (whichever  
is engaged).  
2. To stop the recoil start engine, move  
the Engine Throttle Control Lever to  
“STOP”. On electric start models, turn the  
ignition keyswitch to “OFF” to stop the  
5. For reverse motion of the wheels and  
(a) Look behind and exercise caution  
when operating in reverse. Do not  
till while in reverse.  
(b) Stop all forward motion before  
reversing. Lift the handlebars with  
one hand until the tines are off the  
ground and then pull the Reverse  
Clutch Control knob out to engage  
reverse motion (see Figure 4-3). To  
stop reverse motion, let go of the  
Reverse Clutch Control knob.  
Figure 4-5: With tiller balanced over  
wheels (and tines out of the ground),  
push handlebars sideways to turn tiller.  
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Section 4: Operation  
Tilling Tips & Techniques  
• If the garden size will not permit  
Let the tiller do the work  
Avoid tilling soggy, wet soil  
lengthwise and then crosswise tilling,  
then overlap the first passes by one-  
half a tiller width, followed by succes-  
sive passes at one-quarter width (see  
Figure 4-8).  
• While tilling, relax and let the wheels  
pull the tiller along while the tines do  
the digging. Walk on the side that is  
not yet finished (to avoid making foot-  
prints in the freshly tilled soil) and  
lightly, but securely grip the handlebar  
with just one hand.  
Tilling wet soil often results in large,  
hard clumps of soil that can interfere  
with planting. If time permits, wait a day  
or two after heavy rains to allow the soil  
to dry before tilling. Test soil by squeez-  
ing it into a ball. If it compresses too  
easily, it is too wet to till.  
• With planning, you can allow enough  
room between rows to cultivate (see  
Figure 4-9). Leave room for the hood  
width, plus enough extra room for  
future plant growth.  
• Avoid pushing down on the handlebars  
in an attempt to force the tiller to dig  
deeper. Doing so takes the weight off  
the powered wheels, causing them to  
lose traction. Without the wheels  
helping to hold the tiller back, the tines  
will attempt to propel the tiller – often  
causing the tiller to skip rapidly across  
the ground. (Sometimes, slight down-  
ward pressure on the handlebars will  
help get through a particularly tough  
section of sod or unbroken ground, but  
in most cases this won’t be necessary  
at all.)  
Avoid making footprints  
When possible, walk on the untilled side  
of the unit to avoid making footprints in  
the freshly tilled soil. Footprints cause  
soil compaction that can hamper root  
penetration and contribute to soil  
erosion. They can also “plant” unwanted  
weed seeds back into the freshly tilled  
Choosing correct wheel  
and tine speeds  
Figure 4-6  
With experience, you will find the “just  
right” tilling depth and tilling speed com-  
bination that is best for your garden.  
Tilling depths  
• Avoid trying to dig too deeply too  
quickly, especially when busting sod or  
when tilling soil that hasn’t been tilled  
for some time. Use shallow depth reg-  
ulator settings (only an inch or two  
deep) for the first passes through the  
garden area. With each succeeding  
pass, adjust the depth regulator to dig  
another inch or two deeper. (Watering  
the garden area a few days prior to  
tilling will make tilling easier, as will  
letting the newly worked soil set for a  
day or two before making a final, deep  
tilling pass.)  
Set the Engine Throttle Control Lever to  
a speed to give the engine adequate  
power and yet allow it to operate at the  
slowest possible least until  
you have achieved the maximum tilling  
depth you desire. Faster engine speeds  
may be desirable when making final  
passes through the seedbed or when  
cultivating. Selection of the correct  
engine speed, in relation to the tilling  
depth, will ensure a sufficient power  
level to do the job without causing the  
engine to labor.  
Figure 4-7  
• When cultivating (breaking up the  
surface soil around plants to help  
Suggested tilling patterns  
destroy weeds), use very shallow depth  
settings to prevent injury to plants whose  
roots often grow close to the surface. If  
needed, lift up on the handlebars slightly  
to prevent the tines from digging too  
deeply. (Cultivating on a regular basis  
not only eliminates weeds, it also loosens  
and aerates the soil for better moisture  
absorption and faster plant growth.)  
• When preparing a seedbed, go over the  
same path twice in the first row, then  
overlap one-half the tiller width on the  
rest of the passes (see Figure 4-6).  
When finished in one direction, make a  
second pass at a right angle as shown  
in Figure 4-7. Overlap each pass for  
best results (in very hard ground it may  
take three or four passes to thoroughly  
pulverize the soil).  
Figure 4-8  
Figure 4-9  
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Section 4: Operation 15  
Tilling Tips & Techniques  
• Terraces should be only 2-to-3 feet  
wide. Digging too far into the side of  
the slope will expose poor subsoil that  
is unproductive for plants.  
Clearing the tines  
Tilling on slopes  
If you must garden on a moderate  
slope, please follow two very important  
The tines have a self-clearing action  
which eliminates most tangling of debris  
in the tines. However, occasionally dry  
grass, stringy stalks or tough vines may  
become tangled. Follow these proce-  
dures to help avoid tangling and to clean  
the tines, if necessary.  
• To create a terrace, start at the top of  
the slope and work down. Go back and  
forth across the first row as shown in  
Figure 4-10.  
1. Till only on moderate slopes, never on  
steep ground where footing is difficult  
(review safety rules in the “Safety”  
Section of this Manual).  
• Each succeeding lower terrace is  
started by walking below the terrace  
you’re preparing. For added stability of  
the tiller, always keep the uphill wheel  
in the soft, newly tilled soil. Do not till  
the last 12" or more of the downhill  
outside edge of each terrace. This  
untilled strip helps prevents the ter-  
races from breaking apart and washing  
downhill. It also provides a walking  
path between rows.  
• To reduce tangling, set the depth regu-  
lator deep enough to get maximum  
“chopping” action as the tines chop the  
material against the ground. Also, try  
to till under crop residues or cover  
crops while they are green, moist and  
2. We recommend tilling up and down  
slopes rather than terracing. Tilling  
vertically on a slope allows maximum  
planting area and also leaves room for  
IMPORTANT: When tilling on slopes, be  
sure the correct oil level is maintained in  
the engine (check every one-half hour of  
operation). The incline of the slope will  
cause the oil to slant away from its  
normal level and this can starve engine  
parts of required lubrication. Keep the  
engine oil level at the full point at all  
• While power composting, try swaying  
the handlebars from side to side (about  
6" to 12"). This “fishtailing” action  
often clears the tines of debris.  
• If tangling occurs, lift the tines out of  
the soil and run the tiller in reverse for  
a few feet. This reversing action  
should unwind a good deal of debris.  
A. Tilling up and down slopes:  
• If reversing the tiller doesn’t clear the  
debris, it may be necessary to remove  
the debris by hand (a pocket knife will  
help you to cut away the material).  
• To keep soil erosion to a minimum, be  
sure to add enough organic matter to  
the soil so that it has good moisture-  
holding texture and try to avoid leaving  
footprints or wheel marks.  
• When tilling vertically, try to make the  
first pass uphill as the tiller digs more  
deeply going uphill than it does down-  
hill. In soft soil or weeds, you may  
have to lift the handlebars slightly while  
going uphill. When going downhill,  
overlap the first pass by about one-half  
the width of the tiller.  
Figure 4-10  
Before clearing the tines by hand, stop  
the engine, allow all moving parts to  
stop and disconnect the spark plug  
wire. Remove the ignition key on elec-  
tric start models.  
C. Tilling across slopes without  
using terraces:  
• If vertical or terracing gardening aren’t  
practical for you, then you can till later-  
ally across a slope. We don’t really  
recommend this method as it can  
create unsure footing and invites soil  
Failure to follow this warning could  
result in personal injury.  
B. Terrace Gardening:  
• When a slope is too steep or too short  
for vertical tilling, it may be necessary  
to till across the slope and create ter-  
raced rows. Terraces are rows that are  
cut into the side of a slope, creating a  
narrow, but flat area on which to plant.  
• As in terrace gardening, start at the top  
of the slope and overlap the first pass  
by half the width of the tiller. For added  
stability of the tiller, always keep the  
uphill wheel in the soft, newly tilled soil.  
• On a long slope, you can make several  
terraces, one below the other.  
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Section 4: Operation  
After tilling under crop residues, add  
more organic matter such as leaves,  
grass clippings and even kitchen scraps.  
When tilled into the soil, this organic  
matter will decompose and add even  
more important nutrients to the soil.  
• Ramps must be strong enough to  
support the combined weight of the tiller  
and any handlers. The ramps should  
provide good traction to prevent slip-  
ping; they should have side rails to  
guide the tiller along the ramps; and  
they should have a locking device to  
secure them to the vehicle.  
Power composting simply means tilling  
under and burying in the soil all manner  
of organic matter such as crop residues,  
leaves, grass clippings and cover crops.  
This material will decompose during the  
non-growing season and add important  
natural nutrients to the soil.  
After power composting, you may want to  
plant a “green manure” cover crop to  
protect the soil during the off-season. You • The handlers should wear sturdy  
simply grow a crop of clover, alfalfa,  
buckwheat, peas, beans, rye grass, grain,  
or kale and then till it into the soil prior to  
the planting season.  
footwear that will help to prevent  
When power composting, do not keep  
the Depth Regulator Lever at a deep  
setting if the tiller jumps or bucks.  
• Position the loading vehicle so that the  
ramp angle is as flat as possible (the  
less incline to the ramp, the better).  
Turn the vehicle’s engine off and apply  
its parking brake.  
If jumping or bucking occurs, move the  
Depth Regulator Lever down to one of  
the shallower settings and then slowly  
increase the tilling depth on later  
• When going up ramps, stand in the  
normal operating position and push the  
tiller ahead of you. Have a person at  
each side to turn the wheels.  
Loading and unloading the tiller into a  
vehicle is potentially hazardous and we  
don’t recommend doing so unless abso-  
lutely necessary, as this could result in  
personal injury or property damage.  
Failure to follow this warning could  
result in personal injury.  
• When going down ramps, walk back-  
ward with the tiller following you. Keep  
alert for any obstacles behind you.  
Position a person at each wheel to  
control the speed of the tiller. Never go  
down ramps tiller-first, as the tiller could  
tip forward.  
The first place to begin is with crop  
residues such as leftover vines, stalks,  
stems and roots. Power compost these  
crop residues as soon as they finish  
bearing. The sooner this is done, the  
better, as tender green matter is easier to  
till under. Use the deepest depth regula-  
tor setting possible without causing the  
engine to labor or the tiller to jump ahead.  
However, if you must load or unload the  
tiller, follow the guidelines given next.  
• Before loading or unloading, stop the  
engine, wait for all parts to stop moving,  
disconnect the spark plug wire and let  
the engine and muffler cool. Remove  
the ignition key on electric start models.  
• Use wooden blocks to place on the  
downhill side of the wheels if you need  
to stop the tiller from rolling down the  
ramp. Also, use the blocks to temporar-  
ily keep the tiller in place on the ramps  
(if necessary), and to chock the wheels  
in place after the tiller is in the vehicle.  
Standing cornstalks of reasonable height  
can be power composted. Pushing over  
(but not uprooting) cornstalks will often  
make it easier for your tiller to chop up  
the stalks. Keep the tines clear of exces-  
sive tangling by “fishtailing” or frequently  
using reverse. Make several passes, then  
return a few days later to finish off any  
remaining stubble.  
• The tiller is too heavy (over 170 lbs.,  
depending on model) and bulky to lift  
safely by one person. Two or more  
people should share the load.  
• When the tiller is in the vehicle, prevent  
it from rolling by engaging the wheels in  
the wheel drive position (put Wheel Gear  
Lever in ENGAGE). Chock the wheels  
with blocks and securely tie the tiller  
• Use sturdy ramps and manually (engine  
shut off) roll the tiller into and out of the  
vehicle. Two or more people are needed  
to do this.  
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At least every 10 operating hours, check  
the unit for loose or missing hardware  
(screws, bolts, nuts, hairpin cotters, etc.).  
Loose or missing hardware can lead to  
equipment failure, poor performance or  
oil leaks.  
Before inspecting, cleaning or  
servicing the machine, shut off engine,  
wait for all moving parts to come to a  
complete stop, disconnect spark plug  
wire and move wire away from spark  
plug. Remove ignition key on electric  
start models.  
Be sure to check the three end cap  
mounting screws located at the rear of the  
transmission (Figure 5-2). Lift the tine  
flap to service those screws.  
Failure to follow these instructions can  
result in serious personal injury or prop-  
erty damage.  
Figure 5-1: Lubrication points.  
2, 3  
Check motor oil level  
Clean engine  
Proper lubrication of the tiller is an essen-  
tial part of your maintenance program.  
After every 10 operating hours, oil or  
grease the lubrication points shown in  
Figure 5-1 as described below.  
2, 7  
Check drive belt tension  
Check nuts and bolts  
Change motor oil  
Lubricate tiller  
1, 4  
1, 4  
1, 4, 6  
Figure 5-2  
Use a good quality lubricating oil (#30  
weight engine oil is suitable) and a good  
quality general purpose grease (grease  
that has a metal lubricant is preferred, if  
Service foam pre-cleaner air filter  
(if so equipped)  
Check the air pressure in both tires.  
Deflate or inflate both tires evenly to 15-  
to-20 PSI (pounds per square inch). Be  
sure that both tires have the same air  
pressure or the unit will tend to pull to  
one side.  
1, 5  
Service paper air filter (if so equipped)  
Check gear oil level in transmission  
Check tines for wear  
Remove wheels, clean wheel shaft (A,  
Figure 5-1) and apply thin coating of  
grease to shaft.  
Check air pressure in tires  
Service spark plug  
Grease back, front and sides of depth  
regulator lever (B, Figure 5-1).  
1 - After first 2 hours of break-in operation.  
2 - Before each use.  
Remove tines, clean tine shafts (C,  
Figure 5-1) and inspect for rust, rough  
spots or burrs (especially around  
holes). File or sand smooth and coat  
ends of shaft with grease.  
3 - Every 5 operating hours.  
4 - Every 10 operating hours.  
5 - Every 30 operating hours.  
6 - More frequently in dusty or dirty conditions.  
7 - See Engine Owner’s Manual for service  
Oil the threads on the handlebar height  
adjustment screw (D, Figure 5-1).  
8 - Whichever time interval occurs first.  
Oil the threads on the handlebar attach-  
ing screws (E, Figure 5-1).  
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Section 5: Maintenance  
Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to  
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.  
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units so equipped.  
Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.  
3. Place a clean pan below the transmis-  
sion drain plug (see Figure 5-3) and  
remove the drain plug. The oil will start  
flowing out of the drain hole (it may flow  
slowly, especially in cold temperatures).  
Check the transmission gear oil level after  
every 30 hours of operation or whenever  
you notice any oil leak. Operating the  
tiller when the transmission is low on oil  
can result in severe damage.  
Before each use, check your tiller for  
signs of an oil leak – usually a dirty, oily  
accumulation either on the unit or on the  
floor where it has been parked.  
4. Remove the transmission gear oil level  
check plug that is located a few inches  
above the left side wheel shaft.  
A little seepage around a cover or oil seal  
is usually not a cause for alarm. However,  
if the oil drips overnight then immediate  
attention is needed as ignoring a leak can  
result in severe transmission damage.  
A. To Check Transmission Gear Oil  
5. When the oil stops flowing, tilt the  
transmission forward to drain oil from the  
rear of the transmission.  
1. Check the gear oil level when the trans-  
mission is cool. Gear oil will expand in  
warm operating temperatures and this  
If a cover is leaking, try tightening any  
loose screws or bolts. If the fasteners are expansion will provide an incorrect oil  
6. After draining the oil, clean the threads  
of the drain plug, apply a non-hardening  
removable gasket sealant to the threads,  
and securely reinstall the drain plug.  
tight, a new gasket or oil seal may be  
required. If the leak is from around a  
shaft and oil seal, the oil seal probably  
needs to be replaced. See your autho-  
rized dealer or contact the factory for  
service or advice.  
level reading.  
2. To check the gear oil level (and to add  
oil, if necessary), refer to “STEP 5: Check  
Gear Oil Level in Transmission” in Section  
2 of this manual.  
7. Using a clean funnel, slowly add SAE  
140 or SAE 85W-140 weight gear oil  
(with an API rating of GL-4 only) to the  
transmission. The transmission holds  
approximately 3-1/4 pints (52-54  
ounces). Tilt the tiller slightly backwards  
to make sure the gear oil reaches the rear  
(tine) end of the transmission. Stop  
adding gear oil when it begins to flow  
from the oil level check hole on the side of  
the transmission.  
B. To Drain and Refill the Transmission:  
IMPORTANT: Never operate the tiller if  
the transmission is low on oil. Check the  
oil level after every 30 hours of operation  
and whenever there is any oil leakage.  
The transmission gear oil does not need  
to be changed unless it has been contami-  
nated with dirt, sand or metal particles.  
1. Prop up the left side of the unit so that  
it will be securely supported when the left  
side wheel is removed. Remove the left  
side wheel by removing the wheel mount-  
ing hardware.  
8. Securely reinstall the oil level check  
2. Unscrew the plastic gear oil fill plug  
from the top of the transmission.  
9. Securely reinstall the gear oil fill plug  
on top of the transmission.  
10. Reinstall the wheel and remove the  
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Section 5: Maintenance  
Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to  
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.  
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units so equipped.  
Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.  
5. On engines with a dipstick, remove it,  
wipe it clean, and reinstall it finger-tight.  
The engine must be kept clean to assure  
Remove the dipstick and check the  
smooth operation and to prevent damage  
reading. Add oil (if required) to bring the  
from overheating. Refer to the separate  
level to the FULL mark. Do not overfill.  
Engine Owner’s Manual for specific repair  
and cleaning instructions. All inspections  
and services must be done with the  
engine shut off and cool to the touch.  
B. To Change the Engine Oil:  
Change the engine oil as instructed in the  
separate Engine Owner’s Manual.  
The engine air cleaner filters dirt and dust  
out of the air before it enters the carbure-  
tor. Operating the engine with a dirty,  
clogged air filter can cause poor perfor-  
mance and damage to the engine. Never  
operate the engine without the air cleaner  
installed. Inspect and service the air  
cleaner more often if operating in very  
dusty or dirty conditions.  
Operators shall not tamper with the  
engine governor settings on the  
machine; the governor controls the  
maximum safe operating speed to  
protect the engine and all moving parts  
from damage caused by overspeed.  
Authorized service shall be sought if a  
problem exists.  
Figure 5-3: Remove drain plug to drain  
transmission gear oil (also remove oil fill  
plug and oil level check plug).  
Service the air cleaner as instructed in the  
separate Engine Owner’s Manual.  
Check the engine oil level before starting  
the engine each day and check it after  
each 5 hours of continuous operation.  
Running the engine when it is low on oil  
will quickly ruin the engine.  
The carburetor was adjusted at the  
factory for best operating speed. Refer to  
the separate Engine Owner’s Manual for  
any adjustment information or see your  
authorized engine service dealer.  
Inspect and clean or replace the spark  
plug after every 100 operating hours or  
annually. Clean the plug and set the gap  
as described in the separate Engine  
Owner’s Manual.  
It is recommended that you change the  
motor oil after every 10 hours of opera-  
tion and even sooner when operating in  
extremely dirty or dusty conditions. Refer  
to the separate Engine Owner’s Manual  
for detailed service instructions.  
The governor controls the maximum safe  
operating speed and protects the engine  
and all moving parts from damage caused  
by overspeeding. Do not tamper with the  
engine governor settings. Seek autho-  
rized service if a problem exists.  
In some areas, local law requires using  
resistor spark plugs to suppress ignition  
signals. If the engine was originally  
equipped with a resistor spark plug, use  
the same type for replacement.  
A. To Check the Engine Oil Level:  
1. Move the tiller to a level area and shut  
off the engine.  
If the engine muffler is equipped with a  
spark arrester screen, remove and clean it  
according to the time intervals and  
instructions in the separate Engine  
Owner’s Manual.  
If the engine does not respond to various  
throttle lever settings, refer to the sepa-  
rate Engine Owner’s Manual for service  
information or contact your local autho-  
rized engine service dealer.  
2. Level the engine by moving the Depth  
Regulator Lever up or down as needed.  
3. Clean the area around the oil dipstick  
or oil fill tube to prevent dirt from falling  
into the crankcase.  
4. On engines with an oil fill tube, remove  
the filler cap, add oil (if required) until it  
reaches the top of the tube and reinstall  
the filler cap.  
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Section 5: Maintenance  
Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to  
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.  
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units so equipped.  
Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.  
Moderate Wear  
When the tiller won’t be used for  
extended periods, prepare it for storage  
as follows:  
When the Wheel Gear Lever is in DISEN-  
GAGE, the wheels will roll freely (free-  
wheel). The wheels should not roll freely  
when the lever is in ENGAGE. If the  
1. Clean the tiller and engine.  
wheels roll freely when the Wheel Gear  
Lever is in ENGAGE, the wheel gear cable  
needs to be adjusted as described below.  
2. Do routine tiller lubrication and check  
for loose parts and hardware.  
3. Protect the engine and perform recom-  
mended engine maintenance by following  
the engine storage instructions found in  
the separate Engine Owner’s Manual.  
NOTE: Be sure to protect the fuel lines,  
carburetor and fuel tank from gum  
deposits by removing fuel or by treating  
fuel with a fuel stabilizer (follow engine  
manufacturer’s recommendations).  
1. With the engine shut off and the spark  
plug wire disconnected, put the Wheel  
Gear Lever in ENGAGE.  
Figure 5-5: Checking tines for wear.  
2. Loosen the top adjustment nut (A,  
Figure 5-4) on the wheel gear cable  
bracket that is located on the left side rear  
of the transmission.  
B. Removing a Single Tine:  
1. Remove the two screws and nuts that  
attach a single tine to the tine holder  
(Figure 5-6). If needed, use penetrating  
oil to help free the nuts.  
3. Push the wheel gear cable (B) down  
and roll the tiller slightly forward or back-  
ward until the eccentric lever (C) engages  
(locks) the wheels. Hold the cable in that  
position and tighten the top (A) and  
bottom (D) adjustment nuts.  
4. On electric start units, follow “Battery  
Storage” instructions in this Section.  
2. When installing a single tine, be sure  
to position it so that its cutting edge will  
enter the soil first as the tiller moves  
5. Store unit in a clean, dry area.  
6. Never store the tiller with fuel in the  
fuel tank in an enclosed area where gas  
fumes could reach an open flame or  
spark, or where ignition sources are  
present (space heaters, hot water heaters,  
furnaces, etc.).  
C. Removing a Tine Assembly:  
4. Move the Wheel Gear Lever to  
ENGAGE and DISENGAGE several times  
to check the adjustment. The wheels  
should not roll when the lever is in  
ENGAGE, but they should roll when the  
lever is in DISENGAGE. Readjust the  
cable as required.  
1. If removing both tine assemblies, mark  
them “left” and “right” before removal.  
Doing so will help ensure that the assem-  
blies are reinstalled on the correct sides  
of the tiller.  
2. Remove the screw and locknut that  
secure the tine assembly to the tine shaft  
(Photo 5-7). Pull the tine assembly off  
the shaft (if necessary, use a rubber  
mallet to tap the tine assembly outward).  
The tines will wear with use and should  
be inspected at the beginning of each  
tilling season and after every 30 operating  
hours. Tines can be replaced individually  
or as a complete set. Never inspect or  
service the tines unless the engine is  
stopped, the spark plug wire is discon-  
nected, and the ignition key is removed  
on electric start models.  
3. Before reinstalling the tine assembly,  
inspect the tine shaft for rust, rough  
spots or burrs and file or sand as needed.  
Apply a thin coat of grease to the shaft.  
4. Install each tine assembly so that the  
cutting edge of the tines will enter the  
soil first when the tiller moves forward.  
Secure the tine assembly to the tine shaft  
using the screw and locknut previously  
removed. Tighten securely.  
A. Tine Inspection:  
With use, the tines will become shorter,  
narrower and pointed (Figure 5-5). Badly  
worn tines will result in a loss of tilling  
depth and reduced effectiveness when  
chopping up and turning under organic  
matter. Use Figure 5-5 as a guide to  
when the tines should be replaced.  
Figure 5-4: Wheel gear cable assembly.  
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Section 5: Maintenance  
Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to  
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.  
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units so equipped.  
Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.  
Cutting Edge  
of Tine  
Figure 5-6: Removing single tine.  
Figure 5-8: Forward clutch belt. (C, Left-  
side view, no belt cover.)  
Figure 5-10: Location of forward clutch cable  
spring (E) and forward cable adjuster (F).  
Cutting Edge  
of Tine  
Figure 5-7: Removing a tine assembly.  
Follow the belt adjustment instructions  
carefully. An incorrect adjustment could  
result in the clutch control mechanism  
engaging too soon. This could cause  
loss of tiller control and result in per-  
sonal injury or property damage.  
spring length  
Figure 5-9: Reverse clutch belt (D).  
(Right-side view, no belt cover.)  
Figure 5-11: Correct spring length when  
Forward Clutch Levers are engaged is 2-1/2".  
first two (2) hours of operation and after  
every ten (10) hours of operation.  
The reverse clutch belt (D, Figure 5-9),  
because it is used more sparingly, may  
not require tension adjustment until a sig-  
nificant number of operating hours has  
passed. A tension adjustment is required  
only if there is little or no reverse move-  
ment when the Reverse Clutch Control  
knob is pulled out.  
A loose belt will also result in premature  
belt wear.  
Maintaining correct belt tension is impor-  
tant to good tilling performance and long  
belt life. A loose belt will slip on the  
engine and transmission pulleys and  
cause the tines and wheels to slow down  
– or stop – even though the engine is  
running at full speed. A loose belt will  
also result in premature belt wear.  
• Check belt tension after the first two  
hours of break-in operation and after  
every 10 operating hours.  
• At the end of each tilling season, check  
the belt for cracks, cuts or frayed edges.  
A belt in poor condition should be  
Checking and Adjusting  
Forward Clutch Belt Tension  
It is important to maintain correct tension  
on the forward clutch belt. A loose belt  
will cause the tines and wheels to slow  
down – or stop completely – even though  
the engine is running at full speed.  
While checking belt tension, also check  
for cracks, cuts or frayed edges. A belt in  
poor condition should be replaced.  
Tension on a new forward clutch belt (C,  
Figure 5-8) should be checked after the  
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Section 5: Maintenance  
Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to  
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.  
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units so equipped.  
Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.  
forward clutch cable adjuster (F, Figure 5-  
10). Use two 1/2", open-end wrenches to  
loosen the two jam nuts (A, Figure 5-12)  
a few turns.  
3. Move cable adjuster (B, Figure 5-12)  
downward for more belt tension (see  
Figure 5-12).  
Incorrect cable adjustment could cause  
the wheels and tines to rotate unexpect-  
edly. Follow adjustment procedures  
carefully. Failure to do so could result  
in personal injury or property damage.  
Move cable  
adjuster away  
from pulleys to  
increase reverse  
belt tension.  
4. Hand tighten the jam nuts and pull the  
Forward Clutch Control levers up against  
the handlebar. Measure the spring coil  
(Figure 5-11). The extended length of the  
coil should be 2-1/2". Repeat this proce-  
dure until the extended spring length is  
Checking Forward Belt Tension  
1. Before checking, shut off engine, allow  
the engine and muffler to cool down, dis-  
connect the spark plug wire, remove the  
ignition key on electric start models.  
Figure 5-14: Reverse clutch cable adjuster.  
Left-side view with belt cover removed.  
2. The coiled part of the forward clutch  
spring (E, Figure 5-10) measures 2" in  
length when the Forward Clutch Control  
levers are not pulled up. Pull either  
Forward Clutch Control Lever up against  
the handlebar and measure the length of  
the coil on the forward clutch spring.  
Tension is correct if the length of the  
extended coil is 2-1/2" (see Figure 5-11).  
The forward clutch control cable needs  
adjustment if the extended length of the  
coil is not 2-1/2". See Adjusting the  
Forward Clutch Belt for a procedure.  
4. Move the cable adjuster (D, Figure  
5-14) away from the pulleys to increase  
belt tension.  
5. Tighten both jam nuts securely.  
6. Reinstall the belt cover.  
7. Move the unit to an open area and test  
the reverse operation. Repeat this proce-  
dure if the unit does not respond when  
the reverse clutch is engaged.  
5. Tighten both jam nuts securely.  
Checking and Adjusting Reverse  
Clutch Belt Tension  
Checking Reverse Clutch Belt Tension  
The reverse clutch belt (D, Figure 5-9)  
needs adjustment if the belt slips in  
reverse or if there is no reverse. See  
Adjusting Reverse Clutch Belt below.  
Adjusting Reverse Clutch Belt  
1. Before adjusting the belt, shut off  
engine, allow the engine and muffler to  
cool down, disconnect the spark plug  
wire, and remove the ignition key on elec-  
tric start models.  
Adjusting the Forward Clutch Cable  
The forward clutch belt (K, Figure 5-15)  
engages the engine pulley (I) and the  
transmission pulley (J) when either  
Forward Clutch Control Lever is pulled up  
against the handlebar. This tightens the  
forward clutch cable (G) which causes the  
forward clutch idler pulley (H) to apply  
pressure to the forward clutch belt. This  
causes the pulleys to turn for Forward  
Do this procedure if the forward clutch  
spring measurement is not correct (see  
Checking Forward Belt Tension).  
1. Before adjusting the belt, shut off  
engine, allow the engine and muffler to  
cool down, disconnect the spark plug  
wire, and remove the ignition key on elec-  
tric start models.  
Figure 5-13: Belt cover.  
2. Remove the two nuts (C, Figure 5-13)  
More Belt  
and remove the belt cover.  
3. Reverse belt tension adjustments are  
done with the reverse clutch cable  
adjuster located on the left side of the  
machine near the engine (D, Figure 5-14).  
Use two 1/2" open-end wrenches to  
loosen the two adjuster jam nuts (E) a few  
Figure 5-12: Move forward clutch cable  
adjuster down for more belt tension.  
Figure 5-15: Forward clutch control  
2. Belt adjustments are done with the  
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Section 5: Maintenance  
Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to  
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.  
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units so equipped.  
Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.  
Figure 5-18  
Figure 5-20: Arrow (K) shows insertion point  
for installing new forward clutch belt.  
Figure 5-16  
3. From the front of tiller, insert the  
forward clutch belt in between the bottom  
of the engine drive pulley (I) and the top  
of transmission pulley (K, Figure 5-20).  
Forward Clutch  
Idler Arm  
4. Insert the bottom half of belt into the  
smaller, rear-most groove of the trans-  
mission pulley (F, Figure 5-19). Now slip  
the top half of belt under the belt guide  
(D, Figure 5-18) and onto the large  
groove of engine drive pulley (L, Figure  
Forward Clutch  
Figure 5-19: Left-side view.  
(Figure 5-17). Note the hole from which  
you disconnect the cable. It is important  
that you reconnect the cable to the same  
5. Slide the belt off the engine pulley (C,  
Figure 5-18), away from engine, out from  
under the belt guide (D), and completely  
off the pulley.  
5. Reconnect the forward clutch cable to  
the correct hole in the idler arm bracket,  
as shown in Figure 5-17.  
Figure 5-17  
NOTE: Be sure to run the reverse clutch  
cable on the pulley side of the cover  
support brackets (G, Figure 5-21).  
Removing Forward Clutch Belt  
1. Stop engine, allow it to cool and dis-  
connect spark plug wire before working  
near belts. Also remove ignition key on  
electric start models.  
6. Slip the belt off the front of the trans-  
mission pulley (F, Figure 5-19).  
2. Remove the two nuts (C, Figure 5-13)  
and remove the belt cover.  
7. Work the belt out from between the  
pulley and the frame, around the trans-  
mission cover spring, then up and out of  
the machine.  
3. Move the reverse clutch belt (B, Figure  
5-16) out of the way. You do not need to  
completely remove the belt. Press the  
reverse idler pulley inward for slack and  
then slip the bottom half of the belt com-  
pletely off the transmission pulley (A,  
Figure 5-16). Pull the bottom half of the  
belt out of the housing and let it hang off  
the outside of the unit (B).  
Installing Forward Clutch Belt  
1. Stop engine, allow it to cool and dis-  
connect spark plug wire before working  
near belts. Also remove ignition key on  
electric start models.  
2. Remove the old forward clutch belt as  
described in Removing Forward Clutch  
Figure 5-21: Correct forward clutch cable  
IMPORTANT: Belt must be installed on  
the inside of the belt guide (H, Figure  
4. Disconnect the forward clutch cable  
from the forward clutch idler arm bracket  
6. Reinstall the reverse clutch belt. Insert  
the bottom of the belt into the frame, then  
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Section 5: Maintenance  
Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to  
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.  
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units so equipped.  
Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.  
pull down on the belt and roll it onto the  
large, forward-most groove of the trans-  
mission pulley (P, Figure 5-20).  
4. Use two 1/2" wrenches to loosen and  
remove wire belt guide (R, Figure 5-22)  
from the reverse idler arm pulley. Do not  
remove locknut and screw.  
5. Remove the reverse belt and pull it out  
through front of transmission housing.  
7. Reinstall the belt cover.  
8. Test for correct tension on the forward  
clutch belt (see Checking Forward Belt  
Installing Reverse Clutch Belt  
1. Stop engine, allow it to cool and dis-  
connect spark plug wire before working  
near belts. Also remove ignition key on  
electric start models.  
IMPORTANT: The forward clutch belt  
must be installed before the reverse  
clutch belt.  
2. Install the forward clutch belt (see  
Installing Forward Clutch Belt in this  
section) before installing reverse belt.  
Figure 5-23: Reverse belt guide positioning.  
6. (You will need an assistant to help  
with this step.) Pull the reverse idler  
pulley (N) up to its highest point and  
position the belt guide (R) horizontally  
level as shown in Figure 5-23. Securely  
tighten the screw and lock nut (M, Figure  
IMPORTANT: The reverse belt has a ‘V”  
shape. When installing the belt, make  
sure that the widest (flat) side of the belt  
rides against the reverse idler pulley (N,  
Figure 5-22) and transmission pulley (L).  
If needed, the belt can be twisted “inside  
out” so that the “V” shaped side is on the  
outside and the widest side is on the  
Figure 5-22: Right-side view.  
7. Pull back on the Reverse Clutch  
Control knob and make sure that the  
reverse clutch belt fully contacts the  
groove in the engine pulley. Release knob  
and make sure that the belt doesn’t  
engage the reverse engine pulley. This  
may cause the unit to move in reverse  
when the Wheel Gear Lever is engaged.  
Adjust the cable for less tension if this  
condition occurs. See Checking and  
Adjusting Reverse Belt Tension for more  
The reverse clutch belt (J, Figure 5-22) is  
driven by the engine drive pulley (I, Figure inside.  
5-20). When the Reverse Clutch Control  
3. Insert the belt down into the front of  
knob is pulled out, it pulls the reverse  
idler arm and pulley (N) which tightens  
the belt against the engine drive pulley.  
This drives the transmission drive pulley  
(L), resulting in reverse motion.  
the transmission housing. Slip the top  
half of the belt onto the reverse idler arm  
pulley (N).  
4. Pull the belt downward and loop the  
bottom half of belt around the front  
groove of transmission pulley (L, Figure  
Removing Reverse Clutch Belt  
1. Stop engine, allow it to cool and dis-  
connect spark plug wire before working  
near belts. Also remove ignition key on  
electric start models.  
5. Mount the belt guide between the two  
flat washers and tighten snugly. The  
guide needs adjusting before fully  
8. Reinstall the belt cover and secure it  
with two flange locknuts.  
2. Remove belt cover (Figure 5-13) by  
9. Test the unit in an open location.  
removing two flange locknuts.  
3. Pull the reverse clutch belt downward  
and slip it off the transmission pulley  
(L, Figure 5-22).  
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Section 5: Maintenance  
Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to  
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.  
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units so equipped.  
Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.  
Jump Starting  
Battery Removal and Installation  
IMPORTANT: Never jump your tiller’s  
dead battery with the battery of a running  
When removing and installing the battery,  
disconnect and connect the cables in this  
order to avoid sparking:  
Use extreme caution when working on  
or near batteries. To help prevent per- 1. Connect end of one jumper cable to the  
1. To remove the battery, first disconnect  
the negative (-) cable from the grounding  
screw on the back of the battery bracket  
post. Bend the cable away from any metal  
sonal injury or property damage:.  
positive terminal of the good battery, then  
the other end to the positive terminal of  
the dead battery.  
• Batteries generate explosive gases.  
Keep sparks and flames away from the  
battery at all times. Ventilate the area  
when charging or using the battery in  
an enclosed area.  
2. Connect the other jumper cable to the  
negative terminal of the good battery,  
then to the frame of the unit with the dead  
2. Disconnect the negative (-) cable from  
the negative (-) battery post.  
3. Disconnect the positive (+) cable from  
the positive (+) battery post and bend it  
away from any metal parts. Cover the  
cable terminal with its rubber boot.  
Failure to use this procedure could cause  
sparking, and the gas in either battery  
could explode.  
Battery Care in Service  
The battery is sealed and is maintenance-  
free. Acid levels cannot be checked.  
4. Remove the battery clamp.  
• Always keep the battery cables and ter  
minals clean and free of corrosive  
Clean the battery by removing it from the 5. To install the battery, reverse the above  
tractor and washing with a baking soda steps. Be sure that the battery posts face  
and water solution. If necessary, scrape to the rear of the tiller and that the posi-  
the battery terminals with a wire brush to tive (+) post is on the left side as you face  
remove deposits. Coat terminals and forward from the handlebars.  
exposed wiring with grease or petroleum  
• After cleaning the battery and terminals,  
apply a light coat of petroleum jelly or  
grease to both terminals  
Battery Storage  
Charge battery fully. The battery loses  
some of its charge each day when the unit  
is not used.  
IMPORTANT: NEVER store battery  
without a full charge. Recharge battery  
before returning to service or every two  
months, whichever occurs first.  
• Always keep the rubber boot positioned  
over the positive terminal to prevent  
jelly to prevent corrosion.  
Battery Failures  
Some common causes for battery failure  
If the tractor has not been put into use for  
an extended period of time, charge the  
battery with an automotive-type 12-volt  
charger for a minimum of one hour at six  
• incorrect initial activation  
• undercharging  
• overcharging  
• corroded connections  
When storing unit for extended periods,  
disconnect battery cables. Removing  
battery from unit is recommended.  
• freezing  
IMPORTANT: These failures are NOT  
covered by your tractor’s warranty.  
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Section 5: Maintenance  
Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to  
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.  
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units so equipped.  
Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.  
Engine does  
not start.  
1. Spark plug wire disconnected.  
2. Engine Throttle Control Lever incorrectly set.  
3. Fuel tank empty.  
1. Reconnect wire.  
2. Put lever in FAST position.  
3. Add fuel.  
4. Choke control (if so equipped) in incorrect position.  
5. Stale gasoline.  
6. Dirty air filter(s).  
7. Defective or incorrectly gapped spark plug.  
8. Carburetor out of adjustment.  
9. Misadjusted throttle control.  
10.Dirt or water in fuel tank.  
4. See Engine Owner’s Manual.  
5. Drain fuel and add fresh fuel.  
6. Clean or replace filter(s).  
7. Inspect spark plug.  
8. See Engine Service Dealer.  
9. See Engine Service Dealer.  
10. See Engine Service Dealer.  
Engine runs poorly.  
Engine overheats.  
1. Defective or incorrectly gapped spark plug.  
2. Dirty air filter(s).  
3. Carburetor out of adjustment.  
4. Stale gasoline.  
5. Dirt or water in fuel tank.  
6. Engine cooling system clogged.  
1. Inspect spark plug (see Engine Owner’s Manual).  
2. Clean or replace (see Engine Owner’s Manual).  
3. See Engine Service Dealer.  
4. Replace with fresh gasoline.  
5. See Engine Service Dealer.  
6. Clean air cooling system (see Engine Owner’s Manual).  
1. Engine cooling system clogged.  
2. Carburetor out of adjustment.  
3. Oil level is low.  
1. Clean air cooling area (see Engine Owner’s Manual).  
2. See Engine Service Dealer.  
3. Check oil level (see Engine Owner’s Manual).  
Engine does not  
shut off.  
1. Misadjusted throttle control cable (recoil start model).  
1. See Engine Owner’s Manual or Engine Service Dealer.  
1. Review Sections 3 and 4.  
Wheels and Tines  
will not turn.  
1. Improper use of controls.  
2. Forward Clutch: Misadjusted forward clutch control cable. 2. Adjust cable tension (Section 5).  
3. Reverse Clutch: Misadjusted clutch control cable.  
4. Worn or broken clutch belt(s).  
5. Internal transmission wear or damage.  
6. Bolt and key loose in transmission pulley.  
3. Adjust cable tension (Section 5).  
4. Check belts. Replace parts as needed (Section 5).  
5. Contact local dealer or the factory.  
6. Tighten bolt; check that key is in place.  
Tines turn, but  
wheels don’t.  
1. Wheel mounting hardware missing.  
2. Bolt and key loose in transmission pulley.  
3. Internal transmission wear or damage.  
4. Misadjusted wheel gear cable.  
1. Replace hardware.  
2. Tighten bolt; check that key is in place.  
3. Contact local Dealer or the Factory.  
4. See “Wheel Gear Cable Adjustment,” Section 5.  
5. Engage lever (see Section 3).  
5. Wheel Gear Lever not fully engaged.  
Wheels Turn, but  
Tines Don’t.  
1. Tine holder mounting hardware missing.  
2. Internal transmission wear or damage.  
1. Replace hardware.  
2. Contact local Dealer or the Factory.  
Poor tilling  
1. Worn tines.  
1. See “Bolo Tines” (Section 5).  
2. Improper Depth Regulator setting.  
3. Incorrect throttle setting.  
4. Belt(s) slipping.  
2. See “Tilling Tips & Techniques,” Section 4.  
3. See Section 4.  
4. See “Checking Clutch Belt Tension,” Section 5.  
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Section 5: Maintenance  
Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to  
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.  
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units so equipped.  
Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.  
2, 3  
Check motor oil level  
Clean engine  
2, 7  
Check drive belt tension  
Check nuts and bolts  
Change motor oil  
Lubricate tiller  
1, 4  
1, 4  
1, 4, 6  
Service foam pre-cleaner air filter  
(if so equipped)  
1, 5  
Service paper air filter (if so equipped)  
Check gear oil level in transmission  
Check tines for wear  
Check air pressure in tires  
Service spark plug  
1 - After first 2 hours of break-in operation.  
2 - Before each use.  
3 - Every 5 operating hours.  
4 - Every 10 operating hours.  
5 - Every 30 operating hours.  
6 - More frequently in dusty or dirty conditions.  
7 - See Engine Owner’s Manual for service  
8 - Whichever time interval occurs first.  
The attachments listed below are available for your tille Contact your authorized dealer or the factory for current information.  
BUMPER — MODEL OEM-290-254  
The tubular steel bumper helps to protect the engine from damage.  
The furrower blade attaches to the back of the depth regulator assembly and is used to create rows, trenches and ditches up to 8"  
deep, depending on soil conditions. The two hiller wings attach to the sides of the furrower blade and are used to make hilled rows  
and raised bed gardens.  
The row marker attaches to the hiller/furrower attachment and is used to scratch lines in the seedbed for laying out furrows,  
trenches, raised beds, etc. (eliminates the need for stakes, string and measuring tape). The row marker is adjustable in length from  
28" to 49-3/4", allowing you to vary the width of the marked rows as required.  
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