Tribest Video Gaming Accessories FL 3000 User Manual

Instruction Booklet  
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Congratulations! You’ve embarked on a new jour-  
ney- indoor gardening with sprouts. Soon you’ll  
find things couldn’t be greener!  
Say “goodbye” to poisonous pesticides, fertilizers,  
irradiated vegetables, genetically modified pro-  
duce, and the rising cost of food that is eating  
away at you!  
With the new Freshlife Automatic Sprouter, your  
weekly harvests of young vegetables will rescue  
you from the perils of commercial agriculture.  
Now, you can replace empty calories with living  
nutrients and protect yourself from preservatives  
except the ones that preserve your health!  
Good luck and happy sprouting.  
Steve Meyerowitz  
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Important Safeguards  
e following basic safety precautions apply when using electrical appliances:  
1) Read all instructions.  
2) To protect against electrical shock do not immerse cord, plugs, portable  
applinances (or other specific part or parts) in water or other liguid.  
3) Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or  
near children.  
4) Remove plug from outlet when the appliance is not in use, before putting  
on or taking off parts, and before cleaning. Allow to cool before handling.  
5) Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or aſter the  
appliance malfunctions or is dropped or damaged in any manner. Retum  
appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair,  
or electrical or mechanical adjustment.  
6) e use of accessory attachments not recommended by the appliance  
manufacturer may cause injuries.  
7) Do not use outdoors (this item may be omitted if the product is specifically  
intended for outdoor use).  
8) Where applicable, always attach plug to appliance and check that the  
control is OFF before plugging cord into wall outlet. To disconnect, turn  
the control to OFF, then remove plug from wall outlet.  
9) Do not use appliance for other than intended use.  
10) Avoid contacting moving parts.  
11) Save these instructions.  
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Importantes measures de sécurité  
Appliquez les measures de sécurité élémentaires suivantes lorsque vous utili-  
sez un appareil électrique:  
1) Lisez toutes les instructions.  
2) Pour éviter les chocs êlectriques, ne plongez pas le cordon, la fiche ou  
l’appareil portatif (indiquer au besoin d’autres pièces similaires) dans leau  
ou an autre liquide.  
3. Surveillez bien les enfants s’ils utilisent un appareil ou s’ils se trouvent  
à proximité d’un appareil en marche.  
4. Débranchez l’appareil de la prise de courant quand vous ne l’utilisez pas,  
avant denlever ou d’installer des pieces et avant de la le nettoyer. Laissez  
l’appareil refroidir avant de le manipuler.  
5. Ne faites pas fonctionner l’appareil si le cordon ou la fiche sont endommagés,  
si l’appareil ne fonctionne pas correctement, s’il est tombé ou s’il a été  
endommagé. Confiez au service de reparation recommandé le plus proche  
tout examen, reparation ou reparation ou réglage électrique ou mécanique  
de l’appareil.  
6. Lutilisation d’accessoires non recommandés par le fabricant de l’appareil  
peut causer des blessures.  
7. N’utilisez pas l’appareil à lextérieur (cette consigne peut être omise si le  
produit est destine à êtreutilisé à lextérieur).  
8. Le cas échéant, branches toujours la fiche à l’appareil et assurez-vous que  
l’interrupteur de celui-ci est à la position ARRET (OFF) avant de brancher la  
fiche dans la prise. Pour débrancher l’appareil, placez l’interrupteur à  
ARRT (OFF) puis retirez la fiche de la prise de courant.  
9. N’utilisez l’appareil que pour la function à laquelle il est destiné.  
10. Evitez de toucher les pieces mobiles.  
11. Conservez ces instructions.  
Conservez ces instructions  
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Parts List and Assembly  
1) Cover: Promotes warmth and humidity for rapid growth.  
2) Sprinkler: Sprinkles water intermittently  
several times per hour. Extra one is included.  
3) 2 Sprouter Trays: Two identical  
black trays. e seeds sit on the  
lower tray and are coveredby the  
upper tray. Both should be facing  
smooth side up.  
4) Water Tube: e green tube is  
actually comprised of two sections  
that connect. It channels the water  
to the sprinkler head.  
5) Sprouter Barrel: is is the big  
barrel in which the sprouts grow.  
You can buy a second barrel to  
double your capacity.  
6) Water Barrel: is is the bottom  
section that holds the reservoir of  
water. You can add nutrients or  
other solutions to the water here,  
Parts are listed according to this photo from top down  
although it is optional.  
7) Water Pressure Tube: is is the tube with an opening on bottom.  
It sits inside the water barrel and controls the water pressure.  
Open the hole when you grow only one barrel of sprouts, and close the  
hole when you grow 2 or more barrels of sprouts.  
8) Motor Chamber: Holds a specifically designed water pump with  
a timer. Do not place this part in the sink of immerse it in water.  
9) Wheatgrass Pad: Controls tangled roots, while growing wheatgrass.  
10) Power Cord: Detachable Power Cord.  
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Presents the New  
1. Examine your New Freshlife  
Rinse your new Freshlife Sprouter and all its parts. Make sure you have all the  
parts listed on page 6.  
2. Prepare your Seeds  
Wash the sprouting tray in hot tap water. Examine your seeds and remove  
any foreign matter. For best results, we recommend new Freshlife owners  
start with mung, alfalfa, or clover seeds. Cover the tray with seeds. For small  
seeds like alfalfa, 5-6 tbsp of seeds yields a full tray or approximately 1 lb. of  
sprouts. For other seed amounts, see chart p.11. Pre-soaking of seeds is not  
required in the Freshlife.  
3. Spread the Seeds on the Tray  
Place the sprouter barrel on your counter  
and insert the black sprout tray into the  
barrel, smooth side up. Pour the seeds  
onto the tray and spread evenly.  
Caution: Try to prevent small seeds like  
alfalfa from falling over the outer edge.  
Spread the seeds out evenly on the bottom  
sprouter tray.  
Place the second black sprouter tray on  
top of the seeds, also smooth side up.  
Insert the green water tube (connect 2 pieces  
to make about 5 inches long) securely into  
the hole in the centerof the barrel. Make  
sure the hole and tube are clear of seeds.  
Remove the top sprouter tray a couple days  
before harvest time (see chart pg.11).  
is is generally when the sprouts are  
ready to turn green or when they  
become 2-3 inches tall.  
Add the second black tray on top of the  
seeds creating a seed sandwich.  
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4. Fill the Water Barrel  
Place the water barrel on your countertop within reach of an electrical outlet.  
Insert the water pressure tube into the hole at the bottom of the barrel. Read  
about adjusting this tube later on page 10.  
Fill the water barrel with pure water up to about 1-1  
½ inches from the top. Use pure water or the same  
water you use for cooking and drinking. Do not  
immerse the water barrel in water.  
5. Put the Two Barrels Together  
Set the sprout barrel on top of the water barrel.  
Align the sprout barrel until it is securely seated.  
Test the unit: plug it in and look for a fountain of  
The sprinkler turns on and off  
several times per hour.  
water springing from the top of the green tube. If not,  
reseat the barrel until it makes a good connection.  
6. Get Ready to Plug In  
Place the sprinkler head on top of the green tube and plug the unit into an  
electrical outlet. e water should flow through the sprinkler and out its  
holes. Place the cover on top of the unit to maintain warmth and humidity.  
e sprinkler will spray intermittently several times per hour. Change the  
water in the water barrel at least once daily.  
7. Harvest Time—When to Pick Your Crop  
Harvest time is usually between 5 and 8 days, de-  
pending on seed variety (see chart p.11 ). For leafy  
green sprouts, this is when 90% of the crop has  
dropped its hulls (seed jackets). ey are at their  
peak when the leaf develops a cleſt (divides in two).  
Grab your sprouts about halfway down and wiggle  
them out, roots and all, or pull the whole tray out  
of the barrel. Rinse the sprouts to remove any hulls  
hanging onto the roots. Although hulls are edible,  
they can detract from taste. Now, clean the tray (see  
instructions p. 9)  
After 4 days of growth, the top  
tray was removed exposing the  
sprouts to light.  
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8. Refrigerate and Begin Anew  
Store the mature, harvested sprouts in your refrigerator for about a week.  
For best results, store them in a container with a lid. Clean the tray and start  
growing next week’s crop. You can also buy a second barrel to double your  
harvests (see p. 10). While in the refrigerator, it is a good idea to rinse the  
sprouts once every few days.  
How to Clean your Freshlife and its Parts  
Cleaning Sprouter Tray: e black sprouting trays  
have groves that grab onto the sprout roots. If the  
grooves are full of sprout roots and seeds, then clean-  
ing must be done in two steps.  
1) Rinse the trays under tap water with or  
without soap and brush them vigorously  
with a vegetable brush. Do not attempt  
to clean them perfectly at this time. Put  
the trays aside to dry, even with some  
roots still lodged in the grooves.  
Use a vegetable brush for  
cleaning the grooves in your  
sprouter tray.  
2) Dry brushing: Hours later, when both  
the trays and brush are dry, vigorously  
brush both sides of the trays again, but without  
any water. Most seeds and roots will flake off. A small amount  
of leſtover seeds and roots is acceptable.  
You may also wash your sprouting tray in the dishwasher. Make sure you  
locate it up high and away from the heating element. Sterilize your growing  
tray by dipping it for 2 minutes in hot water (as hot as a very hot cup of tea),  
if you suspect a foul harvest so as not to transfer any bad bacteria to the next  
crop. You can also sterilize your tray by spraying it with hydrogen peroxide  
(available at drug stores) or diluted bleach. Sterilize for 10 minutes and then  
rinse thoroughly.  
Cleaning the Sprouter and Water Barrels: Wash the barrels with soap and hot  
tap water. Rinse well to eliminate any soap residue. Do not immerse the water  
barrel and its motor in water. Also sterilize your barrels, just like the trays  
(above) with hot water, hydrogen peroxide, or diluted bleach. Let sit for ten  
minutes, then rinse thoroughly.  
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Cleaning the Green Water Tubes: Rinse the tube  
clean with hot tap water aſter every harvest.  
en clean them once every month using a felt  
tip pipe cleaner. is works like a plunger to  
clear the residue build up of film and gel that  
naturally accumulates from the seed jackets.  
Cleaning the Sprinkler Head: Flush the spinning  
sprinkler head with hot tap water aſter each  
harvest. Tap it on all sides. Rinse and tap  
repeatedly to flush out debris. Use the tooth-  
brush to help. Film residue from the seeds  
The sprinkler head separates for periodic  
maintenance. Film and gel from the seed  
jackets can clog the tiny water outlets.  
builds up and clogs the holes. is slows down the speed of the spin. Regular  
cleaning is required.  
How to Open the Sprinkler Head: If your sprinkler  
is badly clogged, it can be thoroughly cleaned by  
opening it. is job is best done by someone who  
is good at working with their hands. Each of the  
4 arms has 2 tabs. Use a flat object like a butter  
knife to slide off all the tabs and place them safely  
in a cup. Separate the top and bottom halves of  
the sprinkler head and clean them with a tooth-  
brush. en reassemble the head and its tabs.  
The moveable tabs can increase or  
decrease the flow of water and the  
rate of spin  
Adjusting the Sprinkler Head Water Flow Tabs:  
ere are 3 water outlets on each arm of the spin-  
ner and a fourth opening at the end point. To increase the spinning speed, move  
the tabs to close 1 or 2 outlets closest to the center post.  
To slow the sprinkler head, move the tabs to close 1 or 2  
openings closest to the outer end of each arm.  
Adding an Extra Growing Level  
Double your growing capacity by adding an extra grow-  
ing barrel set. Sproutman recommends you achieve 3  
successful crops before adding another growing level.  
Build your skill first, then use the following rotation  
procedure. Start the first growing barrel on a Monday  
and grow it alone for 4 days. Start the second growing  
barrel on ursday and put it in the bottom position.  
Move the Monday barrel to the top position. e align-  
ment of the water flow tubes must be perfect in order to  
Never run out of greens!  
Establish a crop rotation  
schedule with 2 growing  
levels. The bottom level is  
achieve full water pressure. e opening on the water  
pressure tube must be closed. e spinner tabs may  
need to be adjusted for better water flow.  
the water reservoir.  
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Tips for Happy Sprouting  
About Seeds  
Use organically grown seeds whenever possible. When not available, choose  
seeds that are certified pesticide and chemical-free. Just as seed quality is  
critical for a successful outdoor garden, it is absolutely essential to select  
high quality sprouting grade seed for your indoor garden. Our favorite  
brand is “Sproutman’s Organic Sprouting Seeds” (www. You  
can grow any good sprouting seed in your Freshlife sprouter, but our most  
popular suggestions are listed below.  
Some Popular Sprouting Seeds  
# of Tbsp Days of Growth Description & Taste  
to plant  
Sweet Pea Shoots  
Mild, all purpose  
Spicier cousin of alfalfa  
Very radishy & hot  
Powerful garlic flavor  
Medicinal green juice  
Hearty texture & flavor  
Crsip, tall, leafy  
Mild, juicy, crisp  
Crunchy, delicious  
Small, rich in flavor  
Mild flavor, big leaf  
Tall, healthly, bitter herb  
Small size, rich flavor  
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About Mold  
Mold can grow whenever there is moisture, warmth, and food. Nevertheless,  
you can minimize the problem by being vigilant during the first few days of  
sprouting. Change the water daily. If you see a lot of foam or discoloration,  
that is the signal to refresh the water. Two common products, hydrogen per-  
oxide and liquid grapefruit seed extract, available in drug stores and health  
food stores, can help deter mold. Add approximately ½ cup of hydrogen  
peroxide to the water barrel or add a few drops of grapefruit seed extract.  
About Light  
Normal daylight is all you need  
to develop deep green looking  
sprouts. If your Freshlife location  
is shady, you can remove the  
cover once the sprouts have started  
greening (usually the last 2-3 days  
before harvest). e Freshlife can  
operate safely without a cover  
during this period. In addition  
to more light, the sprouts also  
get more air which is especially  
beneficial in hot weather.  
Sunflower sprouts grow 8-10 inches tall in the  
Freshlife Sprouter.  
Direct sunlight is not necessary and, in fact, may overheat your crop in hot  
weather. Reduce contact with direct sunlight when temperatures are above  
90°F in hot weather. Full spectrum or grow lights are recommended if you  
have insufficient natural light.  
Optional Method for Growing Mung and Soybeans  
e Freshlife sprouter has a feature for growing juicy mung and soy sprouts.  
Follow the basic instructions by placing a black sprouter tray on top of  
the beans. Now set 4 evenly placed weights on top of the tray. Use apples  
or clean stones. eir weight gives these bean sprouts something to push  
against making them fatter and sweeter.  
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Questions & Answers  
with Sproutman  
Dear Sproutman: My sprinkler does not spin.  
First of all, the sprinkler does not need to  
spin order for the sprouts to get watered. e black  
trays are designed to spread the water evenly to  
all sprouts. at being said, if there is an obstruc-  
tion somewhere that reduces the water flow to the  
sprinkler, there won’t be enough water pressure for  
it to spin. (See also next question.) I recommend  
you first test the sprouter with only the water barrel  
and the green water pressure tube. Make sure there  
Steve Meyerowitz, “Sproutman”  
is a strong fountain coming out of the tube. Once you achieve the fountain,  
replace the sprouter barrel on top of the water barrel and insert the green  
water tube. Observe the flow of water without the sprinkler head. If the flow  
is good, then add on the sprinkler. If it still does not spin, something may  
be clogging your sprinkler. Change to your secondary sprinkler head. Clean  
the first sprinkler head to remove any obstructions. (See p. 10) Also sprinkler  
heads can experience wear and tear and should be replaced if the water is no  
longer spraying evenly from its holes.  
Dear Sproutman: I am growing two sprout barrels, and they are  
growing fine, but my sprinkler won’t spin.  
is is not surprising. First of all, make sure that the opening of the  
water pressure tube is closed. e water has to travel two stories high and the  
longer trip reduces the water pressure. You may have had spinning before,  
but how well you make the connections from barrel to barrel and from tube  
to tube affects water flow. Also, (see above) use a pin to clear any obstructions  
in the sprinkler head. Check your sprinkler. It’s just a law of physics. e  
sprinkler head must spray evenly from all holes in order for it to spin. If your  
sprinkler head has gotten hurt and is spraying unevenly, replace it with your  
backup sprinkler. Usually, that solves the problem. Also, check and clean the  
green tubes and adjust the water pressure (see p. 10). Remember, it does not  
have to spin to grow a beautiful crop.  
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Dear Sproutman: I’m very busy. I don’t have time to change the  
water in the water barrel daily. Must I change it?—B. Zeeh  
I know you’re busy, but sprouts want fresh, clean, pure water, just  
like people. If you miss a day, in most cases, the sprouts will do fine. But if  
there are problems, then you should change the water once each day. Hy-  
drogen peroxide and grapefruit seed extract are helpful in reducing bacterial  
growth. ey increase the probability that your crops will survive missed wa-  
ter changes. (Read About Mold,” p.12) But when there are problems, return to  
the proper method. A delicious, healthy crop of fresh greens is worth it.  
You can also tell when the water needs changing by looking at its  
foaminess or darkened color. But as the sprouts mature, the water stays clean-  
er longer. So, if you need to skip your watering chores for a day, do it when  
the sprouts are a little further along.  
Dear Sproutman: Is there any way I can grow more than one variety  
at a time? –Manny ypes  
Yes! ere are three ways.  
1) Each sprouting tray has four sections to it. Ridges separate the  
sections. If you lay different seed varieties into each section, you  
can grow up to four different flavors on a single tray.  
2) You can also add a second  
sprouting barrel to your  
Freshlife and put different  
varieties in each level. is  
effectively doubles your output  
and enables a rotation cycle  
that ensures there is always  
a “ready-to-eat’ crop.  
3) Finally, you can mix a few  
varieties and grow them together.  
Our favorite mixture is  
Above, 4 flavors are laid out and ready  
to sprout. Up to 4 compatible varieties of  
seeds can be grown on the same tray.  
Sproutman’s Garden Mix  
which contains alfalfa, clover,  
radish, and cabbage sprouts.  
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Dear Sproutman: My sprinkler head keeps falling off its post. What’s  
that about? –O.F. Hedd  
Your head is clogged… your sprinkler head, that is! Switch sprinkler  
heads and clean the clogged one. (See instructions on p. 10)  
Dear Sproutman: Try as I might,  
I find it difficult to fit the sprouting  
barrel on top of the water barrel.  
Why? –Kent Seete.  
Because… the sprouter barrel  
green tube was forced so deep into  
the hole, there was no room for the  
water barrel’s pressure tube to seat itself!  
Liſt the barrel off, take out the  
Ten inch tall buckwheat sprouts growing in the  
Freshlife sprouter.  
green water tube, reseat the barrel and  
replace the tube.  
Dear Sproutman: I took off the cover to get more light, but now  
Freshlife is sprinkling water on my kitchen counter. What can I do?  
What a blessing. You’ve got great water pressure! Most people don’t’  
have enough! If your Freshlife sprays water over the edge of lid, reduce the  
water pressure by opening the opening on the water pressure tube. Review  
the steps for adjusting the water pressure tube on page 10.  
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Accessories For Your Freshlife Sprouter  
Extra Sprouter Barrel Set. Include 2 trays, sls clips, $34.95  
green tube and barrel. Doubles your capacity  
Extra Sprouting Tray  
2 Extra Sprinkler Heads  
2 Green Tubes (each comprised of 2 parts)  
Sproutman’s Turn-the-Dial Sprout Chart  
Includes growing info, taste, usage, harvest times,  
recipes, and 37 full color photos. 7”x9”  
Sprouts e Miracle Food  
e Complete Guide to Sprouting. 224 pgs  
Sproutman’s Kitchen Garden Cookbook  
250 Raw, Flourless, Dairyless, Low Temperature,  
Low Fat, Low Salt Vegetarian Recipes. 336 pgs  
Wheatgrass Nature’s Finest Medicine  
e Complete Guide to Using Grass Foods & Juices  
to Revitalize Your Health. 216 pgs  
Order accessories from  
Tribest Corp.  
1143 N. Patt Street  
toll free: 888-254-7336  
ph: 714-879-7150  
fax: 714-879-7140  
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Wheatgrass grows easily and without soil in the Freshlife Sprouter  
We Guarantee It  
Your Freshlife Sprouter is warranted for one year. (See details next page.)  
In the even something goes wrong with the performance of this appliance,  
please contact us for fast and courteous service.  
Order accessories from  
Tribest Corp.  
1143 N. Patt Street, Anaheim, CA 92801  
toll free: 888-254-7336  
ph: 714-879-7150  
fax: 714-879-7140  
USA Model: 120V~, 60Hz  
Europe & Asia Model: 220-240V~,50/60hZ  
283mm x 283mm x 380mm  
4.4 lbs. / 2.1 Kg  
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1. We warrant to you, the end-user customer who has properly registered  
aſter purchasing a new Tribest® Freshlife 3000®, that the new Tribest® Freshlife  
3000® will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of  
one (1) year from the date of purchase.  
2. Upon Tribest’s receipt of a written notice of defects from you during the  
warranty period, Tribest, at its option, will either repair or replace the part(s)  
of Tribest® Freshlife 3000® that proved to be defective. e replacement of  
the part(s) of Tribest® Freshlife 3000® may be either new or like new. e  
Tribest® Freshlife 3000® may contain re-manufactured or re-conditioned  
parts, which is equivalent to new in performance or may have been subjected  
to incidental use.  
3. is warranty does not apply to defects resulting from:  
a. the failure to operate the Tribest® Freshlife 3000® in accordance  
with the instructions.  
b.the use of parts or supplies not provided or authorized by Tribest.  
c. negligent, improper or inadequate maintenance.  
d. the service performed or attempted by unauthorized service person(s).  
e. tampering, misuse or unauthorized modification of the Tribest®  
Freshlife 3000®.  
4. All warranty and repair services must be performed at a warranty service  
center which is located within the country where the Tribest® Freshlife 3000®  
was originally purchased. However, in the event that: [I] the machine must  
be serviced at a service center that is not located within the country where  
the machine was purchased; or [II] there is no service center within the  
country where the machine is located and must be shipped to a service center  
in another country, then those service centers are responsible for the parts  
and service only, and any and all costs relating to the shipping, delivery and  
handling of the machine to and from those service centers shall be the sole  
responsibility of the owner.  
ONE (1) YEAR. In the event that such limitation or exclusion on the dura-  
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tion of an implied warranty is not allowed in the states or counties wherein  
you reside, the above limitation or exclusion will not apply. is warranty  
gives you specific legal rights and protection, and you might also have other  
rights that vary from state to state, or county to county.  
states or counties might not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental  
or consequential damages. If you reside in such a state or county, the above  
limitation or exclusion may not be applicable.  
In the event that you have any questions concerning the use and care for  
this product or concerning service, please write a letter or send an e-mail to  
following address explaining the nature of your concerns, or call us at 888-  
Tribest Corp.  
1143 N. Patt Street  
Anaheim, CA 92801  
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1143 N. Patt Street, Anaheim, CA 92801  
toll free: 888-254-7336 | fax: 714-879-7140  
v1 201303  
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