Toshiba Printer 7FM03281000 User Manual

TOSHIBA Portable Printer  
Owner's Manual  
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1. Only use TOSHIBA TEC battery packs designed and manufactured for use with the specific printer model. There is a  
risk of explosion if the battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.  
2. When an external power source such as an AC adapter is connected to the printer, DO NOT use any device other than  
an exclusive one.  
AC adapter:  
Cigarette lighter adapter:  
DC adapter:  
B-EP800-AC-QM-R (Model: 0225A1950)  
1. N’utilisez que les packs batteries Toshiba Tec conçus et fabriqués pour être utilisés avec ce modèle spécifique. Il y a un  
risque d’explosion si la batterie est remplacée par un modèle non adapté. Veuillez vous débarrasser des batteries  
usagées en respectant la réglementation.  
2. Lorsque vous connectez l’imprimante sur un adaptateur secteur externe, N’UTILISEZ PAS d’adaptateur différent de  
celui préconisé  
Adaptateur secteur:  
Adaptateur allume cigare:  
Convertisseur continu:  
B-EP800-AC-QM-R (Model: 0225A1950)  
1. Benutzen Sie nur den für Ihr Druckmodell bestimmten Akku. Bei Verwendung eines falschen Akkus besteht die Gefahr  
einer Explosion. Entsorgen Sie den alten Akku gemäß den Vorschriften!  
2. Sofern der Drucker den Strom durch eine externe Quelle bezieht, z.B. mit Hilfe eines AC Adapters, benutzen Sie nur  
den vorgegebenen Adapter.  
AC Adapter:  
Batterie-Ladekabel für Zigarettenanzünder: B-EP802-DC12-QM-R  
DC Adapter: B-EP800-DC48-QM-R  
B-EP800-AC-QM-R (Model: 0225A1950)  
1. Utilice baterías diseñadas y fabricadas por Toshiba Tec específicamente para este modelo. Existe riesgo de explosión si  
se usa un tipo de batería incorrecto. Deshágase de las baterías usadas según las instrucciones.  
2. Cuando conecte un alimentador externo a la impresora, como por ejemplo un adaptador AC, NO USE ningún  
dispositivo diferente al modelo exclusivo de cada impresora.  
Adaptador AC:  
Adaptador para mechero:  
Adaptador DC:  
B-EP800-AC-QM-R (Model: 0225A1950)  
1. Gebruik enkel de batterijeenheid die overeenstemt met de desbetreffende printer. Vervanging door een verkeerd type  
batterij kan een ontploffing veroorzaken. Dank uw batterijen af zoals voorgeschreven.  
2. Gebruik uitsluitend onderstaande wisselstroomadapter om de printer aan te sluiten met een externe voeding:  
AC adapter: B-EP800-AC-QM-R (Model: 0225A1950)  
Sigarettenaansteker adapter: B-EP802-DC12-QM-R  
DC adapter: B-EP800-DC48-QM-R㩷  
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1. Utilizzare il pacco batterie corretto per ogni modello di stampante. Esiste il rischio di esplosine se utilizzate le batterie  
sbagliate. Smaltite le batterie secondo le istruzioni.  
2. Qualora la stampante sia collegata ad una alimentazione esterna, esempio la presa in corrente alternata, utilizzate  
esclusivamente l’adattatore corretto:.  
Adattatore AC:  
Adattatore per accendisigaro per automezzi: B-EP802-DC12-QM-R  
Adattatore DC: B-EP800-DC48-QM-R㩷  
B-EP800-AC-QM-R (Model: 0225A1950)  
< Português >  
1. Utilize as baterias desenhadas e fabricadas pela Toshiba Tec especificamente para este modelo. Existe risco de  
explosão se for utilizado um tipo de bateria incorrecta. Desfaça-se das baterias usadas de acordo com as instruções.  
2. Ao conectar uma impressora à alimentação externa, como por exemplo a um adaptador AC, NÃO UTILIZE nenhum  
dispositivo diferente do modelo exclusivo para cada impressora.  
Adaptador AC:  
Adaptador para isqueiro:  
Adaptador DC:  
B-EP800-AC-QM-R (Model: 0225A1950)  
1. NaleĪy uĪywaü wyáącznie zastawów baterii zaprojektowanych i wyprodukowanych dla konkretnego modelu drukarki.  
Wymiana baterii na bateriĊ innego typu grozi wybuchem. NaleĪy utylizowaü baterie zgodnie z podanymi instrukcjami.  
2. W przypadku uĪywania zewnĊtrznego Ĩródáa zasilania drukarki np. zasilacza AC, NIE NALEĩY uĪywaü innego  
urządzenia poza wyspecyfikowanym.  
Zasilacz AC:  
Zasilacz samochodowy:  
Zasilacz DC:  
B-EP800-AC-QM-R (Model: 0225A1950)  
1. ⺆䎆ⰂG 䕿㦖G ⽎₆₆㦮G 㩚㣿䛞㦚G ㌂㣿G 䟊G 㭒㕃㔲㡺UG ┺⯎G ⺆䎆Ⰲ⯒G ㌂㣿䞮ⳊG 䙃⹲㦮G 㥚䠮㧊G 㧞㔋┞┺UG ㌂㣿㧊G ⊳⋲  
2. ⽎₆₆㠦GhjG㠊╧䎆G❇㦮G㣎⿖G㩚㤦㦚G㩧㏣䞮⓪Gἓ㤆SG⹮✲㔲G⽎₆₆G㩚㣿䛞㦚G㌂㣿G䟊G㭒㕃㔲㡺UG⽎₆₆G㩚㣿䛞G  
B-EP800-AC-QM-R (Model: 0225A1950)G  
1. ᅃⵝల㔚ᳰดㆡ↪ਈᧄᯏኾ↪ຠ
2. ⡧ធᧄᯏ⊛#%㔚Ḯଏᙥེ╬ᄖㇱ㔚Ḯᤨ㧘ดㆡ↪ਈᧄᯏ⊛ኾ↪ຠ
#% 㔚Ḯଏᙥེꢃꢂꢂ  
&% 㔚Ḯଏᙥེꢃꢂ  
B-EP800-AC-QM-R (Model: 0225A1950)  
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The following information is for EU-member states only:  
Disposal of products  
(based on EU-Directive 2002/96/EC,  
Directive on Waste electrical and electronic equipment – WEEE)  
The use of the symbol indicates that this product may not be disposed as unsorted municipal waste and  
has to be collected separately. Integrated batteries and accumulators can be disposed of with the  
product. They will be separated at the recycling centers.  
The black bar indicates that the product was placed on the market after August 13, 2005.  
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences  
for the environmental and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste  
handling of this product.  
For more detailed information about the take-back and recycling of this product, please contact your  
supplier where you purchased this product.  
Les informations suivantes ne concernent que les utilisateurs des pays membres de l’union Européenne :  
Recyclage des produits  
(Basé sur la directive Européenne 2002/96/EC,  
Directive sur le recyclage des équipements électriques et électroniques – REEE – WEEE)  
L’utilisation de ce symbole indique que ce produit ne doit pas être jeté sans tri préalable, comme un  
déchet classique, mais doit être collecté séparément. Les batteries et accumulateurs intégrés peuvent  
être laissés en place, ils seront récupérés par le centre de recyclage.  
La barre noire indique que ce produit a été mis sur le marché après le 13 Août 2005.  
En vous assurant que ce produit est correctement mis au rebut, vous participerez à prévenir les  
éventuelles conséquences néfastes sur l’environnement et la santé publique qui pourraient autrement  
être causés par une gestion inappropriée des déchets contenus dans ce produit.  
Pour obtenir des informations complémentaires sur la récupération et le recyclage de ce produit, veuillez  
contacter le fournisseur auprès duquel vous en avez fait l’acquisition.  
Wiederververtungsinformationen für Verbraucher:  
(gemäß EU-Directive 2002/96/EC,  
Gesetz über das Inverkehrbringen, die Rücknahme und die umweltverträgliche Entsorgung von Elektro- und  
Elektronikgeräten [ElektroG]" – WEEE).  
Die folgenden Informationen gelten nur für EU-Mitgliedsstaaten.  
Das durchgestrichene Mülltonnensymbol weist darauf hin, dass dieses Produkt nicht wie allgemeiner  
Hausmüll behandelt werden darf. Verbaute Batterien oder Akkus müssen vorher entnommen und separat  
entsorgt werden.  
Der schwarze Balken unter dem Symbol besagt, das das Produkt nach dem 13. August 2005 in Verkehr  
gebracht wurde.  
Indem Sie aktiv mit helfen, dieses Produkt ordnungsgemäß zu entsorgen, helfen Sie mit mögliche  
negativen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt sowie die menschliche Gesundheit zu vermeiden.  
Für nähere Informationen zur Rücknahme und Wiederverwertung dieses Produktes wenden Sie sich bitte  
an Ihren Lieferanten.  
La siguiente información solo concierne a los Estados Miembros de la UE:  
Desechado de los productos  
(basado en la Directiva Europea 2002/96/EC,  
Directiva sobre Residuos de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos – REEE – WEEE)  
El uso de este símbolo indica que el producto no puede ser desechado como basura común doméstica  
por lo que debe ser recogido de forma separada. Sus baterías y acumuladores integrados pueden  
eliminarse junto con el aparato. Estos elementos serán separados en los centros de reciclado.  
La barra negra indica que el producto fue puesto en el Mercado después del 13 de Agosto de 2005.  
Asegurando que nos deshacemos del producto de forma correcta, ayudaremos a evitar potenciales  
consecuencias negativas tanto para el medio ambiente como para la salud pública, que podrían  
producirse debido a un tratamiento inapropiado.  
Para obtener información más detallada sobre la recogida y reciclaje de su producto, por favor, póngase  
en contacto con el proveedor que se lo suministró.  
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Onderstaande informatie geldt enkel in EU lidstaten:  
Het afdanken van producten (volgens EU-richtlijn 2002/96/EC,  
Richtlijn betreffende afgedankte elektrische en elektronische apparatuur – WEEE)  
Dit symbool geeft aan dat dit product niet mag afgedankt worden als algemeen huishoudelijk afval. Het  
dient afzonderlijk gecollecteerd te worden. Geïntegreerde batterijen of laders kunnen samen met dit  
product afgedankt worden. Zij worden in het recyclagecentrum gescheiden. De zwarte balk geeft aan dat  
dit product na 13 augustus 2005 verhandeld werd.  
Door een aangepaste afdanking van dit product beschermt u het milieu en de volksgezondheid tegen  
mogelijke schadelijke gevolgen, die anders zouden kunnen voortvloeien uit het onjuist verwerken van de  
resten van dit product. Vraag inlichtingen over de terugname en recyclage van dit product aan uw  
Le seguenti informazioni sono solo gli stati membri della UE:  
Smaltimento del prodotto  
(basato sulla direttiva EU-Directive 2002/96/EC,  
Direttiva sullo smaltimento per il Riciclaggio delle Apparecchiature Elettriche od Elettroniche – RAEE – WEEE)  
Questo simbolo indica che i prodotti non possono essere smaltiti come rifiuti urbani non differenziati ma  
devono essere raccolti separatamente. Eventuali batterie o accumulatori possono essere smaltiti con il  
prodotto. Verranno separati dai centri di riciclaggio  
La barra near indica che il prodotto è stato inserito nel mercato dopo il 13 Agosto 2005  
Assicuratevi che questo prodotto sia smaltito correttamente, contribuirete a prevenire potenziali  
conseguenze negative per l'ambiente e la salute umana, che potrebbero essere altrimenti causate da uno  
smaltimento improprio di questo prodotto.  
Per maggiori dettagli sul riciclo, o su come rendere il prodotto, contattate il vostro fornitore.  
A informação que se segue é apenas dirigida a países membros da UE:  
Reciclagem de produtos (baseado na directive-UE 2002/96/EC,  
Directiva sobre a reciclagem de resíduos de equipamentos eléctricos e electrónicos – REEE – WEEE)  
O uso deste símbolo indica que este produto não pode ser colocado nos pontos de recolha de lixo  
comum e deve ser recolhido separadamente. As baterias integradas e acumuladores podem ser  
entregues juntamente com o produto. Serão depois separados nos centros de reciclagem.  
A barra negra indica que o equipamento foi colocado no mercado após 13 de Agosto de 2005.  
Ao assegurar-se que este produto é tratado correctamente está a ajudar a prevenir potenciais  
consequências negativas para o ambiente e para a saúde humana, que poderiam ser causadas pelo  
inapropriado tratamento deste produto.  
Para mais informação sobre a reciclagem e tratamento deste produto, contacte o seu fornecedor.  
Informacje dla PaĔstw czáonkowskich Unii Europejskiej:  
Utylizacja urządzeĔ  
(na podstawie dyrektywy Unii Europejskiej 2002/96/EC,  
Dyrektywa dotycząca odpadów elektrycznych i elektronicznych – WEEE)  
UĪycie symbolu oznacza, Īe urządzenie nie moĪe byü traktowane jako niesegregowane odpady i musi  
byü zebrane oddzielnie. Zintegrowane baterie i akumulatory mogą byü utylizowane razem z urządzeniem.  
Zostaną one posegregowane w centrach utylizacji.  
Czarny prostokąt oznacza, Īe urządzenie zostaáo wprowadzone na rynek po 13 sierpnia 2005.  
Poprzez zastosowanie siĊ do prawidáowych procedur utylizacji tego urządzenia, pomoĪecie PaĔstwo  
ograniczyü potencjalne negatywne skutki dla Ğrodowiska i zdrowia ludzkiego, które mogáyby zaistnieü na  
skutek niewáaĞciwej utylizacji tego urządzenia.  
W celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji odnoĞnie zwrotu i utylizacji tego urządzenia prosimy o kontakt  
z punktem zakupu tego urządzenia.  
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Precautions for Handling of Wireless Communication Devices  
Bluetooth® Module: TEC-BTM-R (GH30 model)  
Wireless LAN Module: SD-Link 11g (GH40 model)  
Trade Mark  
Bluetooth is a registered trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and used byTOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION  
under license.  
For all countries and areas  
This product is a wireless communication device, and the use of thisproduct is restricted to the following  
countries or areas. If the product isused in the countries or areas other than the following, you may bepunished  
according to the laws of those countries or areas.  
Japan, USA, Canada, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,  
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland,  
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland,  
Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, China, Republic of Korea, Taiwan  
For Europe  
for Bluetooth  
for wireless LAN  
Hereby, TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION, declares that the TEC-BTM-R and SD-Link11g are in compliance  
with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. This equipment uses a  
radio frequency band that has not been harmonized throughout all EU and EFTA countries, and can be used  
EU and EFTA countries.  
For USA  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and  
(2) this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired  
Changes or modification not expressly approved by manufacturer forcompliance could void the user’s authority  
to operate the equipment.  
For Canada  
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  
(1) this device may not cause interference, and  
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the  
To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device is intended to be operated indoors and away  
from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equipment that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing.  
For safety  
Do not use this product in locations where use may be forbidden, for example,in an aeroplane or a hospital. If  
you do not know the forbidden areas, please referto and follow the airline company or medical institution  
Flight instrument or medical equipment may be affected, causing a serious accident.  
Since this product uses extremely low power compared with mobile phones, itcannot possibly interfere the  
pacemakers and defibrillators. However, if the useof this product should be likely to have affected the  
pacemaker or defibrillator,immediately stop using the product and contact your TOSHIBA TEC sales agent.  
Do not disassemble, modify, or repair the product. Doing so may cause injury. Also, modification is against the  
Laws and Regulations for Radio Equipment. Please ask your TOSHIBA TEC sales agent for repair.  
Precaution in use  
This product communicates with other devices by radio. Depending on the installation location, orientation,  
environment, etc., its communication performance may deteriorate or devices installed near by may be  
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Keep away from a microwave.  
Communication performance may deteriorate or a communication error may occur due to the radio emitted  
from a microwave.  
Since the Bluetooth and wireless LAN use the same radio frequency band, each radio wave may interfere with  
each other when they are used at the same time, causing a deterioration of communication performance or a  
disconnection of network. If there is any problem with connection, please stop using either Bluetooth or  
wireless LAN.  
Do not use the product on a metal table or near a metal object.  
Communication performance may be deteriorated.  
TEC-BTM-R Specification  
Bluetooth class 2  
Built-in protocol stack activated by Bluetooth V1.2 serial port profile  
Operating temperature: -5 to 50°C 25% to 85%RH (No condensation)  
Dimensions: 38.1 mm (W) x 25.4 mm (H) x 7 mm (D)  
SD-Link 11g Specification  
Built-in IEEE802 Part 11b/g (802.11b/g)  
Operating temperature: 0 to 50°C 25% to 85%RH (No condensation)  
Dimensions: 47.0 mm (W) x 24.0 mm (H) x 4.7 mm (D)  
1.To avoid injury, be careful not to catch or jam your fingers while opening or closing the cover.  
2.Do not touch moving parts. To reduce the risk that fingers, jewellery, clothing, etc., be drawn into the moving  
parts, turn off the power switch to stop movement.  
Safety Summary  
Personal safety in handling or maintaining the equipment is extremely important. Warnings and Cautions  
necessary for safe handling are included in this manual. All warnings and cautions contained in this manual  
and written inside or outside of the printer should be read and understood before handling or maintaining the  
Do not attempt to effect repairs to this equipment. If a fault occurs that cannot be rectified using the  
procedures described in this manual, turn off the power, then contact your authorised TOSHIBA TEC  
representative for assistance.  
Safety Precautions  
This Owner's Manual and the products (machines) which you have purchased contain indications which should  
be observed in order to use the machines safely and prevent harm to yourself and others and damage to  
property. The meanings of these indications and symbols are given below.  
Read these indications and become familiar with their contents before reading this Owner's Manual.  
The following precautions will help to ensure that this machine will continue to function correctly.  
(1) Try to avoid locations that have the following adverse conditions:  
*Temperatures out of the specification  
*High Humidity  
*Direct sunlight  
*Excessive vibration  
(2) The cover should be cleaned by wiping with a dry cloth or a cloth slightly dampened with a mild detergent  
solution. NEVER USETHINNER OR ANY OTHER VOLATILE SOLVENT on the plastic covers.  
(4) DO NOT STORE the media where it might be exposed to direct sunlight, high temperatures, high humidity,  
dust, or gas.  
(5) Any data stored in the memory of the printer could be lost during a printer fault.  
(6) DO NOT open the top cover and battery cover during operation. Doing so will stop printer operation.  
(7) DO NOT scratch the surface of printed labels or receipt with a sharp object.  
(8) Be sure to use a shielded interface cable.  
1.This manual may not be copied in whole or in part without the prior written permission of TOSHIBA TEC.  
2.The contents of this manual may be changed without notification.  
3.Please refer to your local Authorised Service representative with regard to any queries you may have in this  
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This indicates that there is the risk of death or serious injury if the machines are handled  
improperly or contrary to this indication.  
If water or any other liquid enters the machine, turn off the power. Continuous use of the machine under such  
conditions may cause fire or electric shock.  
If the enclosure is damaged when dropped or subject to shock, turn off the power. Continuous use of the  
machine under such conditions may cause fire or electric shock.  
Avoid continuous exposure to direct sunlight or high temperature as this may cause fire.  
Do not remove covers or modify the machine by yourself. Doing so may cause fire or electric shock.  
Avoid water, operation with wet hands or cleaning with a moistened cloth. Failure to do this may cause fire or  
electric shock.  
Do not wipe the machine with a cloth moistened with thinner or other volatile solvent as this may cause fire or  
electric shock.  
Use the specified battery only. Failure to do this may cause fire or electric shock.  
Danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace the battery only with TOSHIBA TEC  
Corporation, Battery Pack Model B-EP802-BT-QM-R 7.4V 2600mAh Li-ion or B-EP804-BT-QM-R 14.8V  
2600mAh Li-ion. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer's instruction.  
Do not disassemble and modify the battery because it has a protection unit in it. Doing so may break the  
protection unit, causing the battery to heat up, burst or burn.  
If the battery gets wet, dry it completely. Using a wet battery may cause fire or electric shock.  
Be aware of the following precautions when using batteries. Otherwise they could heat up, burst or burn.  
Do not throw the battery into fire or heat it with a microwave or oven, etc.  
Do not load the battery with the electrodes reversed.  
Do not connect the electrodes with metal objects like wire. Do not carry or store the battery along with  
metal objects such as necklaces, hairpins, etc.  
Do not stick a needle into, hammer, step on, or drop the battery.  
Do not solder the battery.  
Do not leave the battery where the temperature is more than 50°centigrade, such as inside a car or in  
direct sunlight.  
This indicates that there is the risk of personal injury or damage to objects if the machines are  
improperly handled contrary to this indication.  
Keep away from flame or other sources of heat. Failure to do this may cause fire or machine failure.  
Do not drop or shock the machine as this may cause machine failure.  
During lightning, turn off and keep away from the machine because of danger of electric shock and machine  
Avoid locations subject to rapid change in temperature as this causes condensation, causing electric shock  
or machine failure.  
Do not damage the print head, platen or strip roller with a sharp object. Doing so may cause machine failure.  
Do not touch or contact the print head element with a hard object. Doing so may cause machine failure.  
Use the specified media only. Failure to do this may cause machine failure.  
Be sure to turn off the machine before replacing the battery, or machine failure may occur.  
Do not charge the battery near flame or under direct sunlight. High temperature may activate or damage the  
protection unit of the battery, disabling the electric charge or causing it to overheat, burst, or burn.  
Unload the battery when the machine will not be used for a longtime. Failure to do this may cause machine  
Keep the battery away from flame, a heat source or other locations subject to high temperature.  
Failure to do this may cause it to over heat or burn.  
Do not force the battery into the machine or battery charger. Doing so may cause the battery to overheat,  
burst or burn. Check for the correct electrode.  
Do not connect the battery to a power outlet or a car cigarette lighter jack as this may cause the battery to  
overheat, burst or burn.  
Because the B-EP802-BT-QM-R and the B-EP804-BT-QM-R Series battery is exclusively for the B-EP2DL  
and the B-EP4DL Series printer, respectively, do not use the battery in other machines. Doing so may  
damage the battery or affect the performance and life of the battery.  
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Media Specification  
Feed direction  
Black Mark  
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B-EP2DL Series  
(Unit: mm)  
Batch mode  
10.0 - 999.9  
Strip mode  
13.0 - 67.0  
With black mark  
No black mark  
(A) Label/Receipt pitch  
(B) Label/Receipt length  
(C) Backing paper width  
(D) Media width  
10.0 – 999.9  
7.0 - 997.0  
7.0 - 997.0  
10.0 - 60.0  
26.0 – 58.0  
24.0 – 56.0  
3.0 - 7.0  
24.0 – 58.0  
(E) Gap/black mark length  
(F) Vertical gap  
3.0 - 7.0  
1.0 - 7.0  
(G) Effective print width  
(H) Effective print length  
(I) Top and bottom margin  
Outer roll diameter  
7.0 - 995.0  
8.0 - 58.0  
Min. 1.0  
7.0 - 995.0  
ĭ60 (max.)  
Roll direction  
Do not use the media other than the above to ensure print quality and print head life.  
B-EP4DL Series  
(Unit: mm)㩷  
With black mark  
10.0 – 999.9  
No black mark  
Batch mode  
10.0 - 999.9  
Strip mode  
13.0 - 67.0  
(A) Label/Receipt pitch  
(B) Label/Receipt length  
(C) Backing paper width  
(D) Media width  
7.0 - 997.0  
10.0 - 60.0  
7.0 - 997.0  
50.0 – 115.0  
48.0 – 113.0  
3.0 - 7.0  
50.0 – 115.0  
(E) Gap/black mark length  
(F) Vertical gap  
3.0 - 7.0  
1.0 – 7.0  
(G) Effective print width  
(H) Effective print length  
(I) Top and bottom margin  
Outer roll diameter  
7.0 - 995.0  
8.0 - 58.0  
Min. 1.0  
7.0 - 995.0  
ĭ68 (max.)  
Roll direction  
Do not use the media other than the above to ensure print quality and print head life.  
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Be sure to read carefully and understand the Supply Manual. Use only media that meets specified  
requirements. Use of non-specified media may shorten the head life and result in problems with bar code  
readability or print quality. All media should be handled with care to avoid any damage to the media or  
printer. Read the following guideline carefully.  
• Do not store the media for longer than the manufactures recommended shelf life.  
• Store media rolls on the flat end, do not store them on the curved sidesas this might flatten that side  
causing erratic media advance and poorprint quality.  
• Store the media in plastic bags and always reseal after opening. Unprotected media can get dirty and the  
extra abrasion from the dustand dirt particles will shorten the print head life.  
• Store the media in a cool, dry place. Avoid areas where they would beexposed to direct sunlight, high  
temperature, high humidity, dust or gas.  
• The thermal paper used for direct thermal printing must not have specifications which exceed Ca++ 800  
ppm, Na+ 800 ppm, K+ 800 ppmand Cl– 600 ppm.  
• Some ink used on pre-printed labels may contain components which shorten the print head's product life.  
Do not use labels pre-printed with ink which contains hard substances such as carbonic calcium  
(CaCO3)and kaolin (Al2O3, 2SiO2, 2H2O).  
For further information please contact your local distributor or your media manufacturer.  
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Printer Specification  
B-EP2DL Series  
Lithium ion battery 7.42600mAhNominal value䋩  
Battery pack model name: B-EP802-BT-QM-R䋩  
Approx.100m/Full charge  
Driving power source  
Printable count  
It depends on the operating environment, print conditions, battery condition, etc.䋩  
Life cycle  
300 cycles  
Print method  
Direct thermal  
8 dots/mm203 dpi䋩  
Max. 105.0 mm/sec.  
Print speed  
It depends on the operating environment, print conditions, battery condition, etc.䋩  
Issue mode  
Effective print width  
Max. 48.0mm  
[Bitmap Font]  
Times Roman, Helvetica, Presentation, Letter Gothic, Prestige Elite,  
Courier, OCR-A, OCR-B, GOTHIC725Black, Standard character, Bold character,  
Price font1, Price font 2Chinese character, Writable character  
[Outline font]  
Helvetica (w/wo Proportional), Price font 1, Price font 3, Price font 3  
JAN8/EAN8, JAN13/EAN13, UPC-A/E, CODE39, CODE93, CODE128/EAN128, MSI,  
NW-7, ITF, Customer bar code,  
GS1 Databar (Omnidirectional/Truncated/Stacked/Stacked Omnidirectional/Limited/  
Expanded/Expanded Stacked)  
Bar code  
2-dimensional code  
Media detection sensor  
QR code, Data Matrix, PDF417, Maxicode, MicroPDF417  
IrDA (IrDA V1.2 Low  
USB (V2.0)  
Serial (RS-232C)  
Wireless LAN  
-15ºC to 50ºC  
-5ºC to 50ºC  
0ºC to 50ºC  
Operating temperature  
(During battery charge: 0ºC to 40ºC/LCD display: 0ºC to 50ºC)  
10%RH to 90%RH (No condensation)  
Operating humidity  
Storage temperature  
Storage humidity  
Dimensions (Unit: mm)  
-25ºC to 60ºC  
10%RH to 90%RH (No condensation)  
88.0 (W) x 119.0 (L) x 65.0 (D) (Excluding the projecting parts.)  
Approx. 480 g (Battery pack included, media and other accessories excluded.)  
Battery pack x 1, Print head cleaner x 1, Belt clip x 1, Belt clip mounting screw x 2,  
Ferrite Core x 1, Owner’s Manual x 1  
BD Address Label x 2 (GH30 only)  
Single-slot battery charger (B-EP800-CHG-QM-R), 6-slot battery charger (B-EP800-  
CHG6-QM -R), AC adapter (B-EP800-AC-QM-R), Cigarette lighter adapter (B-EP802-  
DC12-QM-R), DC adapter (B-EP800-DC48-QM-R), Battery pack (B-EP802-BT-QM-  
R), Linerless Label kit (B-EP902-LL-QM-R), Shoulder strap (B-EP900-SS-QM-R),  
Carry case (B-EP902-CC-QM-R)  
Specification of this printer may be changed without prior notice.  
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B-EP4DL Series  
Lithium ion battery 14.8V, 2600mAhNominal value䋩  
Batter pack model name: B-EP804-BT-QM-R䋩  
Approx.100m/Full charge  
(It depends on the operating environment, print conditions, battery condition, etc.)  
300 cycles  
Driving power source  
Printable count  
Life cycle  
Print method  
Direct thermal  
8 dots/mm (203 dpi)  
Max. 105.0 mm/sec.  
Print speed  
(It depends on the operating environment, print conditions, battery condition, etc.)  
Issue mode  
Effective print width  
Max. 104.0 mm  
[Bitmap Font]  
Times Roman, Helvetica, Presentation, Letter Gothic, Prestige Elite,  
Courier, OCR-A, OCR-B, GOTHIC725 Black, Standard character, Bold character,  
Price font , Price font 2, Chinese character, Writable character  
[Outline font]  
Helvetica (w/wo proportional), Price font 1, Price font 2, Price font 3  
JAN8/EAN8, JAN13/EAN13, UPC-A/E, CODE39, CODE93, CODE128/EAN128,  
MSI, NW-7, ITF, Customer bar code,  
GS1 Databar (Omnidirectional/Truncated/Stacked/Stacked Omnidirectional/Limited/  
Expanded/Expanded Stacked)  
Bar code  
2-dimensional code  
Media detection sensor  
QR code, Data Matrix, PDF417, Maxicode, MicroPDF417  
IrDA (IrDA V1.2 Low  
USB (V2.0)  
Bluetooth (V1.2)  
Wireless LAN  
-15ºC to 50ºC  
-5ºC to 50ºC  
0ºC to 50ºC  
Operating temperature  
(During battery charge: 0ºC to 40ºC/LCD display: 0ºC to 50ºC)  
10%RH to 90%RH (No condensation)  
Operating humidity  
Storage temperature  
Storage humidity  
Dimensions (Unit: mm)  
-25ºC to 60ºC  
10%RH to 90%RH (No condensation)  
150.0 (W) x 145.0 (L) x 75.0 (D) (Excluding the projecting parts.)  
Approx. 860 g (Battery pack included, media and other accessories excluded.)  
Battery pack x1, Print head cleaner x 1, Belt clip x1, Belt clip mounting screw x 2,  
Ferrite Core x 1, Owner’s Manual x 1  
BD Address Label x 2 (GH30 only)  
Single-slot battery charger (B-EP800-CHG-QM-R), 6-slot battery charger (B-EP800-  
CHG6-QM-R), AC adapter (B-EP800-AC-QM-R), DC adapter (B-EP800-DC48-QM-  
R), Battery pack (B-EP804-BT-QM-R), Linerless label kit (B-EP904-LL-QM-R),  
Shoulder strap (B-EP900-SS-QM-R), Carry case (B-EP904-CC-QM-R)  
Specification of this printer may be changed without prior notice.  
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Daily maintenance  
To help retain the high quality and performance of your printer, it should be cleaned regularly cleaned.  
x DO NOT USE a sharp object to clean the print head or various rollers, as this may cause a print failure or  
breakdown of the printer.  
x NEVER USE any volatile solvent including thinner and benzene, as this may cause a print failure or  
breakdown of the printer.  
x Do not touch the print head element with bare hands, as static may damage the print head.  
Print head  
Print Head Element  
Wipe the print head element with a supplied print  
head cleaner pen.  
Print Head Cleaner Pen  
Peel-off Roller  
Peel-off Roller  
Wipe clean the Peel-off Roller with a soft cloth slightly  
moistened with absolute ethyl alcohol while rotating  
the rollers.  
Wipe clean the platen with a soft cloth slightly  
moistened with absolute ethyl alcohol, while rotating  
the platen.  
Clean the platen of the linerless label kit in the same  
way. Cleaning should be performed each time one or  
two media rolls are used up.  
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Media Guide Roller and Strip Shaft  
Media Guide Roller  
Wipe clean the Media Guide Rollers with a soft cloth  
moistened with absolute ethyl alcohol while rotating  
the rollers.  
Strip Shaft  
Wipe clean the strip shaft with a soft cloth slightly  
moistened with absolute ethyl alcohol.  
Clean the strip shaft of the linerless label kit in the  
same way. Cleaning should be performed each time  
one or two media rolls are used up  
Media Sensor Window and Media Path  
Remove dust or dirt from the Media Sensor Window  
with a commercially available soft, dry brush.  
Media Sensor Window  
Wipe clean the Media Path with a soft dry cloth.  
When linerless labels are used, wipe off dirt of  
residual glues from the Media Guides each time one  
or two media rolls are used up.  
Top Cover, Operation panel, and IrDA Window  
Wipe clean the cover, operation panel, and IrDA  
window with a soft dry cloth slightly moistened with  
absolute ethyl alcohol.  
Remove any dirt or residual glues from the media  
outlet with a cotton swab slightly moistened with  
absolute ethyl alcohol.  
Media Path  
Media Outlet  
Top Cover  
When linerless labels are used, wipe off dirt of  
residual glues from the Top Cover or Media Outlet  
each time one or two media rolls are used up.  
IrDA Window  
Operation Panel  
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Part Names  
B-EP2DL Series  
Peel-off Roller  
Print Head  
Media Guide Roller  
Media Sensor  
Top Cover  
Peel-off Roller Cover  
IrDA Window  
RS-232C Port  
(GH20 only)  
USB Port  
Top Cover Open Button  
Battery Lever  
Operation Panel  
Battery Pack  
Strap Slot  
DCIN Connector  
Belt Clip  
Print Head Cleaner  
Ferrite Core  
M-3x8 Screws  
BD Address Label (2 pcs.)  
(GH30 model only)  
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B-EP4DL Series  
Peel-off Roller  
Print Head  
Media Guide Roller  
Media Sensor  
Top Cover  
Peel-off Roller Cover  
IrDA Window  
RS-232C Port  
(GH20 only)  
Top Cover Open Button  
Battery Lever  
Battery Pack  
Operation Panel  
Strap Slot  
DCIN Connector  
USB Port  
Belt Clip  
Ferrite Core  
Print Head Cleaner  
M-3x8 Screws  
BD Address Label (2 pcs.)  
(GH30 model only)  
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Operation Panel Functions  
(3) (4) (5) (6) (7)  
Do not touch the  
Operation panel with a  
sharp object, as the  
surface of the Operation  
panel is easily damaged.  
Upper line: Icons indicating the printer statuses, such as the radio  
intensity, battery level, etc. are displayed.  
Lower line: Printer status is indicated in alphanumerals or symbols.  
Liquid Crystal Display  
(16 lines x 2 lines)  
The printer is ready for an issue command from  
the host.  
The printer is in pause state. When the printer  
is paused during printing, the number of  
unprinted labels is displayed.  
The top cover is open.  
LCD Message  
LBL PRESENT **** The printer is waiting for the printed label to be  
removed from the media outlet. “****” indicates  
the number of unprinted labels.  
The printer is waiting for a recovery of the  
battery voltage or temperature decrease of the  
print head or motor.  
(2) Radio intensity  
(3) Connection  
(4) Sleep  
(5) Transmission  
(6) Error  
Indicates the radio intensity in 4 levelsGH40 only䋩  
Indicates an access point connection statusGH40 only䋩  
Displayed while the printer is in the power save mode.  
Indicates data transmission status.  
Displayed when an error occurred on the printer.  
Displayed when the printer is charged with an optional device.  
Indicates the battery level in 5 levels.  
(7) External power source  
(8) Battery level  
Lights or blinks in green, red, or orange to indicate the printer  
x Lights up in green: Normal state  
x Lights up in orange: Near a low-battery state (Operable)  
x Lights up in red: Low-battery state  
(9) STATUS lamp  
x Blinks in green or orange: Communicating or internal processing  
is in progress or a printed label is waiting to be removed.  
x Blinks in red: Error state  
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Lights up in orange while the battery pack is charged and goes out  
when the battery charge is completed.  
(10) CHARGE lamp  
Turns on or off the printer.  
How to turn on the printer  
While the printer is off, hold down the POWER button for a few  
seconds. When “ONLINE” is displayed on the LCD, the printer is  
(11) POWERbutton  
How to turn off the printer  
Hold down the POWER button until the LCD goes off.  
Feeds media or reprints a previously printed data.  
Function of the [FEED] button differs depending on the issue mode.  
Temporarily stops media issue or restarts printing.  
Used to recover the printer after clearing an error.  
(12) [FEEDbutton  
(13) [PAUSEbutton  
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Loading a battery pack  
1.If the battery pack leaks liquid or gives out smoke or bad smell, immediately stop using it and keep it  
away from fire. Failure to do this may cause explosion or combustion.  
2.In the United States, used lithium ion batteries should be returned to the store where you bought the  
machine. (USA only)  
Caution: Do not handle damaged or leaking lithium ion battery.  
4. To avoid injury, be careful not to drop the battery pack on your foot.  
Pushing aside the Battery Lever with the Battery  
Pack, insert the Battery Pack into the printer to the  
bottom. The Battery Pack is locked by the Battery  
Battery Lever  
Battery Pack  
Be careful of the orientation of the Battery Pack.  
x Be sure to use a battery pack designed and  
manufactured for use with the specific model.  
B-EP2DL series: B-EP802-BT-QM-R  
B-EP4DL series: B-EP804-BT-QM-R  
[B-EP2DL Series]  
x When unpacked, the battery level of the supplied  
Battery Pack is not full. Please charge the Battery  
Pack with an optional Battery Charger or load the  
Battery Pack in the printer and connect an optional  
adapter before using it.  
Battery Lever  
Battery Pack  
iSingle-slot Battery charger:  
i6-slot Battery Charger:  
iAC Adapter:  
iCigarette lighter adapter:  
iDC adapter:  
[B-EP4DL Series]㩷  
DO NOT CONNECT any device other than the  
above to the printer.  
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Removing a battery pack  
Slide the Battery Lever in the direction of the arrow,  
and remove the Battery Pack from the printer.  
Battery Lever  
Battery Pack  
[B-EP2DL Series]  
Battery Lever  
Battery Pack  
[B-EP4DL Series]  
Charging the Battery Pack with an Optional Adapter  
When charging the battery pack in the printer using  
an optional AC Adapter, cigarette lighter adapter, or  
DC adapter, insert the plug of the adapter into DCIN  
Connector of the printer.  
For details, please refer to the Owner’s Manual of  
respective optional adapters.  
Plug of the Optional  
When using an optional battery charger to charge the  
battery packs, please refer to the Owner’s Manual of  
respective models of battery charger. 㩷  
DCIN Connector  
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Loading the Media  
1.Press the Top Cover Open Button to open the Top 4.Adjust the Paper Guides to the media roll width.  
5.Push back the Paper Guide Lever to lock the Paper  
Top Cover  
Top Cover  
Open Button  
Paper Guide  
Paper Guide  
[B-EP2DL Series]  
Top Cover  
Top Cover  
Open Button  
6.Pull the top edge of the media toward the Operation  
Panel, and close the Top Cover removing slack of  
the media.  
Top Cover  
[B-EP4DL Series]  
2. Move the Paper Guide Lever toward the Operation  
Panel and the Paper Guides outward.  
Do not move the Paper Guides without unlocking  
the Paper Guide Lever. Doing this may break the  
Paper Guide.  
3.Place a media roll in the printer. Only outside  
wound media is acceptable.  
Media Roll  
x Please use TOSHIBA TEC approved media only.  
We are not responsible for any print result caused  
by use of other media  
x When you order media, please contact the nearest  
TOSHIBA TEC representative.  
Paper Guide  
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Before using a peel-off unit  
When issuing labels in the peel-off mode, pull out the How to put back the Peel-off Roller  
peel-off roller before loading a label roll.  
1. Slightly hold down the Peel-off Roller Cover, and  
1. Open the Top cover, and push the Peel-off Cover  
by the Ÿ marks with your thumbs in the direction  
of the arrow.  
insert the Peel-off Roller under the Peel-off Roller  
Peel-off Roller  
Peel-off Roller Cover  
Peel-off Roller Cover  
2. Pull out the Peel-off Roller until the both edges  
completely come out with a click  
2. Hold down the Peel-off Roller Cover, push it into  
the printer in the direction indicated by the arrow  
until it clicks.  
Refer to “Loading the Media” on the previous page  
and set a label roll.  
Peel-off Roller Cover  
Peel-off Roller  
Peel-off Roller Cover  
1. For the B-EP4DL series, DO NOT PULL the center  
of the Peel-off roller hard. Doing so may break the  
Peel-off roller.  
2. Do not forcibly pull out the Peel-off roller or push it  
into the printer, otherwise the Peel-off roller may  
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How to attach the accessories  
1. Care should be taken not to drop the printer when securing it to your waist or slinging it over your shoulder.  
2. For fixing the printer to your belt, the belt width should be 40 mm or less Use of the other belts may cause the  
printer to drop.  
Belt Clip  
When you use the printer fixing to your belt, secure  
the supplied Belt Clip to the printer back.  
M-3x8 Screw  
1. Secure the Belt Clip to the printer back with the  
two screws.  
Only use the supplied screw to secure the Belt Clip.  
Use of other screw may damage the printer inside.  
Belt Clip  
2. Fasten the Belt Clip to your belt.  
Belt Clip  
Shoulder Strap (Option)  
Shoulder Strap  
Use the following procedure to fasten an optional  
shoulder strap (B-EP900-SS-QM-R) to the printer.  
1. Pass either end of the Shoulder Strap through the  
Strap Slot of the printer, as shown in the figure  
Strap Slot  
2. Pass the end of the Shoulder Strap through the  
buckle. Slide the buckle to adjust the Shoulder  
Strap length.  
3. Do the same to the other end of the Shoulder  
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Carry case (Option)  
A carry case exclusively for the printer is available as  
an option.  
B-EP2DL Series: B-EP902-CC-QM-R  
B-EP4DL Series: B-EP904-CC-QM-R  
Put the printer into the Carry Case using the following  
Carry Case  
1. Turn off the printer.  
2. Put the printer into the Carry Case in the  
orientation indicated by the illustration on the right.  
Before putting the printer into the Carry Case,  
remove the Belt Clip, if it has been attached.  
Media Outlet Flap  
Top Flap  
3. Close the Media Outlet Flap and the Top Flap of  
the Carry Case.  
When issuing the media, please be sure to open the  
Media Outlet Flap. Failure to do this may cause a  
paper jam.  
Shoulder Strap  
4. Pass either end of the Shoulder Strap supplied  
with the Carry Case through the ring of the Carry  
5. Pass the end of the Shoulder Strap through the  
buckle. Slide the buckle to adjust the Shoulder  
Strap length.  
6. Do the same to the other end of the Shoulder  
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Data Transmission  
When connecting a USB cable or an RS232C cable to the printer, put the ferrite core supplied with the  
printer on the cable, as shown below.  
Approx. 20 mm  
Wind the cable around  
the ferrite core one time.  
Ferrite Core  
1.Place the printer close to the host so that their IrDA  
windows face each other within 20 cm distance.  
2.Turn on the printer and the host, and send data  
from the host to the printer.  
Handy Terminal  
While communicating, avoid location where the IrDA  
window is subjected to direct sunlight. A  
communication failure may occur.  
x To communicate with the host via IrDA, it is  
required to configure the printer settings on the  
Max. 20cm  
x Communicable distance and angle is shown in the  
figure on the right. Note that this performance is  
obtained under 1000 lux or less of fluorescent  
lamp light.  
1. Turn on the host and start the system.  
USB Port  
2. Turn on the printer and connect a USB cable to the  
USB Cable  
3. Connect the USB cable to the host.  
4. Send data from the host to the printer.  
x For details of the interface cable, please consult  
the nearest TOSHIBA TEC representative.  
x When disconnecting the USB cable, please follow  
the instruction of the system on the host.  
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Serial (RS-232C) (GH20 model only)  
1. Connect the serial interface cable to the RS-232C  
port on the printer.  
2. Connect the other end of the serial interface  
RS-232C Port  
cable to the host.  
Interface Cable  
3. Turn on the printer and the host, and send data  
from the host to the printer.  
For details of the interface cable, please consult the  
nearest TOSHIBA TEC representative.  
Wireless (GH30/GH40 model only)  
1. In the case of Bluetooth, place the printer within 3  
m from the host.  
In the case of wireless LAN, place the printer  
within a wireless coverage area.  
2. Turn on the printer and the host, and send data  
from the host to the printer.  
Handy Terminal  
x Please be sure to read “Precautions for Handling  
of Wireless Communication Devices” before  
operating the printer.  
x Confirm that there is no obstacles between the  
printer and the host. Obstacles may cause a  
communication failure.  
The radio connectivity is affected by the operating  
environment. Especially, metal obstacles, metal  
powder, or locations enclosed by metal walls may  
prevent proper communication.  
Access Point  
For the installation location of access points, please  
consult the nearest TOSHIBA TEC representative.  
Handy Terminal  
[Wireless LAN]  
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When a problem occurs during operation, please check the following troubleshooting guide and take  
corrective action.  
If you cannot solve a problem with the following solutions, do not attempt to repair it by yourself. Turn off the  
printer, remove the battery pack, then contact a TOSHIBA TEC service representative for assistance.  
If an error message is displayed.  
When an error message is displayed, follow the respective instruction, then press the [PAUSE] button.  
The error will be cleared.㩷㩷  
Error Message  
Turn off the [POWER] button, then back  
to on. Send data from the host to the  
A parity error or framing error has  
occurred during communication by RS- printer again. If the problem recurs,  
please turn off the power and contact  
TOSHIBA TEC service representative.  
The media is not loaded properly.  
Load the media properly.  
Remove the jammed media, and load the  
media properly. Press the [PAUSE]  
The media is jammed in the printer.  
The media is not fed properly.  
Load the media properly and press the  
[PAUSE] button.  
PAPER JAM ****  
The reflective sensor does not detect  
black marks .  
Load the media properly.  
The transmissive sensor does not detect Load the media properly. If the problem  
gaps between labels.  
recurs, set a threshold again.  
Load a new media roll and press the  
[PAUSE] button.  
NO PAPER ****  
The printer ran out of media.  
The top cover is opened.  
Close the top cover.  
Turn off the printer and contact TOSHIBA  
TEC service representative for  
replacement of the print head.  
A part of the print head element is  
Turn off the [POWER] button, then back  
to on. Send data from the host to the  
printer again. If the problem recurs,  
please turn off the power and contact  
TOSHIBA TEC service representative.  
Turn off the [POWER] button, then back  
to on. Send data from the host to the  
printer again. If the problem recurs,  
please turn off the power and contact  
TOSHIBA TEC service representative.  
A flash memory write error occurred.  
A flash memory format error occurred.  
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Error Message  
Turn off the [POWER] button, then back  
to on. Send data from the host to the  
printer again. If the problem recurs,  
please turn off the power and contact  
TOSHIBA TEC service representative.  
Turn off the printer, and replace the  
battery pack with a fully charged one.  
Stop printing and wait until the printer  
automatically restores. If the problem  
recurs, please turn off the power and  
contact TOSHIBA TEC service  
The flash memory has insufficient area  
for storing data.  
Remaining battery capacity is low.  
The print head temperature reached the  
upper limit of the operating temperature.  
Stop printing until the ambient  
temperature falls within the printer’s  
operating temperature range.  
The ambient temperature reached the  
upper limit of the operating temperature.  
Turn off the printer, disconnect the power  
adapter if connected, and wait until the  
battery temperature falls within the  
BATT. TEMP ERRORThe battery is extremely hot.  
printer’s operating temperature range.  
Turn off the printer, remove the battery,  
reload it, and turn on the printer again  
If the problem recurs, please turn off the  
power and contact TOSHIBA TEC  
service representative.  
HIGH VOLT. ERRORThe battery voltage is abnormal.  
An error was detected while charging  
the battery.  
It could be the end of battery life.  
Replace the battery pack with a new one.  
Turn off the [POWER] button, then back  
Command error  
When a command error occurs, up to 16 to on. Send data from the host to the  
digits of alphanumeric or symbol are printer again. If the problem recurs,  
displayed on the upper line of the LCD. please turn off the power and contact  
TOSHIBA TEC service representative.㩷  
Turn off the [POWER] button, then back  
to on. If the problem recurs, please turn  
off the power and contact TOSHIBA TEC  
Other error messages  
A hardware or software failure occurs.  
service representative.㩷  
****: The number of unprinted labels 1 to 9999 (in units of label)㩷  
When the printer does not operate properly  
In the case of the following symptoms, please check the respective points and take corrective action.  
Point to check (Cause)  
The printer does not turn on  
by pressing the POWER  
Load a fully charged battery pack  
The battery pack is not loaded correctly.  
Fully charged battery is  
loaded but the operating  
time is short.  
Load a fully charged new battery pack  
The battery life is expired.  
The printer is not turned on.  
Distance to the host is too far. .  
Turn on the printer.  
Bring the printer close to the host so that  
their IrDA windows face each other within  
Move the printer so that the IrDA window  
face that of the host.  
Angle of the IrDA window is not proper.  
The printer cannot  
communicate via IrDA.  
Direct sunlight is coming into the IrDA  
Avoid direct sunlight.  
IrDA window is dirty.  
Clean the IrDA window.  
Serial interface cable is connected.  
(GH20 only)  
Disconnect the RS-232C cable from the  
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Point to check (Cause)  
The printer is communicating via  
wireless communication. (GH30/GH40 Terminate the wireless communication.  
The printer cannot  
communicate via IrDA.  
Communication conditions are incorrect. Set the communication conditions correctly  
Issue mode is incorrect.  
Select a correct issue mode.  
Transmission speed is incorrect.  
The printer is not turned on.  
Send data at correct transmission speed.  
Turn on the printer.  
Serial interface cable is connected.  
(GH20 only)  
The printer is communicating via  
wireless communication. (GH30/GH40 Terminate the wireless communication  
Disconnect the RS-232C cable from the  
The printer cannot  
communicate via USB.  
Issue mode is incorrect.  
Select a correct issue mode.  
Turn on the printer.  
The printer is not turned on.  
The interface cable is not connected  
Completely connect the interface cable.  
The printer cannot  
communicate via serial  
interface (GH20 only)  
Issue mode is incorrect.  
Select a correct issue mode.  
Set the communication conditions  
Communication conditions are improper.  
The printer is not turned on.  
Turn on the printer.  
Bring the printer close to the host within 3  
Distance to the host is too far.  
The printer is used in a location where it  
The printer cannot  
Avoid such location.  
communicate via Bluetooth. is subjected to noise or interference.  
(GH30 only)  
The printer address is not correctly set  
on the host.  
Correctly set the print address on the host.  
Issue mode is incorrect.  
Select a correct issue mode.  
Turn on the printer.  
The printer is not turned on.  
Distance to the host is too far.  
Bring the printer within a wireless  
coverage area.  
Use the printer in a location with no  
Obstacles block the radio wave.  
The printer cannot  
The printer is used in a location where it  
communicate via wireless  
is subjected to noise or interference.  
Avoid such location.  
The printer address is not correctly set  
on the host.  
(GH40 only)  
Correctly set the print address on the host  
Channel setting for the access point or Avoid using a channel which interferes  
host is incorrect.  
with adjacent access points.  
Issue mode is incorrect.  
Select a correct issue mode.  
The print head is dirty.  
Clean the print head.  
Load the media properly.  
Load a new media roll.  
The media is not loaded properly.  
Deteriorated media is used.  
Printout is too light.  
The media is not a TOSHIBA TEC  
approved one  
Use TOSHIBA TEC approved media.  
Clear the error  
The STATUS lamp is lit or blinking.  
The media is not loaded properly.  
The printer received print  
data but does not print.  
Load the media properly.  
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