Sony CD Player RM TP501 User Manual

Operating Instructions  
1998 by Sony Corporation  
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Preparations 4  
Compatible Components and Functions  
Preparing the Commander  
Screen Hierarchy  
Location of Parts and Basic  
Operations 9  
Front panel  
Rear panel 10  
Operation 11  
Basic Operations 11  
Example: Operating a CD Player 13  
Example: Operating the Tuner 14  
Example: Recording from CD to MD 15  
Selecting Sound Fields 16  
Adjusting Sound Fields 17  
Adjusting the Commanders Operating  
Environment 18  
Additional information 22  
Precautions during use 22  
Troubleshooting 23  
Specifications Back Cover  
Index Back Cover  
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Co m p a t ib le Co m p o n e n t s  
a n d Fu n ct io n s  
This chapter describes how to prepare  
the remote commander for operation.  
Be sure to read this section before  
This unit is a remote control system that utilizes infrared  
rays to control a receiver and AV components connected  
to the receiver.  
Co m p a t ib le Co m p o n e n t s  
This unit can be used to operate Sony AV components as  
well as AV components manufactured by other  
manufacturers. Set up is necessary in order to operate  
components manufactured by other companies (see page  
Fu n ct io n s  
This unit is a bidirectional remote commander. Not only  
does it transmit infrared rays for operation of the receiver,  
it can also receive infrared rays emitted by the receiver to  
display characters and other information supplied by  
other components connected to the receiver with a  
CONTROL A1 cord.  
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Pre p a rin g t h e Co m m a n d e r  
Please be sure to carry out the procedures described in  
“Setting up the commander” on page 6 after inserting the  
4 Close the battery compartment cover.  
In se rt in g b a t t e rie s in t o t h e co m m a n d e r  
Insert the four size-AA (LR6) alkaline batteries (for  
commander operation) and lithium battery (for  
preservation of the commanders internal memory).  
After inserting the batteries, touching the touch panel  
turns on the light and displays the touch panel (LCD)  
adjustment screen. Follow the procedure on the next  
page for touch panel adjustment and initial  
1 Remove the battery compartment cover.  
Push in direction of  
2 Insert the alkaline batteries.  
Size-AA alkaline batteries  
• The LCD lights up when touched.  
• VOL+/ –, MUTING and SLEEP can be used even when the  
LCD is not lit.  
• Pressing BACK LIGHT/ COMMANDER OFF turns the  
backlight off. Holding it down for about 2 seconds turns the  
LCD off. To conserve battery power, be sure to regularly turn  
off the LCD or power when not in use.  
• If the commander is not used for approx. 1 minute, the LCD  
turns off automatically (Auto Off function). The auto off time  
can be adjusted (see page 21).  
Alw ays insert the negative (–) pole  
side of batteries first.  
3 Insert the lithium battery.  
After wiping the lithium battery thoroughly with a  
dry cloth, insert it into the compartment with the  
positive (+) pole side facing up.  
Coin shaped lithium  
battery CR2032  
Positive (+) pole side up  
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Pre p a rin g t h e Co m m a n d e r  
Se t t in g u p t h e co m m a n d e r  
To u ch p a n e l a d ju st m e n t  
3 Adjust the position of the touch panels LCD.  
Touch the center of each of the 4 dots with the touch  
pen. When all 4 dots have been touched “Adjusted”  
appears, a buzzer sounds, and the initial  
Please be sure to carry out the following 1 to 5 procedures  
for preparation of the commander.  
The commanders panel is touch sensitive and can be  
operated by simply touching it.  
communication screen appears.  
1 Remove the touch pen.  
When returning the touch pen, always slide it in tip  
Pen holder  
Remove by sliding out  
Touch the 4 dots w ith the touch pen.  
Use only the touch pen provided with this unit or the soft tip  
of your finger to operate the touch panel. Using a  
commercially available writing utensils may damage the  
panel and make correct operation impossible. If the tip of the  
touch pen is damaged, or the touch pen is lost, please consult  
your nearest Sony dealer.  
2 Turn CONTRAST to adjust brightness of the LCD.  
Touch panel adjustment must be carried out for proper panel  
operation. If used without adjustment, the ”Touch Panel  
Adjustment” screen appears each time the LCD lights up.  
CONTRAST control  
In it ia l co m m u n ica t io n  
4 Press 1/u on the receiver to turn on the receiver.  
5 Point the commanders transmitter/receiver section  
tow ard the receivers display, and touch OK.  
Once initial communication with the receiver has been  
established, the commander is ready to operate the  
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Wh e n re p la cin g t h e b a t t e rie s  
To ensure preservation of the commanders internal  
memory when replacing batteries, be sure to observe the  
following cautions.  
Wh e n t o re p la ce b a t t e rie s  
1 m ~ 2 m  
When the batteries become weak, a warning sounds and a  
message is displayed. Replace batteries as instructed by  
the message.  
• To ensure good communication conditions, carry out initial  
setup from directly in front of, and close to the receiver.  
• Do not move the unit during initial setup.  
If a co m m u n ica t io n e rro r o ccu rs d u rin g se t u p  
An error message will be displayed.  
Touching OK will return to the step 5 setup screen.  
Touching SKIP goes to the regular screen without  
carrying out initial setup. Although operation is  
possible in this condition, functions not included on the  
receiver will be displayed, and some buttons will not be  
operable. Also, the initial setup screen will appear each  
time the touch panel is turned on.  
Replace alkaline  
Replace lithium  
Ho w t o re m o ve t h e lit h iu m b a t t e ry  
The commander receives and displays data transmitted from the  
receiver. Communication errors may occur if the commanders  
transmitter/ receiver section is not directed properly toward the  
receivers display.  
Be sure to point the commanders transmitter/ receiver section  
towards the receivers display.  
• Disc titles and song titles downloaded from the CD changer are  
memorized in the commander. The lithium battery is used for  
preservation of this memory. If the unit is used with an  
exhausted battery, the settings memorized in the commander  
will be erased. Please replace the battery as soon as the message  
• Replace the alkaline batteries with new batteries as soon as  
their charge is exhausted. If the unit is used with exhausted  
batteries, exhaustion of the lithium battery used to maintain  
memory will be quickened and the memorized settings may be  
• The life span of batteries may be shortened depending on the  
conditions in which the commander is used.  
• If the alkaline batteries and lithium battery become exhausted  
at the same time, replace the alkaline batteries first. Replacing  
the lithium battery first will erase the data memorized in the  
• When replacing the alkaline batteries, always replace all 4  
batteries with new ones.  
• After replacing batteries, be sure to carry out touch panel  
adjustment (page 6).  
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Scre e n Hie ra rch y  
The following diagram show the basic composition of this units screen hierarchy.  
FUNCTION screen  
Normally, the  
screen is  
Screens for selection and  
operation of components  
connected to the receiver.  
To display a  
different screen,  
touch the left side  
of the LCD.  
Screen for recording audio  
and video from one  
component to another (see  
page 15).  
SOUND FIELD screen  
Screen for selection and  
adjustment of the sound fields  
(see page 16~18).  
SETUP screen  
Screen for setting up the  
operation environment and  
control of components made by  
other manufacturers (page 18).  
Touch when the song titles of  
a CD or MD being played  
back are not displayed  
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Fro n t p a n e l  
Location of  
Parts and Basic  
This chapter provides information  
about the locations and functions of  
the buttons and controls on this unit.  
Press to turn the backlight on or off. Hold down for  
about 2 seconds to turn the LCD off. When the LCD is  
off, press to turn on the LCD and backlight.  
2 Touch panel  
Touch to operate. The commander turns on  
3 VOL +/– buttons  
Use to adjust the volume of the receiver.  
4 JOG DIAL control  
Rotate to scroll through items in a list (etc.).  
Push to select the highlighted item.  
Normally used to turn off all Sony components. Can  
also be used to turn the receiver on or off depending  
on the settings made in the SETUP screen (see page  
6 MUTING button  
Use to mute the sound of the receiver.  
7 CONTRAST control  
Use to adjust the contrast of the LCD.  
8 SLEEP button  
Use to operate the receivers sleep function. The sleep  
settings appear in the receivers display, not the  
commanders LCD.  
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Re a r p a n e l  
1 Transmitter/receiver section  
Transmits and receives infrared signals to and from  
the receiver.  
2 Battery cover  
3 Touch pen  
Normally used to turn off all Sony components. Can  
also be used to turn the receiver on or off depending  
on the settings made in the SETUP screen (see page  
5 Touch pen holder  
Pull out and insert touch pen when not in use.  
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Ba sic Op e ra t io n s  
Disp la yin g t h e FUNCTION scre e n  
This chapter explains how to operate  
the receiver and connected audio/  
video components.  
To operating components connected to the receiver, first  
display the FUNCTION screen, then select the component  
you wish to operate (CD, MD etc.).  
Normally, the FUNCTION screen is displayed. If it is not  
displayed, touch FUNCTION to display it.  
Touch FUNCTION in the LCD.  
The FUNCTION screen appears.  
Composition of the FUNCTION screen is shown on the  
next page.  
You can change the functions displayed in the FUNCTION  
You can set all functions, except REC EDIT, to be displayed, or  
not, using the FUNCTION HOOK UP screen (see page 20).  
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Ba sic Op e ra t io n s  
FUNCTION scre e n h ie ra rch y  
The following diagram shows the composition of the FUNCTION screen hierarchy.  
The types of icons that can be displayed on the FUNCTION screen can be set using FUNCTION HOOK UP in the SETUP  
screen. (For details on FUNCTION HOOK UP, see page 20.)  
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Exa m p le : Op e ra t in g a CD Pla ye r  
This section describes how to operate a CD player  
connected to the receiver. Other components can also be  
operated in the same way.  
To o p e ra t e o t h e r fu n ct io n s  
Touch SUB. Another set of buttons are displayed and  
ready for use.  
For details concerning CD player operation, please refer  
to your CD players operating instructions.  
The screens used in the following example are the screens  
that appear when using a SONY CD changer with a  
CONTROL A1 terminal.  
1 Touch FUNCTION.  
The function screen appears.  
2 Touch  
The receivers function switches to CD and the CD  
screen appears.  
To vie w t h e LIST  
Touch LIST to view the song titles in a Sony CD changer  
(5, 50, 200 CD) or MD deck connected by a CONTROL A1  
cord. In this case, the information must be downloaded  
from the receiver (see page 20 for details).  
The LIST screen can only be displayed when the  
FUNCTION is set to CD or DAT/ MD.  
Selected maker and  
category (see page 19).  
Disc title*  
Song title*  
• Touch the disc number to start playing that disc.  
the disc being played.  
appears on  
• Long titles can be read by touching the scroll icon ( ) to  
scroll along the title.  
• Use the JOG DIAL or touch 4 or $ to scroll up or down the list.  
Touch NUMBER to sort in numerical order or touch TITLE to  
sort in alphabetical order.  
• Only displayed when a Sony CD changer (5/ 50/ 200 CDs)  
is connected to the receiver by a CONTROL A1 cord.  
Touch FUNCTION to return to the FUNCTION screen at any  
3 Touch ( to start playback.  
When the song number or song title is not displayed  
Point the commander toward the receiver and touch RELOAD.  
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Exa m p le : Op e ra t in g t h e Tu n e r  
This section describes how to operate the tuner.  
For details on tuner operation, please refer to the  
operating instructions provided with the receiver.  
To o p e ra t e o t h e r fu n ct io n s  
Touch SUB to display the icons used for memorizing  
broadcast stations and station names.  
1 Touch FUNCTION.  
The FUNCTION screen appears.  
2 Touch  
The receivers function switches to TUNER and the  
tuner screen appears.  
Preset station  
Station name  
To receive manually, touch DIRECT and input the  
• When memorizing a received broadcast station, memorize  
after touching MEMORY.  
Vie w in g t h e LIST  
Touch LIST to view the names of the broadcast stations  
downloaded from the receiver (see page 20 for details).  
The LIST screen can only be displayed when the  
FUNCTION is set to TUNER.  
• Touch AM or FM to change the band.  
• Touch PRESET + or – to search for preset stations.  
• Touch TUNING + or – to search for stations that can be  
• Touch SHIFT to switch memory pages (A, B, C).  
• During display of any of the screens, touching FUNCTION  
will return to the FUNCTION screen.  
When broadcast stations or frequencies are not displayed  
Point the commander at the receiver and touch RELOAD.  
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Exa m p le : Re co rd in g fro m CD t o MD  
This section describes how record audio from a CD to an  
MD as an example of recording audio/ video.  
4 Touch to select the recorder component (MD/DAT  
in this example).  
When MD/ DAT is touched, the REC EDIT operation  
screen appears.  
Other operations  
Recording from an LD to a video deck is basically the same  
procedure. For details on the buttons used in recording, refer to  
the operating instructions supplied with the receiver and other  
1 Touch FUNCTION.  
The FUNCTION screen appears.  
2 Touch  
The REC EDIT screen appears.  
5 Touching r in RECORDER: MD/DAT, then touch (  
in PLAYER: CD.  
Starts playback from the CD player  
3 Touch to select the player component (CD in this  
Because CD is not displayed, Use the JOG DIAL or  
touch $ to scroll downward through the list. If you  
scroll to far, touch 4 to scroll back up.  
Starts recording on the MD deck.  
Recording starts.  
The FUNCTION screen returns once the recording  
To st o p re co rd in g a t a n y t im e  
Although recording stops automatically in the above  
example, recording can also be stopped at any time by  
touching p in RECORDER.  
To st o p t h e re co rd in g p ro ce d u re a t a n y t im e  
Touch FUNCTION to display the FUNCTION screen.  
During steps 2 to 3, touching EXIT will also stop the  
recording procedure.  
Touching 4 moves list up  
Touching $ moves list dow n  
When PLAYER is selected, the receivers FUNCTION  
automatically switches to the PLAYER component.  
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Se le ct in g So u n d Fie ld s  
These sections describe how to select and make  
adjustments to the sound fields.  
For details concerning sound fields, please refer to the  
operating instructions supplied with the receiver.  
Se le ct in g t h e so u n d fie ld  
For details concerning which sound fields can be selected,  
please refer to the receivers operating instructions.  
1 Touch SOUND FIELD.  
The SOUND FIELD screen appears.  
Disp la yin g t h e SOUND FIELD scre e n  
2 Use the JOG DIAL or touch $ or 4 to scroll through  
the list.  
3 Push the jog dial to select the highlighted sound  
field or touch the sound field you desire.  
A check () will appear next to the selected sound  
field, and the sound field will change.  
Genre of  
sound field  
by the cursor  
The SOUND FIELD screen appears.  
sound field  
Turns the sound field on or off w ith each touch  
The SOUND FIELD screen hierarchy is shown below.  
SOUND FIELD scre e n h ie ra rch y  
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Ad ju st in g So u n d Fie ld s  
Sound fields can be adjusted with the following 3 items:  
• EQ EDIT (frequency band adjustments)  
To a d ju st t h e su rro u n d p a ra m e t e rs  
1 Touch SURR EDIT on the SOUND FIELD screen.  
• SURROUND EDIT (surround parameter adjustments)  
• LEVEL (speaker volume adjustments)  
The SURROUND EDIT screen appears.  
For details on what can be adjusted, refer to the operating  
instructions supplied with the receiver.  
To a d ju st t h e fre q u e n cy b a n d s  
1 Touch EQ EDIT on the SOUND FIELD screen.  
The EQ EDIT screen appears.  
2 Select the item that you w ish to adjust (output  
speaker, sound range, frequency, or gain).  
2 Adjust as desired.  
Output speaker  
EFFECT: Higher values increase the “presence” of the  
surround effect.  
WALL TYPE: Use to simulate different sonic  
BASS: low range  
MID: mid range  
TREBLE: high range  
REVERB TIME: Use to control the spacing of the early  
GAIN: gain adjustment  
FREQUENCY: frequency  
to select the desired  
or to select  
the desired value.  
3 Touch EXIT w hen adjustment is finished.  
• Items that cannot be adjusted due to the current speaker  
settings or sound field mode are grayed out.  
• If the alarm sounds, or all items appear to be grayed out, touch  
3 Touch  
to adjust to the desired  
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 w hen there is more than one  
item that you w ish to adjust.  
To display other items, use the JOG DIAL or touch 4  
or $ to scroll through the list.  
5 Touch EXIT w hen adjustment is finished.  
• Items that cannot be adjusted due to the current speaker  
settings or sound field mode are grayed out.  
• If the alarm sounds, or all items appear to be grayed out, touch  
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Ad ju st in g t h e So u n d Fie ld s  
To a d ju st t h e sp e a ke r vo lu m e  
Ad ju st in g t h e Co m m a n d e rs  
Op e ra t in g En viro n m e n t  
The following explanations allow you to adjust various  
setting and customize the commanders operating  
1 Touch LEVEL on the SOUND FIELD screen.  
The LEVEL screen appears.  
Disp la yin g t h e SETUP scre e n  
To adjust the operating environment, first display the  
SETUP screen.  
Touch SETUP.  
2 Adjust as desired.  
to adjust to the level of the  
corresponding speaker.  
3 Touch EXIT w hen adjustment is finished.  
To listen to the adjusted sound and check its balance  
Touch TEST TONE.  
The SETUP screen appears.  
To emphasize the low range  
• Items that cannot be adjusted due to the current speaker  
settings or sound field mode are grayed out.  
• If the alarm sounds, or all items appear to be grayed out, touch  
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4 Select the type of component connected (Ex: Sony  
Re g ist e rin g t h e co n n e ct e d co m p o n e n t  
The following procedure lets you setup the component  
commander to operate the components connected to the  
To display other items, use the JOG DIAL or touch 4  
or $ to scroll through the list.  
When carrying out this operation, make sure that the receivers  
power is on, and be sure to point the commanders transmitter/  
receiver section toward the display on the receiver.  
1 Touch SETUP.  
The SETUP screen appears.  
The FUNCTION&USER IR screen appears.  
5 Touch the remote controller mode of the connected  
The component selected in steps 4 to 5 will be  
registered at the function selected in step 3, and the  
SETUP screen will reappear. A long beep sound is  
emitted to indicate that registration was successful.  
Operation is now possible from the FUNCTION  
If a series of short beeps is emitted, redo the  
registration procedure. If this occurs, make sure the  
receiver is turned on and that the commander is  
pointing toward the receiver during operation.  
3 Select the function that you w ish to register (Ex:  
To display other items, use the JOG DIAL or touch 4  
or $ to scroll through the list.  
To stop registration at any time  
Touch EXIT during step 2 or touch CANCEL during steps 3 to 5.  
• All icons may not be displayed when registering components  
made by certain manufacturers.  
• Some icons may not function even though they are displayed  
when registering components made by certain manufacturers.  
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Ad ju st in g t h e Co m m a n d e rs Op e ra t in g En viro n m e n t  
2 Touch DOWNLOAD.  
FUNCTION scre e n se t u p  
The DOWNLOAD screen will appear.  
Up to 11 components can be displayed on the FUNCTION  
screen. Only connected components will appear on the  
FUNCTION screen.  
1 Touch SETUP.  
The SETUP screen will appear.  
The FUNCTION HOOK UP screen will appear.  
3 Touch to select the data you w ish to dow nload and  
FUNCTION NAME: Names of connected components.  
TUNER PRESET NAME: Broadcast station names etc.,  
memorized in receiver.  
CD MEMO: CD song titles or disc titles etc., from a  
Sony CD changer (5/ 50/ 200 CD) connected to  
receiver with CONTROL A1 cable.  
3 Select the function not to be displayed and touch  
Downloading starts, and the progress is displayed.  
During this time, please leave the commanders  
transmitter/ receiver section pointed toward the  
display on the receiver.  
To display other items, use the JOG DIAL or touch 4  
or $ to scroll through the list.  
The selected component is set to not appear and the  
SETUP screen appears.  
To display the components set not to display  
Touch YES instead of NO is step 3.  
Components that have been registered (see page 19) are set  
to “YES” automatically.  
Do w n lo a d in g re ce ive r d a t a  
When you touch CANCEL, the data dow nloaded  
before you touched CANCEL w ill be saved.  
Various types of data can be downloaded from the  
When downloading has finished, the DOWNLOAD  
screen returns. A long beep sound will be emitted if  
downloading has been carried out properly.  
If a series of short beeps is emitted, please redo the  
download procedure. If this occurs, make sure the  
receiver is turned on and that the commander is  
pointing toward the receiver during operation.  
When carrying out this operation, make sure that the receivers  
power is on, and be sure to point the commanders transmitter/  
receiver section toward the display on the receiver. Also, operate  
the commander at a distance of about 1~2 meters from the  
1 Touch SETUP.  
The SETUP screen will appear.  
4 Repeat step 3 w hen dow nloading other data.  
5 Touch EXIT.  
Download finishes and the SETUP screen appears.  
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p Se t t in g t h e o p e ra t io n so u n d o n o r o ff  
A beep can be set to sound or not sound when the touch  
panel is touched.  
Ot h e r se t u p  
Touch ON (sound) or OFF (no sound) in BEEP:ON  
OFF in the SETUP screen.  
p Se t t in g t h e w a rn in g a la rm o n o r o ff  
A warning alarm can be set to sound or not sound when a  
communication error has occurred.  
Touch ON (sound) or OFF (no sound) in ALARM:ON  
OFF in the SETUP screen.  
p Ad ju st in g t h e p o sit io n o f t h e t o u ch p a n e l  
Adjust the position of the LCD when it shifts from the  
normal operating position.  
p Re t u rn in g se t t in g s t o t h e ir fa ct o ry p re se t  
se t t in g s  
Use this function to erase all memorized settings and  
return them to their factory presets.  
1 Touch TOUCH PANEL on the SETUP screen.  
Please note that once erased, settings can not be returned.  
The TOUCH PANEL ADJUSTMENT screen appears.  
When carrying out this operation, make sure that the receivers  
power is on, and be sure to point the commanders transmitter/  
receiver section toward the display on the receiver.  
2 Touch the center of each of the 4 dots.  
(For details, see “Touch panel adjustment” on page 6.)  
“Adjusted” appears in a short while and long beep is  
1 Touch ALL CLEAR on the SETUP screen.  
p Se t t in g t h e LCD t o t u rn o ff a u t o m a t ica lly  
The LCD backlight can be set to turn off automatically  
after operation.  
2 Touch OK.  
1 Touch LCD AUTO OFF on the SETUP screen.  
The LCD AUTO OFF screen appears.  
2 Touch + or – to set the desired turn off time.  
The turn off time can be set between 1 and 10 minutes  
in 1 minute intervals.  
3 Touch EXIT.  
To preserve battery life  
Select a short turn off time in step 2.  
p Ch a n g in g t h e fu n ct io n o f t h e SYSTEM/STANDBY  
b u t t o n  
ALL OFF: Switches power of all Sony AV components  
ON/OFF: Switches only the receiver on or off.  
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Pre ca u t io n s d u rin g u se  
On in st a llm e n t  
Do not drop the commander or subject it to strong  
vibration as this could cause damage.  
On t h e t o u ch p e n  
Use only the touch pen provided with this unit or the soft  
tip of your finger to operate the touch panel. Using a  
commercially available writing utensils may damage the  
panel and make correct operation impossible. If the tip of  
the touch pen is damaged, or the touch pen is lost, please  
consult your nearest Sony dealer.  
On h a n d lin g  
The touch panel (display section) is made of glass.  
Twisting the touch panel, dropping the unit, placing your  
elbow (etc.) on it, or placing heavy objects on top of it,  
may break the touch panel and cause bodily harm due to  
glass fragments.  
On cle a n in g  
Clean the cabinet, panel and controls with a soft cloth  
slightly moistened with a mild detergent solution. Do not  
use solvent such as thinner, benzine, or alcohol as these  
will damage the rear panel.  
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Tro u b le sh o o t in g  
If you experience any of the following difficulties while  
using the commander, use this troubleshooting guide to  
help you remedy the problem. Should any problem  
persist, consult your nearest Sony dealer.  
Th e SOUND FIELD fu n ct io n d o e s n o t w o rk.  
/ If the receiver has the 5.1 INPUT jacks, the SOUND  
FIELD function becomes inoperable whenever you  
select the component connected to the jacks.  
Op e ra t io n ca n n o t b e d o n e w it h t h e co m m a n d e r.  
/ Check that the receiver and components are  
connected correctly.  
5.1INPUT” ca n n o t b e se le ct e d fro m t h e fu n ct io n  
scre e n e ve n t h o u g h t h e re ce ive r h a s t h e 5.1  
INPUT ja cks.  
/ The commander and receiver are too far apart.  
/ Make sure that there are no objects between the  
commander and receiver.  
/ A communication error has occurred. Point the  
remote towards the receiver and select “5.1INPUT”  
from the function screen again.  
/ Make sure that the receivers power is turned on.  
/ The commanders transmitter/ receiver section is  
not pointed at the receiver.  
/ The commanders batteries are exhausted. Replace  
with new alkaline batteries (see page 7).  
/ There is an invertor system florescent light near the  
commander or receiver. Please place away from  
the florescent light.  
/ Make sure you have selected the correct function  
on the remote.  
/ When you operate a programmed non-Sony  
component, the remote may not function properly  
depending on the make and model of the  
Th e re ce ive rs fu n ct io n s a n d m o d e s d o n o t  
co rre la t e w it h t h e d isp la ys o n t h e co m m a n d e r.  
/ Initial communication setup has not been done.  
Use after first carrying out initial communication  
setup (see page 6).  
/ The commander was not pointed at the receiver  
when it was turned ON. Touch RELOAD, and  
download component data (see page 8).  
/ Select the correct function using the commander.  
LCD d o e s n o t a p p e a r.  
/ The LCD is not turned on. Touch the touch panel.  
/ Contrast is too light or too dark.  
Use the CONTRAST control to adjust the contrast  
of the LCD (see page 6).  
Wh e n a CD p la ye r, t a p e d e ck, o r MD d e ck is  
co n n e ct e d t o t h e re ce ive r via S-LINK CONTROL A1  
ja cks, Au t o Fu n ct io n d o e s n o t w o rk p ro p e rly.  
/ Reprogram the remote (see page 18).  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
In d e x  
Operating system  
A, B  
Liquid crystal touch  
Battery 5, 7  
Liquid crystal size  
3.8 inches  
(256 x 200 dots)  
CD player 13  
Downloading receiver data 20  
Liquid crystal type  
Reflection system  
E, F, G  
(Monochrome type)  
Front panel  
FUNCTION Screen 11, 12  
setup 19  
Touch panel Resistant membrane  
Analog type  
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O  
Operating components  
CD player 13  
Recording 15  
Tuner 14  
Power requirements  
For operation: DC 6V  
(Type AA alkaline  
For memory  
P, Q, R  
DC 3V  
(CR2032 lithium  
Rear panel 10  
Recording 15  
Registering the connected  
component 18  
Maximum external dimensions  
(width x height x depth, including  
projecting parts and controls)  
160 x 111 x 46 mm  
environment 18~21  
FUNCTION screen 19  
SETUP screen 18  
290 g (Main unit only  
including touch pen)  
Design and specifications are subject  
to change without notice.  
T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z  
Tuner 14  
ny Corporation Printed in Malaysia  
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