Radio Shack Marine Radio PRO 2046 User Guide

PRO-2046 Programmable 100-Channel Mobile Scanner  
Your new RadioShack PRO-2046 Programmable 100-Channel Mobile Scanner lets  
you in on all the action! This scanner gives you direct access to over  
30,000 exciting frequencies, including those used by police and fire  
departments, ambulance and transportation services, aircraft  
communications, government agencies, and amateur radio services. You can  
select up to 100 channels to scan and you can change your selections at  
any time.  
Your scanner is preprogrammed with service search banks for convenience.  
By pressing a single button, you can quickly search those frequencies most  
widely used by public service and other agencies without tedious and  
complicated programming. The scanner also lets you group special or  
interesting frequencies into their own set of channels.  
Compact and versatile, the scanner mounts in your home or vehicle. You  
can also connect an external speaker to your scanner, or an AC adapter and  
base station antenna (not supplied) to set the scanner up as a base  
station in your home.  
Your scanner has these features:  
HyperScan - lets you scan 50 channels or more per second.  
Hypersearch - lets you set the scanner to search at up to  
300 steps per second in frequency bands with  
5 kHz steps, to help you quickly find  
interesting broadcasts.  
Four Service Search Banks - lets you Search preset frequencies in separate  
police/fire/emergency, Department of  
Transportation, highway services, and public  
service banks, to make it easy to quickly  
identify calls. You can select and search one  
or more banks at a time.  
Data Detection - while scanning channels or searching, you can  
set the scanner to detect non modulated  
carriers or data signals, such as preamble  
signals for pagers, to keep the scanner from  
stopping on these frequencies.  
Weather Band Key - scans seven preprogrammed weather frequencies  
to keep you informed about current weather  
Ten Channel Storage Banks - You can store 10 channels in each of 10 banks  
to group channels so calls are easier to  
Ten Monitor Memories - you can store 10 frequencies located during a  
frequency search, so you can decide if you  
want to move them to permanent channel storage  
Ten Priority Channels - lets you set the scanner to check up to 10  
channels every 2 seconds so you do not miss  
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162.400 MHz  
162.475 MHz  
162.500 MHz  
162.525 MHz  
162.550 MHz  
162.425 MHz  
162.450 MHz  
We recommend you record your scanner's serial number here. The number is  
on the scanner's back panel.  
Serial Number: _________________________________  
FCC Notice  
Your scanner might cause TV or radio interference even when it is  
operating properly. To determine if your scanner is causing interference,  
turn off your scanner. If the interference goes away, your scanner is  
causing it. Try to eliminate the interference by:  
Moving your scanner away from the receiver.  
Connecting your scanner to an outlet that is on a different electrical  
circuit from the receiver.  
Contacting your local RadioShack store for help.  
If you cannot eliminate the interference, the FCC requires that you stop  
using your scanner.  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject  
to the following two conditions:  
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and  
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including  
interference that may cause undesired operation.  
Scanning Legally  
It is legal to listen to almost every transmission your scanner can  
receive. However, there are some electronic and wire communications that  
are illegal to intentionally intercept. These include:  
Telephone conversations (cellular, cordless, or other private means of  
telephone signal transmission).  
Pager transmissions.  
Scrambled or encrypted transmissions.  
According to the Federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), as  
amended, you could be fined and possibly imprisoned for intentionally  
intercepting, using, or disclosing the contents of such a transmission  
unless you have the consent of a party to the communication (unless such  
activity is otherwise illegal). These laws change from time to time and  
there might be state or local laws that also affect legal scanner usage.  
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Special Features  
Faxback Doc. # 46802  
Many agencies use a two-way radio system that might have a pause of  
several seconds between a query and a reply. Your scanner's delay feature  
causes it to wait for 2 seconds after each transmission on a channel  
before it resumes scanning or searching.  
To program a 2 second delay for a channel you select, manually select the  
channel then press DELAY until DLY appears.  
To program a 2 second delay for a channel while scanning, quickly press  
DELAY when the channel appears on the display. DLY appears.  
To turn off delay on any active channel, press DELAY when the channel  
appears on the display. DLY disappears.  
Skipping Frequencies/Channels  
You can scan channels and search for frequencies faster by skipping ones  
that have a continuous transmission, such as a weather channel. You can  
skip up to 20 frequencies during a band, direct, or service bank search,  
and you can skip all channels.  
To skip a channel/frequency while scanning or searching, press L/OUT/S/S  
when the scanner stops on it.  
Removing Skip from Frequencies  
To remove the skip from a frequency while searching, press 91-100/0 to  
stop the search, press /\ or \/ to select the skipped frequency, then  
press L/OUT/S/S until L/O disappears from the display. To remove the skip  
from all frequencies at once while searching, press and hold down  
L/OUT/S/S until the scanner beeps twice.  
Notes: If you skip more than 20 frequencies, each new frequency replaces  
earlier ones, starting from the first stored frequency.  
You can manually select skipped frequencies after you press  
91/100/0 to stop a search. The scanner displays L/O when you  
select a skipped frequency.  
Removing Skip from Channels  
To remove the skip from a channel while scanning, press MANUAL to stop the  
scan, use the number keys to enter the channel number, then press  
L/OUT/S/S until L/O disappears from the display. To remove the skip from  
all channels at once while scanning, select the banks containing the  
locked channels, press MANUAL, then press and hold down L/OUT/S/S until  
the scanner beeps twice.  
The priority feature lets you scan through programmed channels and still  
not miss important or interesting calls on specific channels. You can  
program one stored channel to each bank as a priority channel (up to 10  
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stored channels). As the scanner scans each bank, it checks that bank's  
priority channel every 2 seconds for activity.  
Notes: You cannot use the priority and data detection features at the  
same time (see "Detecting Data Signals" below).  
You can skip priority channels. If you skip all priority channels,  
the display shows P CH LOC OUt when you turn on the priority  
feature. See "Skipping Frequencies/Channels" above.  
The priority feature must be turned off to listen to monitor  
The scanner automatically designates the first channel in each bank as  
that bank's priority channel.  
Follow these steps to program a different channel as the priority channel.  
1. Use the number keys to enter the channel number you want to program as  
the priority channel, then press PRIORITY/H/S. P appears on the  
display to the right of the channel number.  
3. Repeat Steps 1-2 for each channel you want to program in a bank as a  
priority channel.  
4. To confirm all priority channel numbers for all banks, press PROGRAM  
then repeatedly press PRIORITY/H/S.  
To turn on the priority feature, press PRIORITY/H/S during scanning. PRI  
appears on the display and the scanner checks the priority channel in each  
selected bank every 2 seconds. It stays on the channel if there is  
activity, and P appears on the display.  
To turn off the priority feature, press PRIORITY/H/S. PRI disappears from  
the display.  
Note: If you are scanning more than one bank in which a priority channel  
has been programmed, the scanner stops on the lowest-numbered  
priority channel first while scanning.  
Changing The Search Speed  
You can adjust your scanner's search speed. You can set the scanner to  
search at either 100 steps per second (normal search speed) or 300 steps  
per second (HyperSearch speed).  
Note: You can use the HyperSearch speed only in 5 kHz-step bands. (See  
"Band Mode and Frequency Step" below).  
To select the HyperSearch speed during a band or direct search, press  
PRIORITY/H/S. SRCH flashes on the display.  
Detecting Data Signals  
You can set the scanner to detect un-modulated carriers or data signals  
(such as preamble signals for pagers) during scanning, band search, direct  
search, or service bank search.  
Note: You cannot detect data signals in the air band (AM mode). See "Band  
Mode and Frequency Step" below.  
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To detect data signals, press and hold down DATA until DATA appears on the  
display. If the scanner pauses on a transmission and detects a data  
signal, it resumes searching in 2 or 3 seconds.  
To stop detecting data signals, press DATA until DATA disappears from the  
Note: You cannot use DATA and PRIORITY at the same time. (See above.)  
Listening To The Weather Band  
The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has allocated 11 channels for  
use by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA  
broadcasts your local forecast and regional weather information. We have  
preprogrammed your scanner with seven of the U.S. frequencies available to  
To scan the preprogrammed weather channels, press WX/E. WX appears on the  
display, and the scanner searches through the weather band and stops on an  
active broadcast. If a broadcast is weak, press WX/E again to continue to  
search through the weather band.  
Note: For a list of all 11 national weather frequencies, see "National  
Weather Frequencies" in Faxback Doc. # 17653.  
Band Mode and Frequency Step  
The scanner scans in the following band modes:  
AM (amplitude modulation) - used in aircraft bands.  
NFM (narrowband frequency modulation) - used in action bands such as  
police, fire, ambulance, Amateur Radio, etc.  
This table shows the preset band modes and frequency steps your scanner  
uses for each frequency range.  
Freq. Range (MHz)  
Band Mode  
Freq. Step (kHz)  
29.000-54.000 ................. NFM ................................... 5  
108.000-136.975 ................ AM ................................. 12.5  
137.000-144.000 ................ NFM ................................... 5  
144.000-148.000 ................ NFM ................................... 5  
148.000-174.000 ................ NFM ................................... 5  
406.000-450.000 ................ NFM ................................ 12.5  
450.000-470.000 ................ NFM ................................ 12.5  
470.000-512.000 ................ NFM ................................ 12.5  
806.000-956.000 ................ NFM ................................ 12.5  
Note: The band modes and frequency steps are preset. You cannot change  
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Faxback Doc. # 46801  
Turning On The Scanner/Setting Volume and Squelch  
1. Turn SQUELCH and VOLUME fully counterclockwise.  
2. Turn VOLUME clockwise until you hear a hissing sound.  
3. Turn SQUELCH clockwise, then leave it set to a point just after the  
hissing sound stops.  
Notes: If the scanner picks up unwanted, partial, or very weak  
transmissions, turn SQUELCH clockwise to decrease the scanner's  
sensitivity to these signals.  
If you want to listen to a weak or distant station, turn SQUELCH  
If the scanner will not scan, turn SQUELCH further clockwise.  
Resetting The Scanner  
You might need to reset the scanner if any of the following occur:  
The scanner's display locks up.  
The scanner does not work properly after you connect power.  
The scanner is dropped or subjected to a physical or electrical shock.  
CAUTION: This procedure clears all the information you have programmed  
into the scanner! Use this procedure only when you are sure  
your scanner is not working properly.  
1. Turn off the scanner.  
2. While you press and hold down 11-20/2 and 81-90/9, turn on the  
Scanning Channels  
To scan the stored channels, press SCAN. The scanner scans through all  
non-locked channels in the active banks (see "Scanning Channel-Storage  
Banks" below and "Skipping Frequencies/Channels" in Faxback Doc. # 46802).  
Searching Banks  
To search one or more of the service search banks, press any or all of  
these buttons.  
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This indicator for each service search bank you selected appears on the  
display, and the scanner searches through all non-skipped channels (see  
"Skipping Frequencies/Channels" in Faxback Doc. # 46802) in the bank(s)  
you selected.  
The active banks indicator blinks on the display. The scanner searches  
the frequencies within the active bank from the lowest to the highest  
frequency. If the scanner detects a broadcast on a frequency, it stops on  
that frequency. When the broadcast ends, the scanner continues to search  
higher frequencies in the bank. When the scanner finishes searching all  
frequencies in the bank, it does either of the following:  
Returns to the lowest frequency in the bank and starts searching again  
(if you selected only one bank).  
Searches the frequencies in the next bank you selected (if you selected  
more than one bank).  
To turn off a service search bank, press the button until its indicator  
disappears from the display.  
Note: There must be at least one active search bank. You cannot turn off  
all search banks.  
Scanning Channel Storage Banks  
Note: You cannot scan a channel-storage bank until you have stored  
frequencies in it. See "Storing Frequencies into Channels" below.  
To select one or more channel storage banks while scanning, select each  
bank you want to scan by pressing its number key until the bank's number  
appears on the display. The scanner scans through all non skipped  
channels (see "Skipping Frequencies/Channels" in Faxback Doc. # 46802) in  
the bank(s) you selected.  
To turn off channel storage banks, press the number key for the bank(s)  
until the bank's number disappears. The scanner does not scan any of the  
stored channels within banks you have turned off.  
Note: You can manually select any channel in a bank, even if the bank is  
turned off.  
Storing Frequencies into Channels  
You can store up to 100 frequencies into your scanner's channels.  
Good references for active frequencies are RadioShack's "Police Call Radio  
Guide Including Fire and Emergency Services," "Aeronautical Frequency  
Directory" and "Maritime Frequency Directory". We update these directories  
every year, so be sure to get a current copy. See also "Guide to the  
Action Bands" in Faxback Doc. # 17653.  
If you do not have a reference to frequencies in your area, follow the  
steps in "Searching Frequency Bands" or "Searching Service Search Banks"  
below to search for transmissions.  
1. If the scanner is scanning, press MANUAL.  
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2. Using the number keys, enter the channel number where you want to  
store a frequency.  
3. Press PROGRAM BANK and the bank number, the selected channel number,  
any previously stored frequency and PGM appear on the display.  
Note: If no frequency has been stored in the selected channel,  
000.0000 MHz and L/O appear on the display.  
4. Using the number keys, enter the frequency you want to store into that  
channel, including the decimal point.  
Note: Your scanner automatically rounds the entered frequency up to  
the closest valid frequency. For example, if you try to enter a  
frequency of 151.473, your scanner accepts it as 151.475.  
5. Press WX/E to store the frequency.  
Note: If you enter an invalid frequency in Step 4, the scanner  
displays Error. Press CLEAR/., then repeat Steps 4 and 5.  
6. To program the next channel in sequence, repeat Steps 3-5. To program  
another channel (not in sequence), repeat Steps 2-5.  
Searching Frequency Bands  
You can search for transmissions within any of the scanner's nine  
frequency bands, then temporarily store them into monitor memories.  
Band Search  
You can select a frequency band and search for transmissions within that  
Note: You can use the scanner's delay feature while using band search.  
See "Delay" in Faxback Doc. # 46802.  
1. Repeatedly press BAND until you see the frequency band you want to  
The scanner displays SRCH and the range for the frequency band, and  
the number of the current monitor memory blinks on the display. Then  
the scanner displays -b- (band) and SRCH /\ or \/ SRCH, and starts to  
search the frequencies in the band. When the scanner finds a  
transmission, it stops and displays the frequency's number until the  
transmission stops, then it starts searching again.  
2. To manually search the band, press 91-100/0 after the scanner starts  
automatically searching the frequencies. The scanner displays -H-,  
SRCH /\ or \/ SRCH, and a frequency within the band you selected.  
Repeatedly press /\ to search from the lower to the upper range, or  
\/ to search from the upper to the lower range.  
Press and hold down /\ or \/ or press 91-100/0 to return to automatic  
3. When the scanner finds an active frequency you can do any of the  
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To save the frequency into the current monitor memory, press MON.  
To continue searching, press /\ or \/.  
To stop searching and listen to the frequency, press 91-100/0.  
-H- (hold) appears on the display.  
To continue automatic searching after you stop a search, either press  
91-100/0 or press and hold down /\ or \/ for about 1 second.  
Notes: You can change the direction of either an automatic or manual  
search by pressing /\ or \/ once.  
If you manually tune to a search skip frequency, the display shows  
L/O (see "Skipping Frequencies/Channels" in Faxback Doc. # 46802).  
Direct Search  
You can enter a frequency, then search for transmissions above or below  
that frequency within the frequency bands.  
Note: You can use the scanner's delay feature while using direct search.  
See "Delay" in Faxback Doc. # 46802.  
1. Press MANUAL.  
2. Use the number keys to enter the frequency you want to start the  
search from. Press CLEAR/. to enter a decimal point.  
3. Press /\ or \/ to search up or down from the selected frequency.  
-d- (direct), SRCH, and /\ or \/ appear on the display, and the next  
available monitor memory number flashes.  
Note: If you enter an invalid frequency in Step 2 and the scanner  
displays Error, press CLEAR/. then repeat Steps 2 and 3.  
4. When the scanner finds an active frequency, you can do any of the  
To save the frequency into the current monitor memory, press MON.  
To continue searching or change the search direction, press /\ or \/.  
To stop searching and listen to the frequency, press 91-100/0.  
-h- (hold) appears on the display.  
To continue searching after you stop a search, either press 91-100/0 or  
press /\ or \/ for about 1 second.  
Note: If you manually tune to a search skip frequency or 000.0000, the  
display shows L/O (see "Skipping Frequencies/Channels" in Faxback  
Doc. # 46802).  
Searching Service Search Banks  
1. To search one or more service search banks, press any of these buttons:  
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The indicator for each search bank you selected appears on the display and  
the scanner searches through all non-skipped channels (see "Skipping  
Frequencies/Channels" in Faxback Doc. #46802) in the bank(s) you selected.  
When the scanner finds a transmission, it stops on that frequency.  
2. When the scanner finds an active frequency, you can do any of the  
To save the frequency into the current monitor memory, press MON.  
To continue searching or change the search direction, press /\ or \/.  
To stop searching and listen to the frequency, press 91-100/0.  
-H- (hold) appears on the display.  
To continue searching after you stop a search, either press 91-100/0 or  
press and hold down /\ or \/ for about 1 second.  
Note: If you tune to a locked-out channel, the display shows L/O (see  
"Skipping Frequencies/Channels" in Faxback Doc. # 46802).  
Listening To Monitor Memories  
After you temporarily store frequencies into the scanner's monitor  
memories, you can listen to them by pressing MANUAL, MON, then the number  
for the monitor memory you want to listen to.  
Note: To listen to the monitor memories, the priority channel feature  
must be turned off (see "Priority" in Faxback Doc. # 46802).  
Moving a Frequency From a Monitor Memory To a Channel  
1. If the scanner is scanning, press MANUAL.  
2. Use the number keys to enter the channel number where you want to  
store the monitor frequency, then press PROGRAM. PGM appears on the  
3. Press MON, then use the number keys to enter the monitor memory number  
that has the frequency you want to store into the channel. The channel  
number flashes, and MON and the frequency appear.  
4. Press WX/E. The scanner stores the frequency in the selected channel  
Deleting a Frequency  
Follow these steps to delete a frequency from a channel.  
1. If the scanner is scanning, press MANUAL.  
2. Using the number keys, enter the channel number containing the  
frequency you want to delete.  
3. Press PROGRAM  
4. Press 91-100/0, then press WX/E. The frequency is deleted from the  
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To delete a frequency from a monitor memory, store a new frequency in the  
monitor memory.  
Manually Selecting a Channel  
You can continuously monitor a specific channel without scanning. This is  
useful if you hear an emergency broadcast on a channel and want to hear  
all the details (even though there might be periods of silence) or if you  
want to monitor only a specific channel or a locked-out channel.  
Follow these steps to manually select a channel.  
1. Press MANUAL.  
2. Use the number keys to enter the channel number you want to hear, then  
press MANUAL again.  
Notes: If your scanner is scanning and stops at the channel you want,  
simply press MANUAL to manually select the channel.  
If you repeatedly Press MANUAL, the scanner steps through the  
PRO-2046 Programmable 100-Channel Mobile Scanner  
Faxback Doc. # 46805  
Frequency Coverage:  
VHF Lo: ..................................... 29.7-50 MHz (in 5 kHz steps)  
Amateur Radio: .............................. 29-29.7 MHz (in 5 kHz steps)  
50-54 MHz (in 5 kHz steps)  
144-148 MHz (in 5 kHz steps)  
420-450 MHz (in 12.5 kHz steps)  
Aircraft: ............................ 108-136.975 MHz (in 12.5 kHz steps)  
Government: ................................. 137-144 MHz (in 5 kHz steps)  
Amateur Radio/Government: ................ 406-420 MHz (in 12.5 kHz steps)  
VHF Hi: ..................................... 148-174 MHz (in 5 kHz steps)  
UHF Lo: .................................. 450-470 MHz (in 12.5 kHz steps)  
UHF "T": ................................. 470-512 MHz (in 12.5 kHz steps)  
UHF Public Service: ................. 806-823.9375 MHz (in 12.5 kHz steps)  
UHF Hi: ............................. 851-868.9375 MHz (in 12.5 kHz steps)  
896.1125-956 MHz (in 12.5 kHz steps)  
Operation Channels: ............ Any 100 channels in any band combinations  
(10 channels x 10 banks) and 10 monitor channels  
Sensitivity: ...................... (20 dB S/N with 60% modulation for AM:  
3 kHz deviation for FM):  
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29-54 MHz: ................................................. 0.5 microV  
108-136.975 MHz: ........................................... 2.0 microV  
137-174 MHz: ............................................... 0.7 microV  
406-512 MHz: ............................................... 0.7 microV  
806-956 MHz: ............................................... 0.8 microV  
+/- 11 kHz: ..................................................... -6 dB  
+/- 15 kHz: ................................................... - 50 dB  
Direct Search Speed/Band Search Speed:  
Normal: ........................................... 100 Steps/Sec (Max)  
Hyper: ............................................ 300 Steps/Sec (Max)  
(only 5 kHz step band.)  
Scan Speed: ................................... 50 Channels/Sec. (Nominal)  
Priority Sampling: ............................................. 2 Seconds  
Delay Time: .................................................... 2 Seconds  
IF Frequencies: .................................... 10.85 MHz and 450 kHz  
Squelch Sensitivity:  
Threshold: ....................................... Less than 0.9 microV  
Tight: .................................. VHF Lo, Hi, UHF (S+N)/N 25 dB  
Aircraft (S+N)/N 15 dB  
Antenna Impedance: ............................................... 50 Ohms  
Audio Power: ............................................... 2.0 W Maximum  
Memory Backup (without power): ......................... 14 days (Minimum)  
Built in Speaker: ..................... 3 Inch (77 mm) 8 Ohm, Dynamic Type  
Power Requirements:  
Vehicle Battery: ........................................ 13.8 Volts DC  
AC Adapter: ............. 12-13.8 Volts DC (such as (Cat. No 273-1652C)  
DC Adapter: .................. 13.8 Volts DC (such as Cat. No 270.1534)  
Current Requirement: .............................................. 460 mA  
Dimensions (HWD): ....... 1.94 x 7.0625 x 7.375 Inches (49 x 179 x 187 mm)  
Weight: ............................................... 2 lbs 3 oz. (1 kg)  
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Specifications are typical; individual units might vary. Specifications  
are subject to change and improvement without notice.  
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