Polaroid Digital Camera MicroCam User Manual

User Guide  
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331 337 339  
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x 4.0  
x 2.0  
x 1.0  
x .50  
x .25  
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English 3  
In t ro d u c t io n  
The Polaroid MicroCam is designed to  
provide instant photographic capability to  
a wide variety of light m icroscopes. The  
cam era is sim ple to operate, and is easily  
attached to the m icroscopes viewing  
tube, in place of the eyepiece. (Note: The  
cam era also can be attached to the  
phototube, if preferred.)  
The cam era can m ake autom atic  
exposures ranging from 1/60 sec. to 1612  
m inutes; it also can be set for m anual  
operation to m ake longer exposures. A  
display on the control panel shows the  
cam era status, and alerts you if the  
cam era is out of film or if the illum ination  
is too bright or too dim for an autom atic  
The cam era uses Polaroid color and  
black & white AutoFilm s. After exposure,  
the cam era ejects the print, which  
develops autom atically in norm al room  
lighting. The pictures are fully developed  
in four to five m inutes.  
Fre e t e c h n ic a l a s s is t a n c e  
If you need additional inform ation or  
assistance, call toll-free at 1-800-225-1618,  
Mon.-Fri., 8AM to 8PM (Eastern tim e). Or,  
write to the Polaroid Resource Center,  
784 Mem orial Drive, Cam bridge, MA,  
If outside the U.S.A., contact the  
nearest Polaroid Office (addresses on  
back page).  
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4 English  
The num bers throughout the text refer to  
Th e m ic ro s c o p e  
the illustrations at the back of the book.  
Th e c a m e ra (Illu s t ra t io n 1 )  
Film holder  
Good photom icrographs are dependent  
on good m icroscopy. Unless the  
m icroscope is properly adjusted to  
provide a good visual im age, you cannot  
produce a good photom icrograph. You  
should be fully fam iliar with your  
m icroscope, and how to adjust it for  
photography. See pages 9-12 for basic  
m icroscope inform ation.  
Film door latch  
Control panel  
Microscope fitting  
Rem ote shutter button  
Socket for power supply  
Film counter (on back of film holder)  
Adapter for 29m m m icroscope tube  
At t a c h t h e c a m e ra t o t h e m ic ro s c o p e  
The cam era should be attached to the  
stationary (non-adjustable) viewing tube  
or to the photo tube, if preferred.  
The cam era fits m icroscope photo or  
viewing tubes with a diam eter of 22.5m m ;  
the adapter enables the cam era to be  
attached to a 29m m tube.  
Rem ove the eyepiece from the  
m icroscope viewing tube (2 ).  
If necessary, attach the 29m m adapter;  
slide the adapter all the w ay over the  
cam eras m icroscope fitting (3 ), then  
screw it on.  
Power supply  
This provides power for the exposure  
system and film processing rollers. The  
cam era requires a 12V 1.2 am p power  
supply. Insufficient power m ay cause the  
developer rollers to turn too slowly  
(resulting in photographs with uneven  
density or incom plete im ages); this also  
m ay cause the display and/or exposure  
system to function erratically. Too m uch  
power can dam age the cam era.  
The cam era is shipped with either a  
120V, 60 Hz power supply (PID 618091),  
or a 100-240V, 50/60 Hz power supply  
(PID 618089). Replacem ent power  
supplies also are available: 120V, 60 Hz  
(PID 618092); 100-240V, 50/60 Hz (PID  
Orient the cam era as shown (4 ), and  
insert the fitting into the m icroscope tube.  
Check that the cam era is firm ly seated.  
If the cam era rotates on the tube,  
tighten the thum bscrew to hold it in  
Plug the power supply into an appro-  
priate electrical outlet and then into the  
cam era (5 ).  
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English 5  
Me s s a g e s  
Th e c o n t ro l p a n e l (6 )  
The cam era will beep” and display a  
m essage if it cannot operate:  
Autom atic/m anual selector: Press to  
highlight the desired m ode (Autom atic/  
m anual).  
The film pack is  
em pty.  
ON/OFF switch (O/l).  
The m icroscope  
illum ination is too  
bright for an autom atic exposure.  
The m icroscope  
illum ination is too  
dim for an autom atic exposure.  
The voltage is too low  
Film selector: Press repeatedly to high-  
light the correct film type (331/337/339).  
< 1/60  
Lighten/Darken control: This control is  
used to adjust the exposure before  
rephotographing the sam e subject. Press  
the white arrow to increase exposure  
(lighten pictures), or the black arrow to  
decrease exposure (darken pictures).  
When both arrows are pressed  
sim ultaneously, the exposure returns to  
“norm al (x1.0). This control is not used  
in the m anual m ode.  
> 16:30  
for proper cam era  
operation. Check that the power supply  
cord is properly connected; have the line  
voltage tested.  
A blank display  
indicates that there is  
Display: Shows the exposure setting and  
m essages, as described below.  
no power to the cam era. Check that the  
power supply is connected and that the  
cam era is turned on. (The electrical outlet  
or power supply m ay need service.)  
“System error”: Turn  
Exp o s u re s e t t in g s  
When the shutter button is pressed, the  
display shows the exposure tim e and the  
Lighten/Darken setting:  
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■  
the cam era off, wait  
This sam ple shows  
an exposure tim e of  
about five seconds, then turn it on again.  
× 1.0  
12 seconds. The L/D control is set at  
“norm al (no adjustm ent).  
In this sam ple, the  
× 1.3  
exposure tim e has  
Note: The cam era is shipped with the  
display set to show inform ation in  
“sym bols.” It can be changed to a  
“word” display (in any of several  
languages) as follows:  
been increased to 15 seconds; the white  
arrow was pressed to m ultiply the tim e  
by 1.3.  
Turn the cam era on. Press and hold  
the m ode (A/m ) and film type  
(331/337/339) buttons sim ultaneously.  
The current language will be  
displayed. Press the white arrow ∆  
repeatedly until the desired language  
appears in the display. Release the  
m ode and film type buttons.  
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6 English  
Lo a d t h e film  
affecting the im age as it starts to develop.  
The shade also holds the picture in the  
slot. Do not tam per with this delicate  
shade. After the dark slide (or picture) has  
been ejected, grasp a corner and rem ove  
it from the slot (1 2 ). The shade will snap  
back inside.  
Release the latch to open the film door  
(7 ). Check that the steel developer rollers  
are clean before loading the film . Clean  
the rollers with a soft, lint-free cloth  
dam pened with water, if necessary (8 ).  
Rotate both rollers as you clean and  
inspect them . Never scrape the rollers  
with anything m etallic, nor with your  
fingernail. Do not use cleaning solvents.  
After the dark slide has been ejected,  
the film counter will show “1", indicating  
that the first fram e is ready for exposure.  
When the film pack is em pty, a white dot  
will appear (1 3 ), and  
Hold the film pack by the edges as shown  
(9 ), and insert it into the film holder. Then  
push the pack all the way in. (The pack  
will fit only one way; do not attem pt to  
force it into the film holder.)  
will be displayed.  
To re m o ve a n e m p t y film p a c k  
Release the latch and open the door.  
Grasp the tab on the end of the film pack  
and pull out the em pty pack (1 4 ).  
Close the door (1 0 ). The display will show  
Press the rem ote  
shutter button (1 1 ) to  
eject the dark slide. As the dark slide (or a  
picture) is ejected, it is covered briefly by  
a black shade that prevents light from  
P o la ro id Au t o Film s  
Typ e  
Film s p e e d  
De s c rip t io n  
Color print film ; ideal for photographing  
specim ens where color is needed to  
provide inform ation.  
Panchrom atic, m edium -contrast B&W  
print film ; well-suited for situations where  
filtration for contrast enhancem ent is  
High-speed panchrom atic, m edium -  
contrast B&W print film ; ideal for low  
light situations and subjects that require  
filtration for contrast enhancem ent.  
Each film pack contains 10 sheets of self-developing film .  
Sheet size is 412 x 414 in. (11,4 x 10,8cm ); im age area is 4 x 3 in. (10,2 x 7,6cm ).  
Note: Black & white film s produce a reversed (m irror) im age.  
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English 7  
Op e ra t io n  
After the exposure is com plete the  
cam era will eject the developing picture.  
Handle the picture by its wide border. Do  
not bend or squeeze the picture while it  
develops, and never cut pictures or take  
them apart. See Caution.  
Allow pictures to develop for 4-5  
m inutes before judging the exposure or  
color balance.  
Place the specim en on the m icroscope  
focusing stage, and focus and fram e the  
im age.  
Adjust the m icroscope illum ination for  
photography; Koehler illum ination is  
recom m ended for com pound  
m icroscopes. If you are using neutral  
density filters over the light source when  
viewing, rem ove them before taking  
pictures. Check that the light is turned up  
to the brightest setting, often called  
“photo” or “overvoltage.” (This setting is  
not suitable for viewing; overuse will  
shorten the bulb life.)  
If the cam era is unused for m ore than 15  
m inutes it turns off autom atically.  
Lig h t e n /d a rk e n c o n t ro l (1 5 )  
A picture that is too light is overexposed;  
use a shorter exposure tim e. If the  
cam era is set for Autom atic m ode, press  
the Darken arrow to decrease the  
exposure tim e.  
Attach the cam era to the m icroscope and  
look through the cam era viewfinder.  
Observe the crosshair in the center of the  
viewfinder while using the m icroscope  
focusing knobs to refocus the specim en if  
If a picture is too dark, it is  
underexposed; use a longer exposure  
tim e. Press the Lighten arrow to  
increase the tim e.  
The picture series (1 6 ) shows a norm al  
exposure (x1.0), and the results of  
adjusting the exposure tim e by a factor of  
x4.0, x2.0, x.50 and x.25.  
Note: If you wear glasses to correct for  
distance, you should wear them when  
using the m icroscope cam era.  
Check the cam era control settings and  
adjust as needed.  
Press the shutter button (1 1 ). The display  
will show the exposure tim e for a few  
seconds, then the cam era will begin the  
exposure. (The display will count-down”  
during the exposure).  
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8 English  
Exp o s u re t o o s h o rt o r t o o lo n g  
S p e c ia l e xp o s u re t e c h n iq u e s  
The camera will make autom atic exposures  
as short as 1/60 second. If the m icroscope  
illum ination is too bright, the cam era will  
“beep” and the display will show:  
Exp o s u re m e t e r  
The cam era has a built-in exposure m eter  
that is used in Autom atic m ode. When  
you press the shutter button, the m eter  
m easures the light from the specim en,  
calculates the exposure tim e and then  
displays the tim e for a few seconds  
before beginning the exposure. You can  
cancel the exposure before it starts by  
pressing the shutter button a second  
tim e, and use the exposure indicated  
when m aking m anual exposures.  
Place a neutral  
density filter over the  
< 1/60  
m icroscope illum inator to increase the  
exposure tim e. Do not turn the light  
down, as this will cause a color shift with  
color film .  
Autom atic exposures can be as long as  
1612 m inutes. If the light is too dim , the  
cam era will “beep” and show:  
Re c ip ro c it y c o rre c t io n  
When set for Autom atic m ode, the  
cam era will autom atically adjust the  
exposure tim e to com pensate for  
reciprocity failure. With Type 339 color  
film , it also adjusts the filtration. The  
cam era contains a built-in color  
Check that the light is  
turned up to the  
brightest setting, and that the neutral  
density filter (if used) has been rem oved.  
If there still is not enough light, you m ust  
m ake a m anual exposure.  
> 16:30  
conversion filter that m oves into position  
when needed. The filter adjusts the color  
tem perature of the tungsten/halogen  
m icroscope illum inator (2800-3400°K) to  
m ore closely m atch the color balance of  
the film (5500°K). Additional  
Ma n u a l o p e ra t io n  
Set the cam era for m anual m ode. Press  
the shutter button to start the exposure,  
and watch the display as it shows the  
elapsed tim e. Press the button a second  
tim e to end the exposure.  
light-balancing filtration will not be  
necessary for m ost situations.  
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English 9  
Xe n o n lig h t in g  
Mic ro s c o p e in fo rm a t io n  
If using a Xenon (daylight) m icroscope  
illum inator with color film , set the cam era  
for Type 331 black & white film , to  
rem ove the built-in filter. Then press the  
black arrow to decrease the exposure  
by × .66 to com pensate for the difference  
in film speed.  
Because of the great variety of  
m icroscopes that are com patible with the  
MicroCam , this booklet cannot provide  
specific details for all equipm ent. You  
should refer to the instructional m aterial  
provided with your m icroscope, or  
contact the supplier for m ore inform ation.  
One of the m ost im portant m icroscope  
adjustm ents for photography is the  
illum ination. The m icroscope illum ination  
m ust m eet specific criteria: The beam of  
light m ust be correctly concentrated and  
adjusted to provide even illum ination  
over the entire picture area, as the  
cam era cannot com pensate for uneven  
Da rk -fie ld illu m in a t io n  
The cam eras autom atic exposure system  
m ay produce incorrectly exposed pictures  
when dark-field illum ination is used. The  
built-in exposure m eter can be used to  
determ ine the correct exposure as  
Set the m icroscope for bright-field  
illum ination.  
Please refer to the “universal”  
m icroscope illustration (1 7 ) for the  
location of m icroscope controls.  
Set the cam era for Autom atic m ode, and  
take a m eter reading as described above.  
Re-set the m icroscope for dark-field  
illum ination, and the cam era for m anual  
m ode.  
Note: Som e older m icroscopes utilize  
optics in the eyepiece to correct for  
chrom atic aberration. An adapter will be  
required to produce optim um resolution  
with the MicroCam . (Contact Polaroid  
Technical Assistance for inform ation.)  
Use the exposure tim e indicated by the  
cam eras m eter to m ake a m anual  
Ma g n ific a t io n  
The final m agnification of the print is  
approxim ately ten tim es the m agnifi-  
cation power of the m icroscopes  
objective lens. If the exact m agnification  
m ust be verified, include a scale in the  
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10 English  
Mic ro s c o p e p a rt s (1 7 )  
Ko e h le r illu m in a t io n  
Phototube eyepiece  
Most m odern com pound m icroscopes are  
designed for Koehler illum ination, which  
is ideal for photom icrography. This  
technique involves proper alignm ent of  
the light source, alignm ent and focus of  
the substage condenser (1 7 -h ) and field  
diaphragm (1 7 -l), and adjustm ent of the  
aperture diaphragm (1 7 -i). Koehler  
illum ination provides even lighting and,  
in addition, enables the objective lens to  
produce optim um resolution.  
Viewing eyepiece  
Revolving nosepiece  
Objective lens  
Specim en  
Specim en stage  
Substage condenser  
Aperture diaphragm adjustm ent  
Condenser centering screws  
Field diaphragm adjustm ent  
Field diaphragm  
Alig n m e n t a n d fo c u s o f t h e s u b s t a g e  
c o n d e n s e r a n d t h e fie ld d ia p h ra g m  
Place a specim en on the stage and focus  
it accurately. Slowly close the aperture  
diaphragm of the substage condenser to  
a point where you see a distinct reduction  
in brightness through the eyepiece. (See  
also Adjusting the aperture diaphragm .)  
Condenser focusing knob  
Coarse and fine focusing knobs  
Lam p  
Lam p voltage control  
Filt e r p la c e m e n t  
Close the field diaphragm to its sm allest  
setting. Viewing through the eyepiece,  
raise or lower the substage condenser  
until the edge of the field diaphragm is  
sharply focused with the specim en im age  
(1 9 ).  
Filters should be placed in the filter  
holder (1 8 -q ) if the m icroscope has one.  
Alternatively, they can be placed where  
the light exits from the m icroscope base  
(1 8 -r). If the latter location is used, be  
sure the filters are clean and undam aged.  
The nearer they are to the field  
diaphragm , the m ore likely any blem ishes  
on the filter will be focused with the  
specim en.  
Open the field diaphragm to about 3/4 of  
the visual field and refocus the edge of  
the diaphragm , as above (2 0 ).  
The addition of certain color filters m ay  
change the effective focus of the  
m icroscope (depending on the optical  
characteristics of the objective lens). After  
adding filters, re-focus the im age before  
taking pictures.  
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English 11  
Align the substage condenser by  
centering the im age of the field  
The light that form s the m icroscope  
im age m ay be either direct (absorbed) or  
deflected (refracted/diffracted). The aper-  
ture diaphragm controls the “m ix” of  
direct and deflected light. The correct set-  
ting is som ewhat dependent on the type  
of specim en, and how that specim en uses  
direct and deflected light. For exam ple:  
diaphragm , using the condensers radial  
centering screws (2 1 ). If necessary,  
refocus the condenser once again, to  
keep the field diaphragm in sharp focus  
with the specim en im age.  
Open the field diaphragm until it is just  
outside the field of view or, for  
photography, until it is just beyond the  
area of the film form at (2 2 ). Do not open  
it any farther, since this could cause flare  
and a loss in contrast.  
A diatom uses m ainly deflected light, and  
not m uch direct light. The aperture  
diaphragm should be closed down to  
about 25%, to produce the best im age.  
Stained tissue uses both direct and  
deflected light; an aperture diaphragm of  
50% to 90% will produce a good im age.  
Ad ju s t in g t h e a p e rt u re d ia p h ra g m  
The sim plest m ethod of adjustm ent is to  
close the aperture only far enough to  
notice a loss of brightness. A m ore  
precise m ethod of adjustm ent is to  
rem ove the eyepiece (or cam era) and  
look down the tube. The correct setting  
will generally be such that the circle of  
light within the diaphragm blades has a  
diam eter about 2/3 to 3/4 that of the entire  
light disc (2 3 ).  
A stained blood sm ear uses m ainly direct  
light, very little deflected light. An  
aperture diaphragm setting anywhere  
between 25% and 90% will produce a  
good im age.  
The proper setting is critical for good  
photom icrographs; the diaphragm should  
be closed down sufficiently to provide the  
desired im age contrast, but not so far as  
to cause unwanted diffraction patterns  
that result in a loss of detail.  
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12 English  
P o s s ib le p ro b le m s a n d c a u s e s  
One of the m ost com m on causes of  
picture defects is dirt—on the specim en,  
m icroscope lenses or cam era.  
Vig n e t t in g (d a rk c o rn e rs o f p rin t ): The  
m icroscope m ay not be adjusted for  
Koehler illum ination; the field diaphragm  
m ay not be opened far enough to fill the  
field of view.  
Dirt on the m icroscope lenses is not  
always readily diagnosed. Dirt on the  
objective lens m ay result in an im age that  
is unsharp overall and lacking in contrast.  
Dirt on the collector or condenser lenses  
will usually appear as blurred spots or  
specks. Dirt on the collector or field  
lenses will becom e m ore or less sharp  
with the specim en as the condenser is  
focused. Clean each m icroscope lens as  
recom m ended by the m anufacturer.  
Im a g e s h a rp o n ly in c e n t e r: May be due  
to incorrect objective lens for  
photom icrography. Check that the  
m icroscope has a flat-field (also called  
“plan” or “plano”) objective.  
Also m ay be caused by chrom atic  
aberration. If using an older m icroscope  
that has a correction for chrom atic  
aberration in the eyepiece, contact  
Polaroid Technical Assistance for  
inform ation about an adapter.  
Dirt on the cam eras developer rollers will  
produce a repeated pattern of spots or  
bars across the im age. Clean the rollers  
with a soft, lint-free cloth, dam pened with  
water. Never use cleaning solvents.  
Ho t s p o t (lig h t ) in p ic t u re : May be  
caused by a low-power objective lens or  
the field not evenly covered by the light  
cone. If possible, rem ove the front  
elem ent of the condenser. A diffuser in  
front of the lam p (or over the field  
diaphragm ) m ay help. Also, check the  
positioning of the lam p itself. Som etim es  
a rotation or a slight change in position  
will help uniform ity.  
Dirt on the m irror inside the cam era will  
appear as well-defined spots on all prints  
in approxim ately the sam e location. To  
clean the m irror, open the cam era and  
rem ove the film pack. Carefully rem ove  
specks with a clean, soft brush or cotton  
swab, or use com pressed air.  
This also m ay be caused by the  
Dirt or dust particles on the specim en  
m ay either be in focus (and m agnified)  
with the specim en or produce  
out-of-focus areas in the im age. They are  
easily located by m oving the specim en  
across the field of view; cleaning  
techniques are dependent on the type of  
specim en.  
substage diaphragm not being closed  
down. Close the diaphragm only until you  
notice a change in brightness; further  
closing will cause a loss of resolution.  
Dirt on the condenser can also cause  
“hot spots.”  
Dirt on the cam era lens will be visible  
through the viewfinder; rotate the cam era  
slightly while looking through the  
viewfinder. Dirt on the lens will m ove as  
the cam era is m oved. This dirt will appear  
on pictures as out-of-focus shadows.  
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English 13  
FCC No t ic e (U.S .A. o n ly)  
Ca u t io n  
Wa rn in g : This equipm ent generates,  
uses, and can radiate radio frequency  
energy and if not installed and used in  
accordance with the instruction m anual,  
m ay cause interference to radio  
Do not cut or take apart pictures or film ; a  
sm all am ount of caustic paste m ay  
appear. Avoid contact and keep from  
children and anim als. If contact is m ade  
with paste, wipe off im m ediately and  
wash with water to avoid an alkali burn.  
com m unications.  
It has been tested and found to com ply  
with the lim its for a Class A com puting  
device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of  
FCC Rules, which are designed to provide  
reasonable protection against such  
interference when operated in a  
Wa rra n t y  
Your Polaroid MicroCam has been  
thoroughly tested and inspected before  
shipm ent. All parts are guaranteed  
against defects in m aterials and  
workm anship for one full year from the  
date of original purchase. During this  
period, any such defects will be rem edied  
by Polaroid Corporation, without charge,  
except for transportation costs. The  
warranty excludes dam age resulting from  
norm al wear, m ishandling or accident,  
and a charge will be m ade for such  
com m ercial environm ent.  
Operation of this equipm ent in a  
residential area is likely to cause  
interference in which case the user, at  
his/her own expense, will be required to  
take whatever m easures m ay be required  
to correct the interference.  
DOC No t ic e (Ca n a d a )  
This Digital Apparatus does not exceed  
the Class A lim its for Radio Frequency  
noise from Digital Apparatus set out in  
the Radio Interference Regulations of the  
Canadian Departm ent of Com m erce.  
U.S .A. o n ly: This warranty excludes  
consequential dam ages.  
Out side U.S .A.: This warranty does not  
affect your statutory rights.  
S e rvic e  
Before returning a cam era for service,  
contact Polaroid Technical Assistance or  
the nearest Polaroid Office for shipping  
and service inform ation. The cam era  
should be packed in its original shipping  
carton or other sturdy container, and  
shipped, prepaid and insured, to the  
nearest Polaroid Office (addresses at end  
of book).  
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P o la ro id S e rvic e Ce n t e rs a n d Offic e s  
Ca lifo rn ia  
De u t s c h la n d  
Ne w Ze a la n d  
Polaroid Corporation  
3232 West MacArthur Boulevard  
P.O. Box 25200  
Santa Ana 92799-5200  
Tel: (714) 641-1200  
Polaroid Gm bH  
Sprendlinger Landstrasse 109  
6050 Offenbach 1  
Polaroid New Zealand Ltd.  
Cam era Services  
24-26 Anzac Avenue  
Tel: (069) 8404-1  
Tel: (09) 377 3773  
Es p a ñ a  
Ge o rg ia  
Mailing address:  
P.O. Box 37-046  
Parnell, Auckland 1  
Polaroid (España) S.A.  
Paseo de la Castellana, 130  
28046 Madrid  
Polaroid Corporation  
5601 Fulton Industrial Blvd., S.W.  
Atlanta 30378  
Tel: (1) 411 38 36  
No rg e  
Tel: (404) 346-1717  
Fra n c e  
Polaroid (Norge) A/S  
Industriveien 8B  
Postboks 80  
1473 Skårer  
Tel: (02) 704710  
Illin o is  
Polaroid (France) S.A.  
4, rue J .P. Tim baud  
B.P. 47  
78391 Bois dArcy Cedex  
Tel: (1) 30 85 60 60  
Polaroid Corporation  
2020 Swift Drive  
Oak Brook 60521  
Tel: (312) 954-1600  
Ös t e rre ic h  
Ma s s a c h u s e t t s  
Gre a t Brit a in  
Polaroid Ges.m .b.H.  
Postfach 66  
Eitnergasse 5A  
1233 Wien  
Polaroid Corporation  
Tel: Toll free 1-800-225-1618  
Polaroid (U.K.) Ltd.  
Ashley Road  
St. Albans  
Hertfordshire AL1 5PR  
Tel: St. Albans (0727) 59191  
Freefone 2122  
Ne w J e rs e y  
Polaroid Corporation  
P.O. Box 607  
W-95 Century Road  
Param us 07652  
Tel: (0222) 86 86 27  
P o rt u g a l  
Polaroid (España)  
Sucursal em Portugal  
Edificio Torre dos Moinhos  
Avda. Helen Keller, 19-A  
Ho n g Ko n g  
Polaroid (Far East) Ltd.  
32nd Floor  
Windsor House  
311 Gloucester Road  
Causeway Bay  
Tel: (201) 265-6900  
Au s t ra lia  
Tel: (01) 363 85 46  
Polaroid Australia Pty. Ltd.  
Parram atta Industrial Estate  
Unit 4F, 6-8 Boundary Road  
Northm ead, N.S.W. 2152  
Tel: 61-2-9507000  
P u e rt o Ric o  
Tel: 852-894-0333  
Polaroid Caribbean Corporation  
Centro de Seguros  
Ponce de Leon 701, Miram ar  
Santurce 00904  
It a lia  
Polaroid (Italia) S.p.A.  
Via Piave 11  
21051-Arcisate (Varese)  
Tel: (0332) 47 00 31  
Mailing address:  
P.O. Box 163  
North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113  
Tel: (809) 725-6240  
S c h w e iz/S u is s e /S vizze ra  
J a p a n  
Be lg iq u e /Be lg ië  
Polaroid A.G.  
Hardturm strasse 133  
8037 Zürich  
Nippon Polaroid Kabushiki Kaisha  
Mori Building, No. 30  
2-2 Toranom on 3-chom e  
Tokyo (105)  
Tel: 813-438-8811  
Polaroid (Belgium ) S.A.-N.V.  
Rue Colonel Bourg 111  
Kolonel Bourgstraat 111  
1140 Bruxelles-Brussel  
Tel: 02-736.10.00  
Tel: (01) 277 72 72  
S u o m i  
Polaroid Oy  
Bra s il  
Sinikalliontie 10  
02630 Espoo  
Mé xic o  
Polaroid do Brasil Ltda.  
Av. Paulista, 1776/11ºAndar  
01310-921, São Paulo, S.P.  
Tel: (011) 285-6411  
Tel: 90-502 3533  
Polaroid de México S.A. de C.V.  
Paseo de la Reform a No. 195-14  
Col. Cuauhtem oc  
06500 México, D.F.  
Tel: 703-1111  
S ve rig e  
Polaroid AB  
Ekholm svägen 34  
Box 34  
127 24 Skärholm en  
Tel: 08/710 0850  
Endereço postal:  
Caixa Postal 2908  
01060-970 São Paulo, S.P.  
Ne d e rla n d  
Polaroid Nederland B.V.  
Zonnebaan 45  
Ca n a d a  
3606 CH Maarssenbroek  
Tel: 030-43 56 44  
Polaroid Canada, Inc.  
350 Carlingview Drive  
Rexdale, Ontario M9W 5G6  
Tel: (416) 675-3680  
Polaroid (Europa) B.V.  
24 Markt  
Toll free: 800-268-6970  
In addition to the Service Centers  
listed here, there are approved  
Service Centers within the United  
States as well as in m any other  
countries. To locate the one closest  
to you, contact the nearest Polaroid  
Office, above.  
Da n m a rk  
7511 GB Enschede  
Polaroid a. s.  
Postboks 9  
Blokken 75  
3460 Birkerød  
Tel: 42 81 75 00  
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