Pioneer Stereo Receiver VSX 9120TXH K User Manual

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Installing the Application  
Install this application on your PC by using the downloaded installer.  
You will find the installer in the folder that you specified when you downloaded the application.  
1 Double click the “PioneerAdvancedMCACC_e_ver_*_*.exe” file  
The number after “ver” in the filename is the version number of the installer.  
2 Click “Next”.  
3 Click “Yes” (if you agree to the terms of the License Agreement).  
The destination selection screen of the installer appears.  
If an error occurs when you double click  
and you are unable to proceed with the installation.  
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Installing the Application (Continued)  
4 Click “Next”.  
The application is installed in the indicated folder, and a  
shortcut icon is created on the desktop. To  
select a different folder to install the application, click “Browse.”  
5 Click “Finish”.  
The installation is complete.  
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Operations on the Receiver and Cable Connections  
To display reverberation characteristics measured with the receiver on your PC, you need to connect the  
receiver to the PC.  
1 Connect the receiver to your PC with a RS-232C cable.  
Before making or changing connections, switch off the power and disconnect the power cord from  
the power outlet. Plugging in components should be the last connection you make with your system.  
SB ch  
VSX-91TXH /  
The type of cable to use is a female-female cross cable. Different manufacturers use different names  
to refer to this type of cable. Sometimes it is called an interlinkcable, and sometimes it is called a  
Pin-out diagram of RS-232C cable to connect receiver and PC  
Dsub 9-pin female  
Dsub 9-pin female  
Dsub 9-pin female  
Dsub 9-pin female  
The following cable has been proved to ensure system operation.  
Part NO.  
Pro Series Serial Direct Cable-10 feet  
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Operations on the Receiver and Cable Connections (Continued)  
2 From the receivers Manual MCACCmenu, select EQ Professionalthen  
Reverb Measurementto measure the reverb characteristics of your room.  
(For details, see page 41 of the receivers Operating Instructions.)  
Reverberation characteristics can also be measured with Auto MCACCbut it takes longer than with  
Reverb Measurementbecause other settings will be made prior to reverb measurement.  
Measurement using Auto MCACCis only available if you have selected ALL, ALL (Keep SPsetting)”  
or Aco Cal EQ the Auto Mode setting.  
To see the reverb characteristics of your listening area without the equalization performed by this  
receiver (before calibration), select EQ OFF:  
To see the reverb characteristics of your listening area with the equalization performed by this receiver  
(after calibration), select ALLor ALL (Keep SPsetting)as the Auto Mode setting in the Auto MCACC  
setup (see page 33 in the receivers operating instructions), then select EQ ON:  
3 After measurement is complete, select Reverb Output PCin the on-screen  
The message Start the MCACC application on your PCappears and the receiver enters transmission  
standby mode. It is ready to send data to your PC.  
This completes the preparations for sending the measurement data to your PC.  
(To send the data, proceed to the next section Application Operations.)  
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Application Operations  
This section explains operations that you do in the application, from receiving measurement data to  
displaying graphs and saving the data.  
Receiving measurement data  
1 Double click the application  
shortcut icon on the PC desktop.  
You can also start the application by selecting Program= Pioneer Corporation= Advanced  
MCACCfrom the Startmenu.  
The application starts.  
2 Select Receiveunder Fileon the menu bar.  
3 Select the number of the COM port to which the RS-232C cable is connected and  
click OK.  
If you do not know which COM port number to select, try selecting each port in turn, beginning with  
COM port selection box  
Data transmission starts. (It should finish in about 10 seconds.)  
When reception finishes, graphs of the received data appear.  
Refer the operating instructions of your PC for more information about COM port settings.  
In order to avoid malfunction, after the completion of the data transmission, unplug the RS-232C cable  
connecting your PC and the receiver.  
If an error occurs when you select Receiveand no data is sent.  
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Application Operations (Continued)  
Graph displays (names and functions of parts)  
When data is received, the first display to appear shows graphs for all channels (ALL display).  
This section explains the parts shown in ALL display and individual display.  
ALL display  
Individual display (Example: Front L channel)  
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Application Operations (Continued)  
1 Menu bar and menu icons  
You can choose the following commands from the application menus.  
Opens a file that has been saved on the PC (see page 13).  
Closes a file.  
Save measurement data in a file (see page 12).  
Save As  
Receives measurement data (see page 7).  
Prints the current individual graph.  
Displays a preview screen to show how the printed page will appear.  
Other Amp  
Receives various data (see page 20).  
Exits the application.  
Switch between 2D (two-dimensional graphs) and 3D (three-dimensional graphs).  
Displays 3D graphs with rotating.*  
* To finish, reselect and uncheck the box.  
Cascades files.*  
Tiles files.*  
Arranges minimized icons.*  
* Available when two or more files are open.  
Version Info  
Displays the version of the application.  
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Application Operations (Continued)  
2 Date and time  
Display the date and time when the measurement data was transferred to the PC.  
3 Channel and frequency switch buttons  
Ch: Selects channel display mode (frequencies are displayed along graph depth axes).  
Freq: Selects frequency display mode (channels are displayed along graph depth axes).  
4 All/individual display switch menu  
Allows you to select All display or individual display (Front L, etc.).  
5 Level [dB]  
The level axis.  
6 Time [msec]  
The time axis.  
7 Channel memo (available only when individual channels are shown)  
Allows you to record a short memo about each channel.  
8 Graph adjustment bar  
Z: Increases or reduces the display unit of the Level [dB] scale.  
M: Moves the Level [dB] scale.  
E: Moves the viewpoint of 3D graphs vertically. (Cannot be changed for 2D graphs.)  
R: Moves the viewpoint of 3D graphs horizontally. (Cannot be changed for 2D graphs.)  
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Application Operations (Continued)  
9 Bar Graph  
Changes the type of graph display. The display switches between the band graph and bar graph by  
pressing this button.  
Moves the  
viewpoint of the  
time axis.  
10 File memo  
Allows you to record memos about conditions when the measurements were made.  
11 Freq [Hz]/Channel  
In channel display mode, it becomes the frequency axis. In frequency display mode, it becomes the  
channel axis.  
12 Legend  
Shows which colors in the graphs correspond to which channels or frequencies.  
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Application Operations (Continued)  
Saving graphs in data files  
You can save measurement data received from the receiver on your PC. Data received at one time is saved  
in one file.  
1 To save measure data, choose “Save” from the “File” menu.  
If you have data that has already been saved and want to save it under a new name, choose “Save As.”  
2 Check the save location, assign a file name, then click “Save”.  
The data is saved in a CSV format file (the file extension is “.csv”).  
When you are finished saving data, you should (using the receiver controls) press “RETURN” to exit the  
Reverb Output PC screen. This takes the receiver out of transmission standby mode. (See page 58 in the  
receiver’s Operating Instructions.)  
The CSV format file is often used to transfer data to applications such as databases and spreadsheets. You  
can use these applications to view the numeric values in your measurement data.  
However, if you use another application to edit the data and then save the file, the Advanced MCACC  
application may be unable to open the file.  
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Application Operations (Continued)  
Opening data files  
You can open and display two or more data files to compare the data in the files.  
1 Select Openfrom the Filemenu in the menu bar.  
2 Select a file to display and click Open.  
Graphs appear for the data saved in the file.  
Exiting the application  
1 Select Exitfrom the Filemenu.  
The application closes.  
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How to Interpret the Graphs  
As explained in Things you can accomplish with this application on page 2, you can use the graphs  
displayed in this application to choose the optimum time period for auto EQ setup with the receivers  
Advanced EQ Setup function, and to check the effectiveness of steps you take to improve the acoustics of  
your listening room.  
How to interpret reverb graphs  
The graphs show changes in microphone input level along a time axis, beginning from a state of quiet at  
time 0, when test tones begin to be output, and continuing while a constant level of sound is output from  
the speakers.  
If there is absolutely no reverberation in your room, the graph will look like figure A below.  
If there is reverberation, the graph will show a gradual accumulation of acoustic power, as shown in figure  
Due to an effect known as group delay, lower frequencies may take longer to be generated than higher  
frequencies (this is most obvious when comparing the frequencies around 0 ms).  
If a graph extends beyond the display range, or almost fills it, you can change the display by using the Z  
(Zoom) control on the graph adjustment bar, adjusting the display range of the Level [dB] scale so that  
the whole graph is visible.  
Since channel level and speaker distance settings are displayed in the graphical output, it is best to  
make sure these settings (made in the Auto MCACC ALLor Channel Levelsetup) are adjusted  
properly before reverb measurement.  
Even in cases where there is a great difference in the output levels of different frequencies (the frequency  
characteristics of the room are poor), you can select ALL CH ADJUST (default) from the EQ Type”  
setting in the receivers Auto MCACC setup to bring the frequency characteristics for each channel closer  
to a flat response. (For details, see pages 34 to 35 in the receivers Operating Instructions.)  
It is usually not possible to calculate the equalization values employed by the receivers Acoustic Cal EQ  
function simply by viewing the graphs displayed on your PC. (This is because the automatic adjustments  
made by Acoustic Cal EQ function take account of factors such as equalization band interference and  
analytical filter characteristics, to achieve the optimum characteristic profile.)  
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How to Interpret the Graphs (Continued)  
Deciding the time period for Advanced EQ Setup calibration  
When you are using Acoustic Cal EQ calibration (instead of EQ Professional calibration), the input data  
from the microphone is analyzed at fixed time periods from 80 to 160 msec (the red area in Figure 1).  
Advanced EQ Setup allows you to choose a point (20 msec width) in the range from 0 to 80 msec (the blue  
area in Figure 1).  
You can specify the time period setting using the Advanced EQ Setupin the EQ Professionalsub-menu  
(in the Manual MCACCmenu). This setting is not required if youre satisfied with the results of the Auto  
MCACCsetup (For details, see pages 39 to 41 in the Operating Instructions).  
Figure 1 Comparison of microphone data acquisition time periods  
Acoustic Cal  
Acoustic Cal EQ  
calibration range (fixed)  
EQ Professional  
calibration range  
(selectable points)  
Time (in ms)  
To decide the time period for Advanced EQ Setup calibration, view the graphs of the measured reverb  
characteristics, and refer to the following three patterns.  
Pattern 1: Different reverb characteristics for high and low frequencies  
In rooms with reverb characteristics like those shown in Figure 2, lower frequencies often seem overly  
reverberant compared to higher frequencies (i.e. the room sounds boomy). If you calibrate the receiver  
using the Acoustic Cal EQ setting, data will be acquired in the 80 to 160 msec range (the red area of  
Figure 2). The analysis concludes that low frequencies are too loud and high frequencies are too soft, so it  
adjusts the equalization curve to strengthen high frequencies. In fact, however, the high frequencies may  
already be loud enough if measured within 40 msec, which is the time it takes for sounds coming directly  
from the speakers to reach your ears. Therefore, the Acoustic Cal EQ may result in a room where high  
frequencies sound shrill. In cases like this, setting the time period for Advanced EQ Setup to 30 to 50  
msec (the blue area in Figure 2) to adjust for sounds coming directly from the speakers can flatten the  
frequency response for direct sounds (including initial reflections) and give a better-balanced sound  
Figure 2  
Low frequencies  
High frequencies  
Time period  
point to be  
Time (in ms)  
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How to Interpret the Graphs (Continued)  
Pattern 2: Different reverb characteristics for different channels  
When different channels can have different reverb characteristics, as shown in Figure 3, it is not so  
effective to calibrate using the Acoustic Cal EQ. In general, a sound field with good acoustic positioning  
and movement is made up by sounds coming directly from the speakers (including initial reflections). This  
is the reason why you should use a calibration method that enables you to adjust direct sounds. In pattern-  
2 cases, the Acoustic Cal EQ is not able to adjust frequency characteristics for sounds coming directly  
from the speakers. It acquires data in the 80 to 160 msec range (the red area in Figure 3.), so its  
adjustment ability is limited to sounds 80 msec or longer. In cases like this, you should use Advanced EQ  
Setup and set the time period to 30 to 50 msec (the blue area in Figure 3). This allows the  
characteristics of direct sounds to be balanced for each channel, giving an ideal sound field with  
good acoustic positioning and movement.  
Figure 3  
Front left channel  
Front right channel  
Time (in ms)  
Time period point  
to be selected  
Pattern 3: Similar reverb characteristics for high and low frequencies and  
all channels  
As shown in Figure 4, when the reverb characteristics for all channels are similar across all frequencies,  
your sound experience will probably not be adversely affected by reverberation. Instead of Advanced EQ  
Setup, we recommend that you use the Acoustic Cal EQsetting from the Auto MCACCoption  
menu. This produces a total calibration for both direct sounds and reverberations, resulting in an  
ideal sound field.  
(See page 34 to 35 in the receivers Operating Instructions.)  
Figure 4  
Select the Acoustic  
Cal EQ.  
Front left low frequencies  
Front right low frequencies  
Front left high frequencies  
Front right high frequencies  
Time (in ms)  
If you are not sure which time period to specify in Advanced EQ Setup, start by trying 30 to 50 msec. If  
the graphs show an unusual reverb curve for a specific frequency, the cause may be some accidental  
variation. Instead of selecting 30 to 50 msec, try another time period.  
Another good method is to try various time periods in Advanced EQ Setup and select the one which  
sounds the best.  
Time period settings cannot be made on the PC. They can only be made on the on-screen display of the  
receiver, using the receivers Advanced EQ Setup function.  
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How to Interpret the Graphs (Continued)  
Checking steps to improve your room’s reverb characteristics  
The reverb characteristics of your listening room graphs are evident from the graphs. For your reference,  
the following four examples explain how different types of rooms appear in the graphs.  
Case 1: Graph rises to right across all frequencies  
This is probably a room with a good deal of reverberation. If possible, we recommend that you try installing  
some sound absorbent material to create a deader acoustic space according to your preference.  
Case 2: Specific channel shows unusual reverb characteristics  
There is probably some object near the speaker which affects sound reproduction. If possible, we  
recommend that you try to reduce the influence of that object.  
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How to Interpret the Graphs (Continued)  
Case 3: Specific frequency shows unusual reverb characteristics  
There is probably something in the room that affects the reproduction of that frequency. If possible, try to  
find an arrangement that reduces the effect.  
Case 4: A specific channel is slow to start  
This can happen when a speaker is unstable. If possible, we recommend that you try to stabilize the  
speaker stand, to bring the characteristics of that channel into line with the other channels.  
In all of these cases, you can use the ALL, ALL(Keep SP Setting)or Aco Cal EQ Pro.setting from the  
Auto MCACCoption menu to automatically achieve the optimal calibration for the characteristics of your  
listening area.(See page 34 to 35 of the receivers Operating Instructions.)  
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How to Interpret the Graphs (Continued)  
Displaying reverb characteristics after calibration  
To display the graph of your listening areas reverb characteristics with the equalization performed by this  
receiver (after calibration), youll need to select the EQ ONoption from the Reverb Measurementmenu.  
Using this graph, you can confirm the effects of MCACC calibration for your listening area.  
1 Connect the receiver to your PC with a RS-232C cable.  
See page 5 for more on connecting the RS-232C cable.  
2 Make sure you have completed the Auto MCACCsetup from the receivers  
System Setupmenu.  
Use either the ALLor ALL (Keep SPsetting)Auto Mode option (Aco Cal EQ Pro.calibration is also  
performed in this case).  
3 Select Reverb Output PCfrom the receivers EQ Professionalmenu.  
When you receive and save this information on your PC, you will be able to see the graph of your  
listening areas reverb characteristics before calibration.  
4 Select Reverb Measurementfrom the receivers EQ Professionalmenu and  
choose the EQ ONoption as explained on page 41 of the receivers manual.  
The EQ measurement will correspond with the currently selected MCACC preset (M16).  
5 Select Reverb Output PCfrom the receivers EQ Professionalmenu.  
When you receive and save this information on your PC, you will be able to see the graph of your  
listening areas reverb characteristics with the equalization performed by this receiver (after calibration).  
The following graph shows the reverb measurement results after Aco Cal EQ Pro. calibration (with a  
time period setting of 20-40ms):  
• “Reverb Measurementcalibration data will be lost if the power is switched off.  
The graphs displaying reverb measurements both before and after calibration are displayed in 2-D for  
comparison purposes.  
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Other Functions  
In addition to the reverb frequency characteristics data measured by Advanced MCACC, you can receive  
setting data from the receiver on your PC to check the data, and save the setting results on your PC.  
Receivable measurement data  
1. Speaker Setting (Setting of the speaker system and crossover frequency)  
2. Channel Level (Setting of the speaker output level)  
3. Speaker Distance (Setting of the distance to the speaker)  
4. X-Curve (Tonal balance of the speaker system for movie soundtracks)  
5. Acoustic Cal EQ (Calibration of reverb characteristics in the listening environment)  
Receiving and saving measurement data  
Before starting the reception, check that the receiver is properly connected to your PC (page 5), you have  
selected the MCACC preset you wish to apply (page 29 of the receiver manual), and that the receiver  
enters the transmission standby mode by the operation of the receiver (page 6).  
1 Select “Other Amp Parameters” = “Receive” under “File” on the menu bar.  
2 Select the number of the COM port to which the RS-232C cable is connected and  
click “OK”.  
* If you don’t know which port number to select, try selecting each port in turn, beginning with “COM1”.  
COM port selection box  
Refer to the operating instructions of your PC for more information about COM port settings.  
Data transmission starts. (It should finish in about 10 seconds.)  
When reception finishes, the screen of the message “save as” appears.  
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Other Functions (Continued)  
3 Check the save location, assign a file name, then click “Save”.  
The data is saved in a CSV format file (the file extension is “.csv”).  
• In order to avoid malfunction, after the completion of the data transmission, unplug the RS-232C cable  
connecting your PC and the receiver.  
You will still be able to receive the data saved in MCACC MEMORY (using the “Other Amp Parameters”  
option) when receiver power has been switched off.  
Opening measurement data files  
You can open the saved CSV format file by using other application software (ex. spreadsheet software)  
besides this application.  
The following information related to Speaker Setting, Channel Level, Speaker Distance and Acoustic Cal  
EQ will appear with the date the PC receives the data files.  
• When using the “Acoustic Cal EQ” Auto Mode with the “Auto MCACC” setup, the results will only appear  
for the EQ Type you selected (“All Ch Adjust” or “Front Ch Align”). Also, if you have used the Manual  
MCACC “EQ Adjust” setup, the results for “Custom 1” will appear (even if you have manually adjusted  
the results from the “Auto MCACC” setup). Note that results will not appear for “Custom 2”.  
• Note that adjustments made for Standing Wave control will not appear.  
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Updating and Deleting the Application  
Updating the application  
A new installer is made available on the download site whenever the Advanced MCACC application is  
updated. You can download the new installer and use it to overwrite (update) the application on your PC.  
To check the version of your application, choose Help= Version Infofrom the menu bar. A window  
showing the version (Version 1.4, etc.) appears.  
1 Double click the new downloaded installer  
The Install Shield Wizard appears.  
2 Click Repair.  
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Updating and Deleting the Application (Continued)  
3 Click OK.  
4 Click Finish.  
This completes the updating of the application.  
If an error occurs when you click Repairand you are unable to proceed with the installation.  
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Updating and Deleting the Application (Continued)  
Deleting the application  
You can use either of the following methods to uninstall (delete) the application from your PC.  
Method 1: Delete from the Control Panel of the PC  
From the Start menu, click Setting= Control Panel= Add/Remove Programs.  
Method 2: Use the downloaded installer to delete the application  
1 Double click the PioneerAdvancedMCACC_e_ver_*_*.exefile  
The Install Shield Wizard appears.  
2 Click Remove.  
3 Click OK.  
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Updating and Deleting the Application (Continued)  
4 Click “Yes”.  
After you click “Yes”, the same screen may appear again. If it does, click “Yes” again.  
5 Click “Finish”.  
This completes the deletion of the application.  
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As you use the Advanced MCACC application, errors can occur for a variety of reasons, such as  
incompatibilities with other applications and the current configuration of your PC. If an error occurs, refer to  
the troubleshooting points below.  
If the trouble cannot be rectified even after checking the points listed below, ask the Pioneer Customer  
Support Division (USA) or Customer Satisfaction Department (Canada).  
Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc.  
Customer Support Division  
TEL: 800-421-1404  
Pioneer Electronics of Canada, Inc.  
Customer Satisfaction Department  
TEL: 1-877-283-5901  
The application is unstable, or does not work normally  
If your PC does not meet the requirements for using this application, the  
application can be unstable, very slow, or freeze up.  
Check to be sure that your PC meets the requirements for using this application. (See page 2.) You  
cannot use this application unless your PC meets all of the requirements.  
Advanced MCACC cannot be installed  
Cause 1:  
An error message may appear if there are not enough system resources  
If an error message like the one shown below appears, re-start the PC, then start the installer  
(PioneerAdvancedMCACC_e_ver_*_*.exe) with no other applications active.  
Cause 2:  
Installation of Advanced MCACC may fail because of incompatibilities with  
other applications.  
Try the following, in the order indicated.  
1) If there are any other applications active, exit the other applications and try starting the installer  
(PioneerAdvancedMCACC_e_ver_*_*.exe) again.  
2) If that does not work, try restarting your PC, and starting the installer  
(PioneerAdvancedMCACC_e_ver_*_*.exe) with no other applications active.  
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Troubleshooting (Continued)  
Cannot send measurement data to PC  
Cause 1:  
Random transmission errors sometimes occur.  
Even if an error occurred on your first attempt, try sending the data again. Sometimes the transmission  
succeeds when you try again.  
Cause 2:  
Messages like the following may appear if a transmission error occurs.  
Try the following, in the order indicated.  
1) In the setup screen of the receiver, check that Start the MCACC application on your PCis  
displayed. (This message indicates that the receiver is ready to send data to the PC.)  
2) Check that the RS-232C cable is properly connected. (Be sure to switch off all components and  
disconnect their power cord from the power outlets before changing any cable connections.)  
3) Exit any other active applications.  
4) Check the COM port number.  
5) Check the type of RS-232C cable to use is correct (page 5).  
6) Restart the Advanced MCACC application.  
7) Restart your PC.  
Cause 3:  
The following message may appear and the data transmission may be not  
Refer to the operation manual for PC or the application software using the COM port, and make the  
connecting COM port available for transmission.  
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Troubleshooting (Continued)  
Advanced MCACC cannot be updated  
Cause 1:  
An error message may appear if there are not enough system resources  
If an error message appears (like the one explained above in Cause 1) of Advanced MCACC cannot be  
installed (page 26), restart your PC and start the installer (PioneerAdvancedMCACC_e_ver_*_*.exe)  
with no other applications active.  
Cause 2:  
Updating of Advanced MCACC may fail because of incompatibilities with other  
Try the following, in the order indicated.  
1) If there are any other applications active, exit the other applications and try starting the installer  
(PioneerAdvancedMCACC_e_ver_*_*.exe) again.  
2) If that does not work, try restarting your PC, and starting the installer  
(PioneerAdvancedMCACC_e_ver_*_*.exe) with no other applications active.  
Cause 3:  
Under some PC configurations, updating may not succeed even if you click  
Select Removeto delete the application, then try reinstalling the new version of the Advanced  
MCACC application.  
Graphs cannot be printed  
The ALL display mode graphs cannot be printed.  
ALL display  
Print after selecting an individual channel or frequency graph.  
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Troubleshooting (Continued)  
Some functions in application operation cannot be used  
You may not properly use the application software not corresponding to your  
Check the model number of your receiver and use the application software corresponding to it.  
The receiver causes a malfunction when it is connected to the PC with a RS-232C cable  
When the receiver is connected to your PC with a RS-232C cable, the power of  
the receiver may be automatically switched on when you operate the PC.  
Unplug the cable when not in use.  
EQ response in the graph (following calibration) does not appear flat  
Cause 1:  
There are cases where the graph does not appear flat (even when selecting ALL  
CH ADJUST in the Auto MCACC Setup)  
This is due to adjustments made to compensate for room characteristics to achieve optimal sound.  
Cause 2:  
Areas of the graph may appear identical (before and after) when there is little  
or no adjustment needed.  
Cause 3:  
The graph may appear to have shifted vertically when comparing before and  
after measurements.  
Adjustments made with the “Manual MCACC” setup do not change the graph  
Despite level adjustments being made, the filters used for analysis may not  
display these adjustments in the graphical output.  
However, these adjustments are taken this into account by the filters dedicated to overall system  
Lower frequencies do not seem to have been calibrated for SMALL speakers  
Cause 1:  
Low frequencies used in bass management (the subwoofer channel) will not  
change for speakers that have been specified as SMALL in the configuration.  
Cause 2:  
Calibration is performed, but due to your speakers' low frequency limitations,  
no measurable sound is output for display.  
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Published by Pioneer Corporation.  
Copyright © 2007 Pioneer Corporation.  
All rights reserved.  
4-1, Meguro 1-Chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8654, Japan  
P.O. BOX 1540, Long Beach, California 90801-1540, U.S.A. TEL: (800) 421-1404  
300 Allstate Parkway, Markham, Ontario L3R 0P2, Canada TEL: 1-877-283-5901, 905-479-4411  
Haven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, B-9120 Melsele, Belgium TEL: 03/570.05.11  
253 Alexandra Road, #04-01, Singapore 159936 TEL: 65-6472-7555  
178-184 Boundary Road, Braeside, Victoria 3195, Australia, TEL: (03) 9586-6300  
Blvd.Manuel Avila Camacho 138 10 piso Col.Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico,D.F. 11000 TEL: 55-9178-4270  
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