Paxar Printer TC6037EM User Manual

Gold Printer  
TC6037EM Rev. AC 1/03  
©2002 Paxar Corporation. All rights reserved.  
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TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S  
Introduction .....................................................................................1-1  
Getting Started ...............................................................................1-1  
Using this Manual ...........................................................................1-2  
Regulatory Compliance ...................................................................1-2  
Radio Frequency Interference Requirements .....................................1-3  
Radio Frequency Interference Requirements – Canada.......................1-3  
European Economic Area ................................................................1-4  
Using Batteries ................................................................................2-1  
Using the Main Battery ....................................................................2-1  
Charging the Main Battery............................................................2-2  
Changing the Main Battery ...........................................................2-2  
Using the Backup Battery ................................................................2-3  
Changing the Backup Battery .......................................................2-4  
Main Battery Safety Information .......................................................2-6  
Using Supplies .................................................................................3-1  
Loading Supplies ............................................................................3-1  
Loading for Peel Mode .................................................................3-3  
Loading for Non-Peel Mode ..........................................................3-6  
Removing Supplies .........................................................................3-6  
Basic Operations..............................................................................4-1  
Using the Keypad ...........................................................................4-1  
Entering Data .............................................................................4-2  
Using the Display ...........................................................................4-3  
Reading the Status Line...............................................................4-3  
Table of Contents i  
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Scanning Bar Codes .......................................................................4-3  
Certification Note............................................................................4-6  
Power Management.........................................................................4-7  
Radio Frequency Communications ....................................................4-7  
Attaching the Safety Strap ...............................................................4-8  
Helpful Reminders ..........................................................................4-9  
Care and Maintenance ......................................................................5-1  
Cleaning ........................................................................................5-1  
Printhead ...................................................................................5-2  
Platen Roller ..............................................................................5-3  
Pinch and Feed Rollers................................................................5-4  
Sensors .....................................................................................5-5  
Scanner Window .........................................................................5-6  
Scanner Flex Cable .....................................................................5-7  
Clearing Supply Jams .....................................................................5-7  
Storing the Printer ..........................................................................5-8  
Troubleshooting ...............................................................................6-1  
Error Codes ................................................................................6-2  
Glossary ..........................................................................................6-1  
Reference Information ......................................................................6-1  
Accessories/Options .......................................................................6-2  
ii Table of Contents  
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I N T R O D U C T I O N  
The Monarch® Pathfinder® Ultra® Gold 6037™ printer prints,  
scans bar codes, collects data, and communicates with other devices.  
Your System Administrator must configure it for you to use.  
This manual describes how to use these printers.  
G e t t i n g S t a r t e d  
To start using the printer, you must:  
1. Charge the main battery. See “Charging the Main Battery” in  
Chapter 2.  
NOTE: You must charge the battery before using it. For optimal battery  
life, charge the battery within three months of receipt.  
2. Insert the main battery and the backup battery in the printer. See  
“Changing the Main Battery” and “Changing the Backup Battery” in  
Chapter 2.  
3. Attach the safety strap found in the documentation package. See  
“Attaching the Safety Strap” in Chapter 4.  
Introduction 1-1  
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4. Load supplies in the printer. See “Loading Supplies” in Chapter 3.  
5. Turn on the printer.  
NOTE: Your System Administrator must load an application in the printer  
before you can use it.  
U s i n g t h i s M a n u a l  
Following is a summary of the contents of this manual.  
Information you should know before using the printer.  
Using the Battery Charging, changing, and using batteries safely.  
Using Supplies  
Supply loading and removal.  
Basic Operations  
Everyday printer usage.  
Care and  
Clearing supply jams and cleaning the printer.  
Common problems and their solutions.  
Printer terms and their definitions.  
Printer specifications and accessories/options.  
The printer’s end user should read this manual. This person uses the  
printer to print and scan bar codes.  
In addition to this manual, you also have a printed, quick-reference  
version of this manual. Other documentation is available on our Web  
R e g u l a t o r y C o m p l i a n c e  
Paxar RF products are designed to be compliant with the rules and  
regulations in the locations into which they are sold and will be labeled as  
required. The majority of Paxar RF devices are type approved and do not  
require the user to obtain license or authorization before using the  
equipment. Any changes or modifications to Paxar equipment not  
expressly approved by Paxar could void the user authority to operate the  
1-2 Introduction  
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R a d i o F r e q u e n c y I n t e r f e r e n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s  
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a  
Class A digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the Federal Communications  
Commissions Rules and Regulation. These limits are designed to provide  
reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is  
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses,  
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in  
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference  
to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential  
area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be  
required to correct the interference at his own expense. However, there  
is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  
If the equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television  
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,  
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of  
the following measures:  
Re-orient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that  
which the receiver is connected.  
R a d i o F r e q u e n c y I n t e r f e r e n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s – C a n a d a  
This Class A digital apparatus meets the requirements of the Canadian  
Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.  
Cet appareil numérique de la Classe A respecte toutes les exigencies du  
Reglement sur le Materiél Brouilleur du Canada.  
Warning: This wireless portable device has been shown to be capable  
of compliance for localized specific absorption rate (SAR) for  
uncontrolled environment/general population exposure limits  
specified in ANSI/IEEE Std. C95.1-1992 and had been tested  
in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in  
FCC/OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C (2001) and IEEE Std.  
1528-200X (Draft 6.4, July 2001).  
Introduction 1-3  
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E u r o p e a n E c o n o m i c A r e a  
The European variant is intended for use throughout the European  
Economic Area, however authorization for use restricted as follows:  
European standards dictate maximums radiated transmit power of 100  
mW EIRP and frequency range 2.400 – 2.4835 GHz.  
France, the equipment is to be restricted to the 2.4465 – 2.4835 GHz  
frequency range.  
Belgium outside, the equipment is to be restricted to the  
2.460 – 2.4835 GHz frequency range.  
Operation in Italy requires a user license.  
1-4 Introduction  
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U S I N G B AT T E R I E S  
The 6037 printer uses two batteries: a main battery and a backup  
battery. Both are located in a compartment at the bottom of the printer’s  
Running the printer. Several other Monarch printers also  
use this battery, which is rechargeable.  
Maintaining the system settings.  
U s i n g t h e M a i n B a t t e r y  
The printer’s main power source is a 7.4V lithium-ion battery.  
NOTE: The printer takes only this battery. Do Not substitute batteries  
from any other manufacturer.  
You must charge the battery when you receive the printer, even if you do  
not use it right away.  
Using Batteries 2-1  
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Charging the Main Battery  
To charge the main battery, use either the Monarch 9462™ single-station  
or 9464™ four-station battery chargers. See the documentation for those  
chargers for more information. Charging time is approximately 1.5 – 3  
WARNING: The battery might explode if placed on a different charger.  
Changing the Main Battery  
To change the main battery:  
1. Turn the printer over and press the button on the battery compartment  
door (at the bottom of the printer’s handle) and slide it open (the door  
stays attached).  
2-2 Using Batteries  
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2. Turn the printer upright, holding your palm beneath the open battery  
compartment. Hit the printer on your hand and catch the battery as it  
slides out.  
3. Insert a new battery into the compartment (non-ribbed end first).  
4. Slide the compartment door shut. You will have to press the battery  
in slightly so the door fits over it. When the door shuts, you hear it  
click into place.  
U s i n g t h e B a c k u p B a t t e r y  
The backup battery is a 3-volt lithium coin cell.  
You can buy additional backup batteries at most  
You must switch backup batteries when you receive  
a CMOS error.  
Using Batteries 2-3  
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Changing the Backup Battery  
To change the backup battery:  
1. Turn the printer over and press the button on the battery compartment  
door (at the bottom of the printer’s handle) and slide it open (the door  
stays attached).  
2. Turn the printer upright, holding your palm beneath the open battery  
compartment. Hit the printer on your hand and catch the battery as it  
slides out.  
2-4 Using Batteries  
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3. Remove the backup battery by turning it slightly counterclockwise,  
and pulling it out.  
4. At the same angle, place the new battery (positive side facing away  
from the main battery) at the edge of the track. As you push it in, it  
will straighten itself.  
5. Replace the main battery.  
6. Slide the compartment door shut. You will have to press the main  
battery in slightly so the door fits over it. When the door shuts, you  
hear it click into place.  
Using Batteries 2-5  
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M a i n B a t t e r y S a f e t y I n f o r m a t i o n  
You must charge the battery before using it. For optimal battery life,  
charge the battery within three months of receipt.  
WARNING: The battery might explode if placed on a different  
Take the battery out of the printer when storing the printer for a month  
or longer.  
The optimal battery storage temperature is 50°F – 73°F (10°C – 23°C),  
with a maximum of 104°F (40°C). The battery may lose its charge  
capacity permanently if stored at temperatures less than 32°F (0°C) or  
greater than 104°F (40°C). For longest life, the battery should be  
stored in a cool, dry place.  
The recommended temperature for charging is 68°F – 77°F (20°C –  
Disposal Information – Do not throw in trash. Dispose to your local  
regulations. The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation  
(RBRC®) is a non-profit organization created to promote recycling of  
rechargeable batteries. For more information about how to recycle  
batteries in your area, visit Batteries can also be  
returned postage-paid to: ERC; 200 Monarch Lane Door #39;  
Miamisburg, OH 45342.  
Do Not disassemble, short-circuit, heat above  
80°C, or incinerate the battery. It may explode.  
The battery should be charged immediately for either long-term  
storage or after the battery has been exhausted from a printing  
session. Frequent charging will actually prolong battery life and has  
no negative effects such as memory issues.  
Do not let the battery come into contact with metal objects.  
Do not use a battery with a cracked case.  
2-6 Using Batteries  
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Do not let the battery get wet.  
The operating temperature for the battery is the same as for the  
printer. See “Specifications.”  
It is normal for battery capacity to decrease up to 20% over the first  
300 cycles of use.  
The battery should be charged immediately for either long-term  
storage or after the battery has been exhausted from a printing  
session. Frequent charging will actually prolong battery life and has  
no negative effects such as memory issues.  
The printer uses battery power even when the printer is not printing.  
Remove the printer’s battery and place on a charger when the printer  
is not in use.  
Many factors affect your battery’s performance, including the quantity  
of labels printed, intervals of batches printed, percentage of black per  
label, and power management.  
Using Batteries 2-7  
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2-8 Using Batteries  
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U S I N G S U P P L I E S  
The printer can use three types of supplies:  
Receipt Paper  
There are two print modes. The way you load the supplies depends on  
the print mode you use.  
Peel mode removes the backing paper from the supplies as it prints  
the labels. This mode allows you to apply the label immediately. It is  
only for labels. If you have purchased and selected the on-demand  
sensor, you must press the trigger between labels. Otherwise, the  
next label prints only when the previous one is applied.  
Non-Peel mode does not remove the backing paper. It is for labels  
printed in a continuous strip, tags, and receipt paper.  
L o a d i n g S u p p l i e s  
To load supplies:  
1. Turn on the printer. The application starts running.  
2. Maneuver to the point in the application where you are prompted to  
load the supplies.  
Using Supplies 3-1  
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3. Press the latch buttons and open the supply cover.  
4. Open the spring-loaded supply holder.  
Supply Holder  
3-2 Using Supplies  
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5. Place the supply roll in the supply holder so the supply feeds labels  
from the bottom.  
6. Load the supplies for the print mode you want. See “Loading for Peel  
Mode” or “Loading for Non-Peel Mode.”  
Loading for Peel Mode  
To load supplies for peel mode:  
A. Peel and discard the first four inches of labels from the backing  
Using Supplies 3-3  
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B. Hold the printer upright and gently press down on the label deflector.  
(It may be stiff.)  
C. Feed all four inches of the backing paper over the peel bar and  
under the applicator roller and the label deflector.  
Applicator Roller  
Peel Bar  
Label Deflector  
3-4 Using Supplies  
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D. Push the label deflector up until it snaps into place.  
E. Partially close the cover to the first position.  
F. Pull the backing paper over the guide roller, down to the pinch and  
feed rollers.  
G. Hold the backing paper edge between the feed and pinch rollers, and  
press the trigger.  
Guide Roller  
Feed Roller  
(behind Pinch  
Pinch Roller  
Using Supplies 3-5  
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H. Close the cover and press Esc to exit.  
Loading for Non-Peel Mode  
To load supplies for non-peel mode:  
A. Feed the supply under the applicator roller and over the label  
B. Close the supply cover.  
Applicator Roller  
Label Deflector  
C. Press Esc to exit.  
R e m o v i n g S u p p l i e s  
To remove supplies:  
1. Peel mode only. Tear the backing paper just above the pinch roller.  
2. Open the supply cover completely.  
3-6 Using Supplies  
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3. Spread the supply holder tabs apart with one hand and remove the  
supply roll.  
4. Peel mode only. Carefully pull out the supply backing paper still in  
place between the pinch and feed rollers.  
Using Supplies 3-7  
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3-8 Using Supplies  
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B A S I C O P E R AT I O N S  
This chapter explains the printer’s features and how to use them.  
U s i n g t h e K e y p a d  
The printer keypad appears below.  
Accepts data or a menu selection.  
For future use.  
Displays a special character when you press and hold the key  
with one hand while entering a 3-digit number with the other  
hand. Your System Administrator will tell you what number(s)  
to use.  
For future use.  
Performs a specially-defined function when pressed with a  
single-digit number.  
Clears the entire line that the cursor is currently on.  
Basic Operations 4-1  
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Moves the cursor one space to the left and deletes the  
character in that position. Or, deletes the current line when  
pressed with Shift.  
Enters upper-case or lower-case alphabetic mode.  
Deletes all data on the current line when pressed with Bksp.  
Moves to the previous menu, or exits the current module or  
Moves between items in a menu.  
Turns the printer on and off.  
Enters a space character.  
Displays a numeric digit or letter.  
Displays the character shown on the face of the key.  
Entering Data  
There are three data entry modes:  
Normal mode Default. Press the key to display what appears on  
the face of the key (numbers or symbols).  
Upper-Case Alphabetic mode – Press Shift once to display upper-  
case letters.  
Lower-Case Alphabetic mode – Press Shift twice to display lower-  
Special Key mode – Press a special key (Fct or Alt) to access  
functions or display special characters).  
4-2 Basic Operations  
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U s i n g t h e D i s p l a y  
The display has eight lines and one status line.  
Reading the Status Line  
The status line has the following indicators:  
Indicator Description  
You have pressed the Fct key, and the printer is in Special Key  
mode. This mode remains in effect through the next key press.  
To return to Normal mode without accessing a function, press the  
Fct key again.  
You have pressed the Alt key, and the printer is in Special Key  
mode. This mode remains in effect until you enter a 3-digit  
number. To return to Normal mode without entering a number,  
press the Alt key again.  
For future use.  
You have pressed the Shift key once, and the printer is in Upper-  
Case Alphabetic mode. This mode remains in effect until you  
press the Shift key (moving to Lower-Case Alphabetic mode).  
You have pressed the Shift key twice, and the printer is in Lower-  
Case Alphabetic mode. This mode remains in effect until you  
press the Shift key again (moving back to Normal mode).  
The printer is in Normal mode if no indicator is on the display.  
S c a n n i n g B a r C o d e s  
Your printer may have a built-in scanner.  
When you scan depends on the application the printer is running. It will  
most likely prompt you on the display to press a certain key (probably the  
trigger). When you press it, you activate the scanner.  
Basic Operations 4-3  
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To scan a bar code:  
1. Attach the safety strap to your wrist.  
2. Point the scanner at a slight angle approximately 4 – 8 inches from  
the bar code symbol.  
3. Press the trigger or other key specified by your System Administrator.  
CAUTION: Do Not stare into the beam.  
The laser scan LED lights green after a successful scan. It lights amber  
after an unsuccessful scan. This light is at the upper right of the keypad,  
to the left of the On/Off key.  
4-4 Basic Operations  
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If the bar code does not scan:  
Change the scanner’s angle slightly and try again.  
Clean the scanner window. See “Cleaning” in Chapter 5 for more  
Move the scanner 4 – 8 inches away from the bar code. Adjust this  
distance as needed to find the correct distance.  
Try scanning another bar code that you have scanned successfully. If  
that scan is successful, the scanning problem is with the bar code.  
Move to a more dimly lit area.  
Ensure there are no voids (streaks) in the bar code symbol.  
If the scan is still unsuccessful, ask your System Administrator to perform  
a scanner test.  
Basic Operations 4-5  
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C e r t i f i c a t i o n N o t e  
This product is certified to be a Class II laser product with the United  
States DHHS Center for Devices and Radiological Health. The scanner  
emits less than 1.3 milliwatt beam of laser light from the scanning window. Laser  
light in excess of Class I limits must be inside a protective cover. No  
maintenance is required to keep this product in compliance with IEC 825  
and DHHS Regulation 21, Subchapter J. No controls are provided for  
operation or maintenance.  
4-6 Basic Operations  
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P r i n t i n g  
When and how you print depends on your printer’s application. It may  
only after you press a certain key.  
automatically as soon as you press a key.  
automatically with no input from you.  
one or many labels at once.  
P o w e r M a n a g e m e n t  
If the printer stays on, but you do not use it for a while, it goes into sleep  
mode to conserve power. The printer wakes up when you start using it  
R a d i o F r e q u e n c y C o m m u n i c a t i o n s  
Your printer may be able to communicate with other printers or a base  
station via radio frequency (RF) communications. Your System  
Administrator can tell you if you have this feature and any special  
procedures you need to perform.  
Basic Operations 4-7  
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A t t a c h i n g t h e S a f e t y S t r a p  
1. Turn the printer upside down, resting its top on the table.  
2. Take the thin end of the safety strap, and push it through the loop at  
the bottom of the printer handle (near the battery compartment).  
3. Push the thick end of the safety strap through the thin end’s loop.  
4. Pull the strap. It may be necessary to help the thin end’s loop fit over  
the plastic piece in the middle of the strap.  
4-8 Basic Operations  
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5. Pull the strap tight.  
H e l p f u l R e m i n d e r s  
Always start with a fully-charged battery.  
Attach the safety strap to your wrist before using the printer.  
Do Not pound the printer when applying labels printed in peel mode.  
Switch to a fully-charged battery every time you load a new roll of  
supplies (doing so ensures optimum print quality).  
Turn the printer off when not using it.  
Operate and store the printer with the recommended temperature and  
humidity ranges. See Appendix B, “Reference Information,” for more  
Basic Operations 4-9  
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4-10 Basic Operations  
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C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E  
Caring for and properly maintaining your printer protects it and  
keeps it running smoothly. This chapter explains how to  
clean the printhead, platen roller, sensors, and scanner window.  
clear supply jams.  
store the printer.  
C l e a n i n g  
It is important to keep the printer clean. There are four main areas that  
you must clean:  
Platen Roller  
Scanner Window  
Scanner Flex Cable  
Do Not use sharp objects to clean the printer.  
Care and Maintenance 5-1  
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Clean the printhead  
after using 7-10 rolls of supplies.  
in extreme temperatures, humid conditions, or a dirty environment.  
when you see voids in the print.  
after a supply jam.  
Do Not use silicone to clean or lubricate. Do Not use sharp objects to  
remove adhesive or label particles from the printhead area. Do Not  
touch the printhead with your fingers. These actions may damage the  
printhead and void your warranty.  
To clean the printhead:  
1. Turn off the printer.  
2. Open the supply cover and remove the supply roll. See “Removing  
Supplies” in Chapter 3.  
3. Check the supply holder for adhesive buildup, and clean it, if  
4. Ground yourself by touching metal on something other than the  
printer. Grounding prevents electrostatic discharge, which may  
damage your printer.  
5-2 Care and Maintenance  
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5. Clean the printhead area of all adhesive and label particles using a  
Monarch Cleaning Pen (#114226) or a soft cloth moistened with  
isopropyl alcoh ol.  
6. Reload the supply roll and close the supply cover.  
Platen Roller  
Clean the platen roller when you see significant adhesive build-up or a  
label is wrapped around the platen roller.  
1. Turn the printer off and open the supply cover.  
2. Remove the supplies. See “Removing Supplies” in Chapter 3.  
3. Hold the printer upright and gently press down on the label deflector.  
It may be stiff.  
Care and Maintenance 5-3  
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4. Use a dry, soft-bristle brush, such as a toothbrush, to clean either the  
standard (black) or linerless (red/orange textured) platen roller.  
Platen Roller  
5. Turn the platen roller with your finger, and then continue cleaning.  
6. Reload the supplies and close the label deflector and supply cover.  
NOTE: DO NOT use alcohol or solvents on linerless (red/orange textured)  
platen rollers.  
If the brush does not remove all the adhesive:  
use isopropyl alcohol ONLY on the standard (black) platen roller.  
Moisten a cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol and run the cotton swab  
across the platen roller. Turn the platen roller with your finger to make  
sure the platen roller is clean all the way around. After cleaning, feed  
several inches of supply through without printing to remove any  
remaining isopropyl alcohol.  
Call Service to clean the linerless (red/orange textured) platen roller.  
Pinch and Feed Rollers  
To clean the pinch and feed rollers:  
1. Turn the printer off and open the supply cover.  
2. Remove the supplies. See “Removing Supplies” in Chapter 3.  
5-4 Care and Maintenance  
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3. Turn the platen roller with your fingers and run a dry, lint-free cloth  
across the pinch and feed rollers as they turn. Make sure the rollers  
are clean all the way around. If that does not work, use a cloth  
dampened slightly with distilled water.  
4. Reload the supplies after the printer dries.  
To clean the on-demand sensor:  
1. Turn the printer off and open the supply cover.  
2. Remove the supplies. See “Removing Supplies” in Chapter 3.  
3. Open the label deflector by gently pressing down with two fingers.  
4. Clean the on-demand sensor with a soft cloth moistened with water.  
On-Demand Sensor  
5. Reload the supplies and close the label deflector and supply cover.  
Care and Maintenance 5-5  
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To clean the black mark sensor:  
1. Turn the printer off and open the supply cover.  
2. Remove the supplies. See “Removing Supplies” in Chapter 3.  
3. Clean the black mark sensor with a dry cotton swab.  
Black Mark  
4. Reload the supplies and close the supply cover.  
Scanner Window  
Clean the scanner window whenever it appears to be dirty or smeared.  
To clean it:  
1. Moisten a soft cloth with water.  
2. Wipe the window until it is completely clean.  
5-6 Care and Maintenance  
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Scanner Flex Cable  
Scanner Flex  
Occasionally, adhesive buildup will appear on the scanner flex cable, as  
shown above. To clean the cable:  
1. Turn the printer off and open the supply cover.  
2. Inspect the scanner flex cable. At any place that adhesive buildup  
appears, clean the cable with 99% isopropyl alcohol.  
3. Close the supply cover.  
C l e a r i n g S u p p l y J a m s  
To clear a supply jam:  
1. Turn off the printer.  
2. Open the supply cover completely.  
3. Open the label deflector by gently pressing down on it with two  
4. Remove the supplies. See “Removing Supplies” in Chapter 3.  
Care and Maintenance 5-7  
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5. Carefully remove any jammed supply and close the deflector.  
NOTE: Do Not pull the jammed supply out through the front of the label  
deflector. Do Not use sharp objects to remove jammed supplies.  
6. Carefully remove any jammed supply between the pinch and feed  
Pinch Roller  
(Feed Roller is  
behind it)  
7. Reload the supplies and close the label deflector.  
S t o r i n g t h e P r i n t e r  
Do Not store the printer in or near  
magnetic fields  
wet or damp areas  
dirty or dusty areas  
areas of intense vibration or shock.  
5-8 Care and Maintenance  
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T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G  
Following are some common printer problems and their solutions.  
Printer will not feed.  
Switch to a fully-charged battery.  
Close the supply cover completely.  
Load the supply correctly.  
Check the platen roller for jammed labels.  
Switch to a fully-charged battery.  
Load the supply correctly.  
Clean the printhead.  
Printer will not print.  
Print has voids or is too light. Load the supply correctly.  
Close the supply cover completely.  
Switch to a fully-charged battery.  
Clean the printhead.  
Check the supply for damage or defects.  
Printer partially prints on the Load the supply correctly or load new supplies,  
supply and fails to respond  
to the keypad or trigger.  
if necessary.  
Clear any supply jams.  
Clean the printhead.  
Switch to a fully-charged battery.  
CMOS Error  
Replace the backup battery. See “Using the  
Backup Battery” in Chapter 2.  
Scanner will not scan a bar  
See “Scanning Bar Codes” in Chapter 4.  
The display does not turn on. Make sure the power is on.  
Switch to a fully-charged battery.  
Troubleshooting 6-1  
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Error Codes  
Following are some common error codes you may receive and their  
004 - 005  
267 – 271  
410 - 413  
703 - 704  
Supply size is incorrect. Reload the correct supplies.  
Communication error. See your System Administrator.  
Supply Error. Load supplies or make sure they are loaded  
751 - 753  
Printhead is overheated. Turn off the printer to let it cool.  
The printer sensed a problem with a mark on the supplies.  
Check the supplies to see if they are loaded correctly.  
The printer is out of supplies. Load supplies.  
Load supplies. The calibrated supply length differs by plus  
or minus .25 inches from the format.  
Check supply. Either the supply is not seen, or the on-  
demand sensor is broken (purchase optional). Check for a  
label jam. Clear the supply path or reload supplies. The  
printer does not recalibrate after this error.  
Low battery. Recharge the battery.  
Waiting to dispense label. Press Enter.  
790 - 791  
Printhead error. See your System Administrator.  
The printer is busy or has an error pending. Turn off the  
printer. Wait two seconds and turn it back on.  
System error. See your System Administrator.  
System error. See your System Administrator.  
904 – 911  
If these solutions do not work or you have a problem or error code not  
listed, see your System Administrator or call Service at the number listed  
on the back of this manual.  
6-2 Troubleshooting  
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G L O S S A R Y  
To use this printer, you should be familiar with the following terms.  
The print mode where the user presses the Shift key to  
display a letter.  
delete all data on the current line when pressed with  
Bar code  
A sequence of vertical black and white bars or a square of  
black and white dots. The spacing and thickness of these  
bars or dots is a way of representing data. A scanner  
reads bar codes.  
Non-peel mode  
The print mode that does not remove the backing paper. It  
is for labels printed in a continuous strip, tags, and receipt  
Normal mode  
Peel mode  
The default data entry mode. In it, the user presses a key  
to display what appears on the face of the key.  
The print mode that removes the backing paper from the  
supplies as it prints the labels. This mode allows you to  
apply the label immediately. It is only for labels.  
Platen roller  
The surface in the printer that the supply is held against. It  
rotates, helping to move the supply along.  
The surface in the printer where the printing occurs. The  
supply moves across the printhead to get the label printed.  
Radio frequency. A special type of printer communication  
in which it “talks” to a base station without a cable.  
A device that “sees” a new label has started. It works by  
using either black marks on the back of the supplies or  
sensing when a label ends.  
The paper (labels, tags, or receipt paper) printed on.  
Special key  
The data entry mode after the user presses the Fct or Alt  
keys and then a number to access functions or display  
special characters.  
Glossary A-1  
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A-2 Glossary  
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R E F E R E N C E I N F O R M AT I O N  
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s  
Width – 7.75" (197mm)  
Length – 3.25" (83mm)  
Height – 6.50" (165mm)  
Weight – 2.2 lbs. (1 kg)  
Shipping Weight – 5.86 lbs. (2.66 kg)  
1.89" (48mm/384 dots) (203 dots per inch)  
Thermal direct (no ink /ribbon)  
Up to 4" (102 mm) per second  
1MB RAM and 2MB Flash  
Print Speed:  
Battery Type:  
7.4V Lithium Ion (110V – 240V AC adapter)  
3V Lithium Coin Cell  
Battery Recharge  
1 – 3 hours, depending on the charger used.  
Supply Sizes:  
Width 1.2", 1.5", and 2.0" (30mm, 38mm, and 51mm)  
Lengths .785" – 4.0" (20mm – 102mm)  
Peel mode supports .785" (20 mm) or greater lengths.  
Non-Peel mode supports .55" (13.97mm) or greater  
40°F – 110°F (4°C – 43°C)  
5% – 90% non-condensing  
Humidity (Operating  
& Storage):  
Reference Information B-1  
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A c c e s s o r i e s / O p t i o n s  
On-demand sensor  
9462 Single-Station Battery Charger  
9464 4-Station Battery Charger  
AC Power Supply (110V – 240V)—operating range is 95V – 264V  
Integrated Laser Scanner (regular or high-speed)  
Memory or Radio Cards  
Extra Battery  
Wrist Strap  
Software Development Kit*  
*Available on our Web site.  
B-2 Reference Information  
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