The experience speaks for itself™
BeTTer AccurAcy = BeTTer ediTing
Don’t waste time re-creating information trapped on paper. Typing a typical
20-page document (6,000 words) take about 150 minutes for the average
person. OmniPage 18 can re-create the same 20 pages as an editable
digital file in your favorite format in less than two minutes. OmniPage 18 is
faster and more accurate, so you can get more done than ever before.
OmniPage 18
Save Time and Money with
Superior Accuracy
OMniPAge 18 iS greAT fOr uSerS On The gO
Capture text from any number of devices, including digital cameras,
portable scanners, and all-in-one printers. Any device that can capture your
document as an image can be used with OmniPage 18.*
don’t retype your
them! OmniPage®
SuPPOrTS All yOur fAvOriTe APPlicATiOnS
18 is the fastest and
Supports the widest range of output formats, including PDF, Microsoft® Word,
Excel®, PowerPoint® (pptx), HTML, Corel® WordPerfect®, and many more.
most precise way to
convert paper, PdF
AcceSS And cOnverT dOcuMenTS in The clOud
files, and even digital
Storing, sharing, and archiving documents online in cloud storage is a
fast, inexpensive, and convenient option today. OmniPage is designed to
connect to a variety of cloud storage and online document websites. Now
you can convert documents stored in Windows Live SkyDrive, GoogleDocs,
Evernote, Dropbox, and so much more.**
camera pictures
into documents you can edit in your
favorite PC applications. OmniPage 18
delivers unrivaled accuracy, speed, and
innovative features.
With OmniPage 18, you can:
• Instantly edit scanned paper, images or PDF files in your favorite applications
• Improve productivity—OmniPage 18 is fast, easy and productive and
works with all scanners, all-in-ones, and digital cameras
• Automatically receive emailed pictures of documents from your devices
through Microsoft Outlook
all of this means OmniPage 18 will
significantly reduce the amount of time
spent converting important files, so you
can focus on more important business
• Maintain formatting – converted documents look just like the original
• Take advantage of simple, fast, and effective conversion using Cloud
storage services
* Minimum 2-megapixel and auto-focus are required for phone cameras.
** Nuance Cloud Connector is powered by Gladinet.
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