Metrologic Instruments Scanner Hand Held Scanner User Manual

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a  
Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are  
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a  
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate  
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the  
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a  
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to  
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the  
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try correct the interference  
by one or more of the following measures:  
CCD Hand-Held Scanner  
User Manual  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to  
which the receiver is connected.  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
Metrologic Instruments GmbH  
Dornier Strasse 2  
82178 Puchheim  
Tel +49 89 890190  
Fax +49 89 89019200  
© Metrologic Instruments Europe, 2001. All rights reserved  
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1. Introduction  
2. General Features  
This manual contains all the information needed to operate and configure  
the Pulsar C Barcode Scanner. It is divided into two parts. The first part of  
this manual describes the operation and programmable features of the  
scanner. The second part of this manual contains the setup barcodes used  
to configure the scanner.  
2.1 Buzzer  
The buzzer of the scanner beeps differently to indicate various operating  
Power On Beep: The Pulsar C scanner will issue a long beep to indicate  
a successful power on.  
The Pulsar C is one of the most versatile and flexible CCD barcode  
scanners in the world. All the features and functions required for up to date  
barcode reading are included. Owing to the compact design and extremely  
low power consumption, this scanner provides for easy installation and high  
product durability. The scanner will not only cater for the requirements  
needed today, but also can fulfill your long- term needs. The major  
functions and features of the Pulsar C are listed below:  
Good Read Beep: There are four volume levels and four beeping tones  
(frequencies) that the user can select from to signify a good read. The  
available options are:  
Volume: Maximum/Loud/Medium/Minimum  
Frequency: 8 / 4 / 2 / 1 kHz  
Error Beep: The scanner will issue a long beep with a low tone to  
Barcode Readability: Most popular barcode symbologies are supported.  
Support for negative barcodes.  
indicate errors.  
Enter / Exit Configuration Beep: The scanner will issue 6 beeps upon  
entering / exiting the configuration mode.  
Supports eight scan modes.  
Programmable Beeping Tone  
Setup Beep: In configuration mode, the scanner will normally beep twice  
when a setup barcode is read. If the particular setup parameter needs  
more than one read, the scanner will only issue a short beep to indicate  
that there are more setup barcodes needed to complete the current  
parameter setting.  
Dual Colour Indicator  
Interfaces Supported : KBD Wedge and RS232  
Programmable Code ID: Code ID can be individually configured for each  
Programmable Length Code  
Programmable Prefix Code  
Programmable Postfix Code  
Character Substitution  
2.2 Indicator  
There is a dual colour indicator on top of the scanner. Normally it is off, and  
will turn red when there is a good read. The indicator will be green when the  
scanner is in configuration mode.  
Data Editing: Data can be reorganized according to user programmable  
formats. Up to three data editing formats are supported.  
2.3 Scan Modes  
There are eight scan modes supported by the CCD scanner. The user can  
choose the desired scan mode depending on the application requirements.  
But, if the scanner is a switch-less scanner, only Continuous mode or  
Testing mode can be selected (other scan modes involve trigger switch  
interaction). The supported scan modes are described below.  
Extremely Low Power Consumption  
Auto Off Mode: The scanner will start scanning once the switch is  
triggered. The scanning continues until either a barcode is read or a  
preset scanning period (Scanner Time-Out Duration) is expired.  
Continuous Mode: The scanner is always scanning.  
Auto Power Off Mode: The scanner will start scanning once the  
switch is triggered. The scanning continues until a preset scanning  
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period (Scanner Time-Out Duration) is expired. Unlike the Auto Off  
mode, the scanner will continue to scan and the scanning period is  
re-counted each time there is a successful read.  
2.6 Reading Redundancy  
This parameter is used to specify the levels of reading (decoding) security.  
If No Redundancy is selected, only one successful decoding can make the  
reading valid. If Three Times Redundancy is selected, it will take 3  
successful decodes to make the reading valid. It is obvious that the more  
redundancy the user selects, the higher the reading security and thus the  
slower the reading speed. The user must compromise between decoding  
security and decoding speed if the security feature is needed.  
Alternate Mode: The scanner will start scanning once the switch is  
triggered. The scanner will continue scanning until the switch is  
triggered again.  
Momentary Mode: The scanner will be scanning as long as the  
switch is depressed.  
2.7 Supported Symbologies  
Repeat Mode: The scanner is always scanning as per Continuous  
Mode. But now the switch acts like a “re-transmit button”. If the  
switch is triggered within 1 second after a good read, the same data  
will be transmitted again without actually reading the barcode. This  
“re-transmit button” can be triggered as many times as user desired,  
as long as the time between each triggering does not exceed 1  
second. This scan mode is most useful when the same barcode is to  
be read many times.  
Most of the popular barcode symbologies are supported. Each symbology  
can be individually enabled or disabled. The scanner will automatically  
discriminate and recognize all the symbologies that are enabled. The  
supported barcode symbologies are listed below.  
Code 39 (Standard / Full ASCII)  
Italy Pharmacode  
French Pharmacode  
Industrial 25  
Interleave 25  
Matrix 25  
Codabar (NW-7)  
UPCA (with or without Add-on)  
UPCE (with or without Add-on)  
EAN8 (with or without Add-on)  
EAN13 (with or without Add-on)  
Code 93  
Laser Mode: This is the scan mode most often used on laser  
scanners. The scanner will start scanning once the switch is pressed.  
The scanning continues until either a barcode is read, the switch is  
released or a preset scanning period (Scanner Time-Out Duration) is  
Test Mode: The scanner is always scanning. The scanner will  
decode repeatedly even with the same barcode.  
By default, the scan mode is Auto Off mode for scanners with trigger  
switch, and is Continuous mode for switch-less scanners.  
Code 128  
EAN 128  
2.4 Re-read Delay  
If the scanner mode is set to Continuous, Auto Power Off, Alternate, or  
Momentary mode, the scanner will prevent accidentally reading the same  
barcode twice by using a Re-read Delay (Blocking Time). The barcode  
must be taken away from the scanning line longer than the Re-read Delay  
to allow second reading of the same barcode. The Re-read Delay can be  
set by the user.  
2.8 Negative Barcodes  
The Pulsar C can be configured to read negative barcodes. Normally,  
barcodes are printed with the color of the bars darker than that of the  
spaces. But for negative barcodes, they are printed in the opposite sense  
just like negative films. The spaces of the negative barcodes are printed  
with a color darker than that of the bars.  
2.5 Scanner Time-out Duration  
This parameter is used to limit the maximum scanning period when the  
scan mode is either Auto Off Mode or Auto Power Off Mode. This time-out  
duration is specified in units of second. The default time-out duration is ten  
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3. Output Interface  
The Pulsar C is a single interface CCD scanner. It can be ordered as a  
keyboard wedge scanner, and a RS-232 scanner. The output interface  
must be specified at time of order.  
Digits on Upper Row  
3.1 Keyboard Wedge Interface  
3.1.4 Capital Lock Status  
3.1.1 Keyboard Type  
In order to send alphabets with correct case, the scanner needs to know  
the capital lock status of the keyboard. Incorrect settings may result in  
reversed case of alphabets being transmitted. There are 3 options to this  
parameter : On, Off, or Auto Detection. If this parameter is set to Auto  
Detection, the scanner will automatically detect the capital lock status of the  
keyboard before it transmits data.  
The keyboard wedge interface is enabled by configuring/selecting keyboard  
type. The supported keyboard types are listed below.  
PCAT - US, French German, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, UK,  
Belgium, Spanish, and Portuguese KBD  
IBM 3477 TYPE (Japanese KBD)  
IBM 34XX,319X & Memorex Telex (122Keys)  
3.1.5 Alphabets Transmission  
User can choose how alphabets are sent by configuring this parameter.  
The alphabets can be sent according to their case (the Case Sensitive  
option), or the case is ignored (the Ignore Case option) when transmitting.  
3.1.2 Keyboard Style - Alphabets  
Keyboard layout style can be selected. There are three options to this  
setting : default layout (US or English style), AZERTY layout, and QWERTZ  
layout. This setting only works when the keyboard type selected is for US  
keyboard. The scanner will make necessary adjustment when sending the  
‘A’, ‘Q’, ‘W’, ‘Z’, ‘Y’, and ‘M’ character according to this setting.  
3.1.6 Digits Transmission  
User can choose how the scanner transmits digits by configuring this  
parameter. The scanner can transmit digits by using the alphanumeric key  
or by using the numeric key pad. The Num Lock status of the keyboard  
should be ON if numeric key pad option is selected.  
3.1.3 Keyboard Style – Digits  
There are two digit layout styles as shown on the following figures. One has  
its digit keys on top (upper row), the other has them on bottom (lower row).  
Numeric Key Pad  
Configuring this setting can change the layout of the digits. There are three  
options: Default, Lower Row, and Upper Row. The scanner will make  
necessary adjustment when sending digits according to the setting value of  
this parameter. This setting is meant to be used with the above setting  
(Keyboard Style – Alphabets) and perhaps Character Substitution setting,  
when support to languages not available on the scanner is needed.  
AlphaNumeric Key  
3.1.7 Inter-Character Delay  
An inter-character delay of 0 to 255 ms can be configured to match the  
computer response time of the keyboard interface. The delay time  
configured is inserted between transmitting every character. The longer the  
delay time configured, the slower the transmission speed will be. The inter-  
character delay is zero by default.  
Digits on Lower Row  
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3.2 RS232 Interface  
The user can select the desired, flow control, baud rate, parity, and data  
bits to be used in this output interface.  
4. Symbology Parameters  
This section describes user configurable parameters which are pertaining  
to barcode symbologies.  
3.2.1 Baud Rate / Parity / Data Bits  
The supported baud rate, parity, and data bit are listed below.  
4.1 Code39  
Standard / Full ASCII Code 39: User can choose to read either  
Standard Code 39 or Full ASCII Code 39 by configuring this  
Baud Rate : 38400 / 19200 / 9600 / 4800 / 2400 / 1200 / 600 / 300  
Parity : None / Even / Odd  
Data bit : 8 / 7  
Start/Stop Transmission: This parameter specifies whether the  
start/stop characters of Code 39 are included in the data being  
3.2.2 Flow Control  
The user can further configure the flow (handshake) control method to be  
used. The available options are listed below.  
Checksum Verification: This parameter specifies whether the  
scanner will perform checksum verification when decoding barcodes.  
If the checksum is incorrect, the barcode will not be read.  
No Flow Control  
Scanner Ready : The scanner will activate the RTS signal after  
power on. After each good read the scanner will then wait for the  
CTS signal becomes active. The data will not be sent until CTS  
signal becomes active.  
Data Ready : The RTS signal will be activated after each good read.  
The scanner will then wait for the CTS signal becomes active. The  
data will not be sent until CTS signal becomes active.  
Inverted Data Ready : It is like the Data Ready flow control, but the  
RTS signal level is inverted.  
Checksum Transmission: This parameter specifies whether the  
checksum character are included in the data being transmitted.  
4.2 Italy / French Pharmacode  
For Italy /French Pharmacode, there is always a checksum character  
included in the barcode. So the checksum verification is always performed  
when decoding these symbologies. User though can choose whether the  
checksum character is to be transmitted or not. The start / stop  
transmission of this code shares the same setting of Code 39.  
Checksum Transmission: This parameter specifies whether the  
3.2.3 Inter-Character Delay  
checksum character is included in the data being transmitted.  
An inter-character delay of 0 to 255 ms can be configured to match the  
computer response time. The delay time configured is inserted between  
transmitting every character. The longer the delay time configured, the  
slower the transmission speed will be. The inter-character delay is zero by  
4.3 Industrial / Interleave / Matrix 25  
Start / Stop Selection: This parameter provides the readability of all  
2 of 5 symbology variants. For example, flight tickets actually use an  
Industrial 25 barcode but with Interleave 25 start / stop. In order to  
read this barcode, the start / stop selection parameter of Industrial  
25 should set to ‘Interleave 25.  
Checksum Verification: This parameter specifies whether the  
scanner will perform checksum verification when decoding barcodes.  
If the checksum is incorrect, the barcode will not be read.  
Checksum Transmission: This parameter specifies whether the  
checksum character is included in the data being transmitted.  
Code Length Qualification: Because of the weak structure of the 2  
of 5 codes, a partial scan has a high probability of decoding as a  
valid but shorter 2 of 5 codes (known as short scan). To prevent this  
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kind of undesired reading, the Code Length settings can help to  
insure that the correct code is read by qualifying the allowable code  
length. Code length parameters can be configured in two ways:  
Fixed Code Length or Max / Min code length. If the fixed code  
length is selected, up to 2 fixed lengths can be specified. And if max /  
min code length is selected, the max length and the min length must  
be specified, and the scanner will only accept those codes with  
lengths fall between max / min length specified.  
4.6 EAN8  
Convert to EAN13: If this parameter is enabled, the EAN8 read will  
be expanded into EAN13, and the following processing will follow the  
parameters configured for EAN13.  
Checksum Transmission: If this parameter is enabled, the  
checksum character will be included in the data being transmitted.  
4.7 UPCA  
4.4 Codabar  
Convert to EAN13: If this parameter is enabled, the UPCA read will  
be expanded into EAN13, and the following processing will follow the  
parameters configured for EAN13.  
Start/Stop Transmission: This parameter specifies whether the  
start/stop characters of Codabar are included in the data being  
System Number Transmission: If this parameter is enabled, the  
system number will be included in the data being transmitted.  
Start / Stop Selection: Four different start / stop pairs can be  
selected as start / stop characters as listed below.  
Checksum Transmission: If this parameter is enabled, the  
checksum character will be included in the data being transmitted.  
abcd / abcd  
abcd / tn*e  
4.8 EAN13  
ISBN / ISSN Conversion: If these parameters are enabled, the  
scanner will convert the code read into ISBN or ISSN code if the  
formats are correct (EAN13 codes start with 978 or 979 for ISBN,  
and 977 for ISSN).  
4.5 UPCE  
System Number Selection: The UPCE comes with 2 options:  
System Number 0 and System Number 1. These two differ in the  
way data are encoded. The system number 1 is the new UPCE  
extension to the ordinary UPCE (system number 0). User can have  
the choice of enabling both system numbers, or just system number  
Checksum Transmission: If this parameter is enabled, the  
checksum character will be included in the data being transmitted.  
4.9 MSI  
Checksum Verification: Three kinds of checksum calculations can  
be implemented into MSI code: Single Modulo 10, Double Modulo  
10, or Modulo 11 & 10 checksum. If the checksum character is  
incorrect, the barcode will not be read.  
Warning: Because of the way system number 1 is encoded, if both  
system numbers are enabled, user might suffer from short scanning  
UPCA or EAN13 into UPCE system number 1 barcodes.  
Convert to UPCA: If this parameter is enabled, the UPCE read will  
be expanded into UPCA, and the following processing will follow the  
parameters configured for UPCA.  
Checksum Transmission: User can control how the checksum is  
transmitted by configuring this parameters.  
1) Transmitted  
2) Last digit not transmitted  
3) Last 2 digits not transmitted  
System Number Transmission: If this parameter is enabled, the  
system number will be included in the data being transmitted.  
Checksum Transmission: If this parameter is enabled, the  
checksum character will be included in the data being transmitted.  
Code Length Qualification: Because of the weak structure of the  
MSI code, a partial scan has a high probability of decoding as a valid  
but shorter MSI codes (known as short scan). To prevent this kind of  
undesired readings, the Code Length settings can help to ensure  
that the correct code is read by qualifying the allowable code length.  
Code length limitations can be set in 2 ways: Fixed Code Length  
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and Max/Min code length. If the fixed code length is selected, up to  
2 fixed lengths can be specified. And if max / min code length is  
selected, the max length and the min length must be specified, and  
the scanner will only accept those codes with lengths fall between  
max / min length specified.  
5. Data Output Format  
Data read by the scanner will be processed in the following sequence (RS-  
232 and Keyboard Wedge).  
1) The character substitution is performed on the barcode data.  
2) The Code ID and the Length Code are inserted at the beginning of the  
data as shown below.  
[Code ID] [Length Code] [Data]  
3) The resulting data of step 1 will be processed by the editing formats. For  
details, please refer to the section “Data Editing”.  
4.10 Plessey  
Convert to UK Plessey: If this parameter is enabled, the scanner  
will change each occurrence of the character ‘A’ into character ‘X’ in  
the code.  
4) And finally the Prefix Code and the Postfix Code will be added before  
[Prefix Code] [Resulting Data of Step 3] [Postfix Code]  
Checksum Transmission: If this parameter is enabled, the  
checksum characters (two characters) will be transmitted together  
with data.  
5.1 Character Substitution  
There are three character substitution settings on the scanner. These  
settings are configured on a character base, i.e, a specific character is to  
be substituted by an another character. The character substitution is  
performed on every occurrence of the characters specified in these  
settings. Be aware, the substitution is performed only on the barcode itself  
(exclude Prefix Code, Postfix Code, Code ID, Length Code or any  
Additional Field) and is performed before editing mode processing.  
If only the character to be replaced is specified, every occurrence of that  
character in the barcode will be taken away.  
5.2 Prefix / Postfix Code  
Up to four characters of prefix / postfix code can be configured for the  
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6. Data Editing  
5.3 Code ID  
The Pulsar C provides advanced data editing functions for data formatting.  
Data editing is performed according to user configured editing formats. Up  
to three editing formats can be configured.  
Up to two characters of Code ID can be configured for each symbology. To  
minimize the Code ID configuration efforts, the scanner provides five  
predefined Code ID Sets that user can select from. User can first select one  
of the Code ID Sets and then make desired modifications. The pre-defined  
Code ID Sets are shown below.  
Data is divided into fields by user specified rules. These fields together with  
user configurable additional fields constitute the data actually sent to the  
host computer. The detailed descriptions and the configuration procedures  
of the editing format are described in this section.  
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5  
Code 39  
Italy Pharmacode  
6.1 Select Editing Format  
To start configuring an editing format, the editing format to be configured  
must first be selected. Once it is selected, the parameters pertaining to  
editing format (applicable condition, total number of field, field dividing  
rules, additional fields, and field transmission sequence parameters) can be  
configured. After all the desired parameters are configured, the “End of  
Format Programming” label must be read to complete the configuration of  
that editing format.  
Industrial 25  
Interleave 25  
Matrix 25  
Code 93  
Code 128  
Note: Before completing the configuration of the editing format, if  
parameters other than those pertaining to editing format are read, the  
editing format under configuration will be aborted. User must restart the  
configuration again by selecting editing format to be configured.  
6.2 Restore Default Format  
After the editing format to be configured is selected, user can read the  
“Restore Default Format” label to put the editing format back to default  
setting. The default settings of the editing format are listed below.  
5.4 Length Code  
Two digits Length Code representing the length of data (character count)  
can be inserted in front of data being transmitted. This Length Code  
parameter can be individually enabled or disabled for each barcode  
Applicable Code Type: All  
Applicable Length: Both max and min length are zero.  
Matching string: Empty  
Matching String Location: 0  
Total number of field: 1  
Field Setting: Not Configured  
Additional Fields: Empty  
Field Transmission Sequence: F1  
6.3 Applicable Conditions  
Three applicable conditions can be configured to qualify whether the data  
read by the scanner can be processed by the particular editing format. Data  
editing will not be performed unless all three applicable conditions are met.  
The configurable applicable conditions are described below.  
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Code Type: This parameter specifies the code type of the data  
eligible for data editing. Multiple code types can be specified for this  
6.6 Additional Fields  
User can create up to five additional fields for each editing format. Each  
additional field can have at most four characters. The additional fields are  
numbered AF1 to AF5 accordingly.  
Data Length: This parameter specifies the length (character count)  
of the data eligible for data editing. It is specified in the range format.  
The length of the data must fall between max and min length limits. If  
the max length and the min length configured is both zero, the  
scanner will not perform this length qualification.  
6.7 Field Transmission Sequence  
After the data fields and the additional fields are configured, user can now  
program the transmission sequence of these fields that comprise the final  
data. The “Start” label must be read before assigning the field transmission  
sequence. And then the desired field transmission sequence can be  
specified. The scanner will transmit the fields in the order (sequence) user  
programmed when sending data. The field transmission sequence can be  
assigned in any desired order and fields can also be assigned multiple  
times. The maximum number of fields can be assigned is twelve. After the  
sequence has been assigned, the “End” label must be read to complete the  
Matching String and its Location: User can specify a particular  
character string (up to four characters) that must appear in the data  
that is eligible for data editing. User can also specify where  
(character position, starts from one) this string should appear in the  
data by configuring the matching string location. If the location  
specified is zero, the scanner only checks for the existence of the  
matching string in the data. To disable the matching string  
qualification, just leave the matching string empty.  
6.4 Total Number of Fields  
6.8 End of Format Programming  
Data can be divided into at most 6 fields. The total number of fields  
configured must be correctly specified. The fields are numbered from F1 to  
F6 accordingly, but only F1 to F5 can be configured. Please note that, the  
number of fields can be configured is always one less than total number of  
fields specified. The extra data characters beyond the last field configured  
will be automatically assigned to the next field. That is, if three fields are  
configured for the editing format, the data characters after F3 will be  
assigned to F4 automatically. This feature is quite useful especially  
when data of variable length is processed by editing formats.  
After all the desired parameters are configured, the “End of Format  
Programming” label must be read to conclude the programming of the  
editing format. This label is located at the bottom of every even page in the  
“Editing Format Parameters” section of the configuration manual.  
6.9 Activate Data Editing Formats  
Before data can be processed by a particular editing format, that format  
must be enabled. The editing formats can be enabled or disabled  
6.5 Dividing Data into Fields  
6.10 Exclusive Data Editing  
Data eligible for editing format is divided into fields according to user  
specified rules. The rule for each field can be configured in two ways.  
If this parameter is enabled, all data read by the scanner must be  
processed by the editing format. If the data is not eligible for all enabled  
editing formats, the scanner will not accept the reading and the data will not  
be transmitted.  
Field Terminating String: The field dividing rule can be configured  
by specifying the field terminating string. The field terminating string  
configured can be up to two characters. The scanner will search for  
the occurrence of this particular string in the data for the field. The  
field terminating string is always included in the field. User though,  
has the option of discarding this terminating string.  
6.11 Programming Examples  
Example 1: Extracts data from the 10th character to the 19th character.  
Total Number of Fields: 3  
Field Length: The field dividing rule can be configured by simply  
specifying the field length. The scanner will assign the next specified  
number of characters into the field.  
Field 1: Divide field by field length, set field length to 9  
Field 2: Divide field by field length, set field length to 10  
Field Transmission Sequence: F2  
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7. Configuring your Pulsar C  
Configuring the Pulsar C is done by reading the setup labels contained in  
the Configuration Manual (the second part of this manual). This section  
describes the procedure of configuring the scanner. Some configuration  
examples are also given in this section for illustration.  
Example 2: Extract the date code, item number, and quantity information  
from barcodes. Data is encoded in the barcode like this: From the first  
character to the 6th character is the date code. From the 7th character is  
the item number, its length is not fixed but is delimited by a ‘-’ character.  
After the ‘-’ character is the quantity information.  
7.1 Enter Configuration Mode  
To start the configuration, the “Enter Setup” label must be read. This will  
put the scanner in the configuration mode. The scanner will respond with 6  
beeps and the indicator will turn green after the label is read. This “Enter  
Setup” label is located at the bottom of almost every even page of the  
Configuration Manual.  
Data should be transmitted like this: Item number goes first, then a TAB  
character, and then the date code, and then another TAB character and  
finally the quantity.  
Total Number of Fields: 3  
7.2 Default  
All the parameters of the scanner will return to their default values by  
reading the “Default” label. The scanner will beep twice when the “Default”  
label is read.  
Field 1: Divide field by field length, set the field length to 6.  
Field 2: Divide field by field terminating string. Set terminating string to  
‘-’, and discard the terminating string.  
Additional Field 1: Set to one TAB character.  
Field Transmission Sequence:  
7.3 List Setting  
The current setting of all scanner parameters can be sent to the host  
computer for user inspection. The listing is separated into ten pages. User  
can select the page of interest by reading the “Page x” label. The scanner  
cannot list setting, if Wand Emulation interface is configured.  
F2 AF1 F1 AF1 F3  
Page 1: Interface, Buzzer, and Scanner Parameters  
Page 2: Prefix, Postfix, and Length Code Setting  
Page 3: Code ID  
Page 4: Readable Symbologies  
Page 5: Symbology Parameters (1/3)  
Page 6: Symbology Parameters (2/3)  
Page 7: Symbology Parameters (3/3)  
Page 8: Editing Format 1  
Page 9: Editing Format 2  
Page 10: Editing Format 3  
7.4 Setting Parameter Values  
For most of the parameters, only one read is required to set them to new  
values. The scanner will respond with two beeps when these parameters  
are configured. But for some special parameters, multiple reads are  
required to complete the setting. The scanner will respond with a short  
beep if the configuration of the parameter is still not complete. These  
parameters usually refer to a numeric value or a string of characters, such  
as keyboard type, inter-character delay, prefix / postfix code, etc..  
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For these kinds of parameters, the label of the parameter to be configured  
must be read first. Then the labels comprising the numeric value or  
character string are read. Finally, the “Validate” label must be read to  
complete the setting. The scanner will respond with two beeps when the  
“Validate” label is read.  
Parameter Label  
Key Type / Status Label  
7.4.1 Numeric Parameters  
The configuration procedures for numeric parameters are shown below.  
Parameter Label  
Decimal Label  
Two Hexadecimal Labels  
"Validate" Label  
For example, to configure the Prefix Code to be “AB”, the “Prefix Code”  
label is first read, and then the hexadecimal digit labels “4”, “1”, “4”, and “2”  
are read, and finally, the “Validate” label to complete the setting.  
"Validate" Label  
For example, to configure the Inter-Character Delay to be 15 ms, the “Inter-  
Character Delay” label is first read, and then the decimal digit labels “1” and  
“5”, and finally, the “Validate” label to complete the setting.  
7.4.3 Key Type/Status Setting  
The key type/status is specified in character basis. Each character  
programmed is by default of Normal key type. A character of normal key  
type can have associate status settings (add Shift/Control/Alternate).  
7.4.2 Character String Parameters  
Each character programmed for the character string parameters is  
represented by two hexadecimal digits. The two hexadecimal digits usually  
comprise a value which is the ASCII code equivalence of the character  
being programmed.  
Whereas a character of Scan Code type may not have any associate key  
status settings.  
Normal Key Type: When this label is read, the scanner will assume  
the following hexadecimal digits are the ASCII code of the character  
being programmed. And it will also clear all the associate key status  
settings made to the current character.  
Beside the two hexadecimal digits, there is an optional key type/status can  
also be specified for each character of the string parameters. This optional  
key type/status can only be specified for some particular parameters when  
keyboard interface is used. These parameters are: Prefix Code, Postfix  
Code, Code ID, and Additional Fields of Editing Formats.  
Scan Code: When this label is read, the scanner will assume the  
following hexadecimal digits are the scan code value of the character  
being programmed.  
The available key type/status settings can be selected will be described  
briefly. The configuration procedures for character string parameters are  
shown below.  
Add Shift: The Shift key will be sent together with the character  
Add Control (L): The left Control key will be sent together with the  
character programmed.  
Add Alternate (L): The left Alternate key will be sent together with  
the character programmed.  
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Add Control (R): The right Control key will be sent together with the  
T: + 49 (0) 89 890 190  
F: + 49 (0) 89 890 19 200  
character programmed.  
Add Alternate (R): The right Alternate key will be sent together with  
the character programmed.  
For example, to program the Prefix Code to be “Ctrl-Shift-B”, “C”, the  
programming sequence should be:  
1) “Prefix Code” label  
2) “Add Control (L)” label  
3) “Add Shift” label  
4) “4” of the hexadecimal digit  
5) “2” of the hexadecimal digit  
6) “4” of the hexadecimal digit  
7) “3” of the hexadecimal digit  
8) “Validate”  
T: + 33 (0) 1 48 63 78 78  
F: + 33 (0) 1 48 63 24.94  
T: + 49 (0) 89 890 190  
F: + 49 (0) 89 890 19200  
Note: In internal representation of the characters that are specified with  
either scan code or associate key status, occupy two normal character  
space each. So the maximum number of characters can be configured for a  
string parameter will decrease, if these character specifications are used.  
T: + 39 0 51 6511978  
F: + 39 0 51 652 1337  
7.5 Exit Configuration Mode  
Both the “Update”, and the “Exit Setup without Changes” labels will exit the  
scanner from configuration mode when they are read. These two labels  
differ in whether to keep the new settings on the scanner or not, as their  
names suggest. The scanner will respond with 6 beeps and restart itself, if  
either label is read.  
T: + 34 91 327 2400  
F: + 34 91 327 38 29  
United Kingdom  
T: + 44 1256 365900  
F: + 44 1256 365955  
Metrologic European Offices  
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