Me Inc Network Card NumaLink 30 User Manual

NumaLink-3.0™ Version 2  
Users Guide and Service Manual  
April 2004  
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NumaLink-3.0™ Users Guide and Service Manual  
Table of Contents  
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................3  
2. Installation and Getting Started.............................................................................................................4  
2.1 HARDWARE............................................................................................................................................4  
2.1.1 Cabling ........................................................................................................................................4  
2.1.2 Startup.........................................................................................................................................5  
2.1.3 Shutdown and Reboot.................................................................................................................5  
2.2 SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................................................6  
2.2.1 Installation Directories.................................................................................................................6  
2.2.2 License ........................................................................................................................................6  
2.2.3 Removing NumaLink-3.0.............................................................................................................7  
3. Product Overview....................................................................................................................................8  
3.1 A TYPICAL TRANSLATION........................................................................................................................9  
4. Configuration.........................................................................................................................................11  
4.1 GENERAL.............................................................................................................................................11  
4.1.1 NumaLInk-3.0 DICOM Application Entity Information...............................................................12  
4.2 TRANSLATIONS ....................................................................................................................................13  
4.2.1 Customization............................................................................................................................15  
4.2.2 DICOM.......................................................................................................................................15  
4.3 STATUS ...............................................................................................................................................17  
5. Technical Support.................................................................................................................................19  
5.1 LOGGING AND ERROR REPORTING........................................................................................................19  
5.2 REMOTE DIAGNOSTICS.........................................................................................................................19  
5.3 TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................................................20  
5.4 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .........................................................................................................21  
6. OEM Setup Information ........................................................................................................................24  
6.1 ADAC PEGASYS..................................................................................................................................24  
6.1.1 NumaLink-3.0 Input Configuration (Pegasys Read)..................................................................24  
6.1.2 NumaLink-3.0 Output Configuration (Pegasys Write)...............................................................24  
6.2 GE STARCAM......................................................................................................................................25  
6.2.1 NumaLink-3.0 Input Configuration (StarCam Read) .................................................................25  
6.3 MARCONI ODYSSEY .............................................................................................................................25  
6.3.1 NumaLink-3.0 Input Configuration (Odyssey Read) .................................................................25  
6.4 SIEMENS ICON....................................................................................................................................26  
6.4.1 NumaLink-3.0 Input Configuration (Icon Read).........................................................................26  
7. Command Line Interface and Configuration File...............................................................................27  
7.1 COMMAND LINE....................................................................................................................................27  
7.2 CONFIGURATION FILE...........................................................................................................................28  
7.2.1 The translateDirective.........................................................................................................29  
7.2.2 The out_remote_aeDirective ................................................................................................31  
7.2.3 The control_*Directives.......................................................................................................32  
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1. Introduction  
“ Since we cannot know all that there is to be known about  
anything, we ought to know a little about everything.”  
Blaise Pascal  
NumaLink-3.0 is an OEM-to-OEM nuclear medicine image translator that supports translation among a  
number of OEM data formats. NumaLink-3.0 also provides translation to the DICOM 3.0 standard for  
nuclear medicine as well as communication directly with DICOM 3.0 compliant applications (DICOM by  
A translation type is defined as a translation from one specified OEM format to another. NumaLink-3.0  
will support one or more translation types, as specified in a customer-modifiable configuration. Data  
paths are specified for each defined translation type; optionally, various translation and customization  
parameters may also be specified per translation type.  
Debug capabilities allow a translation to be divided into input, customization and output phases; the  
results of each phase can be examined.  
The NumaLink-3.0 Graphic User Interface (GUI) provides user-friendly configuration and control.  
Alternatively, a command line interface supports all features of the GUI as well as several extensions for  
Logging is provided to maintain a history of translations and any resulting errors.  
Caching is provided, which, in conjunction with debugging, allows translations to be re-executed without  
re-transferring the input files.  
Subsequent section in this guide discuss:  
Installation and getting started  
An overview of NumaLink-3.0  
How to configure translations using the GUI  
Technical Support  
OEM configuration information  
Command line and configuration file  
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2. Installation and Getting Started  
2.1 Hardware  
Your NumaLink-3.0 system hardware should be installed by an authorized service engineer. Please  
contact Numa for more information.  
Typical hardware for a NumaLink-3.0 system is shown in Figure 1.  
Figure 1 – NumaLink-3.0 Hardware Configuration  
To analog telephone  
Modem Line  
ACPower strip  
To Destination  
To Source System  
2.1.1 Cabling  
Refer to Figure 1:  
1. Make sure that the AC power cable is plugged into the power outlet of the computer. This is a three-  
pronged slot, often located in the rear corner of the system.  
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2. The monitor cable should be plugged into the video card on the NumaLink computer. This is usually  
color-coded blue, and has a picture of a monitor next to it.  
3. The keyboard and mouse cables are color-coded purple and green, respectively. Plug these into the  
appropriately labeled outlets on the back of the system.  
4. For modem line cabling setup, please refer to section 5.2.  
5. Network cables should be plugged into the appropriate network ports. If your system has two  
separate Ethernet cards, make sure that the cables go to the correct ports. See Figure 7 for a sample  
interconnectivity diagram. You may need to contact the Numa, Inc. Technical Support Staff for  
NOTE Do not plug two network cables into the same Ethernet card. This includes both 10base2  
(coaxial) and 10/100baseT (CAT5). Doing so will damage the Ethernet card.  
2.1.2 Startup  
Before starting the NumaLink system, check the following:  
1. All the cables on the NumaLink-3.0 system are securely plugged in. (See section )  
2. The monitor is turned on.  
3. The surge suppressor power strip is turned on.  
To start the NumaLink-3.0 system, locate the power button on the front of the machine and press it. The  
computer will begin its boot sequence.  
During boot-up, you will not need to take any action. The NumaLink-3.0 system is designed to  
automatically load any required programs during boot-up. Figure 9 (page 17) shows what your screen  
may look like when the system has fully booted. Once the NumaLink system has completely started, you  
may begin transferring patient files from the source system.  
If your NumaLink-3.0 system is built on Windows 2000 or XP, you will be prompted to press  
CTRL+ALT+DELETE to log on. The system will ask you for your user name and password. In most  
cases, the user name is “numa” and the password is “numa”.  
2.1.3 Shutdown and Reboot  
To shut down (power off) the NumaLink-3.0 system:  
1. Click on the Start button in the lower left hand corner of the screen.  
2. Select the Shut Down option from the list.  
3. Click the circle next to Shut Down to select it, and then click the OK button to power off the  
NumaLink computer.  
To reboot the NumaLink-3.0 system:  
1. Click on the Start button in the lower left hand corner of the screen.  
2. Select the Shut Down option from the list.  
3. Click the circle next to the Restart option to select it, and then click the OK button to reboot the  
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2.2 Software  
This section applies only if you are installing NumaLink-3.0 software on a system that is not installed and  
configured by Numa.  
NumaLink-3.0 can be installed on Windows 98, windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000. To install  
NumaLink-3.0 on your system, execute the following image:  
1. Read the welcome window; press “Next”.  
2. Enter the name of the Program Manager group to which to add Numa icons (we suggest “Numa”,  
which is the default); press “Next”.  
3. Press “Next” to continue the installation.  
4. Press “Finish” to complete the installation.  
To start NumaLink-3.0, do one of the following:  
Select StartÆProgramsÆNumaÆNumaLink  
Execute C:\Program Files\Numa\NumaLink\NumaLink.exe  
2.2.1 Installation Directories  
The installation of NumaLink-3.0 creates the following directories:  
C:\Program Files\Numa\Documents  
Numa product documents  
Numa run-time support libraries  
Numa License directory  
C:\Program Files\Numa\Lib  
C:\Program Files\Numa\Licenses  
Numa logs directory (NumaLink-3.0 logs may also be placed  
elsewhere; see section 4.1)  
C:\Program Files\Numa\Logs  
C:\Program Files\Numa\NumaLink  
NumaLink-3.0 product directory  
2.2.2 License  
A license, provided by Numa either as a text file or in hardcopy, is required to run NumaLink-3.0. An  
example license is shown in Error! Reference source not found.. The license provided by Numa must  
be placed in the following file:  
<system-disk>\Program Files\Numa\Licenses\NumaLink-3.0.lic  
Figure 2 – NumaLink-3.0 License Example  
Numa license begins [2] 20-Dec-1999 11:54:50  
Product: NumaLink-3.0  
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Version: A1  
Expires: June 1, 2000  
Numa license ends  
If an appropriate license cannot be found, a message is displayed as shown in Figure 3. Contact Numa  
immediately if you have any problems with your NumaLink-3.0 licenses.  
Figure 3 – License Error Message  
NLF_NoLicense: No valid NumaLink-3.0 license found (5)  
2.2.3 Removing NumaLink-3.0  
To remove NumaLink-3.0 from your system, execute the following program:  
C:\Program Files\Numa\Numalink\unwise.exe  
1. Select “Automatic”, press “Next”.  
2. Press “Finish” to remove NumaLink-3.0.  
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3. Product Overview  
In general, NumaLink-3.0 discovers nuclear medicine image files in one OEM format that are placed in a  
configured input directory, and translates them to image files in another OEM format in a configured  
output directory. While performing this translation, it makes use of various directories in a work directory  
tree. This flow is shown in Figure 4.  
Figure 4 – NumaLink-3.0 OEM Data Flow  
Input Directory  
Work Directory  
Input files are removed from the input directory as they are processed. Input files are not deleted  
immediately; instead, they are moved to one of the following directories in the work directory tree:  
All files that have been translated successfully  
All files that could not be translated successfully  
Any files that are considered part of an incomplete translation set (for  
example, if GSPECT studies are in separate time bin files and one of  
the bins is missing; files in the staging directory are combined with files  
that subsequently appear in the input directory, in the hope that at  
incomplete set will eventually become complete and translatable)  
Other directories in the work directory tree are:  
Temporary storage for intermediate format dumps before customization  
Temporary storage for intermediate format dumps after customization  
Temporary storage for pixel data  
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The entire work directory tree is purged periodically of files that are older than a certain number of days,  
as specified in the general translator configuration.  
As a rule, NumaLink-3.0 does not specify how the image files get to the input directory, or what happens  
to them after they are written to the output directory. (In many cases, Numa can provide utilities that  
facilitate or automate the transfer of files from and to various OEM systems; see section Error!  
Reference source not found. for more information.) There are two exceptions to this rule:  
1. A translation can be configured to execute a specified post-processing command after the translation  
is performed. This feature can be used to further process or move output files.  
2. For DICOM outputs, the translation can be configured to perform a store of the output files to a  
DICOM Application Entity. Such a store consumes the output files and removes them from the output  
For translations to DICOM, NumaLink-3.0 can either write the date to DICOM Part 10 files as shown in  
Figure 4, or it can initiate a DICOM store operation to another DICOM Application Entity as shown in  
Figure 5.  
Figure 5 – NumaLink-3.0 DICOM Data Flow  
Image placed in  
input directory for  
translation and  
remote storage  
Image stored  
Image placed in  
input directory for  
translation to  
local file  
Translated image  
written to Part 10  
comformant file  
in local directory  
More information on NumaLink-3.0 DICOM conformance can be found in section 4.2.2.  
3.1 A Typical Translation  
NumaLink-3.0 takes the following steps to perform a typical translation.  
1. The input directory is checked periodically for input files; if no files are found, NumaLink-3.0  
schedules another directory check, then sleeps and re-performs this step.  
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2. If one or more input files are found, NumaLink-3.0 schedules a file stability check, sleeps for a file  
stability delay period and proceeds to step 3.  
3. If the input files are stable, NumaLink-3.0 proceeds to step 4; if not, it schedules a directory check,  
then sleeps and goes to step 1.  
4. NumaLink-3.0:  
a. reads the stable files and maps all information in them to an intermediate translation format;  
b. applies any customization rules as specified by the translation configuration;  
c. maps the intermediate translation format to the output format and writes the output files, or  
performs a DICOM write to a configured DICOM Application entity;  
d. executes a post-processing command if specified;  
e. returns to step 1.  
Multiple concurrent translations can be performed, and depending on the configured wait times, they can  
all be in different states at any given point in time.  
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4. Configuration  
To start the NumaLink-3.0 GUI, double-click on the following executable image:  
<system-disk>\Program Files\Numa\NumaLink\NumaLink.exe  
4.1 General  
Figure 6 shows the NumaLink-3.0 Graphic User Interface (GUI) with its General configuration tab. Each  
configuration item is described in Table 4-1 – General Configuration Settings  
Figure 6 – General Configuration Tab  
Table 4-1 – General Configuration Settings  
Full path for the NumaLink-3.0 audit log. The audit log receives all  
informational and error messages generated by the translator. (See also  
Verbosity below.)  
Audit log  
Full path for the NumaLink-3.0 error log. The error log receives only error  
messages generated by the translator.  
Error log  
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Full path for the NumaLink-3.0 configuration file. The configuration file is  
the repository of all information provided on the Translations tab (section  
Error! Reference source not found.). This file is best left under control of  
the NumaLink-3.0 GUI; in some circumstances, you may need to modify it  
manually to access features that are not yet supported by the GUI (see  
section 7).  
Config. File  
Number of days to save cached input files (input files that have been  
successfully translated).  
Cache age limit (days)  
Delay in seconds between checks for translation work; applicable only if the  
translator is running in background mode (see below).  
Delay between translations  
Controls the amount of information that is placed in the NumaLink-3.0  
audit log. Three settings are available:  
Verbose – logs a large number of informational messages, as well as  
any error messages; recommended only for analyzing problems, as the  
log grows quickly in this setting.  
Normal – logs a small number of information messages as well as any  
error messages; recommended setting for most cases.  
Quiet – logs only error messages; results in minimum log growth  
Determines the mode of operation of the translator:  
Start translator in  
[background | manual]  
background – The translator loops indefinitely, periodically checking  
for translation work.  
manual – the translator checks once for translation work and then exits  
(typically used while analyzing problems).  
Automatically save  
Save any configuration changes automatically on exit.  
Start the translator automatically when the GUI is started.  
Automatically start  
Save general configuration settings now.  
Discard changes to general settings; reverts to previous settings.  
Start the Translator. General configuration, and the configuration of at least  
one valid translation, must be completed before the translator can be started  
Start Translator  
Stop Translator  
Stop the translator.  
Translator [Running |  
Shutting Down | Stopped |  
Indicates the current status of the translator (for more status information,  
see section Error! Reference source not found.)  
Exit NumaLink  
Stop the translator if it is running, then exit the NumaLink-3.0 GUI.  
4.1.1 NumaLInk-3.0 DICOM Application Entity Information  
NumaLink-3.0 uses the following DICOM Application Entity information by default:  
AE Title  
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This information can me modified by editing the file  
C:\Program Files\Numa\NumaStore\ini\numastore.ini  
and appropriately editing the following lines:  
(In a future release, these modifications will be supported directly in the NumaLink-3.0 GUI.)  
(DICOM by Merge)  
4.2 Translations  
Figure 7 shows the Translations tab, through which you can add, delete and modify translation  
definitions. Each translation configuration item is described in Table 4-2.  
To configure the first translation, press the New button.  
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Figure 7 – Translations Tab  
Table 4-2 – Translations Settings  
A list of currently configured translations. To copy, modify or delete an  
existing translation, first select the translation from this list  
A descriptive label associated with the translations. (These labels are  
displayed in the Translations list box.)  
A drop down list of supported input formats; the selected format defines the  
OEM data format expected as input to this translation.  
Input format  
Input path  
Output format  
Directory path of the input directory; files placed in this directory will be  
translated according to this translation definition.  
A drop down list of supported output formats; the selected format defines  
the OEM data format created as output of this translation.  
Directory path of the output directory; output files created by this  
translation will be written to this directory. (See also the DICOM button,  
Output path  
Work path  
Directory path of a work directory; this directory is used by NumaLink-3.0  
while performing work for this translation.  
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The number of seconds to wait, after translation input files have been  
detected, to determine whether they are stable. (See section 3.1 for more  
Stability delay  
An application (executable image, script, etc) that is executed after work is  
done for this translation.  
Create a new translation, setting its parameters from the selected existing  
Copy to New  
Set various customization parameters for this translation; see section Error!  
Reference source not found. for details.  
Apply changes to the selected translation.  
Create a new translation.  
set DICOM configuration parameters for the selected translation; see  
section 4.2.2 for details.  
Delete the selected translation  
Discard any unsaved changes to the selected translation.  
Save the current translations.  
Save Translations  
Reload Translations  
Discard the current translations and reload previously saved translations.  
4.2.1 Customization  
Customization is the process of further defining a translation to meet various site-specific needs. You  
customize a translation by selecting it and pressing the “Customize” button (see Figure 7).  
The customization dialog and settings are described in detail in Numa Translation Customizations:  
C:\Program Files\Numa\Documents\Numa Translation Customizations.doc  
4.2.2 DICOM  
The DICOM dialog, shown in Figure 8, allows you to provide DICOM Application Entity (AE)  
information related to a translation. The dialog is enabled only for output formats that support the  
DICOM standard. (There are currently no input formats that support DICOM AEs.)  
If DICOM AE information is provided for an output format, the translation includes a DICOM request to  
store the translated data to one or more specified AEs.  
Each DICOM configuration item is described in Table 4-3.  
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Figure 8 – DICOM dialog  
Table 4-3 – DICOM Settings  
Output format  
(Read only) Output format specified for this translation.  
If checked, the translation results in a DICOM store request to all remote  
AEs that are associated with the translation. Otherwise, the translation  
results in one or more DICOM Part 10 files written to the translation's  
specified output directory.  
Perform DICOM Store  
A list of remote AEs associated with this translation. The following controls  
apply to the AE selected from this list.  
Application Entities  
Transfer syntax  
Descriptive name  
AE title  
The transfer syntax to be applied to the selected remote AE.  
An optional, free-form descriptive name you can apply to the AE  
The Application Entity Title of the selected AE  
The node name or IP address of the selected AE  
NOTE: Testing indicates that the fastest connections times are achieved by  
supplying the node name here, and listing the node name and corresponding  
IP address in:  
(NT, 2000, XP)  
(95, 98)  
The port number for the selected AE  
[not yet supported]  
Echo Test  
Create a new AE entry  
Copy to New  
Copy the selected AE entry to a new entry  
Delete the selected AE entry  
Exit the dialog and apply any changes to the translation  
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Quit the dialog without applying changes  
For more information on DICOM AEs, refer to the following:  
NumaLink-3.0 DICOM Conformance Statement  
C:\Program Files\Numa\Documents\ NumaLink-3.0 Conformance Statement.doc  
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) 3.0  
4.3 Status  
Error! Reference source not found. shows the Status tab, which displays the current status of the  
NumaLink-3.0 translator. The Status tab reflects the latest entries in the NumaLink-3.0 audit log. The  
NumaLink-3.0 GUI switches to the Status tab automatically when you start the translator.  
Figure 9 – Status Tab  
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The Clear Status Window button clears existing messages form the Status window; it does not affect the  
audit log.  
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5. Technical Support  
5.1 Logging and Error Reporting  
NumaLink-3.0 logs messages that indicate the progress of translations; these messages can also help in  
understanding and resolving translation problems.  
You can see the messages in two ways:  
1. Messages from the current translation session are shown in the Status tab of the NumaLink-3.0 GUI;  
see section 4.3.  
2. Messages from all sessions are appended into log files that, by default, are stored in  
C:\Program Files\Numa\Logs  
The full paths to the log files are displayed in the General tab of the NumaLink-3.0 GUI, as shown in  
section 4.1.  
The verbosity of these messages is configurable, also on the General tab. We recommend the Normal  
setting for most situations; if you are reporting a translation error to the Numa Technical Support Staff,  
you may be asked to rerun the translation with the Verbose message setting.  
5.2 Remote Diagnostics  
NumaLink-3.0 translation systems come with remote diagnostics software pre-installed and configured.  
This software, called pcAnywhere, allows the Numa Technical Support Staff to dial in to the  
NumaLink system for troubleshooting and software upgrades.  
NOTE In order to receive remote support, the NumaLink-3.0 system must be connected to a  
dedicated analog phone line that does not run through a PBX phone system. This is also called a  
D.I.D. (Direct In-Dial) line. If you have to dial a number (such as 9) to get an outside line, then the line is  
not a D.I.D. line. Digital (PBX) phone lines such as those in hospitals will damage the modem, so please  
double-check with the personnel in charge of the phone system at your site.  
When attaching the phone line to the back of the NumaLink-3.0 computer, please make sure that it is  
plugged into the appropriate jack. The modem will have two jacks side by side; plug the phone line into  
the one labeled “TELCO” (it may instead have a picture of the plastic connector for the line); see Figure  
Figure 10 – Proper Telephone Line Connection  
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The phone line should be  
plugged in here  
The pcAnywhere software is setup to automatically start each time the system boots up. You can verify  
the status of pcAnywhere by locating the clock in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Next to the  
clock will be a small computer icon, which indicates that pcAnywhere is setup to receive a call; see  
Figure 11.  
Figure 11 – pcAnywhere Icon  
If you do not see the “pcAnywhere…” icon, you may double-click the “Wait for Connection” icon  
located on the left side of the screen; see Figure 12.  
Figure 12 – "Wait for Connection" Icon  
5.3 Troubleshooting  
Before placing a service call to Numa, please run through the following troubleshooting checklist and  
1. Are all cables plugged into the appropriate ports? (See section 2.1.1.)  
2. Are the computers and monitors of the NumaLink-3.0 system, the source system and the destination  
system turned on? (See section 2.1.2.  
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3. If the systems are powered on, have you rebooted the NumaLink-3.0 system, the source system, and  
the destination system? (See section 2.1.3.)  
4. Have you properly transferred a file from the source system? (See sections 5.4 and 6.)  
5.4 Frequently Asked Questions  
What types of data can I send through my NumaLink-3.0 system?  
Your NumaLink-3.0 computer only supports raw, unprocessed data. This includes the following study  
Multi-Phase Dynamic  
SPECT (planar/MUGA)  
Gated SPECT  
Whole Bodies  
Some “Screen Save” data is supported from the following manufacturers:  
GE StarCam  
ADAC Pegasys  
Sopha XT  
When should I reboot my NumaLink-3.0 computer?  
If your normal procedure is to shut down your nuclear medicine equipment nightly, then do the same with  
the NumaLink-3.0 system. If you leave your nuclear medicine equipment running all the time, Numa  
recommends rebooting the system once a week, preferably on a Monday. You should also reboot the  
NumaLink-3.0 system if you are experiencing trouble transferring files.  
Can I load other software onto my NumaLink-3.0 computer?  
We strongly recommends that you do not load any software onto your NumaLink-3.0 system. Doing so  
could cause the system to malfunction. If your system is covered under warranty by Numa Inc., loading  
unauthorized software onto the NumaLink-3.0 computer is in violation of the warranty terms and will  
void the warranty.  
What about screen savers?  
Screen savers take up a large amount of memory and resources on your NumaLink-3.0 system, may result  
in slow transfer times and may also cause the system to malfunction. Instead, you may turn off the  
monitor without disrupting normal system function.  
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How do I know that a study I sent has been translated?  
You can check the NumaLink-3.0 status window. Figure 13 shows a typical status window after a  
successful translation.  
Figure 13 – Example of Successful Translation  
A study that I sent did not show up on the destination system. What should I do?  
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Reboot the NumaLink-3.0 computer. If the studies still do not come over, reboot the source and  
destination systems as well. Try to determine if the data comes over to the NumaLink-3.0 system, and  
also if it leaves the Numa system, but cannot be seen or processed at the destination. Check the  
Does this happen with only one patient, or all patients?  
Does this happen with only one study type, or all study types?  
If the problem only happens with one patient, is there anything different in the acquisition (different  
parameters than normal)?  
If the problem is with one study type, has the transfer of that type worked before? Do other patients  
who have had the same study come across?  
This information will assist the Numa Technical Staff in the troubleshooting process  
Studies that I sent to my ADAC Pegasys computer do not show up in the patient list, even though they  
were successfully transferred.  
Your Pegasys system may have the incorrect date range set, and the studies you sent may be out of range.  
Adjust the date range field in the patient list on the Pegasys to reflect the acquisition date of the study you  
sent. You may also need to specify a date in the future if the date on the ADAC system is incorrect.  
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6. OEM Setup Information  
This section provide additional information on configuring and using NumaLink-3.0 with the various  
OEM systems supported by its translations.  
6.1 ADAC Pegasys  
6.1.1 NumaLink-3.0 Input Configuration (Pegasys Read)  
Figure 14 shows a typical configuration to deliver Pegasys files to NumaLink-3.0 for translation.  
Figure 14 – NumaLink-3.0 Pegasys Read Configuration  
ADAC Pegasys  
Numa System  
1. Pegasys files are exported to a local directory on the Pegasys system. To export files on the ADAC  
a. Right click on the ADAC desktop.  
b. Right click on User Custom Menu.  
c. Left click on “Transfer Native Pegasys Files”. This will open the patient selection utility.  
d. Select the patients you wish to transfer and click the “Proceed” button.  
2. Numa Pull transfers the files to a local directory on the NumaLink-3.0 system; this directory is  
configured as a translation input directory in NumaLink-3.0.  
3. The appearance of Pegasys files in the input directory causes NumaLink-3.0 to start a translation.  
6.1.2 NumaLink-3.0 Output Configuration (Pegasys Write)  
Figure 15 shows a typical configuration to deliver files translated by NumaLink-3.0 to a Pegasys system.  
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Figure 15 – NumaLink-3.0 Pegasys Write Configuration  
Numa System  
ADAC Pegasys  
1. Completing a translation, NumaLink-3.0 writes Pegasys files to a configured output directory.  
2. AutoFTP transfers the Pegasys files to a local directory on the Pegasys system.  
3. AutoFTP shells a procedure on the Pegasys to add the transferred file to the Pegasys database.  
6.2 GE StarCam  
6.2.1 NumaLink-3.0 Input Configuration (StarCam Read)  
To transfer patient studies from your GE StarCam to the NumaLink-3.0 system:  
1. At the > prompt on the StarCam console, type the command NSND and press the Enter key. This  
will bring up the Network Send screen used to select a station and patient.  
2. Press the Help key to bring up a list of available StarLink stations. Select the entry for the NumaLink  
system, (This entry name will vary, it may be “numa” or “adac” or “odyssey” – contact Numa if you  
need assistance) then press the SEL key to select the entry.  
3. Press the Enter key to navigate to the Patient ID field. Press the Help key to bring up a patient list.  
Using the arrow keys, select the patient you wish to transfer and press the SEL key to select the  
patient. This will bring you back to the main Network Send screen.  
4. To send the patient, press the Send Form key.  
6.3 Marconi Odyssey  
6.3.1 NumaLink-3.0 Input Configuration (Odyssey Read)  
To transfer patient studies from your Marconi Odyssey computer to the Numa computer:  
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1. First open a new workbench on the Odyssey console.  
2. Click on the File menu and select Patient Index.  
3. From the Clinical Index window, select the patient study you wish to transfer, or click on the Patient  
Index button to select individual files.  
4. Click the Done button when ready.  
5. Open the Utilities menu and select Interfile Conversion.  
6. Click on the Convert and Send button, then select NUMA from the list.  
7. Click Done to begin the Interfile conversion process and send studies to the Numa computer for  
6.4 Siemens ICON  
6.4.1 NumaLink-3.0 Input Configuration (Icon Read)  
To transfer images from your Siemens ICON computer to the Numa system:  
1. Open up the ICON desktop software.  
2. Double click on the Database Utilities folder.  
3. When the patient list appears, select the patient(s) from the list on the left and click the Select button.  
The patients you selected should appear in right hand window.  
4. When you are ready to transfer the patients to the Numa computer, click on the Utilities menu and  
select “Copy”.  
5. Select the volume corresponding to the NumaLink-3.0 computer (usually “sendpatientsto…) and  
click the “Copy” button. You should see a file transfer status indicator appear. When this closes, all  
patient files should be on the Numa computer.  
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7. Command Line Interface and Configuration File  
The NumaLink-3.0 translator can be run without the GUI, by making use of its command line interface,  
which is augmented by an editable configuration file. In this manner, a specific translation can be scripted  
to execute in response to another system event.  
The command line interface is fairly straightforward; it is described in section 7.1.  
The configuration file can be simple or complex, depending on the number of translations configured and  
the customization requirements for each translation. We suggest that the best way to become acquainted  
with the configuration file is to experiment with configuration settings through the NumaLink-3.0 GUI  
and examine the results of those settings in the configuration file. The non-customization elements of the  
configuration file are described in section 7.2. The customization elements are described in Numa  
Translation Customizations.  
7.1 Command Line  
The translation command line syntax is as follows:  
nmtrans [ -a path –b –c –d n –e path -f file -t seconds ]  
Arguments in [ ] are optional. The arguments are:  
-a file  
Audit log file specification – specifies a file for writing an audit log. The audit log  
receives messages detailing translation work. The process must have write and  
file create access to this directory.  
If “0” is specified for the path, audit messages are not logged.  
Background mode – the translator is detached from the process that started it and  
runs until explicitly stopped. The default is interactive mode (i.e., not background  
mode); the translator performs the specified translation on the specified input  
directory and then exits.  
This argument is mutually exclusive with –d.  
Customization – the translator calls the customization module prior to the write  
portion of the translation, allowing site-specific customization of the write. The  
default is non-customization mode.  
-C n  
Cache age limit – cache items older than n days will be purged. The default cache  
age limit is ten days.  
-d n  
Debug – breaks the translation process into separate phases.  
The phases are specified by n as follows:  
1 – Read; reads input files into intermediate format  
2 – Customize; performs site-specific customization on the intermediate format  
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3 – Write; writes intermediate format to output files  
This argument is mutually exclusive with –b.  
-e file  
Error log file specification – specifies a file for writing an error log and  
supplementary error information. The error log receives any error messages that  
are generated during translation. The process must have write, file create and  
directory create access to this directory.  
If “0” is specified for the path, error messages are not logged. In interactive mode  
(-b) error messages are always displayed on the standard error device, regardless  
of this argument.  
-f file  
Configuration file specification. The configuration file indicates the translation  
types to be performed, and is specified in section 7.2.  
Quiet output. This causes only error messages to be displayed. The default is  
normal output – a small number of informational messages and any error  
This argument is mutually exclusive with –v.  
-t seconds  
Wait time – the number of seconds to wait before rechecking the input file path(s)  
for work. The default is 30 seconds.  
This argument is ignored unless bis specified.  
Verbose output. This causes a large number of informational messages to be  
displayed as well as any error messages. The default is normal output – a small  
number of informational messages and any error messages.  
This argument is mutually exclusive with –q.  
7.2 Configuration File  
A configuration file is used to designate the types of translation to be done. Each type of translation type  
must specify at minimum an OEM format and path for input as well as output, and a work path. The  
translation type may also include remote DICOM AE information and customization settings.  
The configuration file is a text file. Each line of text specifies one directive; the type of each directive is  
denoted by a leading keyword. The following general rules apply to the configuration file:  
; (semicolon)  
! (exclamation)  
Comment – everything to the right on the same line is ignored.  
The semicolon delimiter may be used freely to mark comments; the  
exclamation delimiter is reserved for use by Numa, Inc.  
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(white space)  
(blank line)  
Spaces and tabs are considered white space. All contiguous white space  
is interpreted as one space.  
A blank line is a line that contains only white space, comments or  
nothing. Blank lines are ignored.  
Anything surrounded by double quotes is preserved as is (i.e., whit  
spaces is not compressed, comment delimiters have no effect).  
Each directive contains a keyword followed by one or more arguments. Keywords and arguments are  
delimited by white space; if white space is required in an argument, the argument must be enclosed in  
double quotes.  
7.2.1 The translateDirective  
The translate directive specifies a translation type to be performed. There are one or more translation  
directives in the configuration file. This directive captures the information gathered from the GUI dialog  
in Figure 7.  
The format of a translation directive is:  
translate label input-format input-path output-format output-path work-path [ stability-delay ]  
A keyword that specifies this line is a translation type directive.  
A user-defined name assigned to this translation. The label may be up  
to 30 characters long.  
Format of the input files. The format names specified in Table 7-1 are  
Input file path – specifies the directory from which the translator  
receives its translation work. The process must have read access to this  
directory. Each translation in a configuration files must specify a  
different input file path.  
Format of the output files. The format names specified in Table 7-1 are  
Output file path – specifies the directory to which the translator writes  
its translation results. The process must have write and file create access  
to this directory.  
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Work path – specifies a working directory that the translator uses for  
temporary storage, debug output etc for this translation type. The  
process must have write, file create and directory create access to this  
directory. Each translation in a configuration files must specify a  
different work path. Several subdirectories are created in the work path  
for use by the translator:.  
Number of seconds to wait before rechecking the input path, when  
determining whether files are stable and ready for translation. This  
value is optional; if not supplied, the delay time specified in the  
command line (-t) is used. This argument is ignored unless –b is  
specified on the command line (that is, no translation delays are  
imposed in interactive mode).  
For the input-path, output-path and work-path arguments, it is assumed that a trailing path  
delimiter is not included in the path definitions. For example, on Win32 systems the user  
instead of  
Table 7-1 – Translation Formats  
ADAC (Pegasys)  
GE Elscint (SBACK)  
GE Genie (DICOM)  
GE StarCam  
Numa (private)  
Marconi (Interfile)  
Siemens (ICON)  
SMV Interfile  
Sopha (NXT/F83)  
Toshiba (VI/DI)  
For each translation type, the data flows from the specified input to the specified output path. There is no  
limit on the number of translation types that can be specified in a configuration file.  
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7.2.2 The out_remote_aeDirective  
The out_remote_ae directive allows you to configure remote DICOM Application Entities (AEs) for  
DICOM write. It must follow a translation directive, and it is associated with the translation directive that  
immediately precedes it. This directive applies only to translation directives that specify a DICOM format  
as the output format; otherwise, it is ignored. It corresponds to the DICOM remote AE information  
described in section 4.2.2.  
The presence of an out_remote_ae directive means that the translation will result in a DICOM C-STORE  
request to the specified remote AE. If an out_remote_ae directive is not present, the translation simply  
writes DICOM Part 10 files in the output directory specified in the associated translate directive. There  
can be multiple instance of this directive per translation; each on indicates a separate remote AE to which  
to perform the C-STORE.  
The out_remote_ae directive has the following format:  
out_remote_ae ae-title node port { friendly-name | "" } { transfer-syntax | "" }  
A keyword that specifies this line is a DICOM remote AE output directive.  
The formal title of the remote AE for access (defined by remote AE's configuration)  
The node on which the remote AE exists; may be a node name (e.g., barney)  
or TCP/IP address (e.g., 152.8.300.24)  
The TCP/IP port number on which the remote AE listens for requests (defined by  
remote AE's configuration)  
An arbitrary descriptive name given to the remote AE to aid in selection (maximum  
16 characters; must not include white space; if a friendly name is not provided, this  
argument must be "")  
The transfer syntax to be used when communicating with this AE; must be one of  
the following:  
(implicit little endian)  
(explicit little endian)  
(explicit big endian)  
If a transfer syntax is not provided, this argument must be "", and the transfer syntax  
defaults to implicit little endian.  
The following is an example of a valid configuration file including an out_remote_ae directive:  
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; nmtrans_config.dat – sample configuration file  
translate AtoD ADAC c:\trn\ADC_in DICOM c:\trn\DCM_out c:\trn\tran1 20  
out_remote_ae numastore remnode 104 "" ""  
This configuration file will invoke a translation of input files in ADAC Pegasys format to DICOM  
format, followed by a request to remote AE "numastore" (on node "remnode", listening on port 104) to  
store the DICOM files.  
7.2.3 The control_*Directives  
Control directives specify zero or more customization controls that are associated with a translation.  
The customization control directives are described in Numa Translation Customizations.  
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