Marshall Amplification Musical Instrument Amplifier 2266 User Manual

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The ‘Vintage Modern Series’ comes in three models; - 2466 - 100W head; 2266 - 50W head and  
2266C - 50W 2 x 12 combo. The accompanying 4 x 12 cabinets are the 425A and 425B, each rated for  
100 Watts power handling.  
This amplifier has a single channel with the capability of switching between two dynamic ranges, either by  
front panel push button or supplied footswitch. Each dynamic range yields its own gain structure and sonic  
character. It is optimised to react to your touch and always retains a substantial tonality wherever you may set  
your guitar volume. Organic and simplistic in operation, it will facilitate the classic method of dialling your  
sounds in ‘on the fly’ with the guitar controls, as opposed to using preset patches. This technique is still  
favoured by many players and their heroes.  
Once the amplifier is optimally set, the guitar becomes your control centre for accessing the varying degrees  
of tone and boost required for live performances. A true affinity with your instrument will develop once you  
have familiarised yourself with the ideal ‘sweet spot’ settings that suit your own personal style.  
From Jim Marshall  
I would like to thank you personally for selecting one  
of our new ‘Vintage Modern Series’ amplifiers.  
Modern features included on this amp are the now standard Master Volume; a foot switchable high quality  
Reverb and a -10/+4dB Series Effects Loop which can be completely bypassed if not required.  
I have always believed that the most important  
aspect of a musician's choice of amplification is the  
fundamental tone it produces. Truly experienced  
electric guitar players, and I have known a few, will  
look for an amplifier that will enable them to  
express themselves with comfortable ease. Music  
is a language like any other and serves to  
communicate the artists feel and emotion to their  
audience. A guitarist is capable of translating a  
universe of subtle nuances, dynamics, aggression,  
restraint and touch to the appreciative listener. This  
is the philosophy behind our Vintage Modern series  
of amplifiers.  
A brand new feature are the two frequency selective Preamp Volumes (gains) which work in tandem to  
provide greater flexibility over tonal shaping of your instrument.  
The power amp plays a significant role in contributing to the overall sound and incorporates KT66 valves for  
true vintage tone. These are complimented by the newly developed Celestion G12C greenback speakers  
which deliver that smooth, balanced, harmonically rich timbre sought after by numerous connoisseurs of  
benchmark Marshall Tones.  
Over the years I have witnessed several trends in  
guitar amplification and take great interest in keeping in  
touch with peoples comments and opinions from all  
generations. In doing so I have found that we must move  
with technology in order to take advantage of the rapid  
advances in our industry, as well as preserving the classic  
Marshall tones of yesteryear that have been the keystone of my  
company’s success. The amplifier you have just purchased is a  
marriage of vintage 60s and 70s tone to a feature set found on our  
more current ranges.  
Dr Jim Marshall OBE and daughter  
Victoria (Managing Director)  
This amplifier is designed to react to the player’s human dynamic in conjunction with judicious  
use of the guitar’s volume and tone controls, as exemplified by many iconic guitar heroes  
who mastered this art. It has been designed to deliver the goods no matter what your style,  
instrument or musical genre. I hope you enjoy the voyage of tonal discovery on which you are  
about to embark and continue to do so for many years to come.  
Yours Sincerely,  
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Front Panel Features (panel shown is 2466 - 2266C Combo panel is reversed)  
10 11 12  
1. Power Switch  
This is the On/Off switch for the mains electric  
power to the amplifier.  
5. Master Volume  
This control sets the overall output volume of the  
The high dynamic range adds an extra valve gain  
stage enabling a lot more overdrive capability  
coupled with a dynamically realistic volume boost  
with the guitar volume on full. The clean to  
mild/moderate overdrive tones are still there but will  
now be found at lower guitar volume settings.  
13. Detail  
This controls the upper mid and treble frequencies  
of your sound bringing an edge to your tone which  
defines the identity of your instrument. You can set  
just the right amount of transient detail to allow your  
guitar to cut through with all the subtle information  
that your playing dynamic requires.  
Note: Please ensure the amplifier is switched off  
and unplugged from the mains electricity supply  
whenever it is moved!  
Tonal tip: It is practical to set this first to suit the  
venue in which you are playing as the position of  
this volume largely dictates the optimum positions  
for the other controls.  
10. Dynamic Range LEDs  
2. Standby Switch  
These LEDs serve as a visual representation for the  
current status of the dynamic range selection. Blue  
indicates the lower dynamic range is active and  
white indicates the higher range is active.  
14. Body  
The Standby Switch is used in conjunction with the  
Power Switch (1) to ‘warm up’ the amplifier before  
use and to prolong the life of the valves. When  
powering up the amplifier always engage the Power  
Switch (1) first, leaving the Standby switch in the  
‘OFF’ position. This enables the heater voltage,  
allowing the valves to come up to their correct  
operating temperature. After approximately two  
minutes the valves will have reached their correct  
operating temperature and the Standby Switch can  
be engaged, enabling the HT. In order to prolong  
valve life, the Standby Switch alone should also be  
used to turn the amplifier on and off during breaks in  
a performance. Also, when switching the amplifier  
off, always disengage the Standby Switch prior to  
the main Power Switch.  
Tone Controls  
This controls the lower mid and bass frequencies of  
your sound bringing fatness and weight to your  
tone. This is ideal for making single coil pickups  
deliver a humbucker style bottom end without  
destroying their inherent higher frequency detail.  
This control coupled with the Mid Boost button (12)  
can enable a real rock solid beefy grind for those  
who choose to truly feel it as they play it!  
6. Presence  
This control operates in the power amp section of  
your amp and adds high frequencies to your tone,  
creating crispness and bite. As you turn this control  
up (clockwise), your sound will become more  
11. Dynamic Range push button  
This button is used to toggle between the dynamic  
ranges if the supplied footswitch is not used. When  
the footswitch is used this button still remains  
7. Bass  
This controls the amount of low frequencies (bottom  
end) in your tone.  
Tonal tip: Bear in mind there is much dynamic  
versatility to be had at your fingertips when varying  
the volume/s and/or tone/s on your guitar rather  
than leaving them on full. Please take the time to  
fully investigate their impact on the sound as well.  
This amp is optimised for this interaction between  
playing dynamics and guitar volume/tone settings.  
Try setting the amp so that high gain, medium gain  
and clean can all be accessed from the guitar  
volume alone.  
12. Mid Boost push button  
This button adds a significant boost to the middle  
frequencies in your guitar tone. Use it to fatten thin  
single coils or just because you want to anyway!  
See which position you prefer.  
8. Middle  
This controls the mid-range of your sound. Turning  
this up (clockwise) will make your guitar sound fatter  
and fuller.  
‘Body’ and ‘Detail’ Preamp Volumes  
3. Mains Indicator  
9. Treble  
These two controls are the dual preamp volumes  
serving to set your preferred gain and allow more  
extensive tone shaping possibilities for individual  
guitars and styles. They both work together  
irrespective of which dynamic range is selected and  
can be set to whatever positions sound right for you,  
including one of them completely off if that is your  
sound. Balancing of these two controls is the secret  
to a great fundamental tone.  
This purple LED indicator will light up whenever the  
amp is plugged into the mains and the Power  
Switch (1) is on.  
This control determines the amount of treble and  
gives your guitar tone a defining edge as it is turned  
15. Input Jack Socket  
This high impedance input is where you plug your  
guitar into the amp. You must use a screened  
(shielded) guitar cable. Never use an unscreened  
(unshielded) speaker cable because you will find it  
very noisy to the point of annoyance. The input to  
any guitar amplifier is a very sensitive part of the  
signal path and is therefore susceptible to air born  
radio interference, hence the need for a screened  
guitar cable. This screened cable should preferably  
be of good quality. If you are in any doubt regarding  
this, your Marshall dealer will be more than happy to  
help, advise and supply you.  
4. Reverb  
Dynamic Ranges: Low and High  
This single channel amplifier has provision to switch  
between two dynamic ranges.  
This controls the level of the internal studio quality  
plate emulation reverb that is mixed with the direct  
guitar signal.  
The low dynamic range is synonymous with our  
classic vintage amplifiers in terms of the available  
gain. In this mode clean to mild/moderate overdrive  
is attainable depending where your guitar volume is  
Note: If the supplied footswitch is not connected,  
the reverb is always enabled and can only be  
turned off by setting this control fully  
counterclockwise if the reverb is not required. If the  
footswitch is connected then the reverb can be  
toggled on and off allowing the reverb level control  
to remain where you set it.  
Tonal Tip: as the Body & Detail controls offer so  
much tonal flexibility, we suggest you initially set the  
Bass, Middle, Treble and Presence controls at 12  
o’clock - and then use them to fine tune your tone  
once you’re happy with your Body and Detail  
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Rear Panel Features (panel shown is 2466 - 2266C Combo panel is reversed)  
1. Footswitch  
5. Ext FX (Bypass/Loop)  
Note: The impedance of the combo’s (2266C) own  
speakers is 8 ohms. Make sure the combo’s output  
selector is set to 8 ohms when no extension cabs  
are connected.  
The correct value of mains fuse located in the small  
drawer at the bottom of the mains socket is  
specified on the rear panel of the amplifier. The  
drawer contains a space for a spare fuse. NEVER  
attempt to bypass the fuse or fit one of the incorrect  
Connecting the supplied footswitch here enables  
you to perform two functions; you can change the  
Dynamic Range and toggle the Reverb on and off.  
The Dynamic Range switch functions exactly the  
same as the front panel counterpart (11).  
When ‘out’ this switch completely bypasses the  
circuitry involved in the effects loop. Push this switch  
in to enable the loop.  
Note: If this switch is accidentally pushed in and  
there is nothing plugged in to the loop, the signal  
will still pass through from send to return by means  
of an internal link on the switching jacks. This link is  
disconnected when something is plugged into the  
return socket. The send socket has no effect on the  
status of the internal link and could therefore be  
used as a line out to a tuner for example if no  
external FX are connected.  
8. HT Fuse  
The correct value of this H.T. fuse is specified on  
the rear panel of the amplifier. NEVER attempt to  
bypass the fuse or fit one of the incorrect value!  
Effects Loop Send & Return Jacks  
To increase the flexibility of your amplifier even  
further, you may choose to add external effects in its  
Series Effects Loop, which allows direct connection  
of either floor pedals or rack processors, with the  
Level switch (4) providing the correct operating  
Note: It is wise to carry spare HT and Mains fuses!  
9. Mains Input Socket with incorporated  
Mains Fuse  
Your amp is provided with a detachable mains  
(power) lead, which is connected here. The specific  
mains input voltage rating that your amplifier has  
been built for is indicated on the back panel. Before  
connecting for the first time, please ensure that your  
amplifier is compatible with your electricity supply. If  
you have any doubt, please get advice from a  
qualified technician. Your Marshall dealer will help  
you in this respect.  
2. Send  
6. Speaker Outputs  
WARNING! Never use the amplifier without a load  
(speaker cabinet/s) attached!  
Connect the (mono) input of an external effects  
processor here.  
3. Return  
There are two parallel loudspeaker output jacks  
provided for connection to speaker cabinet(s).  
ALWAYS ensure you use good quality speaker  
(unshielded) cables. NEVER use guitar (shielded)  
Connect the (mono) output of an external effects  
processor here.  
Tonal tip: Effects involving distortion or Wah Wah  
aren’t usually put in an effects loop because they  
sound best when they're ‘before’ the amp (i.e.  
placed between the guitar and the amp’s input).  
However, when it comes to your sound, it’s up to  
Always use a non-screened Marshall approved  
speaker lead when connecting an extension cabinet  
to these units.  
7. Output Selector  
4. Ext FX (-10dBV / +4dBu)  
This switch should be set to match your speaker  
cabinet’s impedance. If more than one speaker  
cabinet is connected then you should set the switch  
to match the total impedance of the combination.  
Check with your dealer if you are unsure.  
Technical Specification  
This switch offers two different loop levels to enable  
you to match the type of effect(s) connected to the  
Series Effects Loop. The higher level (+4dBu: switch  
‘in’) suits rack processors and the lower level  
(-10dBV: switch ‘out’) suits floor pedals (stomp  
2466 Head  
2266 Head  
4x ECC83 + 2x KT66  
-10dBV, +4dBu  
2266C Combo  
4x ECC83 + 2x KT66  
-10dBV, +4dBu  
Power (RMS)  
FX Send Level - selectable  
4x ECC83 + 4x KT66  
-10dBV, +4dBu  
16 & 8 ohms are provided for on the heads (2466  
and 2266).  
Size (mm) W, H, D  
750 x 310 x 230  
750 x 310 x 230  
690 x 570 x 270  
Note: A similar level matching switch may also be  
found on rack effect units, in which case the amp  
and effects unit should be set to the same level.  
8 & 4 ohms are provided for on the combo (2266C).  
Follow all instructions and heed all warnings  
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