LG Electronics Weather Radio WS 2080 User Manual

Ambient Weather WS-2080 Wireless Home Weather  
Station User Manual  
Table of Contents  
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1. Introduction  
Thank you for your purchase of the Ambient Weather WS-2080 wireless weather station. The  
following user guide provides step by step instructions for installation, operation and troubleshooting.  
To download the latest manual and additional troubleshooting tips, please visit:  
2. Warnings and Cautions  
Warning: Any metal object may attract a lightning strike, including your weather station  
mounting pole. Never install the weather station in a storm.  
Warning: Installing your weather station in a high location may result in injury or death.  
Perform as much of the initial check out and operation on the ground and inside a building or home.  
Only install the weather station on a clear, dry day.  
3. Getting Started  
The WS-2080 weather station consists of a display console (receiver), a thermo-hygrometer  
transmitter unit, a wind direction sensor, a wind speed sensor, a rain gauge, mounting hardware, USB  
cable and a PC software package on CD-ROM.  
3.1 Parts List  
Display Console  
Frame Dimensions (LxWxH): 6.75” x 4.5” x 1.25”  
LCD Dimensions (LxW): 4.5” x 3.5”  
Thermo-hygrometer transmitter  
Thermo-hygrometer transmitter mounting bracket  
Thermo-hygrometer transmitter rain shield  
Wind direction sensor  
Wind speed sensor  
Anemometer mounting arm (L: 12”)  
Rain gauge  
Rain gauge mounting bracket  
USB cable (L: 41”)  
Easy Weather CD  
1” nuts and bolts (long)  
13/16” bolt (short)  
½” set screw (long)  
3/8”set screw (short) (Optional)  
Upper pole (L: 12”)  
Lower pole (L: 12”)  
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Zip ties  
Hose clamps (2 ¾” diameter)  
3.2 Recommend Tools  
Precision screwdriver (for small Phillips screws)  
Phillips screwdriver  
Flat blade screwdriver  
Tack (small) hammer or rubber mallet  
Compass or GPS (for wind direction calibration)  
3.3 Sensor Assembly Set Up  
1. Connect the wind cup assembly to either end of the anemometer mounting arm. Align the  
holes, and fasten with long bolt and nut. Tighten with precision screwdriver while securing  
the nut with pliers, as shown in Figure 1.  
Figure 1  
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2. Connect the wind vane assembly to the other end of the anemometer mounting arm. Align the  
holes, and fasten with long bolt and nut. Tighten with precision screwdriver while securing  
the nut with pliers, as shown in Figure 2.  
Figure 2  
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3. Connect the anemometer assembly to the top mounting pole, align the holes, and fasten with  
short set screw (optional, we recommend NOT connecting this) and long bolt and nut. Tighten  
with precision screwdriver while securing the nut with pliers, as shown in Figure 3.  
Note: This may be a tight fit – rotate the pole back and forth to shave off some of the  
plastic, and use a small hammer to tap the top of the anemometer mounting arm while  
securing the pole on a solid, flat surface. Use a piece of cloth or padding to dampen the  
hammer and avoid damage to the anemometer mounting arm.  
Figure 3  
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4. Connect the rain gauge with long set screw. Tighten with precision screwdriver, as shown  
in Figure 4.  
Note: There may be a slight “play” in the rain gauge and the screw may not be flush.  
Do not force the screw.  
Attach the rain gauge mounting arm to the upper mounting pole, at right angles to the wind  
speed and wind direction assembly to avoid obstruction of rainfall.  
Note: There are two mounting holes on the side of the rain gauge in the event you wish to  
mount the rain gauge in a different location than the mounting arm.  
Figure 4  
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5. Connect the thermo-hygrometer with short bolt and nut. Tighten with precision screwdriver,  
as shown in Figure 5. Slide the rain shield over the thermo-hygrometer after connecting the  
cables from the anemometer and rain gauge (step 7). Attach to the thermo-hygrometer  
mounting arm to the upper mounting pole.  
Figure 5  
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6. Fasten the lower mounting pole (which is swaged on the top end) to your mounting pole or  
bracket (purchased separately) with the hose clamps. Tighten the lower mounting pole to your  
mounting pole with the hose clamps with a flat head screw driver, as shown in Figure 6.  
Slide the top weather station pole (with the sensor array) into the lower pole (connected to  
your mounting pole) when your station is finally mounted.  
When you install the weather station, you will need to calibrate the anemometer pointer to  
true north. True north can be estimated with a compass (which points to magnetic north) or a  
GPS, which provides true north. Wind direction is defined as the direction the wind is coming  
from (example, Winds from the north).  
Note the four channels on the side of the wind vane. Each quadrant is labeled North, South,  
East and West (reference Figure 6 as an example for “E” or East). Locate the North direction  
(“N”) and mark it with a piece of tape for future reference. You will need this for wind  
direction calibration upon final assembly.  
Figure 6  
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Connect the wind speed cable to the wind direction phone jack, as shown in  
Figure 7. Connect the wind direction cable to the thermo-hygrometer phone jack (reference the label  
on the thermo-hygrometer). Connect the rain gauge cable to the thermo-hygrometer phone jack  
(reference the label on the thermo-hygrometer).  
Figure 7  
Insert two AA batteries in the thermo-hygrometer, as shown in Figure 8. The transmitter LED will  
light up momentarily (4 seconds), and then flash once every 48 seconds for each transmission update.  
Note: Do not install the batteries backwards. You can permanently damage the  
thermo-hygrometer. Do not use rechargeable batteries.  
Note: We recommend installing Lithium AA batteries:  
Lithium batteries provide longer life and operate in colder temperatures.  
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Figure 8  
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Install the rain shield over the thermo-hygrometer/transmitter, as shown in Figure 9, and use the  
enclosed zip ties to clean up the cables.  
Figure 9  
3.4 Display Console  
3.4.1 Display Console Layout  
The display console layout is shown in Figure 10.  
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Figure 10  
1. Time  
2. Wind direction  
3. Barometric Pressure  
4. Barometric trend  
5. Indoor Temperature  
6. Outdoor Temperature  
7. Memory  
8. Radio Controlled Clock (RCC)  
9. Date  
10. Rainfall  
11. Weather Forecast  
12. Indoor Humidity  
13. Outdoor reception signal  
14. Outdoor Humidity  
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3.4.1 Initial Display Console Set Up  
Note: The sensor array must be powered and updating before powering up the console, or the  
console will timeout searching for the sensors. Perform this step last.  
Make certain the weather station sensor array is at least 10’ away from the console and within 300’ of  
the console. If the weather station is too close or two far away, it will not receive a proper signal.  
Insert two AA batteries into the battery compartment on the back of the display. After inserting the  
batteries into the console, all of the LCD segments will light up for a few seconds to verify all  
segments are operating properly.  
The unit will instantly display indoor temperature, humidity, barometer, tendency, date and time.  
The wind speed, wind direction, rain, and outdoor temperature and humidity will update on the  
display within a few minutes. Do not Press any menu keys until the outside transmitter report in,  
otherwise the outdoor sensor search mode will be terminated. When the outdoor transmitter data has  
been received, the console will automatically switch to the normal mode from which all further  
settings can be performed.  
If it does not update, please reference the troubleshooting guide in Section 9.  
3.4.2 Radio Controlled Clock (RCC)  
After the remote sensor is powered up, the sensor will transmit weather data for 30 seconds, and then  
the sensor will begin radio controlled clock (RCC) reception. During the RCC time reception period  
(maximum 10 minutes), no weather data will be transmitted to avoid interference.  
If the signal reception is not successful within 1 minute, the signal search will be cancelled and will  
automatically resume every two hours until the signal is successfully captured. The regular RF link  
will resume once RCC reception routine is finished. In some locations, RCC reception may take a  
couple of days to receive the signal.  
3.4.3 Sensor Operation Verification  
The following steps verify proper operation of the sensors prior to installing the sensor array.  
1. Verify proper operation of the rain gauge. Tip the sensor array back and forth several times.  
You should hear a “clicking” sound within the rain gauge. Verify the rain reading on the  
display console is not reading 0.00. Each “click” represents 0.01 inches of rainfall.  
2. Verify proper operation of the wind direction. Align the wind vane pointer to North (as  
determined in Section 3.3). Verify the display reads North. Repeat for each quadrant (North,  
South, East, and West).  
3. Verify proper operating of the wind speed. Rotate the wind cups manually or with a fan.  
Verify the wind speed is not reading 0.0.  
4. Verify proper operation of the indoor and outdoor temperature. Verify the indoor and  
outdoor temperature match closely with the console and sensor array in the same location  
(about 10’ apart). The sensors should be within 4°F (2°C) (the accuracy is ± 2°F / 1°C).  
Allow about 30 minutes for both sensors to stabilize.  
5. Verify proper operation of the indoor and outdoor humidity. Verify the indoor and  
outdoor humidity match closely with the console and sensor array in the same location (about  
10’ apart). The sensors should be within 8% (the accuracy is ± 4%). Allow about 30 minutes  
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for both sensors to stabilize.  
4. Weather Station Installation  
4.1 Pre Installation Checkout  
Before installing your weather station in the permanent location, we recommend operating the weather  
station for one week in a temporary location with easy access. This will allow you to check out all of  
the functions, insure proper operation, and familiarize you with the weather station and calibration  
procedures. This will also allow you to test the wireless range of the weather station.  
4.2 Site Survey  
Perform a site survey before installing the weather station. Consider the following:  
1. You must clean the rain gauge once per year and change the batteries every two years.  
Provide easy access to the weather station.  
2. Avoid radiant heat transfer from buildings and structures. In general, install the sensor array at  
least 5’ from any building, structure, ground, or roof top.  
3. Avoid wind and rain obstructions. The rule of thumb is to install the sensor array at least four  
times the distance of the height of the tallest obstruction. For example, if the building is 20’  
tall, install 4 x 20’ = 80’ away. Use common sense. If the weather station is installed next to a  
tall building, the wind and rain will not be accurate.  
4. Wireless Range. The radio communication between receiver and transmitter in an open field  
can reach a distance of up to 330 feet, providing there are no interfering obstacles such as  
buildings, trees, vehicles, high voltage lines. Wireless signals will not penetrate metal  
5. Radio interference such as PCs, radios or TV sets can, in the worst case, entirely cut off radio  
communication. Please take this into consideration when choosing console or mounting  
6. Visit Ambient Weather Mounting Solutions for assistance and ideas for mounting your  
weather station:  
4.3 Final Installation of Sensor Array  
Mount the weather station in the permanent location. To calibrate the wind direction, align the wind  
direction pointer with the “N” marking on the side of the wind direction sensor, as described in  
Section 3.3. Rotate the upper pole until the vane pointer, marking, and true north wind direction are  
5. Console Operation  
Note: You can also program the weather station console through the PC software (recommended).  
Note: The display console has six keys for basic operation: menu key, up key, down key, enter  
key, history key, and on/off key.  
To enter the Set mode, press the menu key. The Set mode can be exited at any time by either  
pressing the history key or waiting for the 30-second time-out to take effect. You can skip over any  
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setting by pressing the menu key again.  
Holding the up or down key when in the Set mode will increase/decrease values rapidly.  
5.1 Time  
Press the menu key to enter the TIME Set Mode. You can skip over any setting by selecting the enter  
Figure 11  
1. Display (LCD) Contrast Level. The display contrast value will begin flashing (example,  
lcd0 thru lcd8). The lowest LCD contrast level 0 and the highest LCD contrast level is 8.  
Press the up key or down key to adjust the contrast level from 0 to 8 (the default is 5).  
2. Time Zone. Press the enter key to display the time zone. The time zone value will begin  
Press the up key or down key to adjust the time zone from -12 to 12, based on the number of  
hours from Coordinated Universal Time, or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).  
The following table provides times zones throughout the world. Locations in the eastern  
hemisphere are positive, and locations in the western hemisphere are negative.  
Hours from  
Time Zone  
-12 IDLW: International Date Line West  
-11 NT: Nome  
Nome, AK  
-10 AHST: Alaska-Hawaii Standard  
CAT: Central Alaska  
Honolulu, HI  
HST: Hawaii Standard  
-9 YST: Yukon Standard  
-8 PST: Pacific Standard  
-7 MST: Mountain Standard  
-6 CST: Central Standard  
-5 EST: Eastern Standard  
-4 AST: Atlantic Standard  
-3 ---  
Yukon Territory  
Los Angeles, CA, USA  
Denver, CO, USA  
Chicago, IL, USA  
New York, NY, USA  
São Paulo, Brazil  
Azores, Cape Verde Islands  
-2 AT: Azores  
-1 WAT: West Africa  
GMT: Greenwich Mean  
London, England  
WET: Western European  
CET: Central European  
EET: Eastern European  
BT: Baghdad  
Paris, France  
Athens, Greece  
Moscow, Russia  
Abu Dhabi, UAE  
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Hours from  
Time Zone  
CCT: China Coast  
JST: Japan Standard  
10 GST: Guam Standard  
11 ---  
12 IDLE: International Date Line East  
NZST: New Zealand Standard  
Wellington, New Zealand  
3. 12/24 Hour Format. Press the enter key to change the 12/24 hour format. Press the up key  
or down key to alternate the display unit between 12 hour format and 24 hour format.  
4. Daylight Saving Time. Press the enter key to turn ON and OFF daylight savings time (DST)  
observance (example, Arizona and parts of Indiana do not observe daylight savings time).  
Press the on/off key to alternate the display unit between ON and OFF.  
5. Change Hour. Press the enter key to set the hour. Press the up key or down key to change  
the hour setting. The RCC time will override the manual set time.  
6. Change Minute. Press the enter key to set the minute. Press the up key or down key to  
change the minute setting. Manually setting the time overrides the automatic RCC time.  
5.2 Date  
Note: This is a continuation of the previous section. To enter this mode, you must begin at  
Section 5.1 and proceed to this section.  
Press the menu key to enter the Date Set Mode. You can skip over any setting by selecting the enter  
Figure 12  
1. Alarm Time, Date and Date of the Week. The date will be flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to alternate the display between the alarm time, and date and  
week date.  
2. Date Format Press the enter key to display the date format (Md for month/day or Dm for  
Day/Month). The date value will begin flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to adjust the alternate the display between the DD-MM format  
and MM-DD format for the date.  
3. Change Year. Press the enter key to set the year. The year will begin flashing. Press the up  
key or down key to change the year setting.  
4. Change Month. Press the enter key to set the month. The month will begin flashing. Press  
the up key or down key to change the month setting.  
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5. Change Day. Press the enter key to set the day. The day will begin flashing. Press the up  
key or down key to change the day setting.  
6. Change Alarm Hour. Press the enter key to set the alarm hour. The alarm hour and ALARM  
will begin flashing. Press the up key or down key to change the alarm hour setting.  
7. Change Alarm Minute. Press the enter key to set the alarm minute. The alarm minute will  
begin flashing. Press the up key or down key to change the alarm minute setting.  
Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on in the Time section).  
5.3 Wind  
Note: This is a continuation of the previous section. To enter this mode, you must begin at  
Section 5.1 and proceed to this section.  
Press the menu key to enter the Wind Set Mode. You can skip over any setting by selecting the enter  
Figure 13  
1. Average Wind Speed and Wind Gust. Press the up key or down key to alternate the  
display between the 48 second Wind Speed Average and Gust Speed (or the maximum wind  
speed in the update period).  
2. Wind Speed Units. Press the enter key to set the wind speed units. The wind speed units will  
begin flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to alternate the display unit between km/h, mph, m/s, knots,  
and bft (or Beaufort scale).  
3. Wind Speed High Alarm. Press the enter key to set the wind speed high alarm setting. The  
wind speed high alarm and HI AL (high alarm) will begin flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to adjust the high wind speed alarm.  
Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on).  
4. Wind Direction Alarm. Press the enter key to set the wind direction alarm setting. The wind  
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direction alarm and Direct (wind direction) will begin flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to adjust the wind direction alarm.  
Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on).  
5. Wind Speed Record High. Press the enter key to display maximum wind speed record since  
the last reset. The maximum record will be flashing, and the MAX icon will light up (in the  
tendency section). To reset, press the enter key for 3 seconds, and the maximum value (and  
associated date and time) (and associated date and time) will be reset to current reading.  
5.4 Rain  
Note: This is a continuation of the previous section. To enter this mode, you must begin at  
Section 5.1 and proceed to this section.  
Press the menu key to enter the Rain Set Mode. You can skip over any setting by selecting the enter  
Figure 14  
1. Rain Increment. Press the up key or down key to alternate the display between 1 hour, 24  
hour, week, month and total rain increments.  
2. Rain Units. Press the enter key to set the rain units. The rain units will begin flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to alternate the display unit between inches and mm.  
Rain High Alarm. Press the enter key to set the rain high alarm function. The rain high  
alarm and HI AL (high alarm) will begin flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to adjust the rain alarm.  
Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on).  
3. Rain Record High. Press the enter key to display maximum rain record since the last reset.  
The maximum record will be flashing, and the MAX icon will light up (in the tendency  
section). To reset, press the enter key for 3 seconds, and the maximum value (and associated  
date and time) will be reset to current reading.  
4. Reset Rain. Press the enter key to reset the rain values. The rain and CLEAR will begin  
flashing. To reset, press enter key for 3 seconds and the 1 hour, 24 hour, week, month and  
total rain will reset to 0.  
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5.5 Barometric Pressure  
Note: The weather station console displays two different pressures: absolute (measured) and  
relative (corrected to sea-level).  
To compare pressure conditions from one location to another, meteorologists correct pressure to  
sea-level conditions. Because the air pressure decreases as you rise in altitude, the sea-level corrected  
pressure (the pressure your location would be at if located at sea-level) is generally higher than your  
measured pressure.  
Thus, your absolute pressure may read 28.62 inHg (969 mb) at an altitude of 1000 feet (305 m), but  
the relative pressure is 30.00 inHg (1016 mb).  
The standard sea-level pressure is 29.92 in Hg (1013 mb). This is the average sea-level pressure  
around the world. Relative pressure measurements greater than 29.92 inHg (1013 mb) are  
considered high pressure and relative pressure measurements less than 29.92 inHg are considered low  
To determine the relative pressure for your location, locate an official reporting station near you (the  
internet is best source for real time barometer conditions, such as Weather.com or Wunderground.com),  
and set your weather station to match the official reporting station.  
Note: This is a continuation of the previous section. To enter this mode, you must begin at  
Section 5.1 and proceed to this section.  
Press the menu key to enter the Pressure Mode. You can skip over any setting by selecting the enter  
Figure 15  
1. Relative vs. Absolute Pressure Display. Press the up key or down key to alternate the  
display between relative (rel) pressure and absolute (abs) pressure.  
2. Pressure Units. Press the enter key to set the pressure units. The pressure units will begin  
Press the up key or down key to alternate the display unit between hPa, inHg and mmHg.  
3. Relative Pressure Calibration. When Absolute (abs) pressure is selected, this step will be  
Press the enter key to set the relative pressure calibration. The relative pressure will flash.  
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Press the up key or down key to change the value.  
4. Pressure High Alarm. Press the enter key to set the pressure high alarm function. Pressure  
and HI AL (high alarm) icon will flash.  
Press the up key or down key to change the value.  
Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on).  
5. Pressure Low Alarm. Press the enter key to set the pressure low alarm function. Pressure  
and LO AL (high alarm) icon will flash.  
Press the up key or down key to change the value.  
Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on).  
6. Pressure Record High. Press the enter key to display maximum pressure record since the  
last reset. The maximum record will be flashing, and the MAX icon will light up (in the  
tendency section). To reset, press the enter key for 3 seconds, and the maximum value (and  
associated date and time) (and associated date and time) will be reset to current reading.  
7. Pressure Record Low. Press the enter key to display minimum pressure record since the last  
reset. The minimum record will be flashing, and the MIN icon will light up (in the tendency  
section). To reset, press the enter key for 3 seconds, and the minimum value (and associated  
date and time) will be reset to current reading.  
5.6 Pressure Graph  
Note: The weather station bar graph flashes from left to right to prevent screen burn in. This  
feature cannot be turned off.  
Note: This is a continuation of the previous section. To enter this mode, you must begin at  
Section 5.1 and proceed to this section.  
Press the enter key to set the pressure graph history time axis. The pressure graph time axis will begin  
Press the up key or down key to change the pressure history time axis between 12 hours and 24  
5.7 Weather Forecast (Tendency)  
Note: The weather forecast or pressure tendency is based in the rate of change of barometric  
pressure. In general, when the pressure increases, the weather improves (sunny to partly cloudy) and  
when the pressure decreases, the weather degrades (cloudy to rain).  
The weather forecast is an estimation or generalization of weather changes in the next 24 to 48 hours,  
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and varies from location to location. The tendency is simply a tool for projecting weather conditions  
and is never to be relied upon as an accurate method to predict the weather.  
Note: This is a continuation of the previous section. To enter this mode, you must begin at  
Section 5.1 and proceed to this section.  
Press the menu key to enter the TENDANCY Set Mode. You can skip over any setting by selecting  
the enter key.  
Figure 16  
1. Change Tendency. Press the up key or down key to alternate the display between SUNNY,  
2. Pressure Threshold. Press the enter key to change the pressure threshold. The up and down  
arrow and pressure tendency will be flashing. Press the up key or down key to adjust the  
pressure threshold from 2.0 to 4.0 hPa/hr (the default is 2 hPa/hr).  
3. Storm Threshold. Press the enter key to change the storm threshold. The up and down arrow  
and pressure tendency will be flashing. Press the up key or down key to adjust the pressure  
threshold from 3.0 to 9.0 hPa/hr (the default is 4 hPa/hr).  
5.8 Indoor Temperature  
Note: This is a continuation of the previous section. To enter this mode, you must begin at  
Section 5.1 and proceed to this section.  
Press the menu key to enter the INDOOR TEMPERATURE Set Mode. You can skip over any setting  
by selecting the enter key.  
Figure 17  
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1. Indoor Temperature Units. Press the up key or down key to alternate the display unit  
between °C and °F.  
2. Indoor Temperature High Alarm. Press the enter key to set the indoor temperature high  
alarm function. The indoor temperature and HI AL (high alarm) will begin flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to change the value.  
Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on).  
3. Indoor Temperature Low Alarm. Press the enter key to set the indoor temperature low  
alarm function. The indoor temperature and LO AL (high alarm) will begin flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to change the value.  
Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on).  
5. Indoor Temperature Record High. Press the enter key to display maximum indoor  
temperature record since the last reset. The maximum temperature record and MAX icon (in  
the tendency section) will begin flashing. To reset, press the enter key for 3 seconds, and the  
maximum value (and associated date and time) (and associated date and time) will be reset to  
current reading.  
6. Indoor Temperature Record Low. Press the enter key to display minimum indoor  
temperature record since the last reset. The minimum temperature record and MIN icon (in  
the tendency section) will begin flashing. To reset, press the enter key for 3 seconds, and the  
minimum value (and associated date and time) will be reset to current reading.  
5.9 Indoor Humidity  
Note: This is a continuation of the previous section. To enter this mode, you must begin at  
Section 5.1 and proceed to this section.  
Press the menu key to enter the INDOOR HUMIDITY Set Mode. You can skip over any setting by  
selecting the enter key.  
Figure 18  
1. Indoor Humidity High Alarm. Press the enter key to set the indoor humidity high alarm  
function. The indoor humidity and HI AL (high alarm) will begin flashing.  
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Press the up key or down key to change the value.  
Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on).  
2. Indoor Humidity Low Alarm. Press the enter key to set the indoor humidity low alarm  
function. The indoor humidity and LO AL (high alarm) will begin flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to change the value.  
Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on).  
4. Indoor Humidity Record High. Press the enter key to display maximum indoor humidity  
record since the last reset. The maximum humidity record and MAX icon (in the tendency  
section) will begin flashing. To reset, press the enter key for 3 seconds, and the maximum  
value (and associated date and time) (and associated date and time) will be reset to current  
5. Indoor Humidity Record Low. Press the enter key to display minimum indoor humidity  
record since the last reset. The minimum humidity record and MIN icon (in the tendency  
section) will begin flashing. To reset, press the enter key for 3 seconds, and the minimum  
value (and associated date and time) will be reset to current reading.  
5.10 Outdoor Temperature, Wind Chill and Dew Point  
Note: This is a continuation of the previous section. To enter this mode, you must begin at  
Section 5.1 and proceed to this section.  
Figure 19  
1. Outdoor Temperature, Wind chill and Dew Point. Press the up key or down key to  
alternate the display between the outdoor temperature, wind chill and dew point.  
2. Outdoor Temperature Units. Press the up key or down key to alternate the display unit  
between °C and °F.  
3. Outdoor Temperature High Alarm. Press the enter key to set the outdoor temperature high  
alarm function. The outdoor temperature and HI AL (high alarm) will begin flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to change the value.  
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Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on).  
4. Outdoor Temperature Low Alarm. Press the enter key to set the outdoor temperature low  
alarm function. The outdoor temperature and LO AL (high alarm) will begin flashing.  
Press the up key or down key to change the value.  
Press the ON/OFF key to select the alarm on or off (if the alarm is enabled, the alarm icon  
will be turned on).  
6. Outdoor Temperature Record High. Press the enter key to display maximum outdoor  
temperature record since the last reset. The maximum temperature record and MAX icon (in  
the tendency section) will begin flashing. To reset, press the enter key for 3 seconds, and the  
maximum value (and associated date and time) will be reset to current reading.  
7. Outdoor Temperature Record Low. Press the enter key to display minimum outdoor  
temperature record since the last reset. The minimum temperature record and MIN icon (in  
the tendency section) will begin flashing. To reset, press the enter key for 3 seconds, and the  
minimum value (and associated date and time) will be reset to current reading.  
8. Repeat the above steps for wind chill and dew point.  
5.11 Outdoor Humidity  
Please reference Section Indoor Humidity. The outdoor procedure is similar to the indoor humidity  
Note: This is a continuation of the previous section. To enter this mode, you must begin at  
Section 5.1 and proceed to this section.  
5.12 Memory  
The console stores up to 4080 complete sets of weather data with associated time and date stamp. The  
base station will lose all of the weather data if there a power interruption. In the event the memory is  
full, the old data is overwritten by the new data.  
Press the history key to review the historical data.  
1. Select the down key to review historical data archived in the console. Select the up key to  
advance historical data archived in the console (default is 30 minute intervals).  
When history data displayed, the corresponding date and time will be displayed at the time  
section area.  
The historical archive interval can only be changed using the PC software that comes with  
this product. The factory default archive interval is 30 minutes.  
2. Clear Memory. Press the history key to clear memory. The memory fill icon will be flashing.  
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Press and hold enter key for 3 seconds to clear memory.  
5.13 Calibration Mode  
In addition to the sea-level barometer calibration in the previous section, the following parameters can  
also be calibrated:  
Indoor Temperature  
Outdoor Temperature  
Indoor Humidity  
Outdoor Humidity  
Wind Speed  
5.13.1 Temperature Calibration  
Temperature errors can occur when a sensor is placed too close to a heat source (such as a building  
structure, the ground and when placed in direct sunlight without proper shielding in hot weather  
The temperature sensor utilizes a resistive thermal device (RTD), which varies the resistance as a  
function of temperature. Due to manufacturing tolerances in resistance, the accuracy of the sensor is ±  
2 °F. To improve on this accuracy, the indoor and outdoor temperature readings can be adjusted or  
calibrated from the display console.  
To calibrate temperature, we recommend a mercury or red spirit (fluid) thermometer. Bi-metal (dial)  
and other digital thermometers are not a good source and have their own margin of error. Using a local  
weather station in your area is also a poor source due to changes in location, timing (airport weather  
stations are only updated once per hour) and possible calibration errors (many official weather stations  
are not properly installed and calibrated).  
Place the sensor in a shaded, controlled environment next to the fluid thermometer, and allow the  
sensor to stabilize for 48 hours. Compare this temperature to the fluid thermometer and adjust the  
console to match the fluid thermometer.  
5.13.2 Humidity Calibration  
Humidity is a difficult parameter to measure accurately and drifts over time. Humidity errors can  
occur when placed too close to the ground, near grass or other sources of humidity.  
The hygrometer sensor utilizes a capacitor, which varies as a function of humidity. Due to  
manufacturing tolerances, the accuracy of the sensor is ± 5%. To improve on this accuracy, the indoor  
and outdoor humidity readings can be adjusted or calibrated from the display console.  
To calibrate humidity, you will need an accurate source, such as a sling psychrometer or Humidipaks  
One Step Calibration kit, available from Ambient Weather.  
5.13.3 Wind Speed Calibration  
Wind speed is the most sensitive to installation constraints. The rule of thumb for properly installing a  
wind speed sensor is 4 x the distance of the tallest obstruction. For example, if your house is 20’ tall  
and you mount the sensor on a 5’ pole:  
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Distance = 4 x (20 – 5)’ = 60’.  
Many installations are not perfect and installing the weather station on a roof can be difficult. Thus,  
you can calibrate for this error with a wind speed multiplier.  
In addition to the installation challenges, wind cup bearings (moving parts) wear over time.  
Without a calibrated source, wind speed can be difficult to measure. We recommend using a calibrated  
wind meter (available from Ambient Weather) and a constant speed, high speed fan.  
5.13.4 Calibration Mode  
While in the Normal Mode, press the ON/OFF key for 8 seconds to enter the calibration mode, and  
the ADJ icon will be displayed. You can skip over any setting by selecting the enter key. To exit the  
calibration mode at any time, select the history key  
1. Wind Speed Calibration (default is 1.0, adjustment range 0.75 to 1.25). Press the up or  
down key to increase or decrease the wind speed multiplier to match the calibrated source.  
Press the ON/OFF key, and the value will return to the uncalibrated value.  
2. Indoor Temperature Calibration. Press the enter key to calibrate the temperature in 0.1°C  
(0.18 °F) increments. Press the up or down key to increase or decrease the temperature bias  
to match the calibrated source. Press the ON/OFF key, and the value will return to the  
uncalibrated value.  
3. Indoor Humidity Calibration. Press the enter key to calibrate the humidity in 1%  
increments. Press the up or down key to increase or decrease the humidity bias to match the  
calibrated source. Press the ON/OFF key, and the value will return to the uncalibrated value.  
4. Outdoor Temperature Calibration. Press the enter key to calibrate the temperature in 0.1°  
increments. Press the up or down key to increase or decrease the temperature bias to match  
the calibrated source. Press the ON/OFF key, and the value will return to the uncalibrated  
5. Outdoor Humidity Calibration. Press the enter key to calibrate the humidity in 1%  
increments. Press the up or down key to increase or decrease the humidity bias to match the  
calibrated source. Press the ON/OFF key, and the value will return to the uncalibrated value.  
Press the enter key to exit the calibration mode.  
Note: The dew point and wind chill are based on the calibration values.  
6. PC Software  
Note: EasyWeather software is included with this weather station package. Easy Weather runs on  
most PC operating systems. Cumulus is free internet publishing PC software application by  
Sandaysoft. WeatherSnoop is a paid software and internet publishing application for Macs by  
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For EasyWeather updates and alternate PC applications, visit:  
6.1 EasyWeather Overview  
EasyWeather allows you to display real-time data, program the display console, set alarms, view and  
export historical data and create graphs. Whereas the weather station console is limited to 4080  
records, EasyWeather is only limited by your PC’s memory.  
6.2 Connect PC Connection  
Connect the weather station console to the PC using the included USB cable. The computer should  
acknowledge the connection with a beep and the device installation notice will be displayed if  
connected for the first time.  
6.3 EasyWeather Software Installation  
Insert the included CD into your hard drive and the software installer will automatically start. If it  
does not, browse to My Computer (or Computer) in windows and locate the CD Drive. Right click on  
this drive, select Explore and run Setup.exe.  
The software will install to the program files directory.  
6.4 Run EasyWeather  
To run EasyWeather, in Windows, select Start -> All Programs -> Easy Weather.  
Note: You may be prompted to run EasyWeather as the administrator (Vista and Windows7). To  
perform this action, browse to the program files directory location using Windows explorer,  
commonly located here:  
C:\Program Files\EasyWeather  
Right Click on the EasyWeather.exe icon, select the Compatibility Tab and under Privilege Level,  
select Run as Administrator.  
Failure to run the program as administrator may limit the graphical display mode capability, since  
EasyWeather writes data to file locations deemed protected with strict Microsoft protection enabled.  
Note: If you run the program for the first time, the current weather will be displayed and at the  
bottom line of the window, and the program will show related information regarding reading historical  
data into the PC.  
When there is large amount of archived data to be uploaded, it may take a few minutes before the  
system will respond to your requests. Otherwise, it will display the “read weather data fail” error  
message, since the USB port is reading the data from the memory and the system is not able to  
respond to requests.  
6.5 EasyWeather Features  
The following section outlines the features available in the EasyWeather Software.  
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6.5.1 Main Display  
When you launch HeavyWeather, the main display will be shown. The main display shows current  
weather conditions, alarm settings and minimum and maximum data.  
Figure 20  
When console is connected to PC, the connected icon  
will be displayed on the main display  
will be displayed.  
panel. If the console is not connected, the not connected icon  
6.5.2 Set-up and Alarms  
Select System | Setup from the menu bar to program general weather station console settings and turn  
on and off alarm conditions, or select the icon.  
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Figure 21  
6.5.3 Alarm Values  
Select System | Alarm from the menu bar to program general to set the alarm ranges, or select the  
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Figure 22  
6.5.4 Historical Highs and Lows  
Select System | Scope from the menu bar to view the historical highs and lows, or select the  
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Figure 23  
6.5.5 Historical Data  
Select Record | History from the menu bar to view the historical data, or select the  
This window displays the recorded history data in a spread sheet format. If you want to see all history  
data in a specified time period, enter the time duration and press Search to reload the historical data.  
You can export the selected historical data into a text format file by selecting the Export button.  
When memory on the console is full, select the Clear Memory button to clear memory on the console  
(remember to upload all of the data before pressing this button).  
If you want to start a new weather history record, select the Clear Data button to clear the database,  
and all historical weather data will be deleted (if you would like to keep a back up history file before  
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deleting all weather data, you can make a copy of the “EasyWeather.dat” file into another folder or  
just rename the “EasyWeather.dat” file, such as “Jan-07.dat”, for future reference.  
Figure 24  
6.5.6 Graph Data  
Select Record | Graph from the menu bar to view the graphical data, or select the  
6.5.7 Clearing Rainfall from EasyWeather  
To clear rainfall from EasyWeather, select Record | History from the menu bar and select Clear Data  
to clear all rainfall totals.  
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Figure 25  
6.5.8 EasyWeather Legal Notes  
We reserve the right to delete or change any image whether or not purposely uploaded onto  
the server by a user of the EasyWeather software products.  
The EasyWeather software products are protected by copyright laws and international  
copyright treaties as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.  
You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the products.  
7. Glossary of Terms  
Absolute Barometric  
Relative barometric pressure, corrected to sea-level. To compare  
pressure conditions from one location to another, meteorologists correct  
pressure to sea-level conditions. Because the air pressure decreases as  
you rise in altitude, the sea-level corrected pressure (the pressure your  
location would be at if located at sea-level) is generally higher than your  
measured pressure.  
Accuracy is defined as the ability of a measurement to match the actual  
value of the quantity being measured.  
HectoPascals (hPa)  
Pressure units in SI (international system) units of measurement. Same  
as millibars (1 hPa = 1 mbar)  
A hygrometer is a device that measures relative humidity. Relative  
humidity is a term used to describe the amount or percentage of water  
vapor that exists in air.  
Inches of Mercury (inHg)  
Pressure in Imperial units of measure.  
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1 inch of mercury = 33.86 millibars  
Radio Controlled Clock  
The United States government distributes time-of-day to the public  
using radio broadcasts. The low frequency (LF) station WWVB is  
located in Fort Collins, Colorado and broadcasts on 60 kHz. The high  
frequency (HF) stations WWV and WWVH are located in Colorado and  
Hawaii respectively, and broadcast on five different frequencies ranging  
from 2.5 to 20 MHz. At least one HF signal should always be usable at  
any given time anywhere in the United States.  
Relative Barometric  
Range is defined as the amount or extent a value can be measured.  
Measured barometric pressure relative to your location or ambient  
Resolution is defined as the number of significant digits (decimal  
places) to which a value is being reliably measured.  
Wind Vane  
A wind vane is a device that measures the direction of the wind. The  
wind vane is usually combined with the anemometer. Wind direction is  
the direction from which the wind is blowing.  
8. Specifications  
8.1 Wireless Specifications  
Line of sight wireless transmission (in open air): 300 feet  
Update Rate: 48 seconds  
Frequency: 433 MHz  
8.2 Measurement Specifications  
The following table provides the specifications for the measured parameters.  
± 2 °F  
± 2 °F  
± 5%  
0.1 °F  
0.1 °F  
Indoor Temperature  
Outdoor Temperature  
Indoor Humidity  
32 to 140 °F  
-40 to 149 °F  
10 to 99%  
1 %  
Outdoor Humidity  
Barometric Pressure  
10 to 99%  
8.85 to 32.50 inHg  
± 5%  
1 %  
0.01 inHg  
± 0.08 inHg (within  
range of 27.13 to 32.50  
Wind Direction  
0 to 394 in.  
0 - 360 º  
± 10%  
22.5º (16 point  
± 2.2 mph or 10%  
(whichever is greater)  
0.01 in  
22.5º (16 point  
0.1 mph  
Wind Speed  
0 to 112 mph  
8.3 Power Consumption  
Base station : 2XAA 1.5V LR6 Alkaline batteries  
Remote sensor : 2xAA 1.5V LR6 Alkaline batteries  
Battery life: Minimum 12 months for base station  
Minimum 24 months for thermo-hygro sensor (use lithium batteries in cold weather climates)  
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8.4 Cable Lengths  
Anemometer to Thermo-Hygrometer-Transmitter: 8.5 feet  
Rain Gauge to Thermo-Hygrometer-Transmitter: 8.5 feet  
9. Maintenance  
1. Clean the rain gauge once every 3 months  
2. Replace the thermo-hygrometer transmitter batteries once every 1-2 years  
3. Clean the wind vane and thermo-hygrometer transmitter connectors with rubbing alcohol and  
q-tip once every 1-2 years.  
10.Troubleshooting Guide  
If your question is not answered here, you can contact us as follows:  
1. Email Support: [email protected]  
2. Live Chat Support: www.ambientweather.com/chat.html (M-F 8am to 4pm Arizona Time)  
3. Technical Support: 480-283-1644 (M-F 8am to 4pm Arizona Time)  
Wireless remote (thermo-hygrometer) not The maximum line of sight communication range is  
reporting in to console.  
300’. Move the sensor assembly closer to the display  
There are dashes on the display console.  
If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 10’), move  
the sensor assembly away from the display console.  
Cycle power on the console. The console may have  
exited the search mode.  
Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote  
thermo-hygrometer. For cold weather environments,  
install lithium batteries.  
Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting  
through solid metal (acts as an RF shield), or earth  
barrier (down a hill).  
Move the display console around electrical noise  
generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other  
wireless transmitters or receivers.  
Move the remote sensor to a higher location.  
Radio Frequency (RF) Sensors cannot transmit through  
metal barriers (example, aluminum siding) or multiple,  
thick walls.  
Temperature sensor reads too high in the  
day time.  
In hot weather climates, the rain guard and solar shield  
may not be effective enough. Consider the following  
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radiation shield:  
Indoor and Outdoor Temperature do not  
Allow up to one hour for the sensors to stabilize due to  
signal filtering. The indoor and outdoor temperature  
sensors should agree within 4 °F (the sensor accuracy is  
± 2 °F)  
Indoor and Outdoor Humidity do not  
Allow up to one hour for the sensors to stabilize due to  
signal filtering. The indoor and outdoor humidity sensors  
should agree within 10 % (the sensor accuracy is ± 5 %)  
If the humidity falls outside the measurement range (10  
to 99%), the humidity will display “—“  
Humidity reads – instead of a value.  
Absolute pressure does not agree with  
official reporting station  
You may be viewing the relative pressure, not the  
absolute pressure.  
Select the absolute pressure. Make sure you properly  
calibrate the sensor to an official local weather station.  
Reference Section Barometric Pressure5.5 for details.  
The barometer is only accurate to ± 0.08 inHg within the  
following relative pressure range: 27.13 to 32.50 inHg,  
which corresponds to an altitude of -2,200 to 2,700 feet.  
At higher altitudes, expect some non-linearity or error.  
An unstable mounting solution (sway in the mounting  
pole) may result in the tipping bucket incorrectly  
incrementing rainfall. Make sure you have a stable  
mounting solution. Move the rain gauge from the pole  
mount to a flat, stable mount (fixed, flat structure).  
Make sure the USB cable is plugged in and recognized  
by the PC operating system. If it is not recognized, try a  
different USB connection. Avoid USB hubs.  
Rain gauge reports rain when it is not  
Software does not recognize weather  
Barometer graph flashes. Can I turn this  
No, this feature prevents burn in of the display monitor.  
Wind speed appears low  
Average wind speed may have the appearance of low  
wind. Try switching the display to wind gust.  
Change the display contrast level as described in  
Section 5.1.  
Display console is difficult to read  
Replace the batteries in the console with a fresh set of  
Can the lamp be turned on all of time?  
The forecast icon is not accurate  
No, to prevent the bulb from burning out, it can only turn  
on temporarily.  
The weather station console must run for several days to  
trend barometric pressure.  
The weather forecast is an estimation or generalization of  
weather changes in the next 24 to 48 hours, and varies  
from location to location. The tendency is simply a tool  
for projecting weather conditions and is never to be  
relied upon as an accurate method to predict the weather.  
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11. Accessories  
The following software and hardware accessories are available for this weather station  
Ambient Weather BCY29 4  
This precision screwdriver kit is a must for  
assembling this weather station due to the  
small, precision screws.  
Pole mounting solutions, tripods, mast to mast  
mounting kits. The WS-1080 pole mount can  
be attached to a pole mounting solution with  
the included hose clamps.  
Ambient Weather D4  
Universal desk stand allows the display  
console to stand upright.  
Cumulus Software by  
Free internet publishing software allows you  
to publish to the internet real time. Supports  
CWOP/APRS. Choose the Fine Offset  
weather station option.  
WeatherSnoop Weather  
Underground Publishing  
Mac Software  
WeatherSnoop connects your weather station  
to your Mac to the WeatherUnderground with  
a simple, easy to use interface.  
WeatherSnoop stores all of your weather data  
locally in a compact SQLite database. This  
data can then be used by other applications for  
detailed analysis and trending.  
Free internet client software receives data  
and allows you to view your weather station  
data real time, along with thousands of other  
weather stations. Includes forecasts, radar and  
Handheld compass for wind direction  
AA lithium batteries for cold weather  
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Weather SRS100LX  
Solar Radiation Shield improves temperature  
accuracy for hot weather climates. Remove  
the rain guard and install over  
Cable extension kits allow you to extend the  
cables between the anemometer and rain  
gauge to the thermo-hygrometer, improving  
the flexibility of the installation.  
The WeatherHub2 is a data logger and IP  
Ethernet Weather Station Server in one.  
Simply plug the WeatherHub2 data logger into  
the back of your console and connect the  
cable to your cable/DSL router. Within  
minutes, you'll be able to see your weather  
data live on the Internet. Allows you to turn  
off your PC. Perfect for remote monitoring.  
Ambient Weather provides all replacement  
and warranty parts for the WS-2080 weather  
station. The weather station includes a 1  
year factory warranty.  
The P2P2 mast to mast reduction kit is used  
with any of Ambient Weather's mounting pole  
kits, and allows you to mount smaller  
diameter poles to larger diameter poles,  
providing a solid mounting solution.  
Replaces hose clamps included with weather  
station for improved mounting stability.  
The weather station does not have an AC  
adaptor but you can connect it to AC power  
through the USB port. Attach the AC adaptor  
to the USB port (if it is not in use) to provide  
AC power to the display console. If you  
connect the weather station to a computer, it  
will receive power from the computer.  
12.Liability Disclaimer  
Please help in the preservation of the environment and return used batteries to an authorized depot.  
The electrical and electronic wastes contain hazardous substances. Disposal of electronic waste in  
wild country and/or in unauthorized grounds strongly damages the environment.  
Reading the “User manual” is highly recommended. The manufacturer and supplier cannot accept any  
responsibility for any incorrect readings and any consequences that occur should an inaccurate reading  
take place.  
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This product is designed for use in the home only as indication of weather conditions. This product is  
not to be used for medical purposes or for public information.  
The specifications of this product may change without prior notice.  
This product is not a toy. Keep out of the reach of children.  
No part of this manual may be reproduced without written authorization of the manufacturer.  
13.FCC Statement  
Statement according to FCC part 15.19:  
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two  
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.  
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause  
undesired operation.  
Statement according to FCC part 15.21:  
Modifications not expressly approved by this company could void the user's authority to operate the  
Statement according to FCC part 15.105:  
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital  
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable  
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and  
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,  
may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this  
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined  
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or  
more of the following measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
14. Warranty Information  
Ambient, LLC provides a 1-year limited warranty on this product against manufacturing defects in  
materials and workmanship.  
This limited warranty begins on the original date of purchase, is valid only on products purchased and  
only to the original purchaser of this product. To receive warranty service, the purchaser must contact  
Ambient, LLC for problem determination and service procedures.  
Warranty service can only be performed by a Ambient, LLC. The original dated bill of sale must be  
presented upon request as proof of purchase to Ambient, LLC.  
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Your Ambient, LLC warranty covers all defects in material and workmanship with the following  
specified exceptions: (1) damage caused by accident, unreasonable use or neglect (lack of reasonable  
and necessary maintenance); (3) damage resulting from failure to follow instructions contained in your  
owner’s manual; (4) damage resulting from the performance of repairs or alterations by someone other  
than an authorized Ambient, LLC authorized service center; (5) units used for other than home use (6)  
applications and uses that this product was not intended (7) the products inability to receive a signal  
due to any source of interference or metal obstructions and (8) extreme acts of nature, such as  
lightning strikes or floods.  
This warranty covers only actual defects within the product itself, and does not cover the cost of  
installation or removal from a fixed installation, normal set-up or adjustments, claims based on  
misrepresentation by the seller or performance variations resulting from installation-related  
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