Konftel Cordless Telephone 300IP User Manual

Conference phones for every s
The Konftel 300IP User Guide  
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Table of conTenTs  
Deleting a conference group ...................21  
Deleting all conference groups ................21  
Displaying conference guide status..........21  
General.................................................. 2  
Maintenance .......................................... 2  
Connections........................................... 2  
Keypad.................................................. 4  
Display screen........................................ 5  
Navigation and selection in menus ........... 6  
Our patented audio technology, OmniSound®, is embedded into all Konftel phones to  
ensure crystal-clear voice transmission. We’re now taking OmniSound® to the next level.  
OmniSound® 2.0 provides the Konftel 300 with the capability to deliver an even more  
impressive audio quality. Just like OmniSound full duplex,® OmniSound 2.0 uses®  
an omni-directional microphone and three speakers for optimal audio performance.  
OmniSound® 2.0 is enhanced with innovative features – noise suppression minimises  
distracting background noise, wideband voice transmission gives 7 kHz during VoIP calls  
and an equaliser allows you to adjust sound levels during your meeting.  
Starting a recording .............................. 22  
Mute function....................................... 22  
Hold.................................................... 22  
Ending a recording................................ 22  
Listening to a recording......................... 23  
Editing the name of a recording.............. 23  
Deleting a recording...............................24  
Deleting all recordings............................24  
Adjusting the recording indicator.............24  
Displaying recording feature status..........24  
answering and making calls  
Answering calls....................................... 8  
Answering calls on hold........................... 8  
Making calls........................................... 8  
Redialling............................................... 8  
Calling from the phonebook ..................... 9  
During a call  
Konftel AB hereby declares that this conference unit complies with all essential require-  
ments and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.  
Adjusting the speaker volume..................10  
Placing calls on temporary hold...............10  
Ending calls ..........................................10  
Secure connection.................................10  
Basic settings....................................... 25  
Advanced settings ................................ 27  
Settings during a call ............................ 28  
System................................................ 29  
Checking status.................................... 30  
Making multi-party calls  
Adding another party to a call .................11  
Making conference group calls................11  
do not expose the Konftel 300IP to rain or moisture.  
Using the web interface  
Checking network addresses.................. 32  
Logging in to the Konftel 300IP............. 33  
Managing the phonebook....................... 34  
Managing the conference guide...............37  
Checking the call list............................. 39  
Basic settings....................................... 40  
Restarting the Konftel 300IP................. 42  
Checking status.................................... 43  
Managing phone lines  
Selecting account when dialling .............12  
Switching between lines during multi-  
party calls.............................................13  
Cutting a line ........................................14  
Transferring calls ...................................14  
Do not open the case on the Konftel 300IP.  
Using a user profile................................15  
Changing the profile name and password .16  
IP, sIP, URI and IP telephony  
faQ and Troubleshooting  
optional accessories  
Searching for contacts ...........................17  
Adding contacts ....................................17  
Editing contacts ....................................17  
Deleting contacts...................................18  
Deleting all conference groups ................18  
Displaying phonebook status...................18  
Conference guide...................................19  
Making conference group calls................19  
Displaying conference group participants 20  
Adding a conference group .................... 20  
Editing a conference group .................... 20  
Technical specifications  
service and guarantee  
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Display screen Keypad  
The Konftel 300IP is a conference phone for IP telephony offering a host of innovative  
• OmniSound® 2.0 audio technology  
• IP telephony for flexible and affordable telephony  
• Option of using two accounts simultaneously  
• Conference feature for automatic multi-party dialling.  
• Management of lines during a call (dialling new parties, creating a multi-party call,  
splitting a multi-party call)  
• Recorder capability  
• Web interface for simple management of contacts, conference groups and settings  
• Extra microphone connection for wider reception (option)  
• Connection for wireless headset or PA system (option)  
• Future-proof, can be upgraded with smart functions.  
• Two-year guarantee.  
sD memory  
card port  
Flashing blue  
Steady blue light Call in progress  
Flashing red Hold, microphone and  
speaker turned off  
Incoming call  
The Konftel 300IP is a future-proof product that is constantly evolving with smart new  
Steady red light Mute, microphone turned  
Clean the equipment with a soft, dry cloth. Never use liquids.  
network cable port  
expansion micro-  
phone port  
Please refer to the “Konftel 300IP Installation Guide” for instructions on how to con-  
nect and register your conference phone.  
aUX port  
security lock port  
Power supply port  
expansion microphone port  
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DIsPlaY scReen  
UP aRRoW  
navigation in menus,  
display of call list  
settings menu  
DoWn aRRoW  
navigation in menus,  
display of call list  
on Hook  
to display this screen.  
yes/confirm choice  
Display text (can be changed)  
new line  
Increase volume  
not registered  
account name (can be changed)  
Hang up/end line  
Decrease volume  
automatic dialling  
of conference  
off Hook  
to display this screen.  
call duration  
line selection  
alphanumerical buttons, phonebook  
Information text (see below)  
Phone lines (l1–l4)  
line status (see below)  
secure connection (see page 10)  
Writing text  
Each button contains letters and characters - more than those shown on the button (see  
illustration below). Press the same button repeatedly to change to another character. If  
there are two letters under the same button that you want to enter one after the other,  
you need to pause slightly before entering the second letter.  
line status:  
Line free (Before account name – telephone not registered)  
Line connected (Before account name – telephone registered)  
Line on hold (“HOLD” displayed on the screen – all calls on hold)  
Line (called party) busy  
Press c to delete the last character you entered.  
Own line put on hold by other party  
Recording call  
Secure connection  
(blank) . - 1  
G H I 4  
a b c Å Ä Á À 2  
J K l 5  
D e f É È 3  
M n o Ö Ø Ñ 6  
W X Y Z 9  
Information text displays one of the following:  
Number or name of each phone line  
(The name will be displayed if a number is in the phone book)  
P Q R s 7  
T U V Ü Ú 8  
Explanation of what you should do (For example enTeR nUMbeR)  
Status (For example HolD when you place all calls on hold)  
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line menu  
Writing style in instructions  
Press lIne to switch to and from this menu.  
In the instructions, MenU > seTTInGs (5) means you should:  
Press MenU.  
Mark the seTTInGs option using the arrow buttons and confirm by pressing oK to  
open the menu (or press button number 5).  
new line (two lines if two accounts are registered)  
option for creating or splitting conference calls  
Correspondingly, Phone book > conference Guide in the web interface means you  
should select Menu Phone book and the Conference Guide tab.  
Menu tree  
Press MenU to switch to and from a menu.  
current menu  
Marked option open by pressing oK button  
scrolling list  
(indication of where the marked option is in the list or menu)  
list of setting options:  
existing settings  
Marked option select by pressing oK button  
list of names:  
Marked name select by pressing oK button  
naVIGaTIon anD selecTIon In MenUs  
Press MenU.  
Select the option you want from the menu using the arrow buttons.  
Confirm by pressing oK to select the marked option.  
Cancel the setting or go back one level in the menu by pressing c.  
Quit the menu by pressing MenU again.  
The simplest way to make settings and edit contacts is using a PC and the Konftel  
300IP web interface (see page 32).  
Note that after you have made changes to a setting, you must press oK to activate  
the setting.  
It is possible to open a menu option directly by pressing the number button that  
corresponds to the position of the option in the menu (e.g. 2 to open PHONE BOOK  
and then 3 to select EDIT CONTACT).  
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ansWeRInG anD MaKInG calls  
ansWeRInG anD MaKInG calls  
ansWeRInG calls  
A ring tone is heard and the blue LEDs start flashing.  
callInG fRoM THe PHonebooK  
Please turn to page 17 for instructions on adding and updating contacts in the phone-  
to answer.  
The LEDs show a steady blue light.  
Press and hold down a number button for two seconds.  
The phonebook appears on the display screen. The pre-programmed names appear in alphabeti-  
cal order, starting with the number button’s first letter.  
ansWeRInG calls on HolD  
Use the arrow buttons to mark the name in the phonebook.  
If a call is made to the conference phone during another call, you will hear a double  
tone, INCOMING CALL will be displayed on the screen and the blue LEDs start flashing.  
The number you have selected is dialled.  
to answer.  
The original call will automatically be put on hold.  
Press the  
(conference) button to connect the calls.  
to end the new call and HolD to reconnect the original call.  
Use the line mode lIne (See page 13) to switch between the calls.  
MaKInG calls  
See “MANAGING PHONE LINES” on page 12 about selecting an account before dial-  
Dial the number.  
The number is called and the LEDs show a steady blue light. The duration of the call is shown  
on the display screen.  
Dial the number and press oK to confirm.  
The number is called and the LEDs show a steady blue light. The duration of the call is shown  
on the display screen.  
Press an arrow button.  
The last number that you dialled appears on the display screen.  
Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the call list.  
The number you have selected is dialled.  
You can delete the call list by scrolling to the end of the list and pressing oK when  
the question “CLEAR LIST?” appears.  
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DURInG a call  
MaKInG MUlTI-PaRTY calls  
Turn to “MANAGING PHONE LINES” on the next page for instructions on putting an  
individual on hold during a multi-party call and other more advanced features.  
aDJUsTInG THe sPeaKeR VolUMe  
Adjust the speaker volume using the buttons  
aDDInG anoTHeR PaRTY To a call  
If there are free lines, new parties can be added, regardless of whether you have used  
PlacInG calls on TeMPoRaRY HolD  
(conference) button or if you are making a normal call.  
Press during the call to get a new dialling tone.  
Calls in progress are put on hold.  
(Mute) to turn off the microphone.  
The LEDs change from blue to red. The other party cannot hear what you are saying.  
Dial the new number.  
(Mute) to reconnect the call.  
You can also press an arrow button to use the call list or use the menu to access  
the phonebook.  
Press the  
(conference ) button to merge all lines into a multi-party call.  
Press HolD to put the call on hold.  
The LEDs change from blue to flashing red. Both the microphone and the speaker are turned off  
and the call is on hold.  
MaKInG confeRence GRoUP calls  
See “CONFERENCE GUIDE” on page 19 to create and edit conference groups.  
Press HolD to reconnect the call.  
Press the  
(conference) button.  
enDInG calls  
Select the conference group you want to call and press oK to confirm.  
The Konftel 300IP dials all the contacts in the group.  
End the call by pressing  
The box in front of a person’s name fills as soon as that person answers.  
secURe connecTIon  
The Konftel 300IP supports secure data connections between devices (authentication  
and encryption). This feature must be activated by the administrator.  
You know the feature is activated if you see a closed padlock in the lower right-hand  
corner of the display screen when the Konftel 300IP has a secure connection to the  
other phone. If the phone or PBX you are calling does not support secure connections,  
you will see an open padlock on the screen. See the illustration on page 5.  
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ManaGInG PHone lInes  
ManaGInG PHone lInes  
selecTInG accoUnT WHen DIallInG  
sWITcHInG beTWeen lInes DURInG MUlTI-PaRTY  
If you have more than one account registered in your Konftel 300IP, you can use the  
line mode to select the account that you want to use for the new call.  
Talking privately with one individual  
Making a new call  
Press HolD.  
All lines are put on hold.  
Press lIne.  
The line menu with the name of your accounts is displayed.  
Alternatively, you can press HolD after opening the line menu or you can select  
SPLIT CONFERENCE from the line menu to put the lines on hold.  
Press lIne.  
The line menu is displayed.  
Select the account you wish to use for the new call and press oK or  
Dial the number and press oK to confirm.  
adding a party  
Mark a party in the line menu and press oK or HolD.  
The party is reconnected to the call.  
In the same way, a party can be added and an account selected for that party during a  
switching to another caller  
This assumes that you are talking with just one individual as described above.  
Press lIne.  
The line menu with the name of your accounts (NEW:Xxx) and lines that are already busy will be  
Mark another party in the line menu and press HolD.  
The first party is put on hold and the other is connected to the call.  
Talking to several parties  
This assumes that you are talking with just one individual as described above.  
Mark another party in the line menu and press oK.  
Both the first and the second party are connected to the call.  
Select the account you wish to use for the new call and press oK or  
Other calls are put on hold.  
Dial the new number.  
Talking to all parties  
Press the  
(conference ) button to merge all lines into a multi-party call.  
All parties are connected to the call.  
An alternative way to connect all lines to the call is to select MAKE CONFERENCE  
in the line menu.  
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ManaGInG PHone lInes  
The Konftel 300IP gives you the option of using a password to protect contact informa-  
cUTTInG a lIne  
tion in the phonebook and conference guide. All contacts entered by default can be  
accessed by all users and cannot be password protected. All contacts entered by Admin  
are also displayed in default mode.  
Individual lines can be cut out of a multi-party call.  
Press lIne.  
The line menu is displayed.  
To enter personal contacts, conference groups and settings that are inaccessible to  
other users, select user profile and enter the PIN code for the profile. The four personal  
user profiles each hold up to 1000 contacts and 20 conference groups.  
Settings that are unique for each profile are:  
• Standard account (If two accounts are registered)  
• Language  
Mark the line you want to cut and press  
• Ringtone level  
• Keypad tone  
• Time format  
• Equalizer  
TRansfeRRInG calls  
If you wish to transfer a call to another telephone.  
• Display text  
Select MenU > TRansfeR.  
Contacts and other settings are managed in the same way if you log in with a user  
profile, except that the changes you make do not affect other users.  
Dial the number and press oK to confirm.  
The call is transferred to the other telephone.  
Note the user profile name and PIN code can only be changed via the web interface.  
Admin is able to change all user profile names and PIN codes.  
NB. Some PBXs do not support this option.  
UsInG a UseR PRofIle  
Select MenU > PRofIles (1).  
Mark the profile you want and press oK.  
Enter the PIN code for the profile.  
The default code is 0000.  
logging out of the prole  
Select MenU > PRofIles (1).  
Press oK with the LOGOUT option marked.  
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The Konftel 300IP’s phonebook can hold up to 1000 numbers in each user profile. See  
page 8 for making calls via the phonebook.  
cHanGInG THe PRofIle naMe anD PassWoRD  
Log in to Konftel 300IP, see pages 32–33.  
Select settings > basic.  
entering text with the keypad  
Please turn to page 4 for instructions on using the keypad to enter text.  
Click on the edit button under the heading Proles.  
Enter a name and a new PIN code.  
Click on set and save your settings by clicking on save.  
seaRcHInG foR conTacTs  
Make a note of the name and PIN code and keep them in a safe place. The adminis-  
trator is able to reset the settings.  
The simplest way to search for a contact in the address book is to hold down  
an alphanumeric button for two seconds (see page 8). You can also search for a  
contact via the PHONEBOOK menu.  
Select MenU > PHone booK > seaRcH conTacT.  
Mark the contact you want.  
You can use the arrow buttons to press an alphanumeric button to jump to the first  
name that starts with that letter in the list.  
Press oK or  
or MenU to exit the menu.  
to dial the selected contact, c to return to the PHONEBOOK menu  
aDDInG conTacTs  
Select MenU > PHone booK > aDD conTacT.  
Enter the name of the contact and press oK to confirm.  
Write the number and press oK to confirm.  
Press oK to add another contact or MenU to exit the menu.  
eDITInG conTacTs  
Select MenU > PHone booK > eDIT conTacT.  
Mark the contact you want to change. Press oK to confirm.  
Make the change and press oK to confirm.  
Delete a number or a letter in a name by pressing c. If you want to cancel the  
change you are making and leave the name or number as they were, press c until  
the PHONEBOOK menu appears.  
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confeRence GUIDe  
The conference guide makes it easy to set up calls with as many as five people,  
including your own phone. The Konftel 300IP automatically dials all the contacts in the  
conference group.  
DeleTInG conTacTs  
Select MenU > PHone booK > eRase conTacT (2,4).  
Mark the contact you want to delete and press oK.  
You can create 20 conference groups in each user profile.  
Confirm that you really want to delete the contact by pressing oK or cancel the  
deletion of a contact by pressing c.  
entering text with the keypad  
Please turn to page 4 for instructions on using the keypad to enter text.  
DeleTInG all confeRence GRoUPs  
Select MenU > PHone booK > eRase all (2,5).  
MaKInG confeRence GRoUP calls  
Confirm that you really want to delete all contacts by pressing oK or cancel the  
deletion of a contact by pressing c.  
Press the  
(conference) button.  
Select the conference group you want to call.  
You can use the arrow buttons to press an alphanumeric button to jump to the first  
name that starts with that letter in the list.  
DIsPlaYInG PHonebooK sTaTUs  
Press oK if you want to see who is in the group before you make the call.  
Select MenU > PHone booK > sTaTUs (2,6).  
The display screen indicates the number of contacts already stored plus how many more  
contacts can be added.  
(Then press oK again or  
to call.)  
directly if you want to make the call without first checking who is in the  
The Konftel 300IP dials all the contacts in the group.  
The box in front of a person’s name fills as soon as that person answers.  
You can also use the menu to search for and dial a conference group.  
Select MenU > conf GUIDe > seaRcH GRoUP (3,1), select the conference group  
you want and confirm by pressing oK or  
in the same way as above.  
adding another party to a call  
during the call to get a new dialling tone.  
Calls in progress are put on hold.  
Dial the new number.  
You can also press an arrow button to use the call list or use the menu to access  
the phonebook.  
Press the  
(conference) button to connect the calls.  
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confeRence GUIDe  
confeRence GUIDe  
DIsPlaYInG confeRence GRoUP PaRTIcIPanTs  
DeleTInG a confeRence GRoUP  
Select MenU > conf GUIDe > seaRcH GRoUP (3,1).  
Select MenU > conf GUIDe > eRase GRoUP (3,4).  
Mark the group you want and press oK.  
The names of the conference group participants are displayed.  
Mark the group you want to delete and press oK.  
Confirm that you really want to delete the group by pressing oK or cancel the dele-  
tion of a group by pressing c.  
Press c to return to the CONFERENCE GUIDE menu or MenU to exit the menu.  
Press oK or  
to dial the group.  
DeleTInG all confeRence GRoUPs  
aDDInG a confeRence GRoUP  
Select MenU > conf GUIDe > eRase all (3,5).  
Select MenU > conf GUIDe > aDD GRoUP (3,2).  
Enter a group name and press oK to confirm.  
Press oK to enter the first person.  
Confirm that you really want to delete all groups by pressing oK or cancel the dele-  
tion of all groups by pressing c.  
Write the name of the first person and press oK to confirm. Enter the number and  
press oK to confirm.  
DIsPlaYInG confeRence GUIDe sTaTUs  
Select MenU > conf GUIDe > sTaTUs (3,6).  
Press oK to add another person and repeat the above steps.  
The display screen indicates the number of conference groups already stored plus how  
many more groups can be added.  
Conclude by pressing c.  
eDITInG a confeRence GRoUP  
Select MenU > conf GUIDe > eDIT GRoUP (3,3).  
Here, you can change the name of a conference group, add or delete a person from a  
group and change a person’s name and phone number.  
Mark your choice of option in the menu using the arrow buttons and press oK to  
The names of the conference groups are displayed.  
Mark the group you want to change and press oK to confirm.  
Mark a person you want to change and press oK to confirm.  
Make the change and press oK to confirm.  
Delete a number or a letter in a name by pressing c. If you want to cancel the  
change you are making and leave the name or number as they were, press c until  
the CONFERENCE GUIDE menu appears.  
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It is possible to record a phone conference on an SD (Secure Digital) memory card  
so you can listen to it later on. It is possible to record a call in progress and use the  
Konftel 300IP as a dictaphone.  
lIsTenInG To a RecoRDInG  
You can listen to a recorded phone conference on your Konftel 300IP or a computer us-  
ing an SD memory card reader. Recordings are saved in wav format and can be played  
back on your choice of media player. Listening to recordings on the Konftel 300IP:  
A flashing symbol appears on the display screen during recording. A beep is heard every  
20 seconds so that other parties in the call know it is being recorded. The beep can be  
turned off (see page 24).  
Select MenU > RecoRDInG > PlaYbacK fIle (4,1).  
Mark the folder you want (date) and press oK to confirm.  
A list of all recordings for the specified date is displayed. Names, date, time and length are  
displayed for each recording.  
The recorded call is saved on the memory card. The document is named after the time  
at which the recording began (e.g. 14-35-01.wav) and is saved in a folder with the  
current date. This name can be changed after the recording has ended.  
Mark the recording you want and start the playback by pressing oK.  
adjusting the speaker volume  
sTaRTInG a RecoRDInG  
Remember to notify all parties in the call before you start recording.  
Increase the volume using the  
button and lower it using  
Press the Rec/c button for two seconds and press oK to confirm.  
The recording symbol flashes on the display screen.  
Pause playback  
Pause the playback by pressing oK.  
Restart playback by pressing oK again.  
MUTe fUncTIon  
Press the  
(Mute) button during a call to turn the microphone off.  
Move forward in the recording during playback  
The LEDs change from blue to red.  
Move forward in the recording by pressing arrow down or backward by pressing  
arrow up.  
The other party cannot hear what you are saying and only the called party is recorded.  
The recording advances about 10 seconds every time you press the button.  
stop playback  
Press HolD during the call to put the call on hold.  
Stop the playback by pressing c.  
The LEDs change from blue to flashing red.  
Both the microphone and the speaker are turned off and the call is on hold. None of the parties  
will now be recorded.  
eDITInG THe naMe of a RecoRDInG  
The recording is named by default with the time at which the recording started.  
Select MenU > RecoRDInG > RenaMe fIle (4,2).  
Mark the folder you want and press oK to confirm.  
Mark the recording to be edited and press oK.  
enDInG a RecoRDInG  
Press the Rec/c button for two seconds and press oK to confirm.  
The recording symbol is no longer displayed on the screen.  
If you are recording a call and the call is ended, you will be asked if you want to  
stop recording.  
Make the change and press oK to confirm.  
Delete a number or a letter in a name by pressing c.  
If you want to cancel the change you are making and leave the name or number as they  
were, press c several times until the RENAME FILE menu appears.  
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The Konftel 300IP has two groups of settings: Basic and Advanced. You must enter the  
Admin. PIN code to access the advanced settings.  
DeleTInG a RecoRDInG  
Select MenU > RecoRDInG > eRase fIle (4,3).  
The simplest way to make settings is using a PC and the Konftel 300IP web inter-  
face (see page 32).  
Mark the folder you want and press oK.  
Mark the recording to be deleted and press oK.  
Confirm that you really want to delete the recording by pressing oK again, or cancel  
the deletion of a recording by pressing c.  
basIc seTTInGs  
select default account  
If the phone has two registered accounts, you can choose one of them as default.  
DeleTInG all RecoRDInGs  
Select MenU > RecoRDInG > eRase all (4,4).  
Select MenU > seTTInGs > basIc > accoUnTs (5,1,1).  
Confirm that you really want to delete all recordings by pressing oK again, or cancel  
the deletion of a recording by pressing c.  
Select ACCOUNT 1 or ACCOUNT 2 and press oK to confirm.  
The account name is displayed. NOT CONFIGURED will be displayed if the selected account is  
not registered.  
selecting languages  
A short beep is heard every 20 seconds so that all the parties in the call know it is  
Select MenU > seTTInGs > basIc > lanGUaGe (5,1,2).  
being recorded. This feature can be turned off.  
Select the language you want and press oK to confirm.  
Select MenU > RecoRDInG > seTTInGs (4,5).  
Select your choice and press oK to confirm.  
Deactivating keypad tones  
You can select whether or not you want a tone to be heard when you press a button.  
Note that this setting does not affect the tone you hear when you dial a number in call  
DIsPlaYInG RecoRDInG feaTURe sTaTUs  
Select MenU > RecoRDInG > sTaTUs (4,6).  
Select MenU > seTTInGs > basIc > KeY Tone (5,1,3).  
The display screen indicates the number of recordings, the total length of recorded calls and  
how many hours of recording time are left before the memory card is full.  
Select your choice and press oK to confirm.  
adjusting ring level volume  
Select MenU > seTTInGs > basIc > RInG leVel (5,1,4).  
Select your choice and press oK to confirm.  
There are six volume levels plus a silent mode. You will hear the ring tone for each  
level you select. If you select silent mode, an LED on the phone flashes when an  
incoming call is received.  
adjusting sound (equaliser)  
The sound reproduction can be adjusted to the required pitch (SOFT, NEUTRAL and  
Select MenU > seTTInGs > basIc > eQUalIZeR (5,1,5).  
Select your choice and press oK to confirm.  
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settings when connecting external equipment (aux)  
changing text on the display screen  
The Konftel 300IP can be connected to a wireless headset or an external PA system.  
An optional PA interface box is required for PA system connection.  
The text on the display screen can be changed when the Konftel 300IP is on hook.  
Select MenU > seTTInGs > basIc > scReen TeXT (5,1,8).  
Select MenU > seTTInGs > basIc > aUX PoRT (5,1,6).  
Delete existing text using c and enter your new text. Press oK to confirm.  
Select the PA option to activate features for external microphone mixer and PA  
Do not select the PA option unless a PA system is connected. This option turns  
off the internal microphone and internal speakers. The HEADSET option may be  
selected whether or not a headset is connected.  
This resets all user settings for the user profile shown to factory default settings. The  
phonebook, conference guide and all basic settings are reset. Account, network and SIP  
settings are not reset.  
Select MenU > seTTInGs > basIc > DefaUlT (5,1,9).  
settings for external Pa system  
It is assumed that the PA option has been activated in the previous menu before mak-  
ing these settings.  
Confirm that you really want to reset the settings to default by pressing oK again, or  
cancel the resetting procedure by pressing c.  
Select MenU > seTTInGs > basIc > Pa (5,1,7).  
aDVanceD seTTInGs  
Only Admin. is able to make these settings. See “Installation and Administration of  
Konftel 300IP”.  
Select INTERNAL MIC and press oK to switch between on (shaded box) and off.  
To ensure maximum audio quality, do not use the internal microphone and external  
microphones connected via the PA interface box at the same time.  
Only the internal microphone is turned off. Any external microphones connected to  
the Konftel 300IP are still turned on.  
Select INTERNAL SPKR and press oK to switch between on (shaded box) and off.  
To ensure maximum audio quality, do not use the internal speakers and external  
speakers connected via the PA interface box at the same time.  
Time format  
The date and time can only be set by admin. The time is normally retrieved from a time  
server. The time format has 12-hour and 24-hour options.  
Select MenU > seTTInGs > basIc > TIMe foRMaT (5,1,7).  
Select your choice and press oK to confirm.  
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Select MenU > Pa > calIbRaTIon.  
seTTInGs DURInG a call  
cessed during a call and are displayed when the MenU button is pressed. The first  
option is either HEADSET or PA depending on whether PA is activated or not.  
These HEADSET/PA settings can only be accessed when a call is connected.  
Turn off the internal speakers when using a headset  
AUTO is the default setting and is recommended in most cases. The figure shown in  
brackets is the measured calibration value.  
PA should not be activated when using the HEADSET menu option.  
Select different levels and compare the audio quality to achieve your preferred setting.  
A wireless headset can be used if a person needs to move far away from the conference  
phone (e.g. during a seminar or presentation). The internal speakers can be turned  
off temporarily if you wish to use the Konftel 300IP as a personal telephone with a  
NB. You must ask the person you are calling to assess the effect of the adjustments  
you make.  
Select MenU > HeaDseT.  
Select YES when asked “SPEAKER OFF?”.  
The speakers come on automatically when the call is ended.  
The system menu can be used for manual restarts and resets.  
Restarting the phone programme  
This restarts the phone, which takes about two minutes.  
adjusting microphone volume from Pa system  
PA should be activated when using the PA menu option.  
Select MenU > sYsTeM > ResTaRT (6,1).  
Select MenU > Pa > Pa MonIToR.  
Confirm that you really want to restart by pressing oK again, or cancel the restart by  
pressing c.  
Restarting the phone  
This restarts the telephone application, which takes less than 30 seconds.  
Select MenU > sYsTeM > RebooT (6,2).  
Adjust the microphone volume from the mixer so that the level on the display screen  
is around 10–12 when speaking in a normal tone.  
Confirm that you really want to restart by pressing oK again, or cancel the restart by  
pressing c.  
adjusting Pa calibration manually  
Restore to factory settings  
It is possible to calibrate the duplex performance of the conference phone when it is  
connected to a PA system. The calibration level can be set automatically by the Konftel  
300IP or adjusted manually to any value between 0 and 5 (0 being full duplex).  
This option fully restores the Konftel 300IP to factory settings. All settings are deleted,  
including PIN codes and registered accounts. Alternatively, a PIN code is required for  
Increase the calibration if the remote party experiences disturbing echoes.  
Select MenU > sYsTeM > facToRY ReseT (6,3).  
Decrease the calibration if the remote party experiences low duplex, i.e. your voice  
Enter the PIN code for Admin and press oK.  
is muted or clipped when the other party is speaking.  
Confirm that you really want to restart by pressing oK again, or cancel the restart by  
pressing c.  
The position of the PA system’s microphones and speakers and the amplifier’s set-  
tings may affect full duplex performance.  
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naT Traversal  
cHecKInG sTaTUs  
To check whether address conversion is activated, which may be necessary if the phone  
is behind a firewall.  
The status menu can be used for troubleshooting. Only the administrator is able to  
change these settings. See “Installation and Administration of Konftel 300IP” for an  
explanation of the settings.  
Select MenU > sTaTUs > naT TRaVeRsal (7,3).  
This shows the status for:  
- STUN  
- TURN  
- ICE  
account 1  
To check account settings for SIP account 1.  
Select MenU > sTaTUs > accoUnTs > accoUnT 1 (7,1,1).  
This shows the status for:  
To check priorities of audio codecs and DTMF signalling.  
- SIP ID  
Select MenU > sTaTUs > MeDIa (7,4).  
This shows the status for:  
- VAD  
account 2  
To check account settings for SIP account 2.  
Select MenU > sTaTUs > accoUnTs > accoUnT 2 (7,1,2).  
To check time servers and time zones.  
Shows the same information as the menu option above.  
Select MenU > sTaTUs > TIMe (7,5).  
This shows the status for:  
- NTP  
Transfer protocol  
To check which protocol is used to transmit data packages over the network.  
Select MenU > sTaTUs > accoUnTs > TRansPoRT (7,1,3).  
Current protocol is displayed.  
To check the phone’s serial number and software version.  
Select MenU > sTaTUs > DeVIce (7,6).  
This shows the status for:  
- KONFTEL 300IP (software version and date)  
To check which protocol is used to transmit data packages over the network.  
Select MenU > sTaTUs > neTWoRK (7,2).  
This shows the status for:  
- DHCP  
- DNS 1  
- DNS 2  
- VLAN  
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UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
You can use the web browser of a PC connected to the same network to manage  
contacts, conference groups and settings in the Konftel 300IP.  
loGGInG In To THe KonfTel 300IP  
Enter the phone’s network address in the web browser address bar.  
Your choice of language for the Konftel 300IP does not affect the web interface,  
which is only in English.  
For security reasons, recordings can only be managed directly on the Konftel 300IP.  
All other settings that can be made directly on the Konftel 30IP can also be made via  
the web interface. It is also possible to import and export contacts and conference  
groups, name user profiles and change PIN codes, which can only be done via the web  
interface. The administrator can also view logs, update software and create a configura-  
tion file.  
Select Default or an empty user profile in Profile and enter the PIN code.  
The default code is 0000.  
You can create a personal password-protected phonebook using a user profile.  
Settings for accounts and networks require you to log in as an administrator. However,  
you can always check all settings as a user. Settings that require administrator rights  
are listed in the “Konftel 300IP Installation Guide” and “Installation and Administration  
of Konftel 300IP”.  
The default setting for the PIN code is 0000 for the user account (Default, Profile 1,  
Profile 2, Profile 3 and Profile 4). We recommend that you change the PIN codes in  
order to protect the settings. The code may consist of eight digits. The administrator  
can always view and change the PIN codes to the user accounts. The administrator’s  
PIN code can only be reset with a complete reset to factory settings.  
cHecKInG neTWoRK aDDResses  
You must use the network address to log into the web server in the Konftel 300IP.  
Press MenU and select the menu option sTaTUs > neTWoRK (7,2).  
Check the conference phone’s network address under the heading IP aDDRess.  
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UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
editing contacts  
ManaGInG THe PHonebooK  
Click on the edit contact button after the contact you want to change.  
Select Phone book.  
Edit the contact and click on save contact.  
Deleting contacts  
Click on the erase contact button after the contact you want to delete.  
Confirm that you want to delete the contact.  
You can also delete all contacts by pressing the erase all button.  
Importing contacts  
You can import contacts from a comma separated values (CSV) file. One way of creating  
a CSV file is using Microsoft Excel and saving the file in CSV format.  
Enter the names of the contacts in the first column and their phone numbers or URIs in  
the second. Do not use hyphens or spaces in the number. Note that Excel ignores zeros  
at the beginning of numbers. The cells must therefore be formatted as text.  
Information about URI can be found on pages 44–45.  
Here, you can add, change and delete contacts. You can also import existing contacts.  
When you call or are called by a contact who is already in the phonebook, that  
person’s name is displayed on the screen.  
adding a contact  
Enter the contact’s name under name:  
Enter the contact’s phone number or URI under number/URI.  
Information about URI can be found on pages 42–43.  
The way the number can be written may depend on the SIP PBX being used, but  
normally you can use:  
• Complete phone number, including country code  
• Phone number, including area code  
• Local phone number only  
• Internal speed dial number (with company’s own PBX)  
• URI, e.g. sip:user@company.com  
CSV files can also be created using software that can save in unformatted text format.  
Write a name, followed by a semi-colon and number – one contact on each line. When  
you save the file, give it a csv extension instead of txt.  
• URI with IP address, e.g. sip: (within a local network)  
Click on add contact.  
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UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
ManaGInG THe confeRence GUIDe  
Select Phone book > conference guide.  
It is normally possible to export contact books stored in your PC in CSV format.  
Click on the scrollbutton under the heading Import in the web window.  
Open your CSV file.  
Click on Import.  
The name is limited to 15 characters, since the Konftel 300IP screen cannot  
display more than 15 characters.  
exporting contacts  
You can export your contacts as a CSV document in order to import them into another  
Here, you can add, change and delete conference groups. It is also possible to import  
groups that you have created.  
Click on export.  
When a call is connected to a contact who is already in the phonebook, that  
person’s name is displayed on the screen.  
Save the document.  
adding a conference group  
Give the group a name, enter the names and phone numbers of the group members.  
You can also add participants from the phone book by clicking the drop-down list  
Phone book.  
Save the group by clicking on add group.  
editing a conference group  
Click on edit group next to the contact you want to change.  
Edit the group and click on save group.  
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UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
Deleting a conference group  
cHecKInG THe call lIsT  
Click on the erase group button next to the group you want to delete.  
Confirm that you want to delete the group.  
Incoming, outgoing and missed calls are displayed in the call list in chronological order.  
Select call list > Recent.  
You can also delete all groups by pressing erase all groups.  
Select one of the tabs Incoming, outgoing or Missed to filter the list.  
Importing conference groups  
You can import conference groups using a comma separated values (CSV) file. See  
“Importing contacts” on page 35 for more information.  
Enter the name of the group in the first column, the names of the group members in the  
second and their phone numbers or URIs in the third.  
Click on the scrollbutton under the heading Import in the web window.  
Open your CSV file.  
Click on Import.  
exporting conference groups  
You can export your groups as a CSV document in order to import them into another  
Click on export.  
Save the document.  
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UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
select default account  
basIc seTTInGs  
The Konftel 300IP can save settings for two accounts, e.g. a company PBX and a  
public IP telephony service provider. This setting determines which account should be  
used as default.  
The settings only affect the user profile you selected when you logged in.  
Select settings > basic.  
You can select the account you want to use for a call by pressing lIne before dialling  
the number.  
Select account 1 or account 2 under the heading Default account and click on  
selecting languages  
Select a language in the list under the heading language and click on save.  
changing the ring tone level  
Select the tone level from the list under the heading Ring level and click on save.  
changing key tone  
Select on or off under the heading Key tone and click on save.  
changing the recording indicator  
A short beep is heard every 20 seconds so that all the parties in the call know it is  
being recorded. This feature can be turned off.  
Select on or off under the heading Recording tone and click on save.  
changing PIn code and prole name  
The PIN code can be changed from the default setting to protect against unauthorised  
settings when connecting external equipment (aux)  
The Konftel 300IP can be connected to a wireless headset or an external PA system.  
An optional PA interface box is required for PA system connection.  
Click on the edit button under the heading Proles.  
Enter a new PIN code.  
Select the Pa option to activate features for external microphone mixer and PA  
The code may consist of 8 digits.  
Do not select the PA option unless a PA system is connected. This option turns  
off the internal microphone and internal speakers. The HEADSET option may be  
selected whether or not a headset is connected.  
If you are changing a user profile, you can also change the name.  
Click on the set and save buttons.  
Make a note of the new PIN code and keep it in a safe place.  
changing the time format  
The administrator is always able to view and change the name and PIN code of the  
Select 12 hour or 24 hour under the heading Time format and click on save.  
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UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
UsInG THe Web InTeRface  
adjusting the sound  
The sound reproduction can be adjusted to the required pitch (SOFT, NEUTRAL and  
cHecKInG sTaTUs  
Although it is not possible to make settings in the Status menu, the information here  
may be useful when troubleshooting.  
Select soft, neutral or bright under the heading equalizer and click on save.  
Select status.  
Display text  
The display text appears on the screen when the Konftel 300IP is on hook.  
Enter the text in the text field and click on save.  
ResTaRTInG THe KonfTel 300IP  
Select settings > system.  
You can find the phone’s serial number, network port address and current software  
version on the basic tab. Settings made by the administrator for the network, time  
server, SIP accounts and media are on other tabs.  
Restarting the phone application  
This only restarts the phone software with the current settings. The restart takes about  
30 seconds.  
Click on Restart.  
Restarting the phone  
This shuts down and restarts the phone. This restart takes about three minutes.  
Click on Reboot.  
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IP, sIP, URI anD IP TelePHonY  
IP, sIP, URI anD IP TelePHonY  
IP stands for Internet Protocol and is the standard protocol for transferring information  
over the Internet between computers and other devices. The same standard is normally  
used in local networks too. An IP address is the unique network address that a compu-  
ter has in the network.  
IP phone’s network address. The address that you use instead is easier to understand,  
i.e. the phone’s e-address or public address.  
These addresses are designed like email addresses, i.e. name@domain, for example  
[email protected]. A complete URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) is created when the  
protocol that is used to communicate with the resource is added to the address. A URI  
might look like this: sip:[email protected].  
An IP phone is a phone that, like a PC, is connected to the network/Internet. Like the  
PC, it has an IP address and the call is transmitted as data packets over the network.  
Calls can be made from an IP phone to other IP phones (without leaving the network)  
and to regular phones over the public telephone network.  
URIs can be used instead of phone numbers to make calls from one IP phone to  
sIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol and is a standardised protocol (communication  
regulations) for connecting phone calls via networks – in most cases via the Internet  
To make and receive calls, the phone has to be registered to an sIP switch. The switch  
can be a company PBX or be located with an IP telephony service provider. The SIP  
switch ensures that the call is connected to the right address within the network or  
sends the call to the public telephone network if the recipient is not registered as an IP  
telephone in the same switch.  
Making calls with IP phones  
When you use an IP phone to make a call to another IP phone within the network,  
the call does not usually cost anything. When you use an IP phone to make a call to a  
regular analogue phone, you normally pay the standard rate from the point at which the  
SIP switch connects the call to the telephone network.  
An IP phone can be moved and used all over the world. The only requirement is access  
to the Internet or, to be more accurate, access to the SIP switch where it is registered.  
Users must bear in mind that calls to analogue phones are connected to the telephone  
network where the switch is located.  
A company can make free calls to its offices in different countries provided it uses IP  
phones connected to the same SIP switch. If the SIP switch being used is in another  
country, it may be necessary to have two sIP accounts in the phone. One for the  
company’s internal IP calls and one for local external calls via the analogue telephone  
network. Otherwise there is a risk of making overseas calls to order a pizza from down  
the road.  
Phone numbers and network addresses  
An IP phone has a normal phone number plus a network address. When someone calls  
an IP phone number, the SIP switch converts the call into data packets that are sent  
over the network to the phone’s network address.  
You can make a call from an IP phone to another using the network address. When you  
send an email to someone, you don’t need to know the computer’s network address,  
and it’s the same when you make a call from an IP phone, you don’t need to know the  
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faQ anD TRoUblesHooTInG  
oPTIonal accessoRIes  
I'm not getting a dialling tone  
Item no.  
Check that the phone is registered. This is shown as a shaded box in the bottom left-  
hand corner of the screen If the box is not shaded, contact your phone administrator.  
Expansion microphones (1 pair) extend the voice pickup range to 70  
How can I upgrade my Konftel 300IP with the latest software version?  
Travel case  
You need to log in as an administrator to upgrade software in the Konftel 300IP. You  
can search for the most recent version via the web interface and then install it auto-  
matically in the Konftel 300IP. For more details, see “Installation and Administration of  
Konftel 300IP”.  
Wall mounting bracket  
Interface box for connection to external speakers and microphone  
system (PA system)  
Security lock cable  
The web interface does not appear in my computer.  
The phone can be connected to another network than your computer, such as a VLAN  
(Virtual LAN). Contact the phone administrator.  
Microphone and/or speakers are not working.  
The phone may be connected to a PA system that is not turned on or set in position PA  
without being connected. See page 26.  
You can find answers to more FAQ on our website, www.konftel.com/300ip.  
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TecHnIcal sPecIfIcaTIons  
TecHnIcal sPecIfIcaTIons  
Diameter 240 mm, height 77 mm  
1 kg  
20-80% condensation free  
Liquorice black  
Relative humidity:  
Display screen  
Illuminated graphics (LCD), 128x64  
Recommended acoustic conditions:  
Reverberation period: 0.5 S Rt 60  
Alphanumerical 0–9, *, on, off, mute, hold, volume up,  
volume down, 5 buttons for menu navigation, line mode,  
conference guide  
Background noise: 45 dBA  
Anti-theft protection  
Kensington security slot  
Electrical safety  
Support for SD memory cards up to 2 GB  
EN 60950-1:2006,  
ANSI/UL 60950-1-2002,  
CAN/CSA-C22.2, No. 60950-1-03  
Network connection  
RJ45, Ethernet 10/100 Base T  
EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1 (2002-08),  
EN 301 489-1 V1.6.1 (2005-09),  
FCC Part 15 subpart B class A,  
FCC Part 15 subpart C,  
EN 300220-1:2000,  
Power supply  
Transformer 100–240 V AC/13.5 V DC  
IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet.  
Extra microphones  
x2 modular 4/4  
Modular 4/4 for wireless headset  
EN 300220-2:2000  
network and communication  
Network addressing  
NAT traversal  
Connection protocol  
DHCP and static IP  
SIP 2.0 (RFC 3261 and companion RFCs)  
Audio support  
DTMF tone generation  
Time servers  
Codecs: G722, G711 A-law, G711 µ-law, G729ab  
RFC, SIP INFO, In-band  
NTP and SNTP  
Via integrated web server  
Reception area  
OmniSound™® 2.0 Wideband  
Up to 30 metres2, >10 people  
Frequency band 200–7000 Hz,  
90 dB SPL 0.5 m  
Three pitches: soft, neutral, bright  
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seRVIce anD GUaRanTee  
If anything is wrong with your Konftel unit, please contact the place of purchase.  
We give a two-year guarantee on our conference telephones.  
Service is offered after the expiration of the guarantee. Please contact your retailer and  
ask for a cost estimate.  
Konftel support  
If you have any questions about the guarantee and service, please contact your Konftel  
support centre.  
+46(0)90-706 489 (Monday–Friday 8.00–17.00 GMT+1)  
Usa and canada:  
+1 866-606-4728 (Monday–Friday 08.00–17.00 GMT-8)  
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