Aastra Telecom IP Phone IP User Manual

RELEASE # 1.0  
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Table of Contents  
General Requirements................1  
About this Guide..........................1  
Methods of Installation................2  
480i IP Phone Set up ...................2  
The 480i’s Options List ..............3  
Administrator Level Options ......3  
Network: ....................................3  
SIP Settings:..............................4  
Phone Status:............................4  
The Aastra 480i Web Client ......5  
480i IP Phone Configuration.......6  
Turn DHCP On or Off ................6  
Manually Configure  
Network Settings ...................6  
TFTP Server Settings..................7  
SIP settings.................................7  
Setting Parameters through  
Configuration Files ......................9  
Setting Parameters —  
Network Settings......................9  
Setting Parameters —  
Time Server Settings..............11  
Setting Parameters —  
SIP Authentication .................14  
Setting Parameters —  
Softkey Settings ......................18  
Firmware Upgrade .....................20  
Updating your Phone Through  
the Options List....................20  
Updating your Phone Through  
the Web Client .....................20  
Appendix A: Configuring the  
480i at the Asterisk IP PBX...24  
Appendix B: Sample  
Configuration Files ................26  
Appendix C:TFTP Server  
Set-up ......................................36  
Limited Warranty........................37  
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About this Guide  
This guide targets network  
This SIP 480i IP phone  
Administration Guide provides  
information on the basic network  
setup that is required for the  
SIP 480i IP phone. It also includes  
details on the functioning and  
conÞguration of the 480i phone.  
administrators, system  
administrators, developers and  
partners who need to understand  
how to install the 480i on a SIP  
network. This guide contains  
information that is at a technical  
level more suitable for system  
or network administrators. Prior  
knowledge of IP Telephony  
concepts is recommended.  
General Requirements  
• A SIP based IP PBX system or  
network installed and running  
with a number created for the  
new 480i phone.  
This guide complements the  
Aastra 480i Installation Guide and the  
Aastra SIP 480i IP Phone User Guide .  
• SIP standard "RFC 3261"  
• Access to a Trivial File Transfer  
Protocol (TFTP) server.  
Aastra 480i Installation Guide –  
contains installation and set-up  
instructions, information on gen-  
eral features and functions, and  
basic options list customization.  
Included with the phone.  
• 802.3 Ethernet/Fast Ethernet  
• Category 5/5e straight through  
Aastra SIP 480i IP Phone  
Administration Guide – explains  
how to set the phone up on  
the network, as well as advanced  
conÞguration instructions for  
the 480i. This guide contains  
information that is at a technical  
level more suitable for a system  
or network administrator.  
• Power over Ethernet (PoE)  
power supply (optional  
accessory – necessary only if  
no inline power is provided  
on the network).  
Aastra SIP 480i IP Phone  
User Guide – explains the most  
commonly used features and  
functions for an end user.  
1 Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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Methods of Installation  
480i IP Phone Set up  
The Þrmware set up and installation  
for the 480i can be done through the  
Options List available directly from  
the phone or through the Aastra 480i  
Web Client web interface. When the  
480i is initialized for the Þrst time,  
DHCP is enabled by default. The  
DHCP server passes information to  
the 480i so that it can conÞgure itself  
for subsequent IP PBX addresses  
and normal runtime operations.  
When the 480i is Þrst plugged in  
or reset it will automatically  
download any Þrmware updates  
for the phone. The binary and  
conÞguration Þles that are required  
for the 480i are: “Þrmware.st”,  
“aastra.cfg” and “<mac>.cfg”. The  
settings of the 480i phone, as well  
as the softkeys and the line keys,  
can be conÞgured through the  
conÞguration Þles. Please refer to  
Appendix A for details on the  
parameters that can be set for the  
480i phone. Please refer to Appendix  
B for sample conÞguration Þles  
with all the basic parameters that  
need to be set in order to register the  
IP phone at the PBX.  
The following considerations must  
be made before connecting the 480i  
phone to the network:  
• If you are planning on using  
Dynamic IP addresses, make sure  
a DHCP server is running on  
your network.  
The following steps illustrate a  
typical 480i phone setup:  
• If you are not planning on using  
Dynamic IP addresses, refer to  
the section “ConÞguring the 480i  
IP Phone” on how to set up an  
IP address manually.  
1. If DHCP is disabled, manually  
enter the TFTP server’s IP  
address. For details on how to  
set the TFTP server setting for the  
480i, please refer to the section  
ConÞguring the 480i IP Phone”.  
• Make sure a TFTP server is set up  
on your network and can accept  
connections anonymously.  
2. Copy the Þrmware Þle  
• Every PBX system that interacts  
with the 480i phones requires  
adherence to the SIP Standard.  
Þrmware.st” to the root directory  
of the TFTP server. This Þrmware  
Þle is downloaded only when it  
is different than the one the phone  
is currently using.  
To Þnd out how to hook up the  
cabling to your 480i phone, please  
refer to the Aastra 480i Installation  
3. Copy the Aastra conÞguration  
Þle “aastra.cfg” and “<mac>.cfg”  
Þle to the root directory of the  
TFTP server.  
Note: <mac> represents the actual MAC  
address of your phone which must  
be input ie 00085D030996.cfg  
Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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The 480i’s Options List  
1. Press the £button on the  
If DHCP is enabled, all the  
Network settings are automatically  
conÞgured. The 480i’s Þrmware  
allows the network settings to be  
manually entered, if for any reason  
the phone cannot populate any of  
the settings with DHCP enabled.  
If DHCP is disabled the following  
network settings can be conÞgured  
phone to enter the options list  
2. Use the r and s to scroll  
through the list of options  
3. Press the Show softkey, the 4  
button or press the number  
corresponding to the option to  
select an option  
4. Use the softkeys to change a  
selected option  
1. DHCP  
5. Press the Done softkey at any  
time to save the change and exit  
the current option  
This turns DHCP on or  
off. IP Address, Subnet Mask  
and Gateway options are  
automatically populated and  
are read-only when DHCP is  
used. DHCP is used by default.  
6. Press the Cancel softkey, the 3  
button or the kbutton at  
any time to exit without saving  
the changes  
2. IP Address  
This is the phone’s IP address.  
To assign a static IP address to the  
phone, disable DHCP.  
Administrator Level Options  
Some options in the phone’s  
options list are considered  
3. Subnet Mask  
To assign your own subnet mask  
to the phone, disable DHCP.  
administrator level options and  
require the administrator user  
name and password. When  
attempting to access administrator  
level options, the phone will  
prompt for the administrator  
password before allowing access.  
The default password for the  
administrator is “22222”. For all  
other phone options, please refer  
to the Aastra 480i Installation Guide.  
4. Gateway  
To assign your own gateway IP  
address, disable DHCP.  
5. DNS  
To assign your own DNS  
addresses, disable DHCP.  
6. TFTP Server  
This is the TFTP server’s IP  
The administrator level options in  
the phone’s Options List are:  
• “8.Network”  
• “9.SIP Settings”  
• “4.Factory Default” found  
under option “10.Phone Status”  
3 Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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SIP Settings:  
Phone Status:  
If you have a proxy server or have  
a SIP registrar present at a different  
location than the PBX server, the  
following settings may need to be  
The following options display  
the phone’s status or allow you to  
power cycle the phone or reset the  
phone to its factory default settings.  
1. Network Status  
1. Proxy IP  
This is the IP address of the proxy  
This shows the network status  
of the two Ethernet ports at the  
back of the phone. You can  
also view the phone’s IP and  
MAC addresses.  
2. Proxy Port  
This is the SIP proxy server’s port  
number. By default this number  
is set to 5060.  
IP Addr  
Shows the IP address of  
the phone  
3. Registrar IP  
This is the IP address of the SIP  
MAC Addr  
The MAC or the  
hardware address of the  
480i’s Ethernet card  
4. Registrar Port  
SIP registrar’s port number. By  
default this is set to 5060.  
2. Firmware Version  
This option displays information  
about the Þrmware that is  
currently installed on the 480i.  
5. User Name  
This is used in the name Þeld  
of the SIP URI for the 480i phone  
and for registering the 480i at  
the registrar.  
3. Reset Phone  
This option lets you reboot the  
phone. A reset may be necessary  
6. Display Name  
This is used in the display name  
Þeld of the From SIP header Þeld.  
Some IP PBX systems use this  
as the caller’s ID and some may  
overwrite this with the string that  
is set at the PBX system.  
• There is a change in your  
network, OR  
To re-load the conÞguration  
information modiÞed through  
the conÞguration Þles to the  
phone, OR  
7. Auth Name  
The authorization name that will  
be used in the username Þeld of  
the Authorization header Þeld of  
the SIP REGISTER request.  
• If the settings for the 480i on  
the IP PBX system had been  
4. Factory Default  
8. Password  
The password that is used to  
register at the registrar.  
This option lets you reset the  
phone back to the factory default  
settings, including the network  
settings. Performing this  
operation will result in losing  
all user modiÞed settings.  
Note: For information on other settings  
in the options list of the phone,  
please refer to the Aastra 480i  
Installation Guide provided with  
the 480i.  
Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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The Aastra 480i Web Client  
To access the Aastra 480i Web Client, open your web browser (supports  
Internet Explorer and Gecko engine based browsers like Firefox, Mozilla or  
Netscape) and enter the phone’s IP address into the address Þeld, starting  
with the web preÞx “http://”.  
In the side menu of the Aastra 480i  
Web Client, there are three main  
categories: Status, User and Admin.  
• The ADMIN category contains  
administrator only conÞgurable  
sub-categories: Network,  
Firmware and SIP Settings. This  
section is accessed through the  
admin level user name and  
password. You will be prompted  
for this information when one  
of these options is selected.  
For more information, refer to  
the section “480i IP Phone Con-  
Þguration” of this document  
• The STATUS category contains  
read only status information for  
sub-categories Network, Hard-  
ware and Firmware.  
• The USER category contains user  
conÞgurable sub-categories Reset  
and Password. This section is  
accessed through the user level  
or the administrator level user  
name and password. For more  
information, refer to the Aastra  
SIP 480i IP Phone User Guide.  
The default for the administrator  
user name is “admin” and the  
password is “22222”. For a user,  
the default user name is “user” and  
the password Þeld is left blank.  
The user level password can be  
changed using the web client.  
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3. In the web page that has just  
opened, check the Use DHCP check  
box to use DHCP and uncheck  
to indicate that you do not want  
to use DHCP.  
480i IP Phone  
The Network and SIP options  
within the 480i phone can be  
conÞgured from the phone or from  
the Aastra 480i Web Client web  
interface. Administrator level  
options are password protected in  
both the phone and the web  
4. Click on the Set Values button  
to save the changes that you just  
Manually Configure  
Network Settings  
If you are not using DHCP, you  
need to conÞgure the network  
settings for the phone manually.  
DHCP automatically sends the IP  
address, Subnet Mask and Gateway  
network (also DNS and FTP Server)  
information to the 480i phone  
during initialization when the  
phone is Þrst powered up or reset.  
By default, the DHCP setting is  
enabled. The network settings  
cannot be changed when DHCP is  
used, so DHCP must be set to “Off”  
in order to manually change  
these settings.  
From the 480i Phone:  
1. Press the £button to  
enter the Options List.  
2. Select option 8. Network.  
3. Enter the administrator’s  
password. The default password  
is 22222.  
4. Select option 2. IP Address to  
change the IP address.  
Turn DHCP On or Off  
From the 480i Phone:  
5. Select option 3. Subnet Mask  
to change the subnet mask.  
6. Select option 4. Gateway to  
1. Press the £button to  
change the gateway address.  
enter the Options List.  
7. Select option 5. DNS to change  
2. Select option 8. Network.  
the DNS.  
3. Enter the administrator’s  
password. The default password  
is 22222.  
8. Press Done to save the changes.  
When an IP address has been  
assigned to the phone, you have  
the option to either continue  
conÞguring the 480i through the  
£button on the phone or  
to start using the Aastra 480i Web  
Client. See the section “The Aastra  
480i Web Client” within this  
guide for details.  
4. Press the Enter softkey.  
5. Select option 1. DHCP.  
6. Press the Change softkey to  
indicate whether DHCP should  
be used or not.  
7. Press Done to save the changes.  
From the Web Client:  
1. Click on the Network sub-category  
under the ADMIN main category.  
2. Enter the administrator’s user  
name and password (the default  
user name is “admin” and  
password is “22222”).  
Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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From the Web Client:  
SIP settings  
The 480i uses the information in  
the SIP settings to register at the IP  
PBX. To conÞgure the SIP settings:  
1. Click on the Network sub-category  
under the ADMIN main category.  
2. Enter the administrator’s  
user name and password (the  
default user name is “admin”  
and password is “22222”).  
From the 480i Phone:  
1. Press the £button to enter  
the Options List.  
3. In the web page that has just  
opened enter the IP address of the  
phone, the Subnet Mask and  
the Gateway IP address in their  
corresponding Þelds.  
2. Select option 9. SIP Settings.  
3. Enter the administrator’s  
password. The default password  
is 22222.  
4. Select options 1-4 to change the  
information about the registrar  
and the proxy server.  
TFTP Server Settings  
The 480i phone uses the TFTP to  
download updates of the phone’s  
Þrmware and conÞguration Þles.  
You must set the TFTP server  
address in the phone.  
5. Select option 5. User Name to  
change the user name.  
6. Select option 6. Screen Name to  
change the screen name.  
From the 480i Phone:  
7. Select option 7. Auth. Name to  
change the authorization name.  
1. Press the £button to  
enter the Options List.  
8. Select option 8. Password to  
change the user’s password.  
2. Select option 8. Network.  
3. Enter the administrator’s  
password. The default  
password is 22222.  
From the Web Client:  
1. Click on the SIP Settings  
sub-category under the ADMIN  
main category.  
4. Select option 6. TFTP Server  
to change the TFTP server.  
2. Enter the administrator user  
name and password (the default  
user name is “admin” and  
password is “22222”).  
From the Web Client:  
1. Click on the Network sub-category  
under the ADMIN main category.  
3. In the web page that just  
opened enter the appropriate  
2. Enter the administrator user  
name and password (the default  
user name is “admin” and  
password is “22222”).  
4. Click on the Set Values button  
to save the changes that you  
just made.  
3. In the TFTP Þeld, enter the IP  
address of the TFTP server.  
4. Click on the Set Values button  
to save the changes that you  
just made.  
7 Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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Note: At this point modiÞcations performed to the User name, Screen name,  
Authentication name and Password affect line 1 of the 480i only.  
ModiÞcations to the other lines should be done through the <mac>.cfg Þle.  
The NAT IP Address and NAT Port are currently not supported and will have no  
effect when set.  
Setting Parameters through Configuration Files  
The following are the parameters that can be used to conÞgure the 480i  
phone through the conÞguration Þles – aastra.cfg and <mac>.cfg. The  
"aastra.cfg" Þle conÞgures the settings server wide, while the <mac>  
conÞgures only the phones with the MAC address for which the Þle is  
named. The settings in the "aastra.cfg" Þle will be overriden by the settings  
which also appear in the <mac> cfg Þle.  
Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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Setting Parameters – Network Settings  
The following section contains the parameters to conÞgure the  
network settings.  
Parameter dhcp  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options  
List, the Aastra 480i web client or through  
the conÞguration Þles  
Enabling DHCP will populate most of the  
network information. The DHCP server  
should serve the network information that  
the 480i requires. If the 480i is unable to get  
any required information then it should be  
entered manually. Parameters affected: ip.  
Use "0" to disable DHCP and "1" to enable  
Default Value  
0 or 1  
dhcp: 1  
Parameter ip  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List,  
the Aastra 480i web client or through the  
conÞguration Þles  
This parameter assigns a static IP address to  
the 480i device.  
IP address  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
Parameter –  
subnet mask  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List,  
the Aastra 480i web client or through the  
conÞguration Þles  
The subnet mask IP address.  
IP address  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
subnet mask:  
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Parameter –  
default gateway  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List,  
the Aastra 480i web client or through the  
conÞguration Þles  
The IP address of the network's gateway or  
the router IP address  
IP address  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
default gateway:  
Parameter dns1  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List,  
the Aastra 480i web client or through the  
conÞguration Þles  
Primary domain name servers’ IP address.  
For any of the IP address settings on the 480i  
a domain name value can be entered instead  
of an IP address. With the help of the domain  
name servers the domain names for such  
parameters can then be resolved to their  
corresponding IP addresses.  
IP address  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
Parameter dns2  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List,  
the Aastra 480i web client or through the  
conÞguration Þles  
Secondary domain name servers’ IP address.  
IP address  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
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Parameter tftp server  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List,  
the Aastra 480i web client or through the  
conÞguration Þles  
The TFTP server’s IP address. If DHCP is  
enabled and the DHCP server provides the  
information, this Þeld is automatically  
populated. Use this parameter to change the  
IP address of the TFTP server. This will  
become effective after this conÞguration Þle  
has been downloaded into the phone.  
IP address  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
tftp server:  
Parameter sip rtp port  
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration  
Þles only  
Indicates the port through which the RTP  
packets will be sent to. The RTP port is used  
for sending DTMF tones and for the audio  
stream. Your network administrator may  
close some ports for security reasons. You  
may want to use this parameter to send RTP  
data using a different port.  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
sip rtp port: 5130  
Setting Parameters – Time Server Settings  
The following section contains the parameters to conÞgure settings speciÞc to  
the timeserver.  
Parameter –  
time server disabled  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List  
or the conÞguration Þles  
This parameter enables or disables the  
time server. This parameter affects the time server1,  
time server2 and time server3 parameters. Use "0"  
to enable time server and "1" to disable time server.  
Default Value  
0 or 1  
Time server disabled: 0  
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Parameter –  
time server1  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List  
or the conÞguration Þles.  
The primary time server's IP address. If the  
time server is enabled, the value for time  
server1 will be used to request the time from.  
IP address  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
time server1:  
Parameter –  
time server2  
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration  
Þles only  
The secondary time server's IP address. If  
the time server is enabled, and the primary  
time server is not conÞgured or cannot be  
accessed the value for time server2 will be  
used to request the time from.  
IP address  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
time server2:  
Parameter –  
time server3  
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration  
Þles only  
The tertiary time server's IP address. If the  
time server is enabled, and the primary and  
secondary time servers are not conÞgured or  
cannot be accessed the value for time server3  
will be used to request the time from.  
IP address  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
time server3:  
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Parameter –  
time format  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List  
or the conÞguration Þles  
This parameter changes the time to 12  
hour or 24 hour format. Use “0” for the 12  
hour format and “1” for the 24 hour format.  
Default Value  
0 or 1  
time format: 0  
Parameter –  
date format  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List  
or the conÞguration Þles  
This parameter allows the user to change the  
date to various formats.  
Default Value  
Following table shows the format for the  
corresponding date format values:  
1: DD-MMM-YY  
4: DD/MM/YY  
5: DD-MM-YY  
6: MM/DD/YY  
7: MMM DD  
date format: 7  
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Setting Parameters – SIP Authentication  
The following parameters are the settings speciÞc to SIP authentication.  
Parameter sip proxy ip ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options  
List, the Aastra 480i web client or through  
the conÞguration Þles  
A SIP proxy is a server that makes and  
forwards requests generated by the 480i to  
the targeted user. This parameter’s IP  
address will be the address of the proxy  
server that the 480i will use to send all SIP  
requests to  
IP address or fully qualiÞed host name  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
sip proxy ip:  
Parameter –  
sip proxy port  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options  
List, the Aastra 480i web client or through  
the conÞguration Þles  
The proxy server's port number  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
sip proxy port: 5060  
Parameter –  
sip registrar ip  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options  
List, the Aastra 480i web client or through  
the conÞguration Þles  
A SIP registrar is a server that maintains  
the location information of the 480i phone.  
This parameter’s IP address will be the  
address of the registrar that the 480i will use  
to send REGISTER requests to  
IP address or fully qualiÞed host name  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
sip registrar ip:  
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Parameter –  
sip registrar port  
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options  
List, the Aastra 480i web client or through  
the conÞguration Þles  
The registrar's port number  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
registrar port: 5060  
Parameter –  
sip digit timeout  
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration  
Þles only  
Represents the time in seconds to conÞgure  
the timeout between consecutive key  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
sip digit timeout: 6  
Parameter –  
sip registration period  
ConÞgurable only through the  
conÞguration Þles.  
The time in seconds that the 480i should  
use to send re-registration requests to the  
The value of this parameter will be used in  
the expires header Þeld value in the SIP  
REGISTER request.  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
sip registration period: 3600  
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Parameter –  
sip session timer  
ConÞgurable only through the conÞguration  
This session timer parameter is the time in  
seconds that the 480i uses to send periodic  
re-INVITE requests to keep a session alive.  
The proxy uses these re-INVITE requests  
to maintain the status' of the connected  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
sip session timer: 30  
Parameter –  
sip lineN auth name  
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration Þles.  
ConÞgurations done through the 480i's  
Options List or the Aastra 480i web client  
affect the Þrst line only.  
The authorization name that will be used in  
the username Þeld of the Authorization  
header Þeld of the SIP REGISTER request.  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
N in the sip lineN auth name ranges  
from 1 to 9  
sip line1 auth name: 1001  
Parameter –  
sip lineN password  
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration Þles.  
ConÞgurations done through the 480i's  
Options List or the Aastra 480i web client  
affect the Þrst line only.  
The password that will be used to register at  
the registrar.  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
N in the sip lineN password ranges  
from 1 to 9  
sip line1 password: 12345  
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Parameter –  
sip lineN user name  
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration Þles.  
ConÞgurations done through the 480i's  
Options List or the Aastra 480i web client  
affect the Þrst line only.  
The value for this parameter is used in the  
name Þeld of the SIP URI for the 480i phone  
and for registering the 480i at the registrar.  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
N in the sip lineN user name ranges  
from 1 to 9  
sip line1 user name: 1001  
Parameter –  
sip lineN display name  
ConÞgurable only through the  
conÞguration Þles.  
This is used in the display name Þeld of the  
From SIP header Þeld. Some IP PBX systems  
use this as the caller’s ID and some may  
overwrite this with the string that is set at  
the PBX system.  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
N in the sip lineN display name ranges  
from 1 to 9  
sip line1 display name: Joe Smith  
Parameter –  
sip lineN screen name  
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration Þles.  
ConÞgurations done through the 480i's  
Options List or the Aastra 480i web client  
affect the Þrst line only.  
This is used to display text on the screen  
of the phone. You may want to set this  
parameter to display the phone user's name.  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
N in the sip lineN screen name ranges  
from 1 to 9  
sip line1 screen name: Joe Smith  
17 Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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Setting Parameters – Softkey Settings  
This section contains the softkey parameters that can be conÞgured  
on the 480i phone. There are eighteen softkeys that can be conÞgured.  
These parameters can be conÞgured either from the Aastra.cfg or  
the <mac>.cfg Þle. Softkeys can be conÞgured as either speed dials or  
as additional call/line appearances.  
Parameter –  
softkeyN type  
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration  
Þles only  
The type of soft key that will be  
conÞgured to.  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
line or speeddial. N in the softkeyN type ranges  
from 1 to 18  
softkey1 type: line  
softkey2 type: speeddial  
Parameter –  
softkeyN label  
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration  
Þles only  
The text label that should be displayed for  
the soft key. If the soft key is of line type an  
icon appears beside the soft key that  
indicates the status of the line that this soft  
key is conÞgured to.  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
Sequence of ascii characters. A width less  
than 11 characters for line softkey type and a  
width less than 9 for the speeddial softkey  
type is suggested. N in the softkeyN label  
ranges from 1 to 18  
softkey1 label: “Line 9”  
softkey2 label: “info”  
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Parameter –  
softkeyN value  
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration  
Þles only  
If the soft key is of type, line then value  
should be the line number that this  
soft key represents. If the softkey is of type,  
speeddial then value should be the number  
to speed dial.  
Default Value  
Not Applicable  
line or speeddial. N in the softkeyN value  
ranges from 1 to 18  
softkey1 value: 9  
softkey2 value: 411  
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3. In the Firmware Þeld, enter the  
name of the Þrmware Þle that the  
phone should be upgraded with,  
as shown in Figure 1. This name  
must match the actual name of  
the Þrmware Þle residing on your  
TFTP server.  
Firmware Upgrade  
The 480i phone uses a TFTP server  
to download conÞguration Þles and  
Þrmware. The TFTP server should  
be ready and be able to accept  
connections anonymously (without  
a requirement for a user name and  
password). See Appendix B for  
information on setting up a  
TFTP server.  
4. In the TFTP server IP Þeld enter  
the IP address of the computer  
where the TFTP server is located.  
You can download the Þrmware  
stored on the TFTP server in one of  
two ways, by either resetting the  
phone through the options list of  
the 480i or by activating a Þrmware  
download through the web client.  
Resetting the phone will force the  
phone to check for both Þrmware  
and conÞguration Þles stored on the  
TFTP server.  
5. After entering the information  
into the appropriate Þelds click  
on the “Download Firmware”  
button. This will start the  
upgrade process. If the upgrade  
was successful you will be  
presented the successful message  
as shown in Figure 2.  
Warning: Do not reset or turn off  
the phone until the download is  
From the 480i Phone:  
1. Press the £button to  
enter the Options List.  
2. Select option 10. Phone Status to  
enter the Phone Status option.  
3. Select option 3. Reset Phone.  
4. Press the Reset softkey to  
reset the phone.  
5. Press the Cancel softkey to  
cancel the current operation.  
From the Web Client:  
1. Click on the Firmware  
sub-category under the ADMIN  
main category.  
2. Enter the administrator user  
name and password (the default  
user name is “admin” and  
password is “22222”).  
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Figure 1  
Figure 2  
21 Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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5. Press the Download Firmware  
This section describes solutions  
to some most commonly occurring  
Please ensure that the TFTP server  
is running and accessible on the  
network. If the Þrmware Þle is  
correctly located on the running  
TFTP server, the phone will locate  
the Þle and reload the application  
onto the phone.  
Why does my phone display  
Application missing”?  
If you have experienced  
networking issues while the phone  
was downloading the application  
from the TFTP server, it is possible  
that the phone can no longer  
retrieve the required Þrmware Þle.  
In the event that the phone is no  
longer able to communicate with  
the TFTP server in its attempt to  
re-download the Þrmware and the  
phone cannot locate the application  
locally, this message will  
Why does my phone display  
the “No Service” message?  
The phone will display the “No  
Service” message if the SIP settings  
have not been set up correctly.  
Check that the SIP settings are  
correct in the phone. If using the  
conÞguration Þles, this could be  
a formatting or syntax error.  
For example, when entering the  
parameter “sip line1 user name:  
5551231234", you cannot use  
formatting symbols such as “-”  
as in “555-123-1234” to format the  
number or the phone will not  
recognize it.  
be displayed.  
The phone will display the  
following: “Recovery web-client at:  
<IP Address>”. The IP Address  
displayed is the IP address of the  
phone. If the phone is unable to  
receive an IP from the DHCP server  
or has lost its record of its static IP,  
the phone will auto-assign itself  
the default IP  
How to reset the 480i phone?  
From the 480i phone:  
1. Press the £button to  
enter the Options List.  
To recover the Þrmware for your  
phone in this circumstance, please  
perform the following:  
2. Select option 10. Phone Status to  
enter the Phone Status option.  
1. Launch your web browser on  
your computer. Please note that  
your computer will need to be  
on the same network as your  
IP phone.  
3. Select option 3. Reset Phone.  
4. Press the Reset softkey to  
reset the phone.  
5. Press the Cancel softkey to cancel  
2. In the URL, type: “http://<IP  
Address>” (where IP Address is  
the IP Address displayed on  
the phone). Your browser will  
launch the Aastra 480i IP Phone  
Firmware Recovery page.  
the current operation.  
From the web client:  
1. Click on the Reset sub-category  
under the USER main category.  
2. On the web page that just  
opened click on the Reset button  
to reset the phone.  
3. Enter the name of the Þrmware  
Þle that is on the TFTP server  
and ready for download.  
E.g. “Þrmware.st”.  
4. Enter the IP of the TFTP server.  
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How to set the 480i phone  
to factory default?  
From the 480i phone:  
1. Press the £button to  
enter the Options List.  
2. Select option 10. Phone Status  
to enter the Phone Status  
options list.  
3. Select option 4. Factory Default.  
4. Enter the administrator password  
and press the Enter softkey.  
5. Press the Default softkey to  
restore the 480i to the factory’s  
default settings.  
6. Press the Cancel softkey to cancel  
the operation.  
How to reset a user’s  
If a 480i user has forgotten the  
password the following steps can be  
performed to reset the password.  
From the web client:  
1. Click on the Password  
sub-category under the USER  
main category.  
2. Enter the administrator level  
user password in the Current  
Password Þeld. Enter the new  
password for the user (the user’s  
name for whom the password is  
being modiÞed is displayed  
beside the User Name Þeld on the  
current page). Re-enter the  
password to conÞrm the new  
3. Click on the Set Password button  
to complete the operation.  
23 Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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Appendix A: Configuring the 480i at the Asterisk IP PBX  
The following conÞguration illustrates how to create a user with an extension  
to make and receive calls using the Asterisk as the PBX. This conÞguration is  
deÞned in the “sip.conf” Þle present along with the other conÞguration Þles  
that are created when Asterisk is installed. Usually, the conÞguration Þles can  
be found at the “/etc/asterisk” directory.  
;This is used in the “extensions.conf” Þle to identify this  
;physical phone when issuing Dial commands.  
;The type to use for the 480i is “friend”.  
;”Peer” is used when the Asterisk is contacting a proxy,  
;”user” is used for phones that can only make calls  
;and “friend” acts as both a peer and a user.  
;If your host has an entry in your DNS then you just enter the  
;machines name in the host= Þeld.  
;default IP address that the phone is  
;conÞgured to  
;The password that phone1 will use to register with this PBX  
;Choices are inband, rfc2833, or info  
;Mailbox for message waiting indicator  
;If a phone is not in a valid context you will not be  
;able to use it. In this example' sip' is used. You can use  
;whatever you like, but make sure they are the same, you will  
;need to make an entry in your extensions.conf Þle (which we  
;will get to later)  
callerid="Phone 1" <1234>  
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After this is deÞned in the “sip.conf” Þle, some information has to be entered  
in the “extensions.conf” Þle present in the same directory as the “sip.conf”  
Þle. The following deÞnition in the Þle under the [sip]section/context  
completes deÞning the extension for the 480i phone.  
exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/phone1,20)  
This deÞnition completes conÞguring the 480i phone at the IP PBX system.  
To verify whether the extension has been successfully registered at the IP  
PBX system, enter the Asterisk console and reload Asterisk. Use the  
command “sip show peers” at the console. This will display the extensions  
that are registered at the IP PBX system.  
phone1/phone1 (D)  
5060 Unmonitored  
This completes the basic set-up for the 480i phone with 1234 extension at  
the Asterisk IP PBX system. Refer to Asterisk documentation for set-up on  
extended or advanced features such as voice mail and call forwarding, etc.  
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Appendix B: Sample Configuration Files  
This section consists of the sample conÞguration Þles necessary to conÞgure  
the 480i phones. The general format is similar to conÞguration Þles used  
by several Unix-based programs. Any text following a number sign (#)  
on a line is considered to be a comment, unless the # is contained within  
double-quotes. Currently, Boolean Þelds use 0 for false and 1 for true.  
Generic SIP Sample ConÞguration File  
Date: December 16th, 04  
File: Sample “aastra.cfg” Þle  
# Notes:  
The general format used here is similar to conÞguration Þles  
used by several UNIX-based programs. Any text following a number  
sign (#) is considered to be a comment, unless the number sign is  
contained within double-quotes (“#”) where it is considered to be  
a pound. For Boolean Þelds, 0 = false, 1 = true.  
# Comments:  
This Þle contains sample conÞgurations for the “aastra.cfg”  
Þle. The settings included here are examples only.You should  
change/comment the values to suit your requirements.  
The Aastra 480i IP phones will download 2 conÞguration Þles  
from the TFTP server while restarting, the “aastra.cfg” Þle and  
the “[mac].cfg” Þle. These two conÞguration Þles can be used to  
conÞgure all of the settings of the Aastra 480i phone with the  
exception of assigning a static IP address to a phone and line  
settings, which can only be set in the “<mac>.cfg” Þle.  
The “aastra.cfg” Þle conÞgures the settings server wide,  
while the “[mac].cfg” Þle conÞgures only the phone with  
the MAC address for which the Þle is named (for example,  
“00085d0304f4.cfg”). The settings in the “aastra.cfg” Þle  
will be overridden by settings which also appear in the  
“<mac>.cfg” Þle.  
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DHCP Setting  
dhcp: 1  
# DHCP enabled.  
# DHCP:  
0 = false, means DHCP is disabled.  
1 = true, means DHCP is enabled.  
Notes: If DHCP is disabled, the following network settings will  
have to be conÞgured manually either through the conÞguration  
Þles, the Options List in the phone, or the Web Client: IP  
Address (of the phone), Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS, and TFTP  
Network Settings  
Notes: If DHCP is enabled, you do not need to set these network  
# This value is unique to each phone on a server  
# and should be set in the “<mac>.cfg” Þle if  
# setting this manually.  
#subnet mask:  
#default gateway:  
#tftp server:  
Additional Network Settings:  
#sip registration period: 300  
# Eg. every 300 seconds, a re-register  
# Eg. RTP packets are sent to port 3000.  
# request is sent to the SIP server.  
#sip rtp port: 3000  
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SIP registrar and Proxy Server Settings  
#sip proxy ip:  
# IP of proxy server.  
# 5060 is set by default.  
# IP of registrar.  
#sip proxy port: 5060  
#sip registrar ip:  
#sip registrar port: 5060  
# 5060 is set by default.  
sip digit time out: 4  
# dialing behaviour  
Time Server Settings  
#time server disabled: 1  
#time server1:  
# Time server disabled.  
# Enable time server and enter at  
# least one time server IP address.  
#time server2:  
#time server3:  
# Time Server Disabled:  
0 = false, means the time server is not disabled.  
1 = true, means the time server is disabled.  
Line Settings  
Lines should be set in the <mac>.cfg Þle since these settings  
are unique to each phone. See the sample “<mac>.cfg” Þle for  
for more information.  
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Softkey Settings  
Softkeys can be set either server wide or unique to each phone.  
Setting softkeys as line/call appearances should be done in the  
“<mac>.cfg” Þle, since these are unique to each phone.  
Notes: There are a maximum of 18 softkeys that can be conÞgured  
on the 480i phone. These can be set up through either of the 2  
conÞguration Þles, depending on whether this is to be server  
wide (“aastra.cfg”) or phone speciÞc (“[mac].cfg”).  
Each softkey needs to be numbered from 1 - 18, for example  
“softkey12 type: speeddial”. Softkeys can be set up as speeddials  
or as additional call/line appearances and have a type, label  
and value associated with it as seen here in the default softkey  
SOFTKEY TYPES: “line”, “speeddial”  
SOFTKEY LABEL: Alpha numeric name for the softkey. The maximum  
number of characters for this value is 10 for  
speeddials and 9 for lines.  
SOFTKEY VALUE: If softkey type is a speeddial, any DTMFs (from  
0 - 9, *, “#”) or a comma (,) for 500ms pause and  
'E' for On-hook can be set for the value. If  
softkey type is line, enter value as a number from  
5 up to 9 (1 - 4 are already hardcoded as the L1,  
L2, L3 and L4 hard key line/call appearances)  
# Example Softkey Speed Dials  
# ===========================  
softkey1 type: speeddial  
softkey1 label: “Ext Pickup”  
softkey1 value: *8  
softkey2 type: speeddial  
softkey2 label: “Call Return”  
softkey2 value: *69  
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softkey3 type: speeddial  
softkey3 label: “CallFwdOn”  
softkey3 value: *72  
softkey4 type: speeddial  
softkey4 label: “CallFwdOff”  
softkey4 value: *73  
softkey5 type: speeddial  
softkey5 label: “DND On”  
softkey5 value: *78  
softkey6 type: speeddial  
softkey6 label: “DND Off”  
softkey6 value: *79  
softkey7 type: speeddial  
softkey7 label: “CLIDBlock”  
softkey7 value: *67  
softkey8 type: speeddial  
softkey8 label: “Cancel CW”  
softkey8 value: *70  
softkey9 type: speeddial  
softkey9 label: “Blacklist”  
softkey9 value: *60  
# Example Softkey Line/Call Appearances  
# =====================================  
For the examples of softkey line/call appearances, please  
refer to the sample “<mac>.cfg” Þle.  
For more information on parameters that can be set in the  
conÞguration Þles, please refer to your administration guide  
for the 480i IP phone.  
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Generic SIP Sample ConÞguration File  
Date: December 16th, 04  
File: Sample “<mac>.cfg” Þle  
# Comments:  
This Þle contains sample conÞgurations for the “<mac>.cfg”  
Þle. Please rename this Þle with the MAC address (with the  
dashes removed) of the speciÞc 480i device that you want to  
conÞgure, for example “00085d03059f.cfg”.  
Settings that have already appeared in “aastra.cfg” will be  
overridden by those in this Þle.  
Parameters can be set in either the “<mac>.cfg” Þle or the  
“aastra.cfg” Þle, with the exception of assigning a static  
IP address to a phone which can only be set in the “<mac>.cfg”  
Þle. For more details on sample settings see the sample  
“aastra.cfg” Þle.  
DHCP Setting  
Notes: To set a static IP address, you must Þrst disable DHCP. If  
DHCP is disabled, you will also need to manually conÞgure Subnet  
Mask, Gateway, DNS, and TFTP Server settings.  
# DHCP:  
0 = false, means DHCP is disabled.  
1 = true, means DHCP is enabled.  
#dhcp: 0  
# DHCP disabled.  
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Network Settings  
# This value is unique to each phone on a server  
# and should be set in the “<mac>.cfg” Þle if  
# setting this manually.  
Line Settings  
Lines should be set in the <mac>.cfg Þle since these settings  
are unique to each phone.  
Notes: Setting parameters for lines 1 - 4 conÞgures the 4  
line/call appearance hard keys on the 480i. Setting parameters  
for lines 5 - 9 conÞgures the phone for additional line/call  
appearances that can be set up as softkeys.  
The maximum number of line/call appearances that can be  
conÞgured on the 480i is 8 or 9, depending on how the lines  
have been conÞgured.  
If all line/call appearances have been set up for the same  
number, a total of 9 lines can be conÞgured. If all line/call  
appearances have been set up between two different numbers, a  
total of 8 lines can be conÞgured. This means that when all  
line/call appearances are in use, 1 is connected while the rest  
are held. No further outgoing or incoming calls can be made until  
one of the line/call appearances becomes available.  
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# Explanation of Settings with Line 1 as Example  
# ==============================================  
#sip line1 auth name: # SIP Registrar request authorization name.  
#sip line1 password: # SIP Registrar request passcode.  
#sip line1 user name: # This parameter value is used by the 480i  
# in the From header Þeld of the outgoing  
# SIP packet. It may be replaced by your  
# registrar.  
#sip line1 display name: # Name used for SIP messages.  
#sip line1 screen name: # User's name seen on the idle screen of the  
# user's phone.  
# Example Settings for Lines 2-9  
# ==============================  
#sip line2 auth name: authname  
#sip line2 password: password  
#sip line2 user name: 5551231234  
#sip line2 display name: Joe Smith  
#sip line2 screen name: Joe Smith  
#sip line3 auth name: authname  
#sip line3 password: password  
#sip line3 user name: 5551231234  
#sip line3 display name: Joe Smith  
#sip line3 screen name: Joe Smith  
#sip line4 auth name: authname  
#sip line4 password: password  
#sip line4 user name: 5551231234  
#sip line4 display name: Joe Smith  
#sip line4 screen name: Joe Smith  
#sip line5 auth name: authname  
#sip line5 password: password  
#sip line5 user name: 5551231234  
#sip line5 display name: Joe Smith  
#sip line5 screen name: Joe Smith  
33 Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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#sip line7 auth name: authname  
#sip line7 password: password  
#sip line7 user name: 5551231234  
#sip line7 display name: Joe Smith  
#sip line7 screen name: Joe Smith  
#sip line8 auth name: authname  
#sip line8 password: password  
#sip line8 user name: 5551231234  
#sip line8 display name: Joe Smith  
#sip line8 screen name: Joe Smith  
#sip line9 auth name: authname  
#sip line9 password: password  
#sip line9 user name: 5551231234  
#sip line9 display name: Joe Smith  
#sip line9 screen name: Joe Smith  
Softkey Settings  
Softkeys can be set either server wide or unique to each phone.  
Setting softkeys as line/call appearances should be done in the  
“<mac>.cfg” Þle, since these are unique to each phone.  
Notes: There are a maximum of 18 softkeys that can be conÞgured  
on the 480i phone. These can be set up through either of the 2  
conÞguration Þles, depending on whether this is to be server  
wide (“aastra.cfg”) or phone speciÞc (“[mac].cfg”).  
Each softkey needs to be numbered from 1 - 18, for example  
“softkey12 type: speeddial”. Softkeys can be set up as speeddials  
or as additional call/line appearances and have a type, label  
and value associated with it as seen here in the default softkey  
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# Softkey Speed Dials  
# ===================  
For the default softkey speed dials, please refer to the sample  
“aastra.cfg” Þle.  
# Example Softkey Line/Call Appearances  
# =====================================  
#softkey1 type: line  
#softkey1 label: “Line 5”  
#softkey1 value: 5  
#softkey2 type: line  
#softkey2 label: “Line 6”  
#softkey2 value: 6  
#softkey3 type: line  
#softkey3 label: “Line 7”  
#softkey3 value: 7  
#softkey4 type: line  
#softkey4 label: “Line 8”  
#softkey4 value: 8  
#softkey5 type: line  
#softkey5 label: “Line 9”  
#softkey5 value: 9  
For more information on parameters that can be set in the  
conÞguration Þles, please refer to your administration guide  
for the 480i IP phone.  
35 Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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Appendix C: TFTP Server Set-up  
There are a number of TFTP servers available. PumpKIN is one of such  
TFTP servers. Use the keywords “pumpkin TFTP server” on Google and  
you should get the web site where you can download the software  
from. Installing PumpKIN is straightforward. To conÞgure the directory  
from where you would be serving the Þles, click on the Options button  
on PumpKIN’s main window as shown in the following Þgure.  
It is important to select the “Give all Þles” radio button under the “Read  
Request Behavior” category. This makes the Þles to be served without any  
manual intervention when requested.  
If you want to prevent users from writing Þles to the directory select  
the “Deny all requests” in the “Write Request Behavior” category. Click  
the OK button after you have entered all the required information. All the  
Þrmware Þles should be in the Þle system root directory. Currently we  
do not support downloads from Þles present in sub-directories. Consult  
PumpKIN’s documentation if you need more information on how to set-up  
the TFTP server.  
Model 480i SIP Admin Guide 36  
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person in the case of telephones used or  
bought for use primarily for personal,  
family or household purposes.  
Limited Warranty  
Aastra Telecom warrants this product  
against defects and malfunctions during  
a one (1) year period from the date of  
original purchase. If there is a defect or  
malfunction, Aastra Telecom shall, at its  
option, and as the exclusive remedy,  
either repair or replace the telephone set  
at no charge, if returned within the  
warranty period.  
This warranty sets forth the entire  
liability and obligations of Aastra  
Telecom with respect to breach of  
warranty, and the warranties set forth or  
limited herein are the sole warranties  
and are in lieu of all other warranties,  
expressed or implied, including  
warranties or Þtness for particular  
purpose and merchantability.  
If replacement parts are used in making  
repairs, these parts may be refurbished,  
or may contain refurbished materials.  
If it is necessary to replace the telephone  
set, it may be replaced with a  
Warranty Repair Services  
Should the set fail during the warranty  
refurbished telephone of the same  
design and color. If it should become  
necessary to repair or replace a defective  
or malfunctioning telephone set under  
this warranty, the provisions of this  
warranty shall apply to the repaired or  
replaced telephone set until the  
expiration of ninety (90) days from the  
date of pick up, or the date of shipment  
to you, of the repaired or replacement  
set, or until the end of the original  
warranty period, whichever is later.  
Proof of the original purchase date is to  
be provided with all telephone sets  
returned for warranty repairs.  
In North America, please call  
1-800-574-1611 for further information.  
Outside North America, contact your  
sales representative for return  
You will be responsible for shipping  
charges, if any. When you return this  
telephone for warranty service, you  
must present proof of purchase.  
After Warranty Service  
Aastra Telecom offers ongoing repair  
and support for this product. This  
service provides repair or replacement  
of your Aastra Telecom product, at  
Aastra Telecom's option, for a Þxed  
charge. You are responsible for all  
shipping charges. For further  
Aastra Telecom does not warrant its  
telephone sets to be compatible with the  
equipment of any particular telephone  
company. This warranty does not  
extend to damage to products resulting  
from improper installation or operation,  
alteration, accident, neglect, abuse,  
misuse, Þre or natural causes such as  
storms or ßoods, after the telephone is  
in your possession.  
information and shipping instructions;  
In North America, contact our service  
information number: 1-800-574-1611.  
Outside North America, contact your  
sales representative.  
Note: Repairs to this product may be made  
only by the manufacturer and its  
authorized agents, or by others who  
are legally authorized. This restriction  
applies during and after the warranty  
period. Unauthorized repair will  
void the warranty.  
Aastra Telecom shall not be liable for  
any incidental or consequential  
damages, including, but not limited to,  
loss, damage or expense directly or  
indirectly arising from the customers  
use of or inability to use this telephone,  
either separately or in combination with  
other equipment. This paragraph,  
however, shall not apply to  
consequential damages for injury to the  
37 Model 480i SIP Admin Guide  
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If you’ve read this owner’s manual and consulted the Troubleshooting section and  
still have problems, please visit our website at www.aastra.com or call 1-800-574-1611  
for technical assistance.  
© Aastra Telecom Inc. 2005 41-0099-00 Rev 00  
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