Sunbeam Bread Maker PN 109934 User Manual

P.N. 109934  
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When using electrical appliances, to reduce the risk of fire, electric  
shock, and/or injury to persons, basic safety precautions should  
always be followed, including the following:  
Do not touch hot surfaces. Always use oven mitts when  
handling hot materials, and allow metal parts to cool before  
cleaning. Allow the breadmaker to cool thoroughly before  
putting in or taking off parts.  
When unit is not in use and before cleaning, unplug the  
breadmaker from wall outlet.  
To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not immerse  
the appliance or plugs in water or other liquids.  
Close supervision is always necessary when this or any  
appliance is used by or near children, or incapacitated persons.  
Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord.  
Do not plug in cord where people may walk or trip on it.  
Do not operate this or any appliance with a frayed or damaged  
cord, or plug, or after the appliance malfunctions or is dropped  
or has been damaged in any manner. Take appliance to the  
nearest Authorized Service Facility for examination, repair  
or electrical or mechanical adjustment.  
Do not let the cord dangle  
the edge of a table or counter  
or touch hot surfaces. Do not place on an unsteady or  
cloth-covered surface.  
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Do not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer;  
they may cause fire, electric shock or injury.  
use outdoors or for commercial purposes.  
Do not place the appliance near a hot  
in a heated oven.  
or electric burner,  
To unplug, press the “STOP” button, grip plug and pull  
wall outlet. Never pull the cord.  
Use of Extension Cords: A short power supply cord has been  
provided to reduce the risk of injury resulting from becoming  
entangled in or tripping over a longer cord. Extension cords  
are available from hardware stores and may be used with care.  
If used, the extension cord must be at least 10 amps and 120 volts.  
The cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the  
counter or tabletop where it can be pulled by children or tripped  
over accidentally. If the appliance is of the grounded type,  
the extension cord should be grounding-type 3-wire cord.  
Electrical Power: If electric circuit is overloaded with other  
appliances, your breadmaker may not operate properly.  
The breadmaker should be operated on a separate electrical  
circuit from other operating appliances.  
This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider t han  
the other). To reduce the risk of electric shock, this plug will fit  
in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully  
in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact  
a qualified electrician. Do not modify the plug in any way.  
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You are the owner of a SUNBEAM Breadmaker.  
Please read all of the instructions in this manual carefully before  
you begin to use this appliance. Proper care and maintenance will  
ensure the long life of this appliance and its trouble-free operation.  
Save these instructions and refer to them often for cleaning and  
care tips.  
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
I mpor t a nt  
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Operating Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Sunbeam No. 5895 Convection Breadmaker Display/Cyclc Functions  
Operating the Dough Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Operating the Bake Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Spe c i a l Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Power Failure Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Abnormal Condition and Self-Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Working Condition  
Malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Beeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Example of Operation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
White Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Traditional White Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
French Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Whole Wheat Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Orange-Anise Sweet Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Chocolate-Walnut Zucchini Bread . . . . . . . . . . .  
Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Your Own Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
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Warranty Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
1. No matter which recipe you have chosen, put the ingredients in  
one at a time as stated in the recipe. Breadmaker yeast is preferred  
when using breadmakcrs, and it should be added last and mixed  
thoroughly with the other dry ingredients. If you choose to use  
the delay function, do not let the yeast come into contact with any  
of the liquid ingredients. This will effect the action of the yeast.  
Important: After a baking cycle, the breadmakcr will not opcrare  
until it has cooled down.  
Important: The breadmaker has an automatic “Keep Warm” setting  
that will automatically keep your bread warm for up to  
one hour after the baking cycle is complete. If you wish  
to stop this function after it is activated, press the  
“Start/Stop” button and hold until you hear a beep.  
Important: DO NOT press the “Start/Stop” button while the  
breadmaker is making bread. This will cause the machine  
to reset to your initial setting and you will need to start  
over again, with all new ingredients.  
Caution: The breadmaker can become very hot. DO NOT handle  
the machine while it is operating. DO NOT lift the lid  
while the breadmaker is baking bread,  
2. Insert the bread pan down into  
baking chamber and twist in  
clockwise motion until you hear a click.  
This indicates that the bread pan is  
properly installed. Then close the lid.  
3. When you plug the breadmaker in, the  
number “1” will be displayed in the LED  
for 4 seconds. It will then change to the  
working time of the first cvclc display  
“0:58’ The “Express” indicator light  
will remain on. The following chart  
shows other bread or baking functions  
that you may select by pressing the  
“Sclcct” button.  
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Sunbeam No. 5895 Convection Breadmaker Display/Cycle Functions  
4. After you select one of the above bread or baking functions,  
Press the “Crust Color” button to select your desired crust color  
light, medium or dark. The “Crust Color” choice button will only  
work with the Basic, French, Whole Wheat or Sweet functions.  
When you press the “Crust Color” button, the LED will display  
either “L”, “P’” or “H” repeatedly.  
5. If you want to use the Delay Timer, press “Timer +” or “Timer -”  
to adjust the delay starting time you desire. The Delay Timer will  
only work within the Basic, French, Whole Wheat, Sweet or Dough  
functions. The maximum or minimum delay time varies according  
to times shown in the above chart. Total working time can be  
calculated as below:  
6. Press “Start/Stop” button to begin the breadmaking or baking  
function you have selected.  
NOTE: Do not use any recipe containing dairy products with any  
Delay Timer function.  
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NOTE: If you want to stop or reset the machine at any time during  
a cycle, press and hold the “Start/Stop” button for  
This will take you back to the beginning of the bread  
or baking function you have selected. Then repeat the  
above operation, starting at Step Number 4.  
While the breadmaker is kneading the dough mixture,  
DO NOT touch the control panel.  
the hreadmakcr has completed its  
7. When the display shows “O:OO”,  
cycle and you will then hear 10 beeps. The breadmaker will then  
begin the “Keep Warm” cycle. During this “Keep Warm” period,  
the colon “:” will blink steadily. After a period of 1 hour the  
“Keep Warm” cycle will be completed and you will hear 12 beeps.  
The LED display will then go hack to its original state.  
8. This breadmakcr will also remind you to add either fruit or nuts  
if you use the Basic, French or Whole Wheat menu. During this  
cycle, you will hear 10 beeps which will remind you to add  
either the fruit or nuts. Simply open the lid with caution  
to add the extra ingredients.  
Operation of Dough Cycle  
The Dough cycle is similar to other cycles. This setting lets you prepare  
dough for rolls, specialty breads, pizza, etc., which you then shape by  
hand, allow to rise, then hake in a conventional oven. There will he  
12 beeps to remind you that the dough cycle is complete.  
Operation of Bake Cycle  
The baking time of the Bake cycle is 1 hour. (At 300°F)  
Select the “Bake” cycle by pressing the “Select” button until an “8”  
appears in the LED and the related indicator “ON”. Then press the  
“Start/Stop” button to start the baking process.  
When the baking time is over, “0:OO” will be displayed and the  
breadmaker will emit 10 beeps. Press “Start/Stop” to stop the cycle  
or the breadmaker will automatically go into “Keep Warm” cycle.  
If the item you have chosen to hake has finished within the working  
time, you can press the “Start/Stop” button to stop baking and return  
, to the original state of the Bake cycle.  
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1. Power Failure Memory  
Your breadmaker has a memory function. If the machine loses  
power LESS THAN  
minutes, it will revert to the time remaining  
before loss of power. However, the total breadmaking or baking time  
will he altered from the original setting:  
If the machine loses power LONGER THAN 5 minutes, and power is  
then re-applied, it will revert to the original startup setting (Express).  
2. Abnormal Condition and Self-Protection  
This breadmaker has the ability to adjust the starting working  
condition and self-protection in case of abnormal conditions.  
Working Condition  
lf existing conditions are not suitable to the working cycle you have  
selected, the breadmakcr will not operate. For example, if the baking  
chamber temperature is too high or too low to meet the working  
temperature (that is, the temperature is lower than 14°F  
o r  
when you choose breadmaking or bake cycle, the machine  
will not operate and will sound 3 beeps as a reminder and “EOO” or  
“E0l” will show in the display.  
In this case, take out the bread pan and reinsert it when the temperature  
has recovered. If the breadmaker does not work when you resume use,  
see “How To Obtain Warranty Service” in this Instruction Manual.  
The breadmaker is also able to self-adjust to malfunctions, such as  
thermostat in “ON” state or short circuit, etc. In this case the display  
will show “EEE” and you will hear continuous beeps.  
If the sensor is in short circuit when you plug it in, it will display “EEE”  
in the LED display and emit continuous beeps. See “How To Obtain  
Warranty Service” in this Instruction Manual.  
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Overview of Breadmaker Features  
3. Beeper  
The Beeper has the following functions:  
1) One beep: Anytime breadmaker is first plugged in  
and receiving power.  
2) One beep for each press of: “Select”, “Crust Color”, “Timer  
or “Timer  
3) One beep: When you press “Start/Stop” to start or stop  
the operation.  
4) 10 continuous beeps: Breadmaking or baking function complete,  
then “Keep Warm” function begins.  
5) 12 continuous beeps: When the total working cycle is completed,  
Example of Operation Procedure  
Assuming that you are making French bread with dark crust color:  
1. Insert bread pan with ingredients into the breadmaker.  
Gently close the lid.  
2. Plug in.  
3. Press “Select” button to “3P”, which will be displayed on LED.  
4. Press “Crust Color” button to “H” for dark crust color,  
which will be displayed on LED.  
5. Press “Start/Stop” button to start breadmaking.  
6. If you want to reset or stop breadmaking during the breadmaker  
operation, press “Start/Stop” to come back to the beginning  
of the cycle.  
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White Bread  
1 cup minus 2 Tbsp. water  
1 large egg  
2 Tbsp. canola or other vegetable oil  
Tbsp. sugar  
2 Tbsp. dry milk powder  
1 tsp. salt  
cups bread flour  
1 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. brcadmaker yeast  
1. Insert kneading blade in bread pan.  
2. Add ingredients, except yeast, to the pan in the order given.  
With finger, make small indentation on one side of the flour.  
Add yeast to the indentation, making sure it does not come into  
contact with the liquid ingredients.  
3. Insert bread pan into breadmaker; gently close lid. Plug the power cord  
into a wall outlet. Press the “Select” button until the “Express” cycle is  
reached. Press the “Start/Stop” button to star the cycle.  
4. When the machine emits 10 beeps, the bread is ready. Unplug the machine.  
Lift the lid and, using oven mitts, firmly grasp the bread-pan handle  
and gently twist the pan, then pull up and out of the machine.  
5. Use a spatula to gently loosen the sides of the bread from the pan;  
turn bread pan upside down onto a wire cooling rack and gently shake  
until bread falls out onto rack. Make sure the mixing paddle is still  
attached to the bread pan.  
6. Turn hrcad right-side up on rack and cool about 15 minutes before slicing.  
NOTE: Do not use this recipe (containing dairy products) with any  
Delay Timer function.  
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Traditional White Bread  
cup + 6 Tbsp. water  
2 Tbsp. canola or other vegetable oil  
2 Tbsp. sugar  
2 Tbsp. dry milk powder  
1 tsp. salt  
4 cups bread flour  
2 tsp. breadmaker yeast  
1. Insert kneading blade in bread pan.  
2. Add ingredients, yeast, to the pan in the order given. With finger,  
make a small indentation on one side of the flour. Add yeast to the  
indentation, making sure it does not come into contact with the liquid  
3. Insert bread pan into breadmaker; gently close lid. Plug the power cord  
into a wall outlet. Press the “Select” button until the “Basic” cycle is  
reached. Press the “Crust Color” button to select a crust color (light,  
medium or dark). Press the “Start/Stop” button to start the cycle.  
4. When the machine emits 10 beeps, the bread is ready. Unplug the machine.  
Lift the lid and, using oven mitts, firmly grasp the bread-pan handle and  
gently twist the pan, then pull up and out of the machine.  
5. Use a spatula to gently loosen the sides of the bread from the pan;  
turn bread pan upside down onto a wire cooling rack and gently shake  
until bread falls out onto rack. Make sure the mixing paddle is still  
attached to the bread pan.  
6. Turn bread right-side up on rack and cool about 15 minutes before slicing.  
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French Bread  
1 cup  
2 Tbsp. water  
2 tsp. butter or margarine, softened  
1 Tbsp. sugar  
tsp. salt  
cups bread flour  
tsp. breadmaker yeast  
I, Insert kneading blade in bread pan.  
2. Add ingredients, except yeast, to the pan in the order given.  
With finger, make a small indentation on one side of the flour.  
Add yeast to the indentation, making sure it does not come into  
contact with the liquid ingredients.  
3. Insert bread Pan into breadmaker; gently close lid. Plug the power cord  
into a wall outlet. Press the “Select” button until the “French” cycle  
is reached. Press the “Crust Color” button to select a Crust color (light,  
medium or dark). Press the “Start/Stop” button to start the cycle.  
4. When the machine emits 10 beeps, the bread is ready. Unplug the machine.  
Lift the lid and, using oven mitts, firmly grasp the bread-pan handle  
and gently twist the pan, then pull up and out of the machine.  
5. Use a spatula to gently loosen the sides of the bread from the pan;  
turn bread pan upside down onto a wire cooling rack and gently shake  
until bread falls cut onto rack. Make sure the mixing paddle is still  
attached to the bread Pan.  
6. Turn bread right-side up on rack and cool about 15 minutes  
before slicing.  
NOTE: Do not use this recipe (containing dairy products) with any  
Delay Timer function.  
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Whole Wheat Bread  
l-3/4 cups water  
3 Tbsp. canola or other vegetable oil  
3 Tbsp. dry milk powder  
2 Tbsp. brown sugar, packed  
2 tsp. salt  
cups whole wheat flour  
tsp. breadmaker yeast  
1. Insert kneading blade in bread pan  
2. Add ingrcdicnts, except yeast, to the pan in the order given.  
With finger, make small indentation on one side of the flour.  
Add yeast to the indentation, making sure it does not come into  
contact with the liquid ingredients.  
3. Insert bread pan into breadmaker; gently close lid. Plug the power cord  
wall outlet. Press the “Select” button until the “Whole Wheat”  
cycle is reached. Press the “Crust Color” button to select a crust color  
(light, medium o r dark). Press the “Start/Stop” button to sfart the cycle.  
4. When the machine emits 10 beeps, the bread is ready. Unplug the machine.  
Lift the lid and, using oven mitts, firmly grasp the bread-pan handle  
and gently twist the pan, then pull up and out of the machine.  
5. Use  
spatula to gently loosen the sides of the bread from the pan;  
wire cooling rack and gently shake  
turn bread pan upside down onto  
until bread falls out onto rack. Make sure the mixing paddle is still  
attached to the bread pan.  
6. Turn bread right-side up on rack and cool about 15 minutes  
before slicing.  
Y I E L D : 1 LOAF  
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Orange-Anise Sweet Bread  
cup water  
l/3 cup whole milk  
eggs, lightly beaten  
cup (1 stick) butter o r margarine, softened and cut into 6 pieces  
Grated zest of  
cup sugar  
4 cups bread flour  
tsp. anise seeds, crushed  
1 tsp. salt  
tsp. ground nutmeg  
tsp. breadmaker yeast  
Egg wash (1 egg white, lightly beaten with 1 Tbsp. watt)  
1. Attach the kneading blade in the bread pan. In bread pan, place water,  
milk, eggs, butter, orange zest, sugar, flour, anise, salt and nutmeg.  
2. With finger, make a small indentation at one side of the flour.  
Add yeast to indentation, making sure it does not come in contact  
with the liquid ingredients.  
3. lnsert bread pan into breadmaker; gently close lid. Plug the power cord  
into a wall outlet. Press the “Select” button until the “Sweet” program  
is reached. Press the “Crust Color” button to select a crust color (light,  
medium 01 dark). Press the “Start/Stop” button.  
4. When the machine emits 10 beeps, the bread is ready. Unplug the machine.  
Lift the lid and, using oven mitts, firmly grasp the bread-pan handle  
and gently twist the pan, then pull up and out of the machine  
5. Use a spatula to gently loosen the sides of the bread from the pan;  
turn bread pan upside down onto a wire cooling rack and gently shake  
until bread falls out onto {rack. Turn bread right-side up. Make sure  
the mixing paddle is still attached to the bread pan.  
6. Using  
pastry brush, lightly brush top of bread with egg wash;  
cool about 20 minutes before slicing.  
NOTE: Do not use this recipe (containing dairy products) with any  
Delay Timer function.  
L o a f  
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Chocolate-Walnut Zucchini Bread  
cup chopped walnuts  
cup semi-sweet chocolate pieces  
2 cups all-purpose flour, divided  
large eggs, lightly beaten  
113 cup canola or other vegetable oil  
2 tsp. baking powder  
1 tsp. baking soda  
314 cup sugar  
1 tsp. ground cinnamon  
1 tsp. grated orange peel  
l/2 tsp. salt  
l/2 tsp. ground allspice  
2-l/2 cups shredded zucchini  
In a small bowl, combine walnuts and chocolate pieces;  
add 2 Tbsp. of the flour and toss well; set aside.  
2. Attach the Ikneading blade in the pan; spray the pan and blade with  
non-stick cooking spray. In the pan, place eggs, oil, the remaining flour,  
the baking powder, baking soda, sugar, cinnamon, orange peel, salt and  
allspice. Add zucchini, then the floured walnuts and chocolate pieces  
along with any flour remaining in the howl.  
3. Insert bread pan into breadmaker; gently close lid. Plug the power cord  
“Select” button until the “Quick” cycle  
into a wall outlet. Press the  
is reached Press the “Start/Stop” button to start the cycle.  
4. When the machine emits 10 beeps, the bread is ready. Unplug the machine.  
Lift the lid and, using oven mitts, firmly grasp the bread-pan handle  
and gently twist the pan, then pull up and out of the machine.  
5. Use  
turn bread pan upside down onto a wire cooling rack and gently shake  
until breadfalls onto rack. Make sure the mixing paddle is still  
spatula to gently loosen the sides of the bread from the pan;  
attachcd to the bread pan.  
6. Turn bread right-side up on rack and cool about 20 minutes  
before slicing.  
NOTE: Do not use this recipe (containing dairy products) with any  
Delay Timer function.  
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l-l/4 cups wafer (75”  
3 Tbsp. olive or vegetable oil  
1 tsp. salt  
4 cups bread flour  
2-l/4 tsp. breadmaker yeast  
1. Insert kneading blade in bread pan.  
2. Add ingredients, except yeast, to tbe pan in the order given.  
With finger, make small indentation on one side of the flour.  
Add yeast to the indentations, making sure it does not come into  
contact with the liquid ingredients.  
3. Insert bread pan into breadmaker; gently close lid. Plug the power cord  
into a wall outlet. Press the “Select” button until the “Dough” cycle  
is reached. Press the “Start/Stop” button to sfart the cycle.  
4. When the machine emits 10 beeps, the dough is ready. Unplug the machine.  
Lift the lid, firmly grasp the bread-pan handle and gently twist the pan,  
then pull up and out of the machine. Make sure the mixing paddle is still  
attached to the bread pan.  
To Prepare Pizzas:  
1. Place dough in a howl sprayed with non-stick cooking spray  
and let rest 15 minutes.  
2. Punch down dough, remove from howl and cut dough into 2 pieces.  
3. Preheat oven to 425°F. Grease two 12.inch round pizza pans and  
using greased hands, work with one piece of dough to fit one pan;  
repcat with other piece of dough and pan.  
4. Top each piece with sauce, cheeses and other toppings of choice.  
5. Bake each pie 20  
is bubbly.  
25 minutes until crust is golden brown and topping  
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One-Year Limited Warranty  
Sunbeam Products, Inc. (“Sunbeam”) warrants that for a period of ONE year  
from the date of purchase, this product will be free from defects in material  
and workmanship. Sunbeam, at its option, will repair or replace this product  
or any component of the product found to be defective during this warranty  
period. Replacement will be made with a new or remanufactured product or  
component. If the product is no longer available, replacement may be made  
with a similar product of equal or greater value. This is your  
exclusive warranty.  
This warranty is valid for the original retail purchaser from the date of initial  
retail purchase and is not transferable. Keep the original sales receipt. Proof of  
purchase is required to obtain warranty performance. Sunbeam dealers,  
service centers or retail stores selling Sunbeam products do not have the right  
to alter, modify or any way change the terms and conditions of this  
This warranty does not cover normal wear of parts or damage resulting  
from any of the following: negligent use or misuse of the product, use on  
improper voltage or current, use contrary to the operating instructions,  
disassembly, repair or alteration by anyone other than Sunbeam or an  
Authorized Sunbeam Service Center. Further, the warranty does not cover  
Acts of God or acts of nature, such as fire, flood, hurricanes and tornadoes.  
Sunbeam shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages  
caused by the breach of any express or implied warranty. Except to the extent  
prohibited by applicable law, any implied warranty of merchantability or  
fitness for a particular purpose is limited in duration to the duration of the  
above warranty. Some states, provinces or jurisdictions do not allow the  
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or limitations  
on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations of exclusion  
may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you  
may also have other rights that vary from state to state or province to  
province. NOTE: For products acquired outside the United States, please see  
country specific warranty insert.  
How to Obtain Warranty Service  
Take the product to an Authorized Sunbeam Service Center. You can find the  
nearest Authorized Sunbeam Service Center by calling 1-800-458-8407 or  
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For product questions:  
Sunbeam Consumer Service  
P. O. Box 948389  
Maitland, FL 32794-8389  
©2002 Sunbeam Products, Inc. All rights reserved.  
Sunbeam® is a registered trademark of Sunbeam Products, Inc.  
Distributed by Sunbeam Products, Inc.  
Boca Raton, FL 33431  
Printed in China  
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