JAI Camcorder AD 081 User Manual

Tech Note  
Date: 02/06/09  
UsiNg a 2CCD Camera To CreaTe HigH-DyNamiC raNge images  
Some imaging scenarios push dynamic range beyond the capabilities of the typical sensor. This is especially  
true where incident light is present (e.g., imaging a light source and the surrounding area). This can also  
occur in situations with bright reflections or in high contrast indoor/outdoor scenes where one needs to cap-  
ture details in both bright sunlight and dark shadows. One technique for dealing with these situations is to  
combine or “fuse” two images with different exposures so that the dynamic range is significantly increased.  
An illustration of this technique can be seen in the following images captured by JAI’s AD-081 camera. Here,  
the incident light coming from the light bulb makes it impossible to examine both the bright and the dark  
areas of this scene in a single exposure. Instead, two exposures are used as shown in Figure 1. The left half  
of the image shows what the image looks like when captured with a slow shutter speed. This is able to  
capture details in the surrounding areas while letting the brightest parts of the scene over saturate. The  
right half of the image shows the result of a much faster shutter speed, enabling details to be seen in the  
brightest portions of the image while rendering much of the surrounding area as nearly black. When “fused,”  
as shown in Figure 2, the composite image is able to span the full dynamic range of the scene.  
FIGURE 1 – Bracketing the exposure  
FIGURE 2 – Fused HDR image  
In landscape or architectural photography, this effect be achieved with a single CCD camera taking two  
consecutive images. However, in “live action” settings – such as industrial inspections, surveillance, vehicle  
applications, and the like – the presence of motion requires simultaneous capture of the two images that are  
to be fused. This can be done with two cameras, looking at the same scene. However, to avoid alignment is-  
sues, it is best if the CCDs are in a single camera with a prism-based 2CCD arrangement. The AD-081 camera  
from JAI uses this 2CCD prism-based approach to increase dynamic range while ensuring precise registration  
of the two image streams.  
Note: in some industrial settings, it may be possible to use a one-camera scenario if the object being in-  
spected stops briefly and the camera being used has the ability to automatically take two closely-spaced im-  
ages with dramatically different gain and/or shutter settings. JAI’s “sequence trigger” function supports this  
approach, where feasible. It is available in many of the company’s C3 Camera Suite models with GigE Vision  
Calibrating sensor response and output  
In a 2CCD scenario such as the AD-081CL, establishing a high dynamic range image comes from fusing the  
output of the two sensors to effectively increase the bit depth of the final image. The mathematical equa-  
tion for the display then becomes a function of the calibration of the 2 sensors. There are several strategies  
that can be used.  
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Tech Note  
Displaying a high dynamic range image on a standard monitor will require mapping the output to fit the  
monitor’s dynamic range capability. For the image described above, start by creating a 20-bit image map  
using the raw pixel data. Then create a 10-bit image map to display on the monitor by dividing the 20-bit im-  
age map by 1024. Or create a 12-bit image map by dividing the 20-bit image map by 512.  
The preceding process describes using both output channels in 10-bit mode. Alternatively you can use the  
8-bit output from both channels to create a 16-bit HDR image. To do this, use the same method as described  
above, only calibrate the 2 sensors so that Sensor B = Sensor A * 256. This reduces the total dynamic range,  
but increases the precision of output values in the upper half of the range.  
Example 2 - Overlapping Dynamic Range  
Example 1 provides the maximum dynamic range possible using 10-bit output. However, there may be issues  
around the 1023/1024 count transition that cause problems in the fused image. This is because of the fast  
shutter speed being used on Sensor B and the relatively low output precision (i.e., 1 count = 1024 while 2  
counts = 2048). This means that the inherent noise in Sensor B has a much more noticeable effect, caus-  
ing some pixels that are very close in actual light intensity to be output with dramatically different values.  
While this type of impact is expected in the darkest portions of an image, its effect on luminance values  
around the transition point can result in some very noticeable artifacts.  
One approach for mitigating this phenomenon is to overlap the responses of the two sensors by 2-4 bits. This  
reduces the total dynamic range, but also significantly reduces the amplification of noise at the transition  
point to provide a better overall image throughout the full range.  
For example, to produce a cleaner transition in a 16-bit image, calibrate the sensors using the process de-  
scribed in Example 1 (using 10-bits per channel output), but make the transition point 64 counts, so Sensor B  
= Sensor A * 64. Now the 4 MSB of Sensor A will overlap with the 4 LSB of Sensor B (see Figure 4).  
FIGURE 4 – Overlapping sensor calibration  
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Tech Note  
Now, our post processing routine could be handled as follows:  
if (pixel B < 16){  
pixel_out = pixel A  
pixel_out = pixel B * 64  
By overlapping the two sensor responses, this approach utilizes the full precision of the lower 10-bits while  
reducing the effect of noise at the transition point and greatly increasing the precision of the upper 6-bits.  
Example 3 – Averaging the Overlap  
Both of the preceding examples assume that a precise calibration can be made between the two sensors,  
resulting in a linear output (when plotted on a logarithmic scale). In reality, even the AD-081’s programmable  
exposure capability, which allows shutter speed to be adjusted in one-line increments (42.07 µs), will still  
not provide the precision needed for perfect calibration.  
As a result, if the methods described in Examples 1 or 2 are used, this will produce a sharp discontinuity in  
the output response line at the transition point between the two sensors (see Figure 5).  
FIGURE 5 – Sensor B calibration off by 1 count (64 counts in output)  
This transition can be “smoothed” by averaging the values of Sensor A and Sensor B in the area of the graph  
leading up to the transition point. For example, using the same calibration point as described in Example 2,  
we could create a Boolean expression where the output value of the 16-bit image uses the average of the  
two sensors’ response in the region of the last overlapped bit. For example:  
if (pixel A < 512){  
pixel_out = pixel A  
}elseif (pixel B < 16){  
pixel_out = (pixel A + (pixel B * 64))/2  
pixel_out = pixel B * 64  
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Now as Sensor A approaches its saturation point (512 – 1023 counts) the output uses the average of both sen-  
sors’ data to “smooth” the transition between the two sensor response graphs (see Figure 6). It still limits  
the use of the lowest bits on Sensor B (those that are most susceptible to noise) and keeps the calibration  
factor at 64 to increase the output precision of the upper bits.  
FIGURE 6 – Averaging used to smooth calibration in overlapped region  
Example 4 – Dual-Slope Dynamic Range  
Lastly, you can use the approach described in Example 3 to smooth the transition between two sensor output  
lines that have intentionally been given different slopes. This dual-slope arrangement can be used to com-  
press or expand the dynamic range in a particular region of the luminance values -- similar to a look-up  
table, but over an expanded dynamic range as shown in Figure 7.  
To use this approach, overlap and calibrate the two sensor responses as in Example 2, as if a post-processing  
factor of 64 was going to be applied to the value of Sensor B. However, during post processing, apply a  
smaller multiplier for Sensor B, combined with a specific offset value, to create a “flatter” output line that  
intersects the output from Sensor A somewhere in the uppermost bit of its output graph.  
FIGURE 7 – Dual-slope HDR calibration  
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For example, in a 4-bit overlap scenario, we still set the shutter for Sensor B to be roughly 64 times faster  
than Sensor A (i.e., a pixel on Sensor A with a value of 256 would have a value of 4 on Sensor B). But, de-  
pending on our objective, we apply a post processing factor of less than 64 and add an offset value to get  
the two output graphs to intersect somewhere around 768 counts.  
Finally, use a post processing algorithm that averages the values of Sensor A and B in the last bit as illustrat-  
ed in Example 3. This will create a smooth transition region to merge the slopes of the two output graphs.  
The sample algorithm below uses a multiplier of 4 and an offset of 720 to produce a dual-slope graph that  
compresses the upper 6 bits of light intensity received (64,512 counts) into the 2 upper bits of the image  
output (~3,000 counts) for a 12-bit image that spans 16-bits of dynamic range.  
if (pixel A < 512){  
pixel_out = pixel A  
}elseif (pixel B < 16){  
pixel_out = (pixel A + ((pixel B * 4)+720))/2  
pixel_out = (pixel B * 4) + 720  
By applying a variety of different equations to this dual-slope concept, users can utilize the two sensors to  
accommodate many different lighting scenarios. This might include flattening the slope of Sensor A while  
increasing the slope of Sensor B, or using complex math to create an “S” curve in the final output.  
In all of the previous examples, the shutter speed was used to calibrate the two sensors. It is also possible to  
use gain for calibration or a combination of shutter and gain to get as close as possible to precise calibration.  
Be aware, however, that increasing gain will also impact the noise level of the sensor output, which may or  
may not be acceptable for a particular application.  
For more information about high dynamic range imaging or the AD-081 camera, please contact JAI.  
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